1773 YTL 2021-05-13 14:15:00
子会社による孫会社持分売却の提案 [pdf]


                                                            2021 年 5 月 13 日

                  会       社       名   : ワイ・ティー・エル・コーポレーション・バーハッド
                  コ ー ド 番 号           : 1773 東証1部(外国)

                  代   表       者   の   : 会長    タン・スリ・ダト(ドクター)フランシス・ヨー・ソ
                  役   職       氏   名           ック・ピン

                  代理人の居所              : 東京都千代田区大手町1丁目1-1
                  又 は 住 所               大手町パークビルディング

                  代   理       人   の   : 弁護士   森下 国彦
                  役   職       氏   名

【2021 年 5 月 12 日、ワイ・ティー・エル・コーポレーション・バーハッドは英文のプレス・リリースを行いました。以


          「YTL セメント」又は「売主」
                         )が、セメント及び生コンクリート事業を行っている 10 社
                                        )に対し、総額 5,158.1

 当社の取締役会を代表して、RHB インベストメント・バンク・バーハッド(
                                    「RHB」)は、当社の子会社である YTL
セメントが、2021 年 5 月 12 日に、マレーシアにおいてセメント及び生コンクリート事業に関連する下記の会社の
全持分を売却するため、YTL セメントの子会社であるマラヤン・セメント・バーハッド(「MCB」
付株式売買契約 (
        「SSA」 を締結したことを発表します。MCB は、セメント及び生コンクリート事業を行ってい
る下記の会社の全持分を、SSA に沿って調整を行い、5,158.1 百万マレーシア・リンギットの対価(「本件売却対

   1.   ビルドコン・コンクリート・センドリアン・バーハッド;
   2.   ビルドコン・シマコ・コンクリート・センドリアン・バーハッド;
   3.   シー・アイ・レディーミックス・センドリアン・バーハッド;
   4.   ミニーミックス・センドリアン・バーハッド;
   5.   パハン・セメント・センドリアン・バーハッド及びその完全子会社であるストレイツ・セ
   6. ペラク・ハンジュン・サイメン・センドリアン・バーハッド及びその完全子会社であるPHS
   7. スラグ・セメント・センドリアン・バーハッド;
   8. スラグ・セメント(サザン)センドリアン・バーハッド;
   9. SMC ミックス・センドリアン・バーハッド;及び
   10. ワイ・ティー・エル・セメント・マーケティング・センドリアン・バーハッド





     On behalf of the Board of Directors of YTL Corp (“Board”), RHB Investment Bank Berhad (“RHB
     Investment Bank”) wishes to announce that YTL Cement, a subsidiary of YTL Corp, has on 12
     May 2021 entered into a conditional share sale and purchase agreement (“SSA”) with MCB, a
     subsidiary of YTL Cement, for the disposal of its entire equity interest in the following companies
     which are involved in cement and ready-mixed concrete businesses in Malaysia for a total
     consideration of RM5,158.1 million, subject to the adjustments as set out in the SSA (“Sale

     (i)      Buildcon Concrete Sdn Bhd (“Buildcon”);

     (ii)     Buildcon-Cimaco Concrete Sdn Bhd (“Buildcon-Cimaco”);

     (iii)    C.I. Readymix Sdn Bhd (“C.I. Readymix”);

     (iv)     Mini-Mix Sdn Bhd (“Mini-Mix”);

     (v)      Pahang Cement Sdn Bhd (“Pahang Cement”) and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Straits
              Cement Sdn Bhd (“Straits Cement”);

     (vi)     Perak-Hanjoong Simen Sdn Bhd (“Perak-Hanjoong”) and its wholly-owned subsidiary,
              PHS Trading Sdn Bhd (“PHS Trading”);

     (vii)    Slag Cement Sdn Bhd (“Slag Cement”);

     (viii)   Slag Cement (Southern) Sdn Bhd (“Slag Cement Southern”);

     (ix)     SMC Mix Sdn Bhd (“SMC Mix”); and

     (x)      YTL Cement Marketing Sdn Bhd (“YTL Cement Marketing”);

     (collectively referred to as “Subject Companies” or individually referred to as “Subject

     After the Proposed Disposal, the entire cement and ready-mixed businesses in Malaysia of YTL
     Cement will be transferred to MCB, which is in turn held by YTL Cement. Please refer to Section
     3 of this announcement for YTL Corp’s corporate structure before and after the Proposed


     The Proposed Disposal entails the disposal by YTL Cement of its entire equity interest in the
     Subject Companies (“Sale Shares”) for the Sale Consideration. The Sale Consideration will be
     satisfied via a combination of cash, new ordinary shares in MCB (“MCB Shares”) and new
     irredeemable convertible preference shares in MCB (“ICPS”) as summarised below:

                                                                                RM’ million             %

     Cash                                                                            2,000.0         38.8

     375,506,174 MCB Shares (“Consideration Shares”) to be                           1,408.1         27.3
     issued at RM3.75 each (“Consideration Shares Issue

     466,666,667 ICPS (“Consideration ICPS”) to be issued at                         1,750.0         33.9
     RM3.75 each (“Consideration ICPS Issue Price”)

                                                                                     5,158.1        100.0

     The Sale Shares shall be disposed by YTL Cement free from all encumbrances, together with all
     rights, interests, benefits and entitlements attaching to them as at the completion of the Proposed

     After the Proposed Disposal, the entire cement and ready-mixed concrete businesses in
     Malaysia of YTL Cement will be held via MCB. YTL Cement’s current intention is to retain the
     Consideration Shares and Consideration ICPS. As such, the Subject Companies will remain as
     subsidiaries of YTL Corp after the Proposed Disposal.

     Please refer to Appendix I of this announcement for the salient terms of the SSA and Appendix
     II of this announcement for the salient terms of the Consideration ICPS.

     2.1     Basis and justification in arriving at the Sale Consideration

             The Sale Consideration was arrived at based on a “willing buyer-willing seller” basis after
             taking into consideration the indicative valuation of the entire equity interest in the Subject
             Companies of between RM5,041.0 million and RM6,084.3 million (“Indicative
             Valuation”) arrived at using discounted cash flow method, of which the discount rates
             are based on capital asset pricing model.

             In justifying the Sale Consideration, the Board has taken into consideration the following:

             (i)     the Sale Consideration is within the range of the Indicative Valuation; and

             (ii)    the rationale and benefits of the Proposed Disposal as set out in Section 5 of this

2.2   Basis and justification in arriving at the Issue Price of the Consideration Shares
      and the Consideration ICPS

      The Issue Price of RM3.75 per Consideration Share and Consideration ICPS was
      determined on a “willing buyer-willing seller” basis between YTL Cement and MCB, after
      taking into consideration the price paid by YTL Cement for the acquisition of MCB Shares
      in 2019 and historical trading price of MCB Shares as detailed below:

                                                           Share price           Premium
                                                                   RM             RM              %

      Last transacted price as at the 11 May 2021,                 2.75           1.00          36.4
       being the immediate market day before the
       signing of the SSA (“LTD”)

      Five-day volume weighted average market                      2.76           0.99          35.9
        price (“VWAMP”) of MCB Shares up to and
        including the LTD

      One-month VWAMP of MCB Shares up to and                      2.97           0.78          26.3
       including the LTD

      Three-month VWAMP of MCB Shares up to                        2.73           1.02          37.4
       and including the LTD

      Six-month VWAMP of MCB Shares up to and                      2.56           1.19          46.5
       including the LTD

      One-year VWAMP of MCB Shares up to and                       2.48           1.27          51.2
       including the LTD

      (Source: Bloomberg)

      The Issue Price represents a range of premium of 26.3% and 51.2% to historical VWAMP
      of MCB Shares of RM2.48 and RM2.97.

      In justifying the Issue Price, the Board has taken into consideration of the following:

      (i)     the enlarged MCB and its subsidiaries (“MCB Group”) is expected to continue
              to realise potential synergies derived from operational efficiencies in logistics,
              distribution and procurement as well as cost synergies from economies of scale
              and elimination of duplicated functions following the Proposed Disposal; and

      (ii)    anticipated benefits and rationale of the Proposed Disposal as set out in Section
              5 of this announcement.

2.3   Ranking of the Consideration Shares, Consideration ICPS and the new MCB
      Shares to be issued upon conversion of the Consideration ICPS (“Converted

      The Consideration Shares and the Converted Shares shall, upon allotment and issuance,
      rank pari passu in all respect with the then existing shares in MCB, save and except that
      the Consideration Shares and Converted Shares shall not be entitled to any dividends,
      rights, allotments and/or any other distributions that may be declared, made or paid
      before the date of allotment and issuance of the Consideration Shares and Converted

      The Consideration ICPS shall, upon allotment and issuance, rank pari passu in all
      respect among themselves.

      As and when dividends and/ or distributions (including any special dividends) are
      declared by the directors of MCB in respect of the MCB Shares, each consideration ICPS
      shall also carry the right to receive such dividends and/ or distributions declared in
      respect of each MCB Shares, subject to any adjustment to the conversion ratio of the
      Consideration ICPS (“Conversion Ratio”). Further, MCB shall not pay or distribute any
      dividends and/ or distributions on the MCB Shares unless the Consideration ICPS
      holder(s) then outstanding shall first receive, or simultaneously receive dividends and/ or
      distributions in respect of the Consideration ICPS, equivalent to the dividends and/ or
      distributions declared on each MCB Share divided by the Conversion Ratio.

      The Consideration ICPS shall rank in priority to the MCB Shares in any distribution of
      assets in the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of MCB. MCB shall not pay
      or distribute any amount or assets in the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of
      MCB unless the holders of Consideration ICPS receive (first or simultaneously) any and
      all accrued or outstanding amount due and payable in respect of the Consideration ICPS.

2.4   Listing and quotation of the Consideration Shares, Consideration ICPS and the
      Converted Shares

      An application will be made by MCB to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa
      Securities”) for the listing and quotation of the Consideration Shares and Converted
      Shares on the Main Market of Bursa Securities.

      The Consideration ICPS will not be listed on any stock exchange.

2.5   Utilisation of proceeds

      YTL Cement is expected to use the gross proceeds from the Proposed Disposal of
      RM2,000.0 million in the following manner:

                                                   Timeframe for                Amount
      Utilisation                    Note            utilisation            RM’ million         %

      Repayment of borrowings          (1)       Within 24 months               1,848.0      92.4

      Future investments               (2)       Within 24 months                 151.0        7.6

      Defray estimated expenses        (3)         Within 1 month                    1.0         *
       of the Proposed Disposal
                                                                                2,000.0     100.0


      (1)   The amount allocated for the repayment of borrowings includes settlement of
            revolving credit facility and term loans with a total outstanding of approximately
            RM1,848.0 million as at 30 April 2021, being the latest practicable date prior to the
            date of this announcement (“LPD”). The repayment of borrowings is expected to
            result in interest savings of about RM64.6 million per annum.

      (2)   YTL Cement intends to utilise the amount allocated for future investment in
            business(es) to be identified which may be complementary or synergetic to the
            existing businesses of its subsidiaries.

      (3)   YTL Cement intends to use part of the proceeds to defray expenses incurred for
            the Proposed Disposal, which comprise, amongst others, the professional fees
            and other incidental expenses. If the actual expenses for the Proposed Disposal
            is higher than allocated, the deficit will be funded from internal funds. However, if
            the actual expenses for the Proposed Disposal is lower than allocated, such
            surplus will be utilised as working capital of YTL Cement.

        Pending full utilisation of the gross proceeds, YTL Cement will place the cash proceeds
        from the Proposed Disposal (including accrued interest, if any) or the balance thereof in
        deposits or short-term money market instruments, or placements in money-market unit
        trust funds and/or cash unit trust funds in Malaysia with bank backed-fund management
        companies licensed under the Capital Markets and Services Act, 2007.

2.6     Information on the Subject Companies

2.6.1   Background information

        The Subject Companies are wholly-owned subsidiaries of YTL Cement and are engaged
        in cement and ready-mixed concrete businesses in Malaysia. The principal activities of
        the Subject Companies are as follows:

        No.      Company            Principal activities

        (i)      Buildcon           Manufacturing and sale of ready-mixed concrete and
                                    related services

        (ii)     Buildcon-Cimaco    Manufacturing and sale of ready-mixed concrete and
                                    related services

        (iii)    C.I. Readymix      Manufacturing and sale of ready-mixed concrete

        (iv)     Mini-Mix           Manufacturing and sale of ready-mixed concrete and hiring
                                    of vehicles

        (v)      Pahang Cement      Manufacturing and sale of ordinary portland cement, clinker
                                    and related products

        (vi)     Straits Cement     Production and sale of cement

        (vii)    Perak-Hanjoong     Manufacturing and sale of ordinary portland cement, clinker
                                    and related products

        (viii)   PHS Trading        Management of Perak-Hanjoong’s depot at Batu Caves

        (ix)     Slag Cement        Manufacturing and sale of ordinary portland cement and
                                    blended cement

        (x)      Slag Cement        Manufacturing and sale of ordinary portland cement and
                 Southern           blended cement

        (xi)     SMC Mix            Manufacturing and sale of ready-mixed concrete

        (xii)    YTL Cement         Sale and marketing of cementitious products

        Save for Straits Cement and PHS Trading, which are wholly-owned subsidiaries of
        Pahang Cement and Perak-Hanjoong, respectively, none of the Subject Companies has
        any subsidiaries or associate companies as at the LPD.

        A summary of the financial information of the Subject Companies based on the
        Accountants’ Report on the combined financial statements of the Subject Companies for
        the past 3 financial year(s) ended (“FYE”) 30 June 2018 to 30 June 2020 and 6-month
        financial period ended (“FPE”) 31 December 2020 is set out below:

                                                          Audited                           Unaudited
                                                        FYE 30 June                      6-month FPE
                                                                                         31 December
                                                2018            2019             2020           2020
                                                (RM)            (RM)             (RM)           (RM)

        Revenue                         1,848,912,277   1,822,767,089    1,863,646,572   1,472,904,949
        Profit before taxation           156,527,743     120,846,549      155,332,772     232,958,118
        Profit after taxation            126,913,884      89,223,010      113,177,962     176,073,769

        Total borrowings                 705,000,000     595,000,000      485,000,000     430,000,000
        Invested equity                  604,018,000     604,018,000      604,018,000     604,018,000
        Equity attributable        to
         owner                          1,772,718,415   1,694,095,273    1,604,479,354   1,750,587,302

        Current ratio (times)(1)                 1.32            1.21             1.05            1.23
        Gearing (times) (2)                      0.40            0.35             0.30            0.25


        (1)     Computed based on total current asset divided by total current liabilities.

        (2)     Computed based on total borrowings divided by equity attributable to owner.

2.6.2   Date and original cost of investment

        YTL Cement’s original cost of investment and date of investment in the Subject
        Companies are as follows:

                                                                                               Cost of
        Name of company                   Date of investment      No. of shares            investment

        Buildcon                          9 November 1996                        2                2.00
                                          31 May 1997                      499,998          499,998.00
                                          7 November 1997                9,500,000        9,500,000.00
                                                                        10,000,000       10,000,000.00

        Buildcon-Cimaco                   2 November 1989                  439,999          439,999.00
                                          9 November 1989                        1                1.00
                                          30 March 1992                    440,000          440,000.00
                                          10 November 2000               2,500,000        2,500,000.00
                                          20 October 2014                3,320,000        5,450,890.54
                                                                         6,700,000        8,830,890.54

        C.I. Readymix                     2 April 2001                   6,306,306       11,231,271.00
                                          12 September 2001                693,694        1,834,416.24
                                                                         7,000,000       13,065,687.24

                                                                                      Cost of
      Name of company             Date of investment      No. of shares           investment

      Mini-Mix                    9 April 1991                          2                2.00
                                  18June 1991                      99,998           99,998.00
                                  18 June 2015                    300,000          300,000.00
                                                                  400,000          400,000.00

      Pahang Cement               19 March 1997               30,270,000       30,270,000.00
                                  5 May 1997                  11,730,000       11,730,000.00
                                  13 April 1998               28,000,000       28,086,184.00
                                  23 March 2004               70,000,000      138,703,913.00
                                                             140,000,000      208,790,097.00

      Perak-Hanjoong              23 December 2004           109,658,000      109,658,000.00
                                  20 January 2005            107,500,000       76,347,599.45
                                  27 December 2010           117,742,000      200,697,678.82
                                                             334,900,000      386,703,278.27

      Slag Cement                 18 March 1996                        2                2.00
                                  31 July 1997                20,999,998       20,999,998.00
                                                              21,000,000       21,000,000.00

      Slag Cement Southern        15 August 1996                       2                2.00
                                  31 July 1997                 7,999,998        7,999,998.00
                                  27 September 1997            2,000,000        2,000,000.00
                                  3 February 1999             15,000,000       15,000,000.00
                                                              25,000,000       25,000,000.00

      SMC Mix                     10 March 2021                   200,000                 1.00

      YTL Cement Marketing        2 January 1998                        2                2.00
                                  24 November 2017              2,999,998        2,999,998.00
                                                                3,000,000        3,000,000.00

2.7   Estimated gain/loss to YTL Corp

      YTL Corp will not recognise any gain/loss from the Proposed Disposal as both YTL
      Cement and MCB are its subsidiaries. Please refer to Section 3 of this announcement
      for further details on the corporate structure of YTL Corp before and after the Proposed

2.8   Liabilities to be assumed by YTL Corp

      Save for the obligation and liabilities in and arising from the SSA, there are no other
      liabilities including contingent liabilities and/or guarantees to be assumed by YTL Corp
      from the Proposed Disposal.

2.9   Cash Company or PN17 Company

      The Proposed Disposal will not result in YTL Corp becoming a Cash Company or a PN17
      Company as defined under the Main Market Listing Requirements issued by Bursa
      Securities (“Main Market Listing Requirements”).


     4.1    Background information

             MCB was incorporated in the Federation of Malaya under the Companies Ordinances,
             1940-1946 as a public company limited by shares under the original name of Malayan
             Cement Berhad on 5 June 1950. On 27 May 2013, MCB changed its name to Lafarge
             Malaysia Berhad and assumed its present name on 26 September 2019. The shares of
             MCB were listed on the then Malayan Stock Exchange (now known as Bursa Securities)
             on 17 March 1961.

             MCB is principally involved in investment holding, whilst the principal activities of its
             subsidiaries include, amongst others, the manufacture and sale of cement, clinker,
             ready-mix concrete and drymix products, produce and supply of aggregates and related
             products, trading of cement and other building materials, trading and quarrying of
             aggregates and related products, and granite and quarry products, shipping of bulk
             cement and chartering of vessels, management and operation of a jetty.

             As at the LPD, MCB is an indirect subsidiary of YTL Corp. Please refer to Section 4.3 of
             this Announcement below for further details of YTL Corp’s shareholdings in MCB.

     4.2    Share capital

             As at the LPD, the share capital of MCB is RM1,950.7 million comprising 849,695,476
             MCB Shares.

     4.3    Substantial shareholders and their shareholdings

            As at the LPD, the substantial shareholders of MCB and their respective shareholdings
            in MCB are as follows:

                                  Country of                Direct                   Indirect
     Name                        / Nationality       No. of shares       %    No. of shares         %

     YTL Cement                    Malaysia           654,109,328    76.98                  -        -

     YTL Corp                      Malaysia                      -        -   654,109,328 (1)   76.98

     Yeoh Tiong Lay & Sons         Malaysia                      -        -   654,109,328 (1)   76.98
      Holdings Sdn Bhd

     Yeoh Tiong Lay & Sons          Jersey                       -        -   654,109,328 (2)   76.98
      Family Holdings

     Yeoh Tiong Lay & Sons          Jersey                       -        -   654,109,328 (3)   76.98
      Trust Company

     Puan Sri Datin Seri Tan      Malaysian                      -        -   654,109,328 (4)   76.98
      Kai Yong @ Tan Kay

     Amanahraya Trustees           Malaysia            70,000,000     8.24                  -        -
      Berhad – Amanah
      Saham Bumiputera


             (1)   Deemed interests by virtue of interests held through YTL Cement pursuant to
                   Section 8 of the Companies Act 2016 (“Act”).

             (2)   Deemed interests by virtue of interests held through YTL Cement pursuant to
                   Section 8 of the Act arising from its ownership of 100.0% of Yeoh Tiong Lay &
                   Sons Holdings Sdn Bhd.

             (3)   Deemed interests by virtue of interests held through YTL Cement pursuant to
                   Section 8 of the Act arising from its ownership of 100.0% of Yeoh Tiong Lay &
                   Sons Family Holdings Limited in its capacity as trustee.

             (4)   Deemed interests by virtue of interests held through YTL Cement pursuant to
                   Section 8 of the Act arising from her beneficial interest (held through Yeoh Tiong
                   Lay & Sons Trust Company Limited in its capacity as trustee) in Yeoh Tiong Lay
                   & Sons Family Holdings Limited.

     4.4     Directors and their shareholdings

             As at the LPD, the directors of MCB and their respective shareholdings in MCB are as

                                                               Direct                  Indirect
                                                              No. of                  No. of
     Name                               Nationality          shares         %        shares         %

     Tan Sri Dato’ (Dr) Francis          Malaysian                  -        -    500,000 (1)     0.06
      Yeoh Sock Ping
     Dato’ Sri Michael Yeoh Sock         Malaysian                  -        -      2,100 (1)        *
     Dato’ Tan Guan Cheong               Malaysian                  -        -     80,000 (1)     0.01
             *     Negligible
             (1)   Deemed interests by virtue of interests held by spouse and/or children pursuant to
                   Section 59(11)(c) of the Act.


     The Proposed Disposal is undertaken to streamline the corporate structure of YTL Corp following
     its acquisition of MCB Shares in 2019, by transferring the entire cement and ready-mixed
     concrete businesses to MCB. The injection of the Subject Companies is expected to turnaround
     the current loss-making MCB Group, which will indirectly benefit YTL Corp.

     Following the Proposed Disposal, the enlarged MCB Group will be able to formulate an integrated
     management reporting structure for the cement and ready-mixed concrete businesses, which
     may improve its operational efficiencies. This will also significantly reduce resources and costs
     for monitoring and compliance with regulatory requirements.

     In addition, the Proposed Disposal will enable the cement and ready-mixed concrete businesses
     to be grouped under MCB, which is currently listed on the Main Market of Bursa Securities.
     Further, segregation of the cement and ready-mixed concrete businesses from other businesses
     of YTL Corp may be viewed favorably by the future potential investors as it allows the investors
     to invest directly in the leading building materials company in Malaysia, i.e. the enlarged MCB
     Group, which will have leading position in the cement and ready-mixed concrete sectors.


     YTL Corp will not be exposed to additional risk associated with MCB’s business as MCB is
     already a subsidiary of YTL Corp. Notwithstanding this, the Proposed Disposal is subject to the
     following risks:

     6.1     Non-completion of the Proposed Disposal

             The completion of the Proposed Disposal is conditional upon the conditions precedent
             as set out in the SSA being fulfilled and/or waived, as well as the performance by YTL
             Cement and its compliance with the relevant warranties and covenants under the terms
             of the SSA. The non-fulfilment of the conditions precedent or failure to perform or comply
             with warranties and covenants may result in the termination of the SSA.

             The Board will endeavor to take all necessary steps to ensure that the conditions
             precedent and actions required to be undertaken by YTL Cement are fulfilled in a timely
             manner to facilitate the completion of the Proposed Disposal.

     6.2     Illiquidity of the Consideration ICPS

             Pursuant to the Proposed Disposal, YTL Cement will receive Consideration ICPS which
             will not be listed or tradable on any exchange or any liquid market. As such, YTL Cement
             may be exposed to liquidity risks if it is not able to identify a buyer for the Consideration
             ICPS. In addition, upon completion of the MCB Private Placement and the Proposed
             Disposal (but before conversion of any Consideration ICPS), MCB’s public shareholding
             is expected to reduce to 21.37%, of which MCB intends to submit an application to Bursa
             Securities for its acceptance of a lower public shareholding spread of 20.0% pursuant to
             Paragraph 2.2 of Practice Note 19 of the Main Market Listing Requirements (“Public
             Spread Application”). Further, YTL Cement has also provided a written irrevocable
             undertaking to MCB that it shall not convert any of the Consideration ICPS if it will result
             in MCB not being able to comply with the public shareholding spread to be approved by
             Bursa Securities pursuant to the Public Spread Application.

             Nevertheless, YTL Corp (via YTL Cement) intends to hold the Consideration ICPS for
             the long term and the Consideration ICPS will entitle YTL Cement to any dividends to be
             declared by MCB.

     6.3     Risk relating to changes in regulations

             The Proposed Disposal may be affected by any change in the regulatory environment in
             Malaysia. Such risks include, but are not limited to, changes in statutory laws, regulations
             or Government policies including changes in the applicable legislation on taxation. There
             can be no assurance that any unfavourable development in the prevailing regulatory
             environment will not have any impact on the Proposed Disposal. Nonetheless, YTL Corp
             Group does not foresee that there will be any significant changes in Government policies
             which could have a material adverse impact on the Proposed Disposal.


     7.1    Issued share capital and substantial shareholders’ shareholdings

            The Proposed Disposal will not have any effect on the issued share capital and
            substantial shareholders’ shareholdings of YTL Corp.

7.2   Earnings and earnings per share (“EPS”)

      The Proposed Disposal is not expected to have any material effect on YTL Corp’s
      consolidated earnings and EPS for FYE 30 June 2021 as the Proposed Disposal is
      expected to be completed in the third quarter of calendar year 2021.

      Subsequent to the Proposed Disposal, the earnings contribution from the Subject
      Companies will be reduced to the extent of dilution to YTL Corp’s effective equity interest
      in the Subject Companies.

7.3   Net assets (“NA”) per share and gearing

      For illustration purposes only, the proforma effects of the Proposed Disposal on the
      consolidated NA per share in YTL Corp (“YTL Corp Shares”) and gearing of YTL Corp
      are set out below:

                                                              (I)             (II)                    (III)
                                                                                     After (I), (II) and
                                                                                       assuming full
                                                       After the    After (I) and     conversion of
                                          Audited          MCB                 the                    the
                                    as at 30 June        Private      Proposed        Consideration
                                             2020    Placement         Disposal                    ICPS
                                          RM’ 000       RM’ 000         RM’ 000               RM’ 000

      Share capital                    3,467,555       3,467,555       3,467,555             3,467,555
      Other reserves                     512,535        512,535         512,535                 512,535
      Retained earnings                8,982,083     8,853,973(1)    8,164,754(2)            8,397,990
      Treasury shares                   (501,837)      (501,837)       (501,837)              (501,837)
      Total equity attributable       12,460,336     12,332,226      11,643,007             11,876,243
       to owners of the
       Company/ NA
      Non-controlling interests        3,149,593       3,281,783       3,831,042             3,597,806
      Total equity                    15,609,929     15,614,009      15,474,049             15,474,049

      Number of YTL Corp              10,649,856     10,649,856      10,649,856             10,649,856
       Shares in issue (‘000) (3)
      NA per YTL Corp Share                 1.17            1.16             1.09                    1.12
       (RM) (4)
      Bonds and borrowings            43,565,878    43,395,878(5)   43,547,878(6)        43,547,878(6)
       (RM’ 000)
      Gearing (times) (7)                   3.50            3.52             3.74                    3.67


      (1)      After taking into consideration estimated expenses relating to the MCB Private
               Placement of approximately RM3.0 million and the dilution computed based on
               illustrative issue price of RM2.67 per MCB Share to be issued pursuant to the
               MCB Private Placement.

      (2)      After taking into consideration estimated expenses relating to the Proposed
               Disposal of approximately RM20.0 million (inclusive of the expenses to be
               incurred by MCB) and the change in YTL Corp’s effective equity interests in the
               Subject Companies following the Proposed Disposal.

      (3)      Excluding 372,906,618 treasury shares held by YTL Corp as at 30 June 2020.

      (4)      Computed as NA divided by the number of YTL Corp Shares in issue.

             (5)      After taking into consideration repayment of borrowings by MCB of
                      approximately RM170.0 million from the proceeds to be raised from the MCB
                      Private Placement.

             (6)      After taking into consideration the borrowings to be secured by MCB to fund the
                      cash consideration of the Proposed Disposal, the borrowings to be obtained by
                      the Subject Companies of RM880.0 million before the Completion Date and
                      relevant repayment of borrowings by YTL Cement from, among others, the
                      proceeds of the Proposed Disposal.

             (7)      Computed as bonds and borrowings dividend by NA.


      The highest percentage ratio applicable to the Proposed Disposal pursuant to Paragraph
      10.02(g) of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Securities is approximately 10.5%.
      This is computed based on the change in YTL Corp’s effective equity interest in the Subject
      Companies multiplied by the Sale Consideration compared with the market capitalisation of YTL
      Corp, which is determined based on 5-day VWAMP of YTL Corp Shares up to and including the
      LTD multiplied by the number of YTL Corp Shares in issue.


      The Proposed Disposal is subject to the following approvals being obtained:

      (i)     the approval of shareholders of MCB for the Proposed Disposal at its extraordinary
              general meeting to be convened; and

      (ii)    any other relevant authority and/or party, if required.


      (i)      Interested major shareholders

               YTL Corp, Yeoh Tiong Lay & Sons Holdings Sdn Bhd (“YTLSH”), Yeoh Tiong Lay &
               Sons Family Holdings Limited (“YTLSFH”), Yeoh Tiong Lay & Sons Trust Company
               Limited (“YTLSTC”) and Puan Sri Datin Seri Tan Kai Yong @ Tan Kay Neong (“Puan
               Sri Tan Kai Yong”) are deemed interested in the Proposed Disposal by virtue of the
               following interests:

               (a)      YTL Corp, YTLSH and YTLSFH are the immediate, intermediate and ultimate
                        holding company, respectively, of YTL Cement and therefore also indirect
                        major shareholders of MCB;

               (b)      by virtue of its shareholdings in YTLSFH, which it holds in its capacity as
                        trustee, YTLSTC is an indirect major shareholder of YTL Corp and YTL
                        Cement, and therefore, also an indirect major shareholder of MCB; and

               (c)      by virtue of her beneficial interests (held through YTLSTC) in the shares of
                        YTLSFH pursuant to Section 8 of the Act, Puan Sri Tan Kai Yong is an indirect
                        major shareholder of YTL Corp and YTL Cement, and therefore, also an
                        indirect major shareholder of MCB.

      (ii)     Interested Directors

               Tan Sri Dato’ (Dr) Francis Yeoh Sock Ping, Dato’ Yeoh Seok Kian, Dato’ Yeoh Soo
               Min, Dato’ Yeoh Seok Hong, Dato’ Sri Michael Yeoh Sock Siong, Dato’ Yeoh Soo Keng
               and Dato’ Mark Yeoh Seok Kah (collectively, the “Interested Directors”), are the
               children of Puan Sri Tan Kai Yong. Save for Dato’ Yeoh Soo Min and Dato’ Mark Yeoh
               Seok Kah, the Interested Directors are also directors of MCB.

               Other than Tan Sri Dato’ (Dr) Francis Yeoh Sock Ping and Dato’ Sri Michael Yeoh Sock
               Siong who have deemed interests, totalling approximately 0.06% as at LPD
               (“Directors’ Deemed Interests”), via the shareholdings of their children and spouse
               respectively, none of the Interested Directors have any direct or indirect shareholding
               in MCB.

      The Proposed Disposal is not regarded a related party transaction pursuant to paragraph
      10.08(11) of the Main Market Listing Requirements by virtue that the interested major
      shareholders and Interested Directors and/or persons connected with them do not have interests
      in MCB, other than via YTL Corp and the Directors’ Deemed Interests.


      The Board, having considered all aspects of the Proposed Disposal, which include the rationale
      and benefits, is of the opinion that the Proposed Disposal is in the best interest of the Company.


      RHB Investment Bank has been appointed as Principal Adviser to YTL Corp for the Proposed


      Barring any unforeseen circumstances and subject to all requisite approvals being obtained, the
      Proposed Disposal is expected to be completed by third quarter of calendar year 2021.


      The SSA is available for inspection at the registered office of YTL Corp at 33rd Floor, Menara
      YTL, 205 Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during normal business hours from
      Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays) for a period of three months from the date of this

This announcement is dated 12 May 2021.

                                                                                             APPENDIX I

The salient terms of the SSA are as follows:

1.    Sale Consideration

      The Sale Consideration shall, subject to adjustments as detailed in Section 5 of this Appendix,
      be RM5,158,148,156.00. The Sale Consideration shall be paid in the manner as follows:

      (i)     an amount equal to RM2,000,000,002.25 by way of cash (“Cash Consideration”), which
              is subject to adjustments as detailed in Section 5 of this Appendix;

      (ii)    an amount equal to RM1,408,148,152.50 by way of issuance of 375,506,174 MCB Shares,
              to YTL Cement at an issue price of RM3.75 per Consideration Share; and

      (iii)   an amount equal to RM1,750,000,001.25 by way of issuance of 466,666,667
              Consideration ICPS, in the capital of MCB, to YTL Cement at an issue price of RM3.75 per
              Consideration ICPS.

2.    Timing and method of settlement

      The Sale Consideration shall be settled and satisfied by MCB in the following manner:

      (i)     On the Completion Date (as defined in Section 4 of this Appendix):

              (a)   Cash Consideration: MCB shall pay to YTL Cement the Cash Consideration plus
                    or less the First Adjustment Amount (as defined in Section 5.2 of this Appendix), as
                    the case may be;

              (b)   Consideration Shares: MCB shall allot and issue the Consideration Shares to YTL
                    Cement; and

              (c)   Consideration ICPS: MCB shall allot and issue the Consideration ICPS to YTL
                    Cement; and

      (ii)    Within 10 business days after the determination of the Second Adjustment Amount (as
              defined in Section 5.5 of this Appendix), MCB or YTL Cement shall pay the Second
              Adjustment Amount, as the case may be.

3.    Conditions precedent

      The agreement to sell and purchase all of the issued share capital of the Subject Companies is
      conditional upon satisfaction of the following conditions on or prior to the date falling nine months
      from the date of the SSA or such other date as may be agreed in writing between MCB and YTL
      Cement (“Cut-off Date”):

      (i)     the approval of the shareholders of MCB at an extraordinary general meeting to be
              convened approving:

              (a)   the purchase of the Sale Shares and the transactions contemplated under the SSA;

              (b)   the amendment of the Constitution of MCB to include the terms and conditions
                    relating to the Consideration ICPS;

      (ii)    the approval from Bursa Securities for the following:

              (a)   the listing and quotation of the Consideration Shares and the Converted Shares on
                    the Main Market of Bursa Securities; and

              (b)   the Public Spread Application;

                                                                                            APPENDIX I

      (iii)   the completion of the MCB Private Placement;

      (iv)    the approval in writing from the financiers of any Subject Company to the sale and
              purchase of the Sale Shares, where the terms of any contract entered into by any Subject
              Company contains any restrictions or prohibition on the change in control of the
              shareholdings of any Subject Company or includes any right to terminate exercisable prior
              thereto, as a result of any matter contemplated by the SSA; and

      (v)     no Material Adverse Change (as defined herein) has occurred as at the date all the
              Conditions Precedent (as defined herein) are fulfilled. “Material Adverse Change” means
              the occurrence of any one of the following events:

              (a)   damage or destruction to any one or more of the manufacturing and related activities
                    operated or carried out by the following companies at the facilities below:

                    (I)     Pahang Cement at Bukit Sagu, Kuantan, Pahang;

                    (II)    Perak-Hanjoong at Padang Rengas, Perak;

                    (III)   Straits Cement at Bukit Sagu, Kuantan, Pahang;

                    (collectively, “Integrated Cement Plants”)

              (b)   revocation or suspension of any of the material regulatory licences, approvals or
                    consents necessary for the operations of any one or more of the Integrated Cement

              which, in the reasonable opinion of MCB, will result in the suspension of the operations of
              such Integrated Cement Plant for a period of 12 months or more,

      (collectively, the “Conditions Precedent”).

4.    Completion

      Subject to the fulfilment of the Conditions Precedent, completion shall take place on a date falling
      20 business days following fulfilment or waiver of the Conditions Precedent (“Completion Date”).

      On Completion Date, the parties shall procure that their respective completion obligations as set
      out in the SSA are fulfilled. Neither MCB nor YTL Cement shall be obliged to complete the sale
      and purchase of any of the Sale Shares unless the sale and purchase of all of the Sale Shares
      are completed simultaneously.

5.    Adjustments to Sale Consideration

5.1   At least 10 business days prior to the Completion Date, YTL Cement shall deliver to MCB, the
      estimated management accounts of the Subject Companies on a combined basis as at the
      Completion Date, comprising a balance sheet made up as at the Completion Date and income
      statement for the financial period for 1 July 2020 to the Completion Date, which shall contain YTL
      Cement’s good faith estimate of the combined net working capital (“Estimated Net Working
      Capital”) and combined net debt (“Estimated Net Debt”) of the Subject Companies as at the
      Completion Date.

                                                                                         APPENDIX I

5.2   First adjustment amount

      (i)    Following the delivery of the Estimated Net Debt and the Estimated Net Working Capital,
             the following adjustments shall be made to the Cash Consideration, as the case may be:

             (a)   if the Estimated Net Debt is less than the reference net debt of RM842 million
                   (“Reference Net Debt”), add the difference between the Estimated Net Debt and
                   the Reference Net Debt;

             (b)   if the Estimated Net Debt is more than the Reference Net Debt, less the difference
                   between the Estimated Net Debt and the Reference Net Debt; and

             (c)   if the Estimated Net Working Capital is less than the reference net working capital
                   of RM290 million (“Reference Net Working Capital”), less the difference between
                   the Estimated Net Working Capital and the Reference Net Working Capital;

      (ii)   If the aggregate of sub-paragraphs 5.2(i)(a) to (c) of this Appendix (“First Adjustment
             Amount”) results in:

             (a)   an amount to be added to the Cash Consideration, MCB shall pay the Cash
                   Consideration plus the First Adjustment Amount to YTL Cement; or

             (b)   an amount to be deducted from the Cash Consideration, MCB shall pay the Cash
                   Consideration less the First Adjustment Amount to YTL Cement,

             on the Completion Date.

5.3   Within 10 business days from the Completion Date, YTL Cement shall deliver to MCB, the
      management accounts of the Subject Companies on a combined basis as at the Completion
      Date comprising a balance sheet made up as at the Completion Date and income statement for
      the financial period for 1 July 2020 to the Completion Date, (collectively, “Completion
      Accounts”) which shall contain YTL Cement’s calculation of the combined net working capital
      and combined net debt of the Subject Companies as at the Completion Date.

5.4   YTL Cement and MCB shall jointly appoint the reporting accountants within 10 business days
      from the Completion Date, to conduct a special audit on the Completion Accounts, including to
      verify the combined net working capital (“Combined Net Working Capital”) and the combined
      net debt (“Combined Net Debt”) of the Subject Companies as at the Completion Date. The
      reporting accountants shall deliver the audited completion accounts (“Audited Completion
      Accounts”) to YTL Cement and MCB no later than 60 days after engagement of the reporting
      accountants, which shall set out the combined net working capital (“Completion Net Working
      Capital”) and combined net debt (“Completion Net Debt”) of the Subject Companies as at the
      Completion Date.

5.5   Second adjustment amount

      (i)    Following the determination of the Completion Net Debt and the Completion Net Working
             Capital based on the Audited Completion Accounts, the following adjustments shall be
             made to the Cash Consideration after the First Adjustment Amount, as the case may be:

             (a)   if the Completion Net Debt is less than the estimated net debt, add the difference
                   between the Completion Net Debt and the Estimated Net Debt;

             (b)   if the Completion Net Debt is more than the Estimated Net Debt, less the difference
                   between the Completion Net Debt and the Estimated Net Debt;

                                                                                                APPENDIX I

              (c)   either:

                    (I)       if the Completion Net Working Capital is less than the Reference Net Working

                              (A)   if no adjustment was made in accordance with sub-paragraph 5.2(i)(c)
                                    of this Appendix, less the difference between the Completion Net
                                    Working Capital and the Reference Net Working Capital;

                              (B)   if an adjustment was made in accordance with paragraph 5.2(i)(c) of
                                    this Appendix:

                                    (1)   where the Completion Net Working Capital is less than the
                                          Estimated Net Working Capital, less the difference between the
                                          Completion Net Working Capital and the Estimated Net Working
                                          Capital; or

                                    (2)   where the Completion Net Working Capital is more than the
                                          Estimated Net Working Capital, add the difference between the
                                          Completion Net Working Capital and the Estimated Net Working
                                          Capital; or

                    (II)      if the Completion Net Working Capital is equivalent to or exceeds the
                              Reference Net Working Capital and an adjustment was made in accordance
                              with paragraph 5.2(i)(c) of this Appendix, add the difference between the
                              Reference Net Working Capital and the Estimated Net Working Capital.

      (ii)    If the aggregate of sub-paragraphs 5.5(i)(a) to (c) of this Appendix (“Second Adjustment
              Amount”) results in:

              (a)   an amount to be added to the Cash Consideration after the First Adjustment
                    Amount, MCB shall pay the Second Adjustment Amount to YTL Cement; or

              (b)   an amount to be deducted from the Cash Consideration after the First Adjustment
                    Amount, YTL Cement shall refund the Second Adjustment Amount to MCB,

              within 10 business days after the determination of the Second Adjustment Amount.

6.    Termination

6.1   The SSA may be terminated at any time prior to the Completion Date only in accordance with the

      (i)     any of the Conditions Precedent is not fulfilled or waived by the Cut-off Date;

      (ii)    by MCB or YTL Cement, if the other party fails to fully comply with its completion
              obligations set out in the SSA;

      (iii)   by MCB, by notice in writing, if:

              (a)   YTL Cement delivers an updated disclosure letter to MCB at any time after the date
                    of the SSA but no later than 20 business days prior to the Completion Date
                    (“Updated Disclosure Letter”), disclosing any event, condition, fact or
                    circumstance that occurs or arises wholly after the date of the SSA and the date of
                    the Updated Disclosure Letter, that, but for such disclosure, would cause or result
                    in YTL Cement being in breach of the warranties given by YTL Cement in the SSA
                    that are repeated as at the Completion Date; and

                                                                                               APPENDIX I

              (b)   if MCB requires YTL Cement to remedy such breach of warranty as set out in the
                    Updated Disclosure Letter, YTL Cement fails to remedy such breach within 60 days
                    after written notice is given by MCB to YTL Cement (or such other period as may be
                    agreed between MCB and YTL Cement);

      (iv)    by MCB, if a Material Adverse Change has occurred between the date of fulfilment or
              waiver of the Conditions Precedent and the Completion Date, by notice in writing to YTL

      (v)     by MCB, if YTL Cement is in breach of any of the fundamental warranties in the SSA, by
              notice in writing to YTL Cement;

      (vi)    by MCB, by notice in writing, if YTL Cement is in material breach of any of its warranties,
              undertakings or obligations under the SSA, and if such breach is capable of being
              remedied, YTL Cement fails, refuses or neglects to remedy such breach within 60 days
              after written notice has been given to YTL Cement by MCB providing particulars of the
              breach and requiring such breach to be remedied; or

      (vii)   by YTL Cement, by notice in writing, if MCB is in material breach of any of its warranties,
              undertakings or obligations under the SSA, and if such breach is capable of being
              remedied, MCB fails, refuses or neglects to remedy such breach within 60 days after
              written notice has been given to MCB by YTL Cement providing particulars of the breach
              and requiring such breach to be remedied.

6.2   Should either of MCB or YTL Cement be prevented by strikes, riots, war, terrorism, natural
      disasters, windstorm, flood, fire, earthquake, Act of God or impediment by government
      regulations or force majeure from performing any of its obligations under the SSA (each, a “Force
      Majeure Event”) and such Force Majeure Event shall continue for a period of six months, either
      of MCB or YTL Cement is entitled to terminate the SSPA by notice in writing to the other party.

7.    Indemnity

      YTL Cement undertakes to MCB to pay and indemnify and save harmless MCB or at MCB’s
      option, any Subject Company from and against any and all:

      (i)     forms of taxation whether of Malaysia or elsewhere in the world, past, present and future
              and whether direct or indirect (including, without limitation, sales tax, services tax, capital
              gains tax, real property gains tax, income tax, estate duty, profits tax, stamp duty, goods
              and services tax, value added tax, purchase tax, custom and other import or export duties)
              and all other statutory, governmental or state impositions, duties and levies and all
              penalties, charges, costs and interest (“Taxes”) of the Subject Companies for all taxable
              periods ending on or before the Completion Date; and

      (ii)    Taxes payable by, or any other obligations or liability of YTL Cement and MCB under the
              Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976 arising from the failure of YTL Cement to comply with
              the Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976,

      and all losses, liabilities, costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis and experts’ and
      consultants’ fees), charges, expenses, actions, proceedings, claims and demands of whatever
      nature and however arising (including any penalties levied or claims brought by the Director
      General of Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia and all related costs and expenses) which MCB
      or such Subject Company (as the case may be) may at any time and from time to time sustain,
      incur, suffer or be liable out of, in respect of, or arising therefrom.

                                                                                           APPENDIX I

8.   Limitation of Liability

     (i)     Time Limits: YTL Cement shall have no liability in respect of any and all claims under or
             in relation to the SSA, unless notice of such claim is given in writing by MCB to YTL
             Cement, no later than:

             (a)   in the case of breach of fundamental warranties in the SSA, within six years following
                   the Completion Date;

             (b)   in the case of breach of the tax warranties by YTL Cement in the SSA, within five
                   years following the Completion Date, save and except in the case of any breach of
                   the warranties given by YTL Cement in respect of transfer pricing, within seven
                   years following the Completion Date; and

             (c)   in the case of any breaches other than those referred to in paragraphs 8(i)(a) and
                   (b) of this Appendix, within six years following the Completion Date.

     (ii)    Minimum Claims: YTL Cement shall not be liable under the SSA in respect of any claim
             arising from any individual claim (or a series of claims arising from identical facts or
             circumstances) where the liability agreed or determined in respect of any such claim or
             series of claims does not exceed RM5.0 million.

     (iii)   Aggregate Minimum Claims: YTL Cement shall not be liable under the SSA in respect
             of any claim not excluded by paragraph 8(ii) of this Appendix unless the aggregate amount
             of all claims for which YTL Cement would otherwise be liable under the SSA exceeds
             RM50.0 million.

     (iv)    Maximum Claims:

             The maximum aggregate liability of YTL Cement:

             (a)   in respect of all claims for breaches of the fundamental warranties under the SSA
                   shall not exceed an amount equal to the Sale Consideration; and

             (b)   in respect of all and any claims under or in relation to the SSA (other than for
                   breaches of the fundamental warranties under the SSA) and indemnities given by
                   YTL Cement shall not exceed an amount equal to 30.0% of the Sale Consideration.

                                                                                         APPENDIX II

The salient terms of the Consideration ICPS are as follows:

Issuer               :   MCB

Tenure               :   Perpetual

Issue Price          :   RM3.75 per Consideration ICPS

Issue Size           :   466,666,667 Consideration ICPS

Listing status and :     The Consideration ICPS will not be listed on any stock exchange.
 ranking of the
 Consideration           The Consideration ICPS shall rank pari passu in all respects among
 ICPS                    themselves.

Listing and      :       Subject to applicable laws, the new MCB Shares to be issued upon conversion
 ranking of new          of the Consideration ICPS shall be listed on Bursa Securities and tradeable
 MCB Shares              upon their listing and quotation on Bursa Securities. Such new MCB Shares
 from conversion         shall rank pari passu in all respects with the then existing MCB Shares, except
                         that they shall not be entitled to any dividends, rights, allotments and/or any
                         other distributions that may be declared, made or paid, the entitlement date of
                         which is prior to the date of allotment of such new MCB Shares.

Conversion ratio     :   The conversion ratio is the number of Consideration ICPS to be converted to
                         receive one MCB Share, at the time of conversion for each Consideration
                         ICPS held. The initial conversion ratio is one Consideration ICPS for one new
                         MCB Share.

Adjustments to       :   MCB shall make the necessary adjustment to the Conversion Ratio in the event
 the Conversion          of any alteration to its share capital, whether by way of consolidation or
 Ratio                   subdivision (or bonus issue) of shares, capitalisation of profits or reserves,
                         capital distribution, reduction of capital in accordance with Section 116 or
                         Section 117 of the Act, or any other circumstances that the directors of MCB
                         deem necessary. The directors of MCB may from time to time determine and
                         approve the specific provisions or mechanisms for the adjustment of the
                         Conversion Ratio.

                         The Conversion Ratio shall also be similarly adjusted in the event of any
                         alteration to MCB’s share capital on or before the date of issue of the
                         Consideration ICPS.

Conversion right     :   The Consideration ICPS shall be convertible, at the option of the holder(s) of
                         the Consideration ICPS (“Consideration ICPS Holders”) at any time after the
                         date of issuance of the Consideration ICPS, into such number of MCB Shares
                         as is determined based on the Conversion Ratio.

Conversion mode      :   The conversion of the Consideration ICPS will not require any cash payment
                         from the Consideration ICPS Holders. The Consideration ICPS Holders shall,
                         upon conversion, surrender the requisite number of Consideration ICPS for
                         cancellation by MCB.

                         Any fraction of new MCB Shares of the Company resulting from such
                         conversion shall be disregarded and MCB shall not be required to pay the
                         value of such fraction to the relevant Consideration ICPS Holders nor issue
                         any certificate for such fraction.

                                                                                       APPENDIX II

Dividend         :   As and when dividends and/or distributions (including any special dividends)
                     are declared by the directors of MCB in respect of the MCB Shares, each
                     Consideration ICPS shall also carry the right to receive such dividends and/or
                     distributions declared in respect of one MCB Share, subject however to any
                     adjustment to the Conversion Ratio. MCB shall not pay or distribute any
                     dividends and/or other distributions on the MCB Shares unless the
                     Consideration ICPS Holders then outstanding shall first receive, or
                     simultaneously receive dividends and/or other distributions in respect of the
                     Consideration ICPS, equivalent to the dividends and/or distributions declared
                     on one MCB Share divided by the Conversion Ratio.

Priority on      :   The Consideration ICPS shall rank in priority to the MCB Shares in any
 winding-up or       distribution of assets in the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of
 liquidation         MCB. MCB shall not pay or distribute any amount or assets in the event of
                     liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of the company unless the Consideration
                     ICPS Holders then outstanding shall first receive, or simultaneously receive
                     any and all accrued or outstanding amount then due and payable in respect of
                     the Consideration ICPS.

                     In particular, in the event of liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of MCB, the
                     surplus assets and profits that may be legally distributable to the shareholders
                     of MCB shall be distributed to the shareholders in the following order:

                     (i)     the Consideration ICPS Holders shall be paid in priority to the holders
                             of MCB Shares, 100% of the issue price per Consideration ICPS (as
                             appropriately adjusted for any subdivisions, consolidations, share
                             dividends or similar recapitalisations), for each such Consideration

                     (ii)    the Consideration ICPS Holders shall be entitled to be paid, in priority
                             to the holders of MCB Shares, any declared and unpaid dividend in
                             respect of the Consideration ICPS; and

                     (iii)   in the event that there are surplus assets and profits after the payment
                             or distribution to the Consideration ICPS Holders as set out in sub-
                             paragraphs (i) to (ii) above,

                             (a)   the amount of surplus assets and profits shall be first applied
                                   towards paying the holders of MCB Shares, the amount received
                                   by the Consideration ICPS Holders for each Consideration ICPS
                                   under sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii); and

                             (b)   the balance of the surplus assets and profits after the payment or
                                   distribution to the Consideration ICPS Holders as set out in sub-
                                   paragraphs (i) to (ii) and the payment to the holders of MCB
                                   Shares under sub-paragraph (iii)(a) above shall be distributed pro
                                   rata among the holders of MCB Shares and the Consideration
                                   ICPS Holders on the basis of one MCB Share for one
                                   Consideration ICPS, subject however to any adjustment to the
                                   Conversion Ratio.

Redemption       :   The Consideration ICPS shall not be redeemable.

                                                                                        APPENDIX II

Voting rights     :   A Consideration ICPS Holder shall have the same rights as a holder of MCB
                      Shares as regards to receiving notices, reports and audited financial
                      statements, and attending general meetings of the Company, but shall only
                      have the right to vote in each of the following circumstances:

                      (i)     when the dividend or part of the dividend on the Consideration ICPS is
                              in arrear for more than six months;

                      (ii)    on a proposal to reduce the share capital of MCB;

                      (iii)   on a proposal for the disposal of the whole or substantial part of MCB’s
                              assets, businesses or undertakings;

                      (iv)    on a proposal that affects rights attached to the Consideration ICPS;

                      (v)     on a proposal to wind-up MCB; or

                      (vi)    during the winding-up of MCB.

Transferability   :   A Consideration ICPS Holder may transfer all or any part of the Consideration
                      ICPS held by it or otherwise sell, dispose of or deal with all or any part of its
                      interest in such Consideration ICPS, at any time, provided that such transfer,
                      sale, disposal or dealing shall be in accordance with the Constitution of MCB.

Governing laws    :   The Consideration ICPS will be governed under the laws of Malaysia.
