1773 YTL 2021-02-26 14:00:00
2021年6月期第2四半期(2020年10月~2020年12月)決算短信 [pdf]

                                                                          2021 年2月 26 日
         2021 年6月期第2四半期(2020 年 10 月~2020 年 12 月)決算短信

                           会   社   名         ワイ・ティー・エル・コーポレーション・バーハッド
                           株式銘柄コード           (1773)
                           本 店 所 在 地         マレーシア     55100   クアラルンプール
                                             ジャラン・ブキット・ビンタン 205
                                             メナラ・ワイ・ティー・エル 33 階
                           所      属     部    東証1部(外国)

                           決      算     期    本決算:年1回(6月) 中間決算:四半期ごと
                           問 い 合 せ 先         東京都千代田区大手町一丁目1-1
                                             弁護士 森下 国彦
                                             弁護士 日髙 英太朗
                                             弁護士 川端 彩華
                                             弁護士 古波藏 惇
                                             弁護士 中田 和輝
                                             電話  (03)6775-1000
                                             2021 年3月 26 日
                           提 出 予 定 日
1.       本国における決算発表日 2021 年2月 25 日(木曜日)
2.       業績
                                      第2四半期(10 月から 12 月までの3ヶ月)(連結)
                               当期(未監査)              前期(未監査)                増減率
売上高または営業収入                 4,591,699 千リンギット       5,543,805 千リンギット         -17.17%
純 利 益 ( 税 引 後 )                85,448 千リンギット         95,990 千リンギット         -10.98%
一    株   当    り   利   益                 0.15 セン                0.17 セン     -11.76%

                                      今期累積額(7月から 12 月までの6ヶ月)(連結)
                               当期(未監査)              前期(未監査)                増減率
売上高または営業収入                 8,770,527 千リンギット       10,828,469 千リンギット        -19.00%
純 利 益 ( 税 引 後 )                134,148 千リンギット       196,283 千リンギット         -31.66%
一    株   当    り   利   益                 0.16 セン                0.31 セン     -48.39%

                          当期                      前期                      備 考
第1四半期                             0セン                          0セン
第2四半期                             0セン                          0セン
第3四半期                                                          0セン
第4四半期                                                          0セン
合   計                             0セン                          0セン
3.       概況・特記事項・その他
(1) 純利益(税引後)は法人税考慮後・少数株式持分損益考慮前利益に基づき算出されている。
(2) 上記1株当り利益は基本的利益である。希薄化後1株当り利益は、当期が 0.15 セン、前期が 0.17 センであった。
     今期累積額については、当期が 0.16 セン、前期が 0.31 センであった。これらの1株当り利益は法人税考慮後・
(3) 売上高または営業収入および純利益(税引後)の数値は百の位を四捨五入している。
Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H)
      Incorporated in Malaysia

     Interim Financial Report
        31 December 2020
                           YTL CORPORATION BERHAD
                         Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H)
                               Incorporated in Malaysia

                               Interim Financial Report
                                  31 December 2020

                                                              Page No.

Condensed Consolidated Income Statement                           1

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income          2

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position          3-4

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity           5-6

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows                  7-9

Notes to the Interim Financial Report                          10 - 29
YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Interim financial report on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31 December 2020.

The figures have not been audited.


                                                     Individual Quarter                        Cumulative Quarter
                                                   Current Preceding Year
                                                       Year    Corresponding
                                                   Quarter           Quarter                     6 Months Ended
                                                 31.12.2020        31.12.2019                31.12.2020    31.12.2019
                                                   RM'000            RM'000                    RM'000        RM'000

 Revenue                                           4,591,699              5,543,805           8,770,527          10,828,469

 Cost of sales                                    (3,694,628)            (4,397,800)         (7,061,208)         (8,636,324)

 Gross profit                                        897,071              1,146,005           1,709,319           2,192,145

 Other operating income                              113,772                 66,705              180,492             215,837

 Other operating expenses                           (513,685)              (656,374)            (955,308)        (1,268,361)

 Profit from operations                              497,158                556,336              934,503          1,139,621

 Finance costs                                      (398,163)              (485,082)            (777,310)           (976,561)

 Share of results of associated
  companies and joint ventures                        97,857                115,563              176,505             207,855

 Profit before taxation                              196,852                186,817              333,698             370,915
 Taxation                                           (111,404)               (90,827)            (199,550)           (174,632)

 Profit for the period                                85,448                 95,990              134,148             196,283

 Attributable to:-

 Owners of the parent                                 16,094                 17,540               17,387              32,847
 Non-controlling interests                            69,354                 78,450              116,761             163,436

 Profit for the period                                85,448                 95,990              134,148             196,283

 Earnings per share

 Basic (Sen)                                             0.15                   0.17                 0.16                0.31

 Diluted (Sen)                                           0.15                   0.17                 0.16                0.31

The Condensed Consolidated Income Statement should be read in conjunction with the audited annual financial statements for the
year ended 30 June 2020 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)



                                                       Individual Quarter                       Cumulative Quarter
                                                     Current Preceding Year
                                                         Year    Corresponding
                                                     Quarter           Quarter                    6 Months Ended
                                                   31.12.2020        31.12.2019               31.12.2020    31.12.2019
                                                     RM'000            RM'000                   RM'000        RM'000

 Profit for the period                                  85,448                 95,990            134,148             196,283

 Other comprehensive income/(loss) :-

 Items that will not be reclassified
   subsequently to income statement:-

   - financial assets at fair value through
      other comprehensive income                               73               1,007             (43,479)               (225)
   - foreign currency translation                       57,876                 73,224              21,702             (58,381)

 Items that may be reclassified
   subsequently to income statement:-

   - cash flow hedges                                 166,754                162,239             201,588            (170,621)

   - share of other comprehensive
     income of associated company                       11,055                        -            19,624                        -

   - foreign currency translation                     117,598                100,606               76,424             (52,214)

 Other comprehensive income/
  (loss) for the period, net of tax                   353,356                337,076             275,859            (281,441)

 Total comprehensive income/
  (loss) for the period                               438,804                433,066             410,007              (85,158)

 Attributable to :-

 Owners of the parent                                 232,454                212,314             184,860            (106,949)
 Non-controlling interests                            206,350                220,752             225,147              21,791

 Total comprehensive income/
  (loss) for the period                               438,804                433,066             410,007              (85,158)

The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income should be read in conjunction with the audited annual financial
statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statement.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)



                                                                           Unaudited                           Audited
                                                                                As at                             As at
                                                                           31.12.2020                        30.06.2020
                                                                             RM'000                            RM'000

 Non-current Assets
 Property, plant and equipment                                             31,403,919                        30,499,583
 Right of use assets                                                        1,557,212                         1,636,035
 Investment properties                                                      1,861,678                         1,811,126
 Investment in associated companies
   and joint ventures                                                       4,302,229                         4,382,017
 Investments                                                                  320,845                           404,911
 Development expenditure                                                    1,140,646                         1,128,221
 Intangible assets                                                          8,501,894                         8,631,094
 Trade, other receivables and contract assets                               1,509,157                         1,421,410
 Derivative financial instruments                                               4,556                            10,585
                                                                           50,602,136                        49,924,982

 Current Assets
 Inventories                                                                2,041,942                         2,184,363
 Property development costs                                                   227,043                           140,857
 Trade, other receivables and contract assets                               3,869,966                         3,432,600
 Derivative financial instruments                                             122,527                            74,259
 Income tax assets                                                             93,673                           134,459
 Investments                                                                3,047,873                         2,301,989
 Amount due from related parties                                               77,815                            53,694
 Fixed deposits                                                             9,545,944                        10,396,221
 Cash and bank balances                                                     1,766,749                         1,265,011
                                                                           20,793,532                        19,983,453

 TOTAL ASSETS                                                              71,395,668                        69,908,435

The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position should be read in conjunction with the audited annual financial
statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)



                                                                           Unaudited                           Audited
                                                                                As at                             As at
                                                                           31.12.2020                        30.06.2020
                                                                             RM'000                            RM'000

 Share capital                                                              3,467,555                         3,467,555
 Other reserves                                                               681,023                           512,535
 Retained profits                                                           8,538,064                         8,982,083
 Less : Treasury shares, at cost                                              (42,362)                         (501,837)
 Equity Attributable to Owners of the Parent                               12,644,280                        12,460,336
 Non-Controlling Interests                                                  3,212,479                         3,149,593
 TOTAL EQUITY                                                              15,856,759                        15,609,929


 Non-current liabilities
 Long term payables and other contract liabilities                          1,381,806                         1,288,626
 Bonds & borrowings                                                        33,947,347                        32,248,322
 Lease liabilities                                                          1,512,123                         1,447,352
 Grants and contributions                                                     633,001                           596,669
 Deferred tax liabilities                                                   2,248,044                         2,164,004
 Post-employment benefit obligations                                          882,915                           910,898
 Derivative financial instruments                                               5,622                            15,401
                                                                           40,610,858                        38,671,272

 Current Liabilities
 Trade, other payables and other contract liabilities                       4,516,629                         3,678,272
 Derivative financial instruments                                              68,382                           174,944
 Amount due to related parties                                                 35,837                            39,212
 Bonds & borrowings                                                         9,939,860                        11,317,556
 Lease liabilities                                                             53,905                           176,495
 Income tax liabilities                                                       165,015                            98,873
 Provision for liabilities and charges                                        148,423                           141,882
                                                                           14,928,051                        15,627,234

 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                         55,538,909                        54,298,506

 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                              71,395,668                        69,908,435

 Net Assets per share (RM)                                                         1.15                              1.17

The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position should be read in conjunction with the audited annual financial
statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)



                                                                                Attributable to Owners of the Parent                                             Non-
                                                                Share           Retained        Treasury          Other                                    Controlling              Total
                                                               capital            profits         shares        reserves                     Total           interests             equity
 Group                                                        RM’000            RM’000           RM’000         RM’000                     RM’000            RM’000               RM’000

 At 1 July 2020                                             3,467,555           8,982,083           (501,837)            512,535         12,460,336          3,149,593         15,609,929

 Profit for the period                                                 -           17,387                     -                -             17,387             116,761            134,148
 Other comprehensive income                                            -                -                     -          167,473            167,473             108,386            275,859
 Total comprehensive income
  for the period                                                       -           17,387                     -          167,473            184,860             225,147            410,007

 Changes in composition of the Group                                   -           15,681                  -                    -             15,681            (49,005)           (33,324)
 Dividend paid                                                         -                -                  -                    -                  -           (113,256)          (113,256)
 Purchase of treasury shares                                           -                -            (18,225)                   -            (18,225)                 -            (18,225)
 Share dividend                                                        -         (477,700)           477,700                    -                  -                  -                  -
 Share option expenses                                                 -                -                  -                1,356              1,356                  -              1,356
 Subsidiary's share option lapsed                                      -              613                  -                 (341)               272                  -                272

 At 31 December 2020                                        3,467,555           8,538,064             (42,362)           681,023         12,644,280          3,212,479         15,856,759

The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity should be read in conjunction with the audited annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 and the accompanying
explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.
YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)



                                                                             Attributable to Owners of the Parent                                             Non-
                                                             Share           Retained        Treasury          Other                                    Controlling              Total
                                                            capital            profits         shares        reserves                     Total           interests             equity
 Group                                                     RM’000            RM’000           RM’000         RM’000                     RM’000            RM’000               RM’000

 At 1 July 2019, as previously reported                  3,340,111           9,488,302           (472,793)            907,066         13,262,686          7,631,855         20,894,541
 Effects of adopting MFRS 16                                     -              (2,532)                 -                   -             (2,532)            (7,276)            (9,808)
 At 1 July 2019, as restated                             3,340,111           9,485,770           (472,793)            907,066         13,260,154          7,624,579         20,884,733

 Profit for the period                                              -           32,847                     -                -             32,847             163,436            196,283
 Other comprehensive loss                                           -                -                     -         (139,796)          (139,796)           (141,645)          (281,441)
 Total comprehensive income/(loss)
  for the period                                                    -           32,847                     -         (139,796)          (106,949)             21,791            (85,158)

 Changes in composition of the Group                              -            320,348                   -                   -           320,348            (312,864)             7,484
 Dividend paid                                                    -           (426,770)                  -                    .         (426,770)           (299,037)          (725,807)
 Issue of share capital                                     114,623                  -                   -                   -           114,623                   -            114,623
 Purchase of treasury shares                                      -                  -             (22,860)                  -           (22,860)                  -            (22,860)
 Share option expenses                                            -                  -                   -               1,460             1,460                   -              1,460
 Subsidiary's share option lapsed                                 -                167                   -                 (92)               75                   -                 75

 At 31 December 2019                                     3,454,734           9,412,362           (495,653)            768,638         13,140,081          7,034,469         20,174,550

The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity should be read in conjunction with the audited annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2020 and the accompanying
explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.
YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)



                                                                                         6 Months Ended
                                                                                  31.12.2020        31.12.2019
                                                                                   RM'000            RM'000

 Cash flows from operating activities

 Profit before tax                                                                     333,698                   370,915

 Adjustment for :-

     Amortisation of contract costs                                                      1,927                     4,554
     Amortisation of grants and contributions                                          (11,530)                   (9,754)
     Amortisation of intangible assets                                                  34,896                    11,363
     Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                                     804,146                   881,934
     Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                                89,200                    75,115
     Dividend income                                                                   (13,682)                   (5,489)
     Fair value changes of derivatives                                                       -                      (311)
     Fair value changes of investments                                                  (8,965)                  (39,194)
     Gain on disposal of investments                                                   (24,740)                        -
     (Write back of impairment)/impairment loss                                        (22,938)                   35,500
     Interest expense                                                                  777,310                   976,561
     Interest income                                                                   (78,294)                 (154,073)
     Net gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment                              (5,506)                   (7,568)
     Property, plant and equipment written off                                           1,483                     6,759
     Provision for post-employment benefits                                             23,805                    27,167
     Provision for liabilities and charges                                               1,536                     1,481
     Share option expenses                                                               2,460                     2,645
     Share of results of associated companies and
       joint ventures                                                                 (176,505)                 (207,855)
     Unrealised gain on foreign exchange                                                73,196                   (18,533)
     Other non cash items                                                                7,939                    (6,838)

 Operating profit before changes in working capital                                  1,809,436                1,944,379

The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction with the audited annual financial statements
for the year ended 30 June 2020 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)



                                                                                         6 Months Ended
                                                                                  31.12.2020        31.12.2019
                                                                                   RM'000            RM'000

 Changes in working capital:-
   Inventories                                                                          53,208                   663,664
   Property development costs                                                          (25,269)                  (40,196)
   Receivables, deposits and prepayments                                              (547,791)                  (47,969)
   Payables and accrued expenses                                                     1,009,797                  (232,872)
   Related parties balances                                                             14,830                    (9,993)

 Cash generated from operations                                                      2,314,211                2,277,013

     Dividend received                                                                 228,642                   199,920
     Interest paid                                                                    (703,473)                 (990,481)
     Interest received                                                                  80,525                   162,601
     Payment to a retirement benefits scheme                                          (107,049)                  (24,843)
     Income tax paid                                                                   (74,607)                 (142,010)

 Net cash from operating activities                                                  1,738,249                1,482,200

 Cash flows from investing activities

     Acquisition of subsidiaries                                                          (142)                 (114,395)
     Additional investment in associated company                                       (23,200)                        -
     Development expenditure incurred                                                   (9,807)                  (62,568)
     Grants received in respect of infrastructure assets                                32,811                    37,033
     Maturities of deposits maturing more than 90 days                                  97,637                         -
     Net placement of income funds                                                    (371,958)                        -
     Proceeds from disposal of property, plant & equipment                              17,311                    21,366
     Proceeds from disposal of investments                                              27,241                     3,978
     Proceeds from finance lease receivables                                             2,401                         -
     Purchase of property, plant & equipment                                          (985,405)                 (829,005)
     Purchase of right-of-use assets                                                   (10,621)                        -
     Purchase of investment properties                                                 (43,140)                  (74,873)
     Purchase of intangible assets                                                         (97)                  (69,760)
     Purchase of investments                                                          (340,060)                 (105,268)
     Shareholder loans                                                                 (45,842)                  (46,880)

 Net cash used in investing activities                                              (1,652,871)              (1,240,372)

The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction with the audited annual financial statements
for the year ended 30 June 2020 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)



                                                                                         6 Months Ended
                                                                                  31.12.2020        31.12.2019
                                                                                   RM'000            RM'000

 Cash flows from financing activities

     Dividend paid                                                                              -               (426,770)
     Dividend paid to non-controlling interests
       by subsidiaries                                                                (113,256)                (299,037)
     Repurchase of own shares by the company (at net)                                  (18,226)                 (22,860)
     Repurchase of subsidiaries' shares by subsidiaries                                (33,212)                      (1)
     Proceeds from bonds                                                               740,000                        -
     Proceeds from borrowings                                                        1,265,119                1,877,611
     Proceeds from issue of shares                                                           -                  114,623
     Repayment of bonds                                                                      -                  (10,000)
     Repayment of borrowings                                                        (1,963,905)              (1,297,521)
     Repayment of lease liabilities                                                   (180,109)                (181,094)

 Net cash used in financing activities                                                (303,589)                 (245,049)

 Net changes in cash and cash equivalents                                             (218,211)                    (3,221)

 Effects of exchange rate changes                                                        (6,479)                  42,214

 Cash and cash equivalents
  at beginning of the financial year                                                11,100,066               11,763,827

 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the financial period                           10,875,376               11,802,820

 Cash and cash equivalent comprise :-
 Fixed deposit with licensed bank                                                    9,545,944               10,560,252
 Cash and bank balances                                                              1,766,749                1,287,997
 Deposits with maturity 90 days and more                                              (437,224)                       -
 Bank overdraft                                                                            (93)                 (45,429)
                                                                                    10,875,376               11,802,820

The Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows should be read in conjunction with the audited annual financial statements
for the year ended 30 June 2020 and the accompanying explanatory notes attached to the interim financial statements.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)



Disclosure requirements pursuant to MFRS 134

The Condensed consolidated interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the audited
financial statements of the Group for the year ended 30 June 2020.

A1.       Accounting Policies and Methods of Computation

          The interim financial report is unaudited and has been prepared in accordance with Malaysian
          Financial Reporting Standard (“MFRS”) 134: “Interim Financial Reporting” and Chapter 9, part
          K paragraph 9.22 of the Main Market Listing Requirements of the Bursa Malaysia Securities
          Berhad (“Bursa Securities”).

          The explanatory notes contained herein provide an explanation of the events and transactions that
          are significant to the understanding of the changes in the financial position and performance of
          the Group since the financial year ended 30 June 2020.

          The accounting policies and methods of computations adopted by the Group in this interim
          financial report are consistent with those adopted in the annual audited financial statements for
          the financial year ended 30 June 2020.

          The adoption of MFRSs, amendments to MFRSs and IC interpretation which were effective for
          financial year beginning on or after 1 July 2020 do not have significant financial impact to the

A2.       Seasonality or Cyclicality of Operations

          The business operations of the Group are not materially affected by any seasonal or cyclical

A3.       Disaggregation of revenue

                                                         Individual Quarter             Cumulative Quarter
                                                       Current Preceding Year
                                                           Year Corresponding
                                                       Quarter          Quarter           6 Months Ended
                                                     31.12.2020       31.12.2019      31.12.2020    31.12.2019
                                                       RM'000           RM'000          RM'000        RM'000
           Sale of electricity                        1,461,997        1,601,727       2,850,418       3,282,188
           Sale of clean water, treatment
            and disposal of waste water                   934,877        890,125       1,808,631       1,745,943
           Sale of steam                                   41,595         38,124          87,522          92,633
           Broadband and
            telecommunications revenue                   93,894           96,032         193,236         191,350
           Others                                        43,980           75,058          88,126         240,937
                                                      2,576,343        2,701,066       5,027,933       5,553,051

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes: - continued

A3.    Disaggregation of revenue - continued

                                                   Individual Quarter         Cumulative Quarter
                                                 Current Preceding Year
                                                     Year Corresponding
                                                 Quarter          Quarter        6 Months Ended
                                               31.12.2020       31.12.2019   31.12.2020    31.12.2019
                                                 RM'000           RM'000       RM'000        RM'000

        Cement and building
         materials industry
        Sale of cement and related products     1,149,948        1,391,075    2,203,439     2,546,777
        Others                                      3,734            4,127        9,691         9,671
                                                1,153,682        1,395,202    2,213,130     2,556,448
        Construction contracts revenue              573,630       570,190     1,003,560     1,011,140

        Hotel operations
        Hotel room and food and beverages            98,838       429,529      207,906        745,342
        Others                                        1,579         5,612        4,646         10,646
                                                    100,417       435,141      212,552        755,988
        Property development projects                43,953       169,627       49,047        387,115
        Sale of land held for
          property development                       26,501             -       26,501              -
        Others                                        3,524         4,495        7,381          9,352
                                                     73,978       174,122       82,929        396,467
        Information technology &
         e-commerce related business
        Media and advertising services                 922           1,037       1,699          2,144
        Others                                           7               -          30             32
                                                       929           1,037       1,729          2,176
        Management services & others
        Operation and maintenance services           21,710        18,952       43,556         63,738
        Food and beverages operations                   962         5,597        2,518         11,189
        Others                                       24,924        32,957       52,569         54,210
                                                     47,596        57,506       98,643        129,137
        Other sources
        Rental income                                34,148       155,222       67,684        312,250
        Interest income                              24,336        50,058       48,866        106,505
        Dividend income                               6,640         4,261       13,501          5,307
                                                     65,124       209,541      130,051        424,062

        Total revenue                           4,591,699        5,543,805    8,770,527    10,828,469

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes: - continued

A4.    Exceptional or Unusual Items

       During the current financial quarter, there was no item of an exceptional or unusual in nature that
       affects the assets, liabilities, equity, net income or cash flows of the Group.

A5.    Changes in estimates of amounts reported

       There was no significant change in estimates of amounts reported in prior interim periods or prior
       financial years.

A6.    Changes in Debt and Equity Securities

       There was no issuance, cancellation, repurchase, resale and repayment of debts and equity
       securities except for the following :-

       During the current financial quarter and financial period to date, the Company repurchased
       23,699,100 ordinary shares from the open market for a total consideration of RM18,225,622. The
       share buyback transactions were financed by internally generated funds. The shares purchased are
       held as treasury shares in accordance with Section 127(6) of the Companies Act 2016.

       During the current financial quarter and period to date, a total of 354,982,768 treasury shares
       amounting RM477,700,310.90 were distributed on 12 November 2020 to the shareholders on the
       basis of one (1) treasury shares for every 30 ordinary shares held as at 28 October 2020.

       As at 31 December 2020, the number of treasury shares held was 41,622,950 ordinary shares.

A7.    Dividend paid

       There was no dividend paid during the current financial quarter.

A8.    Segmental Information

       The Group has seven reportable segments as described below:

       (a)   Construction
       (b)   Information technology & e-commerce related business
       (c)   Cement and building materials industry
       (d)   Property investment & development
       (e)   Management services & others
       (f)   Hotel operations
       (g)   Utilities

       Management monitors the operating results of business segments separately for the purpose of
       making decisions about resources to be allocated and of assessing performance.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes: - continued

A8.    Segment Information - continued
       Inter-segment pricing is determined based on a negotiated basis.
       The Group’s segmental result for the financial period ended 31 December 2020 is as follows:-

                                                           Information     Cement and
                                                             technology      building         Property   Management
                                                        & e-commerce         materials   investment &     services &
                                        Construction   related business       industry    development         others    Hotels     Utilities   Elimination      Total
                                           RM’000               RM’000       RM’000           RM’000        RM’000     RM’000      RM’000         RM’000      RM’000

        External revenue                  1,003,560                1,729    2,213,994         152,692        158,067   212,552    5,027,933             -    8,770,527
        Inter-segment revenue                17,928                1,499       15,665          59,712         33,387     2,958        6,346      (137,495)           -
        Total revenue                     1,021,488                3,228    2,229,659         212,404        191,454   215,510    5,034,279      (137,495)   8,770,527

        Segment results
        Profit/(loss) from operations       106,106                (707)      315,870         (62,334)       210,574   (73,183)    438,177               -    934,503
        Finance costs                                                                                                                                        (777,310)
        Share of profit of associated companies & joint ventures                                                                                              176,505
        Profit before taxation                                                                                                                                333,698

        Finance costs                                                                                                                                          777,310
        Depreciation and amortisation                                                                                                                          918,639
        EBITDA *                                                                                                                                             2,029,647

       * Included a fair value gain of RM9.0 million and write back of impairment of RM22.9 million.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes: - continued

A8.    Segment Information - continued
       Inter-segment pricing is determined based on a negotiated basis.
       The Group’s segmental result for the financial period ended 31 December 2019 is as follows:-

                                                           Information     Cement and
                                                             technology      building         Property   Management
                                                        & e-commerce         materials   investment &     services &
                                        Construction   related business       industry    development         others    Hotels    Utilities   Elimination       Total
                                           RM’000              RM’000        RM’000           RM’000        RM’000     RM’000     RM’000         RM’000       RM’000

        External revenue                  1,011,140                2,175    2,557,882         723,409        224,697   756,115   5,553,051             -    10,828,469
        Inter-segment revenue                11,165                2,868       10,782         106,977        157,314     7,862       8,134      (305,102)            -
        Total revenue                     1,022,305                5,043    2,568,664         830,386        382,011   763,977   5,561,185      (305,102)   10,828,469

        Segment results
        Profit from operations              117,401                2,389      164,502         136,202        328,872   104,944    285,311               -    1,139,621
        Finance costs                                                                                                                                         (976,561)
        Share of profit of associated companies & joint ventures                                                                                               207,855
        Profit before taxation                                                                                                                                 370,915

        Finance costs                                                                                                                                          976,561
        Depreciation and amortisation                                                                                                                          963,212
        EBITDA *                                                                                                                                             2,310,688

       * Included a fair value gain of RM39.5 million and impairment loss of RM35.5 million.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes: - continued

A9.    Changes in the Composition of the Group

       There were no significant changes in the composition of the Group for the current financial
       period ended 31 December 2020, including business combinations, acquisition or disposal of
       subsidiaries and long-term investments, restructurings and discontinuing operations except for
       the following:-

       •     On 10 September 2020, P.T. YTL Harta Indonesia (“YTL Harta Indonesia”) was
             incorporated by YTL Jawa O & M Holdings B.V. and P.T. YTL Jawa Timur (the indirect
             subsidiaries of YTL Power International Berhad (“YTL Power”)) with the shareholdings
             of 95% and 5%, respectively. As a result, YTL Harta Indonesia became an indirect
             subsidiary of YTL Power and the Company.

             YTL Harta Indonesia was incorporated in Indonesia with an issued share capital of
             Rp2,500,000,000 comprising 2,500 ordinary shares to undertake industrial estate business

       •     On 19 October 2020, Ben Tre Fico-YTL Cement Limited (“Ben Tre Fico”) was
             incorporated as a wholly-owned subsidiary of FICO Tay Ninh Cement Joint Stock
             Company, an indirect subsidiary of YTL Cement Berhad. Ben Tre Fico will be
             principally involved in manufacture and sale of ordinary portland cement and blended

       •     On 27 November 2020, Dials At Brabazon Management Company Limited (“Dials At
             Brabazon”) and Navigator At Brabazon Management Company Limited (“Navigator At
             Brabazon”) were incorporated as wholly-owned subsidiaries of YTL Homes Limited (an
             indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company). As a result, Dials At Brabazon and
             Navigator At Brabazon became indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company.

             Dials At Brabazon and Navigator At Brabazon were incorporated in England and Wales
             as a company limited by guarantee without share capital and will be principally involved
             in the management of real estate.

A10.   Changes in Contingent Liabilities or Contingent Assets

       There were no significant changes in the contingent liabilities of the Group since the last
       financial year ended 30 June 2020.

A11.   Subsequent Events

       There were no items, transactions or events of material or unusual in nature during the period
       from the end of the quarter under review to the date of this report.


YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes: - continued

Disclosure requirements per Part A of Appendix 9B of the Bursa Securities Main Market Listing

B1.    Review of Performance

                                                   Individual Quarter  Variance Cumulative Quarter Variance
                                                 31.12.2020 31.12.2019   %     31.12.2020 31.12.2019 %
                                                  RM'000       RM'000    +/-    RM'000     RM'000    +/-

        Construction                               573,630     570,190      1%    1,003,560    1,011,140   -1%
        Information technology &
          e-commerce related business                  929        1,036   -10%        1,729        2,175   -21%
        Cement and building materials industry   1,154,219    1,396,436   -17%    2,213,994    2,557,882   -13%
        Property investment & development          108,540      335,251   -68%      152,692      723,409   -79%
        Management services & others                77,654      104,610   -26%      158,067      224,697   -30%
        Hotels                                     100,384      435,216   -77%      212,552      756,115   -72%
        Utilities                                2,576,343    2,701,066    -5%    5,027,933    5,553,051    -9%
                                                 4,591,699    5,543,805           8,770,527   10,828,469

        Profit/(loss) before taxation
        Construction                                54,881      49,645     11%     100,919      116,427    -13%
        Information technology &
          e-commerce related business                 (507)        762    -167%       (707)       2,389   -130%
        Cement and building materials industry     131,493      49,543     165%    222,951       40,023    457%
        Property investment & development          (89,869)    (20,150)   -346%   (106,528)      (8,622) -1136%
        Management services & others               (65,491)     15,392    -525%   (108,777)       5,738 -1996%
        Hotels                                     (53,998)     60,085    -190%    (88,259)      96,284   -192%
        Utilities                                  220,343      31,540     599%    314,099      118,676    165%
                                                   196,852     186,817             333,698      370,915


YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes – continued

       For the current financial quarter under review, the Group revenue was RM4,591.7 million as
       compared to RM5,543.8 million, recorded in the preceding year corresponding quarter. The Group
       recorded a profit before tax of RM196.9 million for the current financial quarter. This represents an
       increase of RM10.0 million or 5.4% as compared to a profit of RM186.8 million recorded in the
       preceding year corresponding quarter.

       For the current financial period under review, the Group revenue was at RM8,770.5 million as
       compared to RM10,828.5 million, recorded in the preceding financial period ended 31 December
       2019. The Group profit before taxation for the current financial period stood at RM333.7 million.
       This represents a decrease of RM37.2 million or 10.0% as compared to a profit of RM370.9 million
       recorded in the preceding year corresponding period.

       Since the outbreak of Covid-19, the countries which the Group has operations have imposed
       different level of restrictions to contain the spread of the virus and Malaysia are currently extended
       its movement control order until 4 March 2021. The direct impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is
       reflected in the performance of the respective operating business segments for the financial
       quarter/period ended 31 December 2020 as compared to the preceding year corresponding
       quarter/period are analysed as follows:

       For the current financial quarter under review, the revenue was consistent to the comparative
       quarter. However, the increase in profit before tax was principally due to progress in construction

       For the current financial period under review, the decrease in revenue and profit before tax was
       principally due to the decrease in construction works and higher finance costs incurred.

       Information technology & e-commerce related business
       For the current financial quarter/period under review, the lower revenue was primarily due to the
       lower revenue recorded by the content and digital media division following the impact of Covid-
       19. However, the loss before tax was mainly due to lower revenue and interest income earned from
       cash deposits.

       Cement and building materials industry
       For the current financial quarter/period under review, the revenue of the Cement division decreased
       mainly attributable to lower demand in the Concrete and Quarry division. However, the
       improvement in profit before tax was mainly due to the significant measures taken to reduce cost of
       production and improved efficiency in our sales and distribution operations.

       Property investment & development
       For the current financial quarter/period under review, the decrease in revenue was mainly due to
       the deconsolidation of the results of Starhill Global Real Investment Trust (“SGREIT”) and lower
       sales recorded in The Fennel project undertaken by Sentul Raya Sdn. Bhd. and the 3-Orchard By-
       The-Park project undertaken by YTL Westwood Properties Pte. Ltd. However, the loss before tax
       was mainly due to lower unrealised foreign exchange gain on borrowings denominated in foreign
       currencies recorded by YTL Hospitality REIT and lower share of profits from SGREIT following
       the Covid-19 pandemic and rental variations mainly for its Singapore and Australian properties.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes – continued

       Management services & others
       For the current financial quarter/period under review, decrease in revenue was mainly due to
       lower interest income and an absence of technical services income recorded by YTL Power.
       However, the loss before tax was principally attributable to an absence of fair value gain on
       investments recorded by an offshore subsidiary, higher share of losses of an associated company
       and lower revenue as mentioned above.

       For the current financial quarter/period under review, this segment was significantly impacted by
       the lower operating results amidst extremely challenging conditions due to the unprecedented
       disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Country borders in most jurisdictions in which the
       hospitality businesses operate were closed to foreign travellers. Seminars and meetings were
       restricted due to social distancing measures and adherence to standard operating procedures
       issued by governments in these jurisdictions.

       For the current financial quarter under review, the performance of the divisions within the
       Utilities segment is set out below:

       •   The Power Generation (Contracted) division recorded a lower revenue mainly due to the
           lower energy payment recorded. The profit before taxation was consistent to the comparative

       •   Multi utilities business (Merchant) division, revenue was consistent to the comparative
           quarter. However, the improvement in profit before tax was mainly due to the higher retail
           and vesting gross margins, higher fuel oil tank leasing rates, lower finance costs and a
           recovery of impairment of receivables arising from an appeal against High Court’s decision.

       •   Water & sewerage division recorded higher revenue primarily due to an increase in
           unregulated project income. However, the lower profit before taxation was mainly due to the
           price reset as determined by the regulator and depreciation charges following additional
           investment in capital expenditures.

       •   For Telecommunications division, revenue was consistent to the comparative quarter. The
           improvement in loss before taxation was mainly due to lower depreciation charges.
           However, its EBITDA continues to remain positive.

       For the current financial period under review, performance of the respective operating business
       divisions was consistent with the notes mentioned above with the exception of the Power
       generation (Contracted) and Water & sewerage divisions:

       •   The Power Generation (Contracted) division recorded a lower revenue mainly due to the
           lower energy payment recorded. The lower profit before taxation was mainly due to a one-
           off write-down of inventories.

       •   Water & sewerage division recorded a higher revenue primarily attributable to an increase in
           unregulated project income and the strengthening of Great Britain Pound against Ringgit
           Malaysia. However, the lower profit before taxation was mainly due to the price reset as
           determined by the regulator and depreciation charges following additional investment in
           capital expenditures.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes – continued

B2.    Comparison with Preceding Quarter

                                                                Current         Preceding
                                                                Quarter           Quarter       Variance
                                                              31.12.2020        30.09.2020            %
                                                                RM'000            RM'000             +/-

        Revenue                                                4,591,699         4,178,828           10%
        Profit before taxation                                   196,852           136,846           44%
        Profit after taxation                                     85,448            48,700           75%

       The higher profit before taxation as compared to preceding quarter was primarily attributable to
       the better performance in Multi utilities business (Merchant) segment following a recovery of
       impairment of receivables arising from an appeal against High Court’s decision as well as
       improved performance of the Construction and Cement and Building Materials segments.

B3.    Audit Report of the preceding financial year ended 30 June 2020

       The Auditors’ Report on the financial statements of the financial year ended 30 June 2020 did not
       contain any qualification.

B4.    Prospects

       Globally, businesses are facing unprecedented social and economic challenges following the
       Covid-19 pandemic. Countries where the Group operates continued with various movement
       control regulations and laws and limited the operation of non-essential services. However, the
       Group’s businesses have been cushioned by its Utilities segment which by its nature are essential
       services that have continued to operate throughout the control period. The Construction and
       Cement segments have re-commenced in stages as permitted and operations have normalised.

       Furthermore, the ongoing progress in vaccine development and recent commencement of
       vaccination programmes in most countries where the Group operates, including the roll-out of
       Malaysia’s programme this week, are vital developments, providing the pathway for a return to
       normalcy and economic recovery.

           Construction operations have since re-commenced but under strict standard operating
           procedures. Management has been proactive in taking actions to ensure construction work in
           progress is on track and has also implemented stringent cost control measures.

           Notwithstanding, this segment is expected to contribute positively based on its current order

           Information technology & e-commerce related business
           This segment whose contribution is insignificant to the Group will have minimal impact to
           the Group’s prospects even when the economy recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes – continued

           Cement and building materials industry
           Whist the short-term outlook may remain challenging due to the impact of the Covid-19
           pandemic on public and private plans for new investments, the solid dynamics of the
           Group’s main markets remain intact. Management is confident that the key growth drivers,
           e.g. infrastructure requirements and demand for housing from urbanization, will continue to
           underpin demand growth. The Cement division will also increase export volumes from its
           dedicated Langkawi production facility.

           Property investment & development
           As a result of the unprecedented situation, it is not possible to forecast with any accuracy at
           this stage how the Covid-19 pandemic will impact the property market and consumer
           demand for property products. Notwithstanding, the Group will continue to embark on
           marketing efforts and initiatives to unlock sales as well as undertake project launches.

           Management services & others/Hotels
           The short-term outlook for the hospitality industry remains challenging. Demand from
           international business and leisure travellers is expected to remain subdued until containment
           of the Covid-19 pandemic, after which management expect pent-up demand to fuel
           recovery. The roll-out of vaccination programmes in many countries in the past few months
           bodes well for the recovery of the global tourism and hospitality industry. In the near term,
           demand is expected to come from the substitution of international travel with local travel due
           to restrictions on overseas travel.

           The YTL Power Group has an 80% equity interest in PT Tanjung Jati Power Company
           (“TJPC”), an independent power producer which is undertaking the development of Tanjung
           Jati A, a 2 x 660 megawatt coal-fired power project in Java, Indonesia. TJPC has a 30-year
           power purchase agreement with PT PLN (Persero), Indonesia’s state-owned electric utility
           company, amended and restated in December 2015 and March 2018. In February 2020,
           TJPC obtained the Business Viability Guarantee Letter from the Ministry of Finance of the
           Republic of Indonesia and is working towards achieving financial close.

           The YTL Power Group also has a 45% equity interest in Attarat Power Company (“APCO”),
           which is developing a 554 megawatt (gross) oil shale fired power generation project in the
           Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. APCO has signed a 30-year Power Purchase Agreement
           (including construction period of 3.5 years) with the National Electric Power Company
           (“NEPCO”), Jordan’s state-owned utility, for the entire electrical capacity and energy of the
           power plant, with an option for NEPCO to extend the Power Purchase Agreement to 40
           years (from the commercial operation date of the project’s second unit). Construction has
           commenced on the project with commercial operations for the first unit scheduled to
           commence in the middle of the calendar year 2020 and the second unit in the last quarter of
           the calendar year 2020. However, the global Covid-19 pandemic has led to a delay in the
           project due to travel and movement restrictions imposed by the Government of Jordon with
           commercial operations for both units now expected to be in the middle of the calendar year
           2021. APCO has invoked the force majeure provisions under the Power Purchase Agreement
           with NEPCO. As the effects of Covid-19 are still on-going, the force majeure provisions are
           still in effect.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


     Notes – continued

         YTL Power Generation Sdn. Bhd. (“YTLPG”) commenced operations on 1 September 2017
         for the supply of 585MW of capacity from the existing facility in Paka for a term of 3 years
         10 months, which will be expiring on 30 June 2021.

         As for the Multi utilities business (Merchant) division, electricity demand has gradually
         improved as Singapore eases into Phase 3. A phase which allows social, cultural, religious
         and business gatherings or events to resume with limited crowd sizes as part of the control
         measures of Covid-19 pandemic.

         The proposed acquisition of Tuaspring announced on 12 March 2020 which is currently
         pending completion is a logical extension of the Group’s existing multi utilities operations.
         The power plant and associated assets of Tuaspring, which is the newest combined cycle
         power plant in Singapore, will, upon completion, be integrated into existing businesses and
         expected to contribute positively to the future earnings of the Group. The proposed
         acquisition was approved by the Energy Market Authority of Singapore (EMA) in May
         2020; completion is now conditional on the approval from the Public Utilities Board of
         Singapore and completion of financing.

         This segment will continue to focus on customer service and diversification beyond the core
         business into integrated multi-utilities supply.

         As for the Water & Sewerage division, Wessex Water continues to work towards the
         investment commitments agreed with the regulator as part of its Price Review 2020-2025
         (“PR19”). Over the last 5 years, Wessex Water’s investment in its regulated assets base
         (“RAB”) increased from RM15.11 billion (GBP2.75 billion) to RM17.79 billion (GBP3.35
         billion). The RAB value is expected to increase to RM20.66 billion (GBP3.89 billion) at the
         end of the period, 31 March 2025 following the investment commitments agreed for PR19.

         With the existing network in place, this segment will continue to expand its
         telecommunications infrastructure business and subscriber base. In August 2020, Jalinan
         Digital Negara (“JENDELA”), a plan to upgrade Malaysia’s digital communications
         infrastructure formulated by the Government and the Malaysian Communications and
         Multimedia Commission, was launched. Initial phases of the plan focus on expanding 4G
         mobile broadband coverage and increasing broadband speeds, with the aim of shutting down
         3G by 2021. As such, YTL Communications’ pure-4G YES network is well positioned to
         continue to attract subscribers and meet the country’s digital infrastructure needs.

         In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, YTL Communications and FrogAsia collaborated
         with YTL Foundation, a not-for-profit foundation funded principally by the YTL Group,
         launched the Learn from Home Initiative in March 2020 to enable students to learn from
         home. Under the initiative, YTL Foundation provided free YES 4G SIM cards with 40GB of
         data to students registered in government schools and certain tertiary education institutions
         and also provided free mobile phones and YES 4G internet data plans to students from B40
         families, thereby ensuring students have free access to sufficient data for online learning.
         Online learning resources and lessons were also provided by FrogAsia to facilitate learning
         from home. This initiative has been extended to 30 June 2021 as schools have again closed
         due to the third wave of the pandemic.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes – continued

           YTL Communications has recently launched its YES Kasi Up programme offering the most
           affordable data plans in the market. The programme includes a referral scheme that gives
           cash rewards to subscribers for being referral ambassadors for YES. A partnership with
           Shopee, the country’s largest e-commerce platform, rewards Shopee customers who are YES
           subscribers with free data for money spent on Shopee, making data even more affordable and
           accessible. By offering affordable data plans this segment is looking to increase its
           subscriber base bolstered by partnerships and collaborations.

       Despite the challenging outlook, the Group expects the performance of its business segments to
       remain resilient as these segments’ operations are substantially essential in nature. The Group will
       continue to closely monitor the related risks and impact on all business segments.

B5.    Profit Forecast

       The Group did not issue any profit forecast or profit guarantee for the current financial quarter.

B6.    Profit for the period
                                                                                 Current             Period
                                                                                 Quarter           To Date
                                                                               31.12.2020        31.12.2020
                                                                                 RM’000            RM’000
        Profit for the period is stated after charging/(crediting):

        Amortisation of grants and contributions                                   (5,633)          (11,530)
        Amortisation of intangible assets                                          17,462            34,896
        Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                             401,768           804,146
        Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                        45,108            89,200
        Dividend income                                                            (6,785)          (13,682)
        Fair value changes of investments                                          (1,216)           (8,965)
        Interest expense                                                          398,163           777,310
        Interest income                                                           (15,637)          (29,428)
        Loss on foreign exchange                                                   39,412            44,605
        Net gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment                      (3,588)           (5,506)
        Property, plant and equipment written off                                     248             1,483
        Provision for liabilities and charges                                         888             1,536
        (Write back of)/Allowance for impairment of inventories                    (1,004)           14,696
        (Write back of)/Amortisation of contract costs                               (129)            1,927
        Write back of impairment of receivables - net of reversal                 (54,750)          (37,883)

       Other than the above items, there were no other investment income, write off of receivables, gain
       or loss on disposal of properties, impairment of assets and exceptional items for the current
       financial quarter and financial period to date.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes – continued

B7.    Taxation

       Taxation comprise the following:-

                                                                             Current              Period
                                                                             Quarter            To Date
                                                                           31.12.2020         31.12.2020
                                                                             RM’000             RM’000

        In respect of current period
          - Income tax                                                         98,070             187,422
          - Deferred tax                                                       13,334              12,128
                                                                              111,404             199,550

       The higher effective tax rate of the Group as compared to the Malaysian statutory income tax rate
       for the current financial quarter and financial period to date was mainly due to losses from certain
       subsidiary companies, non-deductibility of certain expenses for tax purposes and partially offset
       by income subjected to different tax jurisdictions.

B8.    Corporate Developments

       Corporate Proposals Announced and Pending Completion

       As at the date of this report, being the latest practicable date, there are no corporate proposals
       announced and pending completion, save for the following:-.

       (i)   On 12 March 2020, YTL Power and Taser Power, entered into a put and call option
             agreement with Tuaspring Pte. Ltd. (“Tuaspring”) for the proposed acquisition of the
             power plant and associated assets of Tuaspring by YTL PowerSeraya Pte. Limited, from
             the receivers and managers of Tuaspring, for a total purchase consideration of SGD
             331,452,000 to be settled as to SGD 230,000,000 in cash and SGD 101,452,000 comprising
             ordinary shares and loan notes amounting to 7.54% of the post-acquisition equity in YTL
             Utilities (S) Pte. Limited, the immediate holding company of YTL PowerSeraya Pte.
             Limited (“Proposed Acquisition”).

             Approval for the Proposed Acquisition from the Energy Market Authority of Singapore
             was received on 20 May 2020. Completion is conditional inter alia on approval of the
             Public Utilities Board of Singapore and completion of financing arrangements which are
             currently pending.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes – continued

B9.    Group Borrowings and Debt Securities

       The Group’s borrowings and debts securities as at 31 December 2020 are as follows:-

                                                                     Secured    Unsecured       Total
                                                                     RM'000       RM'000       RM'000

        Bankers' acceptances                                               -        47,708       47,708
        Bank overdrafts                                                    -            93           93
        ICULS *                                                            -         2,184        2,184
        Revolving credit                                              53,000     3,092,972    3,145,972
        Term loans                                                   102,531     6,341,372    6,443,903
        Bonds                                                              -       300,000      300,000
                                                                     155,531     9,784,329    9,939,860

        ICULS *                                                             -        2,417        2,417
        Revolving credit                                              208,654    1,502,672    1,711,326
        Term loans                                                  2,258,823    9,230,984   11,489,807
        Bonds                                                         328,196   20,415,601   20,743,797
                                                                    2,795,673   31,151,674   33,947,347

        Total borrowings                                            2,951,204   40,936,003   43,887,207

        * Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock ("ICULS")

        Foreign currency borrowings included in the above are as follows :-

                                                                                   Foreign          RM
                                                                                  Currency   Equivalents
                                                                                      ’000         ’000
        US Dollar                                                                  666,626    2,675,170
        Singapore Dollar                                                         2,286,147    6,939,371
        Sterling Pound                                                           2,529,968   13,827,034
        Japanese Yen                                                            17,562,501      683,023
        Thai Baht                                                                1,990,000      266,640
        Australia Dollar                                                           486,519    1,503,149
        Euro                                                                           422        2,081

       Save for the borrowings of RM212.0 million, US Dollar 220.0 million, Sterling Pound 89.1
       million, Yen 7.25 billion and Euro 0.42 million by subsidiary companies of which corporate
       guarantees are provided by the Company, all other borrowings of subsidiary companies are on a
       non-recourse basis to the Company.

YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes – continued

B10.   Derivatives Financial Instruments, Fair Value Changes of Financial Liabilities and Fair
       Value hierarchy

       (a) Derivatives Financial Instruments

       As at 31 December 2020, the Group’s outstanding derivatives are as follows:

        Type of Derivatives                     Contract/Notional Value                       Fair Value
                                                               RM’000                           RM’000

        Fuel oil swaps
        - Less than 1 year                                        967,006                          95,280
        - 1 year to 3 years                                        78,254                           4,193
        - More than 3 years                                             -                               -

        Currency forwards
        - Less than 1 year                                      1,089,621                        (41,135)
        - 1 year to 3 years                                       151,182                         (5,259)
        - More than 3 years                                             -                               -

       The Group entered into fuel oil swaps to hedge highly probable forecast physical fuel oil and
       natural gas purchases that are expected to occur at various dates in the future. The fuel oil swaps
       have maturity dates that match the expected occurrence of these transactions.

       The Group entered into currency forwards to hedge highly probable forecast transactions
       denominated in foreign currency expected to occur in the future. The currency forwards have
       maturity dates that match the expected occurrence of these transactions.

       The derivative financial instruments are stated at fair value based on banks’ quotes. The fair
       value changes on the effective portion of the derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash
       flow hedges are recognised in other comprehensive income. The gain or loss relating to the
       ineffective portion is recognised immediately in profit or loss.

       All derivative financial instruments are executed with creditworthy counter parties with a view
       to limit the credit risk exposure of the Group.


YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes – continued

      (b) Fair Value Changes of Financial Liabilities

           The gains/(losses) arising from fair value changes of financial liabilities for the current
           financial period ended 31 December 2020 are as follows:

                                                                                Fair value gain
            Type of         Basis of
            financial       fair value                                        Current          Period
            liabilities     measurement       Reason for the gains             quarter         to date
                                                                            31.12.2020     31.12.2020
                                                                              RM’000         RM’000

            Forward         Foreign           Foreign exchange rates                 -              48
            foreign         exchange          differential between the
            currency        differential      contracted rate and the
            exchange        between the       market forward rate
            contracts       contracted rate   which have moved in
                            and the market    favour of the Group
                            forward rate

            Fuel oil swap   Fuel oil price    Fuel oil price differential        (720)            4,002
                            differential      between the contracted
                            between the       price and the market
                            contracted        forward price which have
                            price and the     moved in favour of the
                            market forward    Group

                                                                    Total        (720)            4,050


YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes: - continued

      (c) Fair Value Hierarchy

           The table below analyses financial instruments carried at fair value, by valuation method.
           The different levels have been defined as follows:

             (a) Level 1 : Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or

             (b) Level 2 : Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable
                 for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from

             (c) Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data
                 (unobservable inputs).

           At the reporting date, the Group and the Company held the following financial instruments
           carried at fair value on the statement of financial position:-

                                                           Level 1       Level 2       Level 3      Total
                                                          RM'000        RM'000        RM'000       RM'000
             31 December 2020

             Financial assets at fair value
              through profit and loss
               - Income/equity funds                             -    3,053,782               -   3,053,782
               - Equity investments                         10,880        3,671               -      14,551
             Derivative used for hedging                         -      127,083               -     127,083
             Financial assets at fair value through
              other comprehensive income                    22,920           44       277,421       300,385
                                                            33,800    3,184,580       277,421     3,495,801

             Financial liabilities at fair value
              through profit and loss
               - Trading derivatives                              -        4,043              -       4,043
             Derivative used for hedging                          -       69,961              -      69,961
                                                                  -       74,004              -      74,004


YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes: - continued

B11.   Material litigation

       There was no material litigation pending as at the date of this report.

B12.   Dividend

       No dividend has been declared for the current financial quarter.

B13.   Earnings Per Share

       i)   Basic earnings per share

            The basic earnings per share of the Group has been computed by dividing the net profit
            attributable to owners of the parent for the financial quarter/period by the weighted average
            number of ordinary shares in issue during the financial quarter/period as set out below:-

                                                     Individual Quarter             Cumulative Quarter
                                                   Current Preceding Year
                                                       Year Corresponding
                                                   Quarter          Quarter           6 Months Ended
                                                 31.12.2020       31.12.2019      31.12.2020    31.12.2019

             Profit attributable to
              owners of the parent (RM’000)             16,094          17,540       17,387         32,847

             Weighted average number of
              ordinary shares (‘000)

             Weighted average number
              of ordinary shares (‘000)          11,022,762         10,910,559    11,022,762    10,983,734
             Less: Shares repurchased              (380,807)          (350,110)     (376,857)     (345,986)

                                                 10,641,955         10,560,449    10,645,905    10,637,748

             Basic earnings per share (sen)               0.15             0.17         0.16          0.31


YTL CORPORATION BERHAD (Company No. 198201012898 (92647-H))
(Incorporated in Malaysia)


Notes: - continued

B13.   Earnings Per Share - continued

       ii) Diluted earnings per share

           The diluted earnings per share of the Group has been computed by dividing the net profit
           attributable to owners of the parent for the financial quarter/period by the weighted average
           number of ordinary shares in issue during the financial quarter/period as set out below:-

                                                    Individual Quarter            Cumulative Quarter
                                                  Current Preceding Year
                                                      Year Corresponding
                                                  Quarter          Quarter          6 Months Ended
                                                31.12.2020       31.12.2019     31.12.2020    31.12.2019

            Profit attributable to
             owners of the parent (RM’000)         16,094           17,540          17,387         32,847

            Weighted average number of
             ordinary shares - diluted (‘000)

            Weighted average number of          10,641,956       10,560,450     10,645,906     10,637,748
             ordinary shares-basic
            Effect of unexercised employees
             share option scheme (“ESOS”)                 -               -              -                 -

                                                10,641,956       10,560,450     10,645,906     10,637,748

            Diluted earnings per share (sen)           0.15            0.17           0.16           0.31

           Total cash expected to be received in the event of an exercise of all outstanding ESOS options
           is RM517.186 million (2020: RM525.312 million). Accordingly, the Net Asset (“NA”) on a
           proforma basis will increase by RM517.186 million (2020: RM525.312 million) resulting in an
           increase in NA per share of RM0.05 (2020: RM0.05). In arriving at the diluted earnings per
           share, NA and NA per share, no income has been accrued for the cash proceeds.

By Order of the Board

Kuala Lumpur
Dated: 25 February 2021
