9008 京王 2019-11-05 15:00:00
FACT BOOK 2019-2Q [pdf]

          Keio Corporation

                       FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
                                        2nd Quarter ended September 30, 2019

                        Last five-year Summary (Consolidated)

ており、実際の業績等は様々な要因により大きく異なる可能性があります。                                             contact address

                                                                               京王電鉄株式会社 経営統括本部 経理部
                                                                               Keio Corporation
This document includes projections based on certain forecast/assumptions
made at the time of publication.                                               PHONE : 042-337-3135
                                                                               ( 証券コード:9008 www.keio.co.jp/ )
Actual performance may differ from forecast figures due to various factors.

                       Data highlights 〔Consolidated〕                                                    Segment information
営業収益 Operating revenues                                             1   営業収益 Operating revenues                                                              8
営業利益 Operating profit                                               1   営業収益の明細 Operating revenues transaction                                               9
経常利益 Ordinary profit                                                1   ・運輸業 Transportation … 9

親会社株主に帰属する当期(四半期)純利益 Profit attributable to owners of parent        1   ・流通業 Merchandise sales … 9

総資産と純資産 Total assets & Net assets                                   2   ・不動産業 Real estate … 9

利益剰余金 Retained earnings                                             2   ・レジャー・サービス業 Leisure … 9

有利子負債 Interest-bearing debt                                         2   ・その他業 Other businesses … 9

キャッシュ・フロー Cash flows                                                3   ・鉄道輸送人員(対前年増減)…10

現金及び現金同等物の期末(四半期末)残高 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period     3    Passengers transported of Railways(Change of Passengers transported of Railways)

                                                                        ・鉄道輸送人員の対前年増減率 …10

                                                                         Variation ratio against previous year of Passengers transported of Railways

                 Financial statements 〔Consolidated〕                    ・旅客運輸収入(対前年増減)…11

連結貸借対照表 Consolidated Balance Sheets                                 4    Passenger revenues of Railways(Change of Passenger revenues of Railways)

連結損益計算書 Consolidated Statements of Income                           6   ・旅客運輸収入の対前年増減率 …11

連結キャッシュ・フロー計算書 Consolidated Statements of Cash flows                7    Variation ratio against previous year of Passenger revenues of Railways

                                                                        営業利益 Operating profit                                                               12
                                                                        総資産 Total assets                                                                    12
                                                                        減価償却費 Depreciation and amortization                                                 13
                                                                        減価償却費 と 設備投資 Depreciation and amortization & Capital expenditures                   13
                                                                        EBITDA Earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization                  14
                                                                        従業員数 Numbers of employee                                                            14
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Data highlights 〔Consolidated〕
   営業収益                                                              営業利益                                                               経常利益                                                                親会社株主に帰属する当期(四半期)純利益
   Operating revenues                                                Operating profit                                                   Ordinary profit                                                     Profit attributable to owners of parent
 Billions of yen                                                    Billions of yen                                                    Billions of yen                                                    Billions of yen
 500.0                                                              45.0                                                               45.0                                                               30.0

 450.0                                                              40.0                                                               40.0
                                                                    35.0                                                               35.0

                                                                    30.0                                                               30.0                                                                20.0
                                                                    25.0                                                               25.0
 250.0                                                                                                                                                                                                     15.0
                                                                    20.0                                                               20.0
                                                                    15.0                                                               15.0                                                                10.0

                                                                    10.0                                                               10.0
  50.0                                                               5.0                                                                5.0

   0.0                                                               0.0                                                                0.0                                                                 0.0
          2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3 2020/3 2018/9 2019/9           2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3 2020/3 2018/9 2019/9            2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3 2020/3 2018/9 2019/9             2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3 2020/3 2018/9 2019/9
                                              (Plan)                                                            (Plan)                                                             (Plan)                                                              (Plan)

                                                                                      2015/3                   2016/3                 2017/3               2018/3                    2019/3              2020/3(Plan)                       2018/9   2019/9
営業収益 Operating revenues                                                            408,039                   416,254                  418,996            434,697                    447,508                  452,100                      217,690                   217,833
営業利益 Operating profit                                                                 33,845                    37,758                 37,976               38,537                    40,078                      43,300                    23,634                    23,960
経常利益 Ordinary profit                                                                  31,390                    35,066                 35,285               35,728                    39,281                      41,900                    23,763                    23,090
                                                                                      17,248                    19,468                 21,168               23,897                    27,213                      28,500                    15,124                    15,915
Profit attributable to owners of parent

                                                                                                                                                                                      Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Data highlights 〔Consolidated〕
      総資産と純資産                                                                                                         利益剰余金                                                 有利子負債
      Total assets & Net assets                                                                                       Retained earnings                                     Interest-bearing debt
    Billions of yen                                                                                                 Billions of yen                                       Billions of yen
    900.0                                                                                                           300.0                                                 360.0

    800.0                                                                    45.0%           総資産
                                                                                             Total assets           250.0
    600.0                                                                    40.0%           純資産                    200.0
                                                                                             Net assets                                                                   300.0
                                                                                                                    150.0                                                 280.0
    400.0                                                                    35.0%           自己資本比率
                                                                                             Equity ratio
    300.0                                                                                                           100.0

    200.0                                                                    30.0%                                                                                        240.0
    100.0                                                                                                                                                                 220.0

      0.0                                                                    25.0%                                    0.0                                                 200.0
              2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3 2019/9                                                                      2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3 2019/9             2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3 2019/9

                                                                                          2015/3              2016/3              2017/3                2018/3           2019/3                2019/9 増減 change
総資産 Total assets                                                                         782,422             820,177             834,682                889,135          889,341              882,335                △ 7,005
純資産 Net assets                                                                           307,726             311,818             332,020                352,241          368,022              380,680                  12,658
自己資本 Shareholders' equity                                                                307,505             311,578             331,755                351,953          367,717              380,391                  12,673
自己資本比率 Equity ratio                                                                        39.3%                38.0%                 39.7%              39.6%            41.3%                  43.1%                    1.8%
利益剰余金 Retained earnings                                                                  204,647             219,231             234,989                253,392          274,501              287,364                  12,862
有利子負債* Interest-bearing debt                                                             308,157             339,306             328,584                352,181          338,376              333,138                △ 5,238
 借入金 Loans payable                                                                       198,351             199,306             198,584                202,181          198,376              193,138                △ 5,238
 社債 Bonds payable                                                                        109,803             140,000             130,000                150,000          140,000              140,000                          -
  Long-term accounts payable to Japan railway construction,                                       2                  -                   -                   -                    -                   -                        -
  transport and technology agency
  * 有利子負債 = 借入金 + 社債 + 鉄道・運輸機構未払金
    Interest-bearing debt = Loans payable + Bonds payable + Long-term accounts payable to Japan railway construction, transport and technology agency                                                                              2
                                                                                                                                                        Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Data highlights 〔Consolidated〕
    キャッシュ・フロー                                                                                                                   現金及び現金同等物の期末(四半期末)残高
    Cash flows                                                                                                                  Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
    Billions of yen                                                                                                             Billions of yen
    100.0                                                                                                                       100.0
                                                                                                          Net cash provided
     80.0                                                                                                                        90.0
                                                                                                          by (used in)
     60.0                                                                                                 activities             80.0

                                                                                                          投資活動CF                 70.0
     40.0                                                                                                 Net cash provided
                                                                                                          by (used in)
     20.0                                                                                                 investing
      0.0                                                                                                 財務活動CF
                                                                                                          Net cash provided      40.0
                                                                                                          by (used in)
    -20.0                                                                                                 financing
    -40.0                                                                                                 EBITDA                 20.0
                                                                                                          Earning before
    -60.0                                                                                                 interest, tax,         10.0
                                                                                                          depreciation and
    -80.0                                                                                                                          0.0
                2015/3      2016/3      2017/3       2018/3       2019/3       2018/9       2019/9                                        2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3 2018/9 2019/9

                                                                                          2015/3      2016/3         2017/3     2018/3             2019/3            2018/9   2019/9
営業活動CF Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                                 51,858      54,247         49,440     62,713             60,620           36,126           30,023
投資活動CF Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                               △ 32,325    △ 55,323     △ 65,908     △ 71,267           △ 47,608        △ 29,512         △ 20,952
財務活動CF Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                               △ 26,281      25,530     △ 16,642       17,384           △ 20,376          △ 7,391          △ 8,563
EBITDA* Earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization                        69,171      73,740         73,063     74,802             76,731           41,355           41,734
                                                                                           64,724      89,180         56,067     64,469             57,934           64,522           58,442
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period
* EBITDA = 営業利益 + 減価償却費 + のれん償却額
  EBITDA = Operating profit + Depreciation and amortization + Amortization of goodwill

                                                                                                                         Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Financial statements 〔Consolidated〕
 連結貸借対照表 Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                                                                    (100万円/\-mil.)
                                                                          2015/3     2016/3    2017/3     2018/3     2019/3      2019/9 増減 change
資産の部 Assets
流動資産 Current assets                                                      133,196    165,456    140,817    150,027    148,109     145,483        △ 2,625
 現金及び預金 Cash and deposits                                                 34,744     35,059     34,577     50,988     38,963      35,471        △ 3,492
 受取手形及び売掛金 Notes and accounts receivable-trade                            33,186     34,485     39,142     39,033     45,144      36,369        △ 8,775
 有価証券 Short-term investment securities                                    30,050     54,850     21,510     13,500     19,200      23,200          3,999
 商品及び製品 Merchandise and finished goods                                    13,942     12,245     13,850     16,089     12,977      13,365            387
 仕掛品 Work in process                                                       9,698     16,658     20,540     21,976     23,031      27,912          4,880
 原材料及び貯蔵品 Raw materials and supplies                                       1,856      2,013      2,176      2,158      2,159       2,262            102
 繰延税金資産 Deferred tax assets                                                3,395      3,206      2,996         -          -           -              -
 その他 Other                                                                 6,410      6,995      6,072      6,332      6,677       6,952            275
 貸倒引当金 Allowance for doubtful accounts                                     △ 87       △ 57       △ 48       △ 51       △ 45        △ 49             △3
固定資産 Noncurrent assets                                                   649,226    654,720    693,864    739,108    741,231     736,851        △ 4,380
 有形固定資産 Property, plant and equipment                                    565,689    580,379    604,397    642,985    647,687     643,305        △ 4,382
  建物及び構築物(純額) Buildings and structures, net                              321,921    323,371    310,491    328,778    342,882     338,136        △ 4,746
  機械装置及び運搬具(純額) Machinery, equipment and vehicles, net                    33,204     33,068     31,858     38,727     36,613      34,193        △ 2,420
  土地 Land                                                                188,139    198,373    214,961    227,366    228,209     226,800        △ 1,409
  建設仮勘定 Construction in progress                                          14,230     16,413     36,902     36,872     28,413      32,720          4,306
  その他(純額) Other, net                                                       8,194      9,153     10,184     11,240     11,568      11,456         △ 112
 無形固定資産 Intangible assets                                                  9,862      9,997     10,633     11,525     14,049      12,919        △ 1,130
 投資その他の資産 Investments and other assets                                    73,674     64,343     78,833     84,596     79,494      80,626          1,132
  投資有価証券 Investment securities                                            53,695     43,811     57,025     60,131     52,968      53,951            982
  退職給付に係る資産 Net defined benefit asset                                      5,395      4,047      5,296      6,994      7,270       7,128         △ 142
  繰延税金資産 Deferred tax assets                                               7,063      8,804      8,442     10,630     12,412      12,805            392
  その他 Other                                                                7,704      7,866      8,218      6,989      6,980       6,880         △ 100
  貸倒引当金 Allowance for doubtful accounts                                   △ 185      △ 185      △ 149      △ 148      △ 139       △ 138               0
資産合計 Total assets                                                        782,422    820,177    834,682    889,135    889,341     882,335        △ 7,005

《参考》 Reference
有形固定資産の増減内訳 Increase(decrease) in property, plant and equipment
  取得 Acquired                                                            46,116      46,850     65,431     75,201     54,916     14,955
  償却 Depreciation                                                     △ 32,874     △ 33,410   △ 32,627   △ 33,270   △ 33,232   △ 16,015
  除却 Retirement                                                        △ 1,277       △ 665      △ 901      △ 660      △ 877      △ 137
  その他 Other                                                            △ 7,732        1,915    △ 7,885    △ 2,681   △ 16,104    △ 3,184
計 Total                                                                   4,231      14,689     24,017     38,588      4,702    △ 4,382
投資有価証券の評価差額の増減 Increase(decrease) in valuation difference on investment securities
                                                                          8,549    △ 11,316      5,802      1,821    △ 6,670        156
Increase(decrease) in valuation difference on investment securities
                                                                                                                       Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Financial statements 〔Consolidated〕
  連結貸借対照表 Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                                                                  (100万円/\-mil.)
                                                                       2015/3     2016/3     2017/3     2018/3     2019/3       2019/9 増減 change
負債の部 Liabilities
流動負債 Current liabilities                                               175,546    195,703    207,602    207,482    212,780     199,492        △ 13,287
 支払手形及び買掛金 Notes and accounts payable-trade                             17,478     19,424     18,547     18,061     19,058      15,859         △ 3,199
 短期借入金 Short-term loans payable                                         66,572     76,399     72,065     73,287     70,998      72,011           1,012
 1年内償還予定の社債 Current portion of bonds                                        -      10,000     20,000     10,000     20,000      20,000              -
 未払法人税等 Income taxes payable                                             4,412      8,411      6,878      6,706      6,625       8,203           1,577
 前受金 Advances received                                                  15,941     16,598     21,415     26,126     18,554      21,254           2,699
 賞与引当金 Provision for bonuses                                             2,188      2,208      2,256      2,811      2,907       5,856           2,948
 その他の引当金 Other provision                                                 2,079      2,064      2,029      1,842      1,739       1,606          △ 132
 その他 Other                                                              66,874     60,597     64,410     68,646     72,895      54,700        △ 18,194
固定負債 Noncurrent liabilities                                            299,149    312,655    295,059    329,411    308,538     302,161         △ 6,376
 社債 Bonds payable                                                      109,803    130,000    110,000    140,000    120,000     120,000              -
 長期借入金 Long-term loans payable                                         131,778    122,906    126,518    128,893    127,377     121,127         △ 6,250
 繰延税金負債 Deferred tax liabilities                                         2,598      1,824      1,807      1,764      1,762       1,762              -
 退職給付に係る負債 Net defined benefit liability                                20,236     20,565     20,742     20,935     21,266      21,411             145
 その他 Other                                                              34,732     37,359     35,990     37,817     38,132      37,860          △ 271
負債合計 Total liabilities                                                 474,696    508,358    502,661    536,893    521,319     501,654        △ 19,664
純資産の部 Net assets
株主資本 Shareholders' equity                                              286,223    300,782    316,526    334,897    355,994     368,852           12,857
 資本金 Capital stock                                                      59,023     59,023     59,023     59,023     59,023      59,023               -
 資本剰余金 Capital surplus                                                  42,009     42,010     42,010     42,010     42,011      42,011               -
 利益剰余金 Retained earnings                                               204,647    219,231    234,989    253,392    274,501     287,364           12,862
 自己株式 Treasury stock                                                  △ 19,456   △ 19,483   △ 19,497   △ 19,530   △ 19,542    △ 19,547              △5
その他の包括利益累計額 Accumulated other comprehensive income                      21,281     10,796     15,229     17,056     11,723      11,538           △ 184
 その他有価証券評価差額金 Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities     17,287      9,866     13,892     15,152     10,527      10,636              108
 為替換算調整勘定 Foreign currency translation adjustment                           11         10          9          8          8           3              △5
 退職給付に係る調整累計額 Remeasurements of defined benefit plans                    3,982        919      1,328      1,895      1,186         898           △ 288
非支配株主持分 Non-controlling interests                                          220        240        264        288        304         289            △ 14
純資産合計 Total net assets                                                 307,726    311,818    332,020    352,241    368,022     380,680           12,658
負債純資産合計 Total liabilities and net assets                               782,422    820,177    834,682    889,135    889,341     882,335         △ 7,005

                                                                                                                                                  Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Financial statements 〔Consolidated〕
  連結損益計算書 Consolidated Statements of Income                                                                                                                           (100万円/\-mil.)
                                                                         2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3                      増減 change(%)      2018/9 2019/9      増減 change(%)
連結損益計算書 Consolidated Statements of Income
営業収益 Operating revenues                                                  408,039 416,254 418,996 434,697 447,508       452,100    4,591   (1.0)    217,690 217,833      143      (0.1)
 営業費 Operating expenses                                                  374,194 378,496 381,019 396,160 407,430                                   194,055 193,873    △ 182    (△ 0.1)
  運輸業等営業費及び売上原価 Operating expenses and cost of sales of transportation   328,519 331,915 334,047 347,554 358,066                                   169,897 169,039    △ 857    (△ 0.5)
  販売費及び一般管理費 Selling, general and administrative expenses                 45,675 46,580 46,972 48,606 49,363                                        24,158 24,833       675      (2.8)
営業利益 Operating profit                                                     33,845 37,758 37,976 38,537 40,078            43,300    3,221   (8.0)     23,634 23,960       325      (1.4)
 営業外収益 Non-operating income                                                2,629   2,141   2,152   2,317   3,125                                     1,976   1,041    △ 934   (△ 47.3)
  受取利息 Interest income                                                        77      59      31     176     163                                       146      11    △ 134   (△ 91.9)
  受取配当金 Dividends income                                                   1,128   1,053   1,099   1,180   1,204                                       660     659      △0     (△ 0.1)
  匿名組合投資利益 Gain on investments in silent partnership                         439      -       -       -       -                                         -       -        -         -
  持分法による投資利益 Equity in earnings of affiliates                                 17      25      -       -       22                                        -       -        -         -
  その他 Other                                                                  967   1,003   1,021     959   1,734                                     1,169     370    △ 799   (△ 68.3)
 営業外費用 Non-operating expenses                                              5,084   4,833   4,844   5,126   3,922                                     1,847   1,911       63      (3.5)
  支払利息 Interest expenses                                                   4,669   4,297   3,955   3,702   3,431                                     1,768   1,585    △ 183   (△ 10.4)
  持分法による投資損失 Equity in losses of affiliates                                   -       -      565     129      -                                          6      42       35        -
  その他 Other                                                                  414     535     323   1,294     491                                        72     283      211        -
経常利益 Ordinary profit                                                      31,390 35,066 35,285 35,728 39,281            41,900    2,618   (6.7)     23,763 23,090     △ 672    (△ 2.8)
 特別利益 Extraordinary income                                                 5,261   6,633   4,738   3,305 18,230                                        110   1,747    1,636        -
 特別損失 Extraordinary loss                                                   9,903   9,219   8,707   3,591 17,369                                      1,171     872    △ 298   (△ 25.5)
税金等調整前当期(四半期)純利益 Profit before income taxes                               26,748 32,481 31,316 35,442 40,142                                        22,702 23,965     1,262      (5.6)
 法人税等 Income taxes                                                            -       -       -       -       -                                      7,576   8,059      483      (6.4)
 法人税、住民税及び事業税 Income taxes-current                                         9,076 11,696 11,442 11,569 12,341                                            -       -        -         -
 法人税等調整額 Income taxes-deferred                                               400   1,296 △ 1,318   △ 48      570                                        -       -        -         -
当期(四半期)純利益 Profit                                                         17,272 19,488 21,192 23,921 27,230                                        15,126 15,905       779      (5.2)
非支配株主に帰属する当期(四半期)純利益 Profit attributable to non-controlling interests        23       19       23       23       16                                     1      △9      △ 11        -
親会社株主に帰属する当期(四半期)純利益 Profit attributable to owners of parent              17,248   19,468   21,168   23,897   27,213    28,500    1,286   (4.7)     15,124   15,915     790      (5.2)

《参考》 Reference
特別利益 Extraordinary income
 工事負担金等受入額 Contribution for construction                                   4,178    2,241    1,470    1,017   14,434                                   52        32   △ 19 (△ 37.9)
 その他 Other                                                                 1,083    4,392    3,268    2,288    3,796                                   58     1,714   1,656     -
計 Total                                                                    5,261    6,633    4,738    3,305   18,230                                  110     1,747   1,636     -
特別損失 Extraordinary loss
 固定資産圧縮損 Loss on reduction of noncurrent assets                            4,628    2,206    1,469    1,935   14,382                                    33      28      △ 5 (△ 15.5)
 固定資産除却損 Loss on retirement of noncurrent assets                             626      980      803      769      998                                   330     470      140   (42.4)
 減損損失 Impairment loss                                                      3,137    5,449    5,735      743      518                                    -       -        -       -
 その他 Other                                                                 1,511      582      698      143    1,470                                   807     373    △ 433 (△ 53.7)
計 Total                                                                    9,903    9,219    8,707    3,591   17,369                                 1,171     872    △ 298 (△ 25.5)

                                                                                                                                                                Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Financial statements 〔Consolidated〕
  連結キャッシュ・フロー計算書 Consolidated Statements of Cash flows                                                                                                                              (100万円/\-mil.)
                                                                                                               2015/3     2016/3     2017/3     2018/3     2019/3     2018/9     2019/9 増減 change
税金等調整前当期(四半期)純利益 Profit before income taxes                                                                    26,748     32,481     31,316     35,442     40,142     22,702     23,965     1,262
減価償却費 Depreciation and amortization                                                                            34,921     35,577     34,681     35,860     36,248     17,518     17,571        53
減損損失 Impairment loss                                                                                            3,137      5,449      5,735        743        518         -          -         -
のれん償却額 Amortization of goodwill                                                                                   404        404        404        404        404        202        202        -
退職給付に係る負債の増減額(△は減少) Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit liability                                      △ 1,014      △ 428      △ 236      △ 155         19         -          -         -
退職給付に係る資産の増減額(△は減少) Increase (decrease) in net defined benefit asset                                          △ 1,899    △ 2,459      △ 245      △ 528      △ 985         -          -         -
固定資産除却損 Loss on retirement of noncurrent assets                                                                 1,285        669        908        662        882         -          -         -
固定資産圧縮損 Loss on reduction of noncurrent assets                                                                  4,628      2,206      1,469      1,935     14,382         -          -         -
受取利息及び受取配当金 Interest and dividends income                                                                     △ 1,206    △ 1,112    △ 1,130    △ 1,357    △ 1,368         -          -         -
支払利息 Interest expenses                                                                                          4,669      4,297      3,955      3,702      3,431         -          -         -
工事負担金等受入額 Contribution for construction                                                                       △ 4,178    △ 2,241    △ 1,470    △ 1,017   △ 14,434         -          -         -
営業債権の増減額(△は増加) Decrease (increase) in operating receivables                                                     3,035      △ 854    △ 2,590        746    △ 4,843         -          -         -
たな卸資産の増減額(△は増加) Decrease (increase) in inventories                                                            △ 2,595    △ 5,666    △ 5,952    △ 3,795        958        585    △ 5,556   △ 6,141
営業債務の増減額(△は減少) Increase (decrease) in operating debt                                                          △ 3,117      1,879      △ 347      1,067        237         -          -         -
その他 Other, net                                                                                                  2,979    △ 6,409      △ 451      3,137        △0          -          -         -
小計 Subtotal                                                                                                    67,799     63,793     66,047     76,849     75,592         -          -         -
利息及び配当金の受取額 Interest and dividends income received                                                              1,210      1,111      1,137      1,346      1,409         -          -         -
利息の支払額 Interest expenses paid                                                                                 △ 4,509    △ 4,102    △ 3,973    △ 3,786    △ 3,472         -          -         -
損害賠償金の受取額 Proceeds from damages                                                                                    -       1,909        109         -          -          -          -         -
退職加算金等の支払額 Payments for extra retirement payments and other                                                        -     △ 1,433         -          -          -          -          -         -
退店補償金の支払額 Compensation paid for tenants closing                                                                  △ 65      △ 155      △ 239      △ 105      △ 730         -          -         -
法人税等の支払額 Income taxes paid                                                                                   △ 12,575    △ 6,875   △ 13,640   △ 11,591   △ 12,179    △ 6,476    △ 6,805    △ 328
その他 Other, net                                                                                                     -          -          -          -          -       1,594        646    △ 948
営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                                           51,858     54,247     49,440     62,713     60,620     36,126     30,023   △ 6,103
有形及び無形固定資産の取得による支出 Purchase of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets                           △ 47,618   △ 50,936   △ 66,347   △ 76,528   △ 57,866   △ 35,308   △ 29,730     5,578
有形及び無形固定資産の売却による収入 Proceeds from sales of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets                     342      1,882      2,559      1,586      5,105      1,113      5,555     4,441
工事負担金等受入による収入 Proceeds from contribution received for construction                                              3,286      2,664      4,072      4,943      5,136      4,854      4,214    △ 639
投資有価証券の取得による支出 Purchase of investment securities                                                              △ 1,603    △ 1,816    △ 7,484    △ 1,434      △ 138         -          -         -
投資有価証券の売却及び償還による収入 Proceeds from sales and redemption of investment securities                                 12,545        341      1,091        196         15         -          -         -
有価証券の取得による支出 Purchase of securities                                                                                -          -     △ 7,000         -          -          -          -         -
有価証券の売却及び償還による収入 Proceeds from sales and redemption of securities                                                  -          -       7,000         -          -          -          -         -
                                                                                                                   -     △ 7,301         -          -          -          -          -         -
Purchase of investments in subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation
                                                                                                                  -          -          -          -         144         -          -          -
Proceeds from sales of shares of subsidiaries resulting in change in scope of consolidation
その他 Other, net                                                                                                    722     △ 157         199      △ 31         △4      △ 171      △ 992     △ 821
投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                                         △ 32,325   △ 55,323   △ 65,908   △ 71,267   △ 47,608   △ 29,512   △ 20,952     8,559
短期借入金の純増減額(△は減少) Net increase (decrease) in short-term loans payable                                            2,788      3,245      3,327    △ 2,659     △ 169         878     △ 136    △ 1,015
長期借入れによる収入 Proceeds from long-term loans payable                                                               11,580     10,460     15,301     18,469     13,220         -          -         -
長期借入金の返済による支出 Repayment of long-term loans payable                                                           △ 15,208   △ 12,749   △ 19,349   △ 12,212   △ 16,855    △ 4,990    △ 5,101    △ 111
社債の発行による収入 Proceeds from issuance of bonds                                                                         -      29,841         -      39,777         -          -          -         -
社債の償還による支出 Redemption of bonds                                                                               △ 20,000         -    △ 10,000   △ 20,000   △ 10,000         -          -         -
自己株式の取得による支出 Purchase of treasury stock                                                                         △ 29       △ 28       △ 14       △ 34       △ 12         △5         △5          0
配当金の支払額 Dividends paid                                                                                        △ 4,887    △ 4,883    △ 5,493    △ 5,492    △ 6,101    △ 3,052    △ 3,050         1
その他 Other, net                                                                                                 △ 524      △ 354      △ 412      △ 462      △ 458      △ 221      △ 269      △ 48
財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                                         △ 26,281     25,530   △ 16,642     17,384   △ 20,376    △ 7,391    △ 8,563   △ 1,172
現金及び現金同等物に係る換算差額 Effect of exchange rate change on cash and cash equivalents                                      △0           1        △2      △ 427         830        830          0    △ 829
現金及び現金同等物の増減額(△は減少) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                      △ 6,749     24,455   △ 33,113      8,402    △ 6,534         53        507       454
現金及び現金同等物の期首残高 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                                71,473     64,724     89,180     56,067     64,469     64,469     57,934   △ 6,534
                                                                                                                    0         -          -          -          -          -          -         -
Increase in cash and cash equivalents resulting from merger of unconsolidated subsidiaries of subsidiaries
現金及び現金同等物の期末(四半期末)残高 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                                64,724     89,180     56,067     64,469     57,934     64,522     58,442   △ 6,080
                                                                                                                  Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Segment information
 営業収益 Operating revenues

 Billions of yen
 160.0                                                                                                                    Transportation

 120.0                                                                                                                    Merchandise sales

  80.0                                                                                                                    Real estate

  60.0                                                                                                                    レジャー・サービス業

  20.0                                                                                                                    その他業
                                                                                                                          Other businesses
               2015/3   2016/3   2017/3       2018/3      2019/3      2020/3 (Plan)       2018/9         2019/9

                                                                                    (100万円/\-mil.)   (10億円/\-bil.)                   (100万円/\-mil.)
                                     2015/3      2016/3     2017/3         2018/3           2019/3    2020/3 (Plan)         2018/9           2019/9
運輸業 Transportation                  126,887     129,210     129,487       131,378          132,224           132.5          66,595            67,502
流通業 Merchandise sales               159,097     159,946     156,373       162,235          166,423           168.0          79,933            82,028
不動産業 Real estate                     37,141      37,888      41,389        44,565           50,004            51.8          23,378            20,840
レジャー・サービス業 Leisure                   70,310      74,079      75,258        77,914           80,477            79.2          40,118            38,823
その他業 Other businesses                54,072      60,845      59,796        64,616           65,191            65.2          23,785            25,725
合計 Total                            447,510     461,970     462,305       480,711          494,320           496.9         233,812           234,919
連結修正 Elimination                   △ 39,470    △ 45,715    △ 43,309      △ 46,013         △ 46,812          △ 44.8        △ 16,122         △ 17,086
連結 Consolidated                     408,039     416,254     418,996       434,697          447,508           452.1         217,690           217,833

                                                                                                                                                                                            Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Segment information
   営業収益の明細 Operating revenues transaction                                                                                                                                                                             (100万円/\-mil.)
                                                                                            2015/3               2016/3                2017/3                2018/3                2019/3                 2018/9                2019/9
運輸業 Transportation
 鉄道事業 Railways                                                                             81,908                83,776                84,558                86,057                86,179                 43,191                44,131
 バス事業 Bus services                                                                         34,547                35,327                35,035                35,667                36,542                 18,582                18,829
 タクシー業 Taxi services                                                                       12,655                12,500                13,185                12,926                13,022                  6,441                 6,183
 その他 Others                                                                                 2,728                 2,763                 2,641                 2,599                 2,646                  1,298                 1,278
 消去 Elimination                                                                           △ 4,952               △ 5,156               △ 5,933               △ 5,873               △ 6,166                △ 2,919               △ 2,920
 合計 Total                                                                                 126,887               129,210               129,487               131,378               132,224                 66,595                67,502
流通業 Merchandise sales
 百貨店業 Department stores                                                                    86,977                87,456                84,854                88,356                89,535                 42,077                43,924
 ストア業(注) Retail stores (Note)                                                              45,699                46,282                46,389                48,462                50,327                 25,003                25,205
 書籍販売業 Retail stores for books                                                              9,087                 8,198                 7,224                 6,609                 6,447                  3,119                 2,918
 ショッピングセンター事業 Shopping centers                                                             12,424                12,973                12,553                13,478                14,384                  7,201                 7,324
 その他 Others                                                                                11,751                11,730                11,603                11,618                12,130                  5,798                 5,990
 消去 Elimination                                                                           △ 6,842               △ 6,694               △ 6,251               △ 6,290               △ 6,402                △ 3,267               △ 3,334
 合計 Total                                                                                 159,097               159,946               156,373               162,235               166,423                 79,933                82,028
不動産業 Real estate
 不動産賃貸業 Land and building leasing                                                          30,240                31,966                33,951                34,743                35,497                 17,414                18,433
 不動産販売業 Development for selling by lots                                                    14,371                12,116                13,973                16,451                20,966                  9,150                 7,593
 その他 Others                                                                                 1,370                 1,483                 1,823                 2,113                 2,463                  1,190                 1,327
 消去 Elimination                                                                           △ 8,841               △ 7,678               △ 8,359               △ 8,742               △ 8,922                △ 4,376               △ 6,514
 合計 Total                                                                                  37,141                37,888                41,389                44,565                50,004                 23,378                20,840
レジャー・サービス業 Leisure
 ホテル業 Hotels                                                                               45,389                48,407                48,955               51,428                54,633                  26,421                27,462
 旅行業 Travel services                                                                       16,615                16,948                17,244               17,865                17,686                   9,944                 7,803
 広告代理業 Advertising services                                                                11,954                12,091                12,283               12,500                12,556                   5,331                 5,631
 その他 Others                                                                                 6,032                 6,275                 6,533                6,634                 6,831                   3,515                 3,444
 消去 Elimination                                                                           △ 9,681               △ 9,643               △ 9,758             △ 10,513              △ 11,231                 △ 5,093               △ 5,519
 合計 Total                                                                                  70,310                74,079                75,258               77,914                80,477                  40,118                38,823
その他業 Other businesses
 ビル総合管理業 Building maintenance                                                              21,614                22,498                23,758                25,367                25,845                  10,827               11,544
 車両整備業 Railway car maintenance                                                              8,939                 9,468                10,264                10,499                10,100                   4,065                4,041
 建築・土木業 Construction                                                                       20,238                24,222                21,479                23,335                23,730                   5,704                6,677
 その他 Others                                                                                 6,516                 7,140                 7,526                 7,838                 7,870                   3,761                4,410
 消去 Elimination                                                                           △ 3,236               △ 2,484               △ 3,231               △ 2,422               △ 2,356                  △ 572                △ 947
 合計 Total                                                                                  54,072                60,845                59,796                64,616                65,191                  23,785               25,725
  (注): 2016年4月にストア業を運営する「㈱京王ストア」と駅売店業を運営する「京王リテールサービス㈱」が合併したことに伴い、2016年度より駅売店業はストア業に含めて表示している。過年度数値についても同様の組替を行っている。
  Note: Beginning in FY2016, Retail Stores - in Stations have been included in Retail Stores in conjunction with the merger of Keio Store, which runs the Retail Stores, and Keio Retail Service, which runs the Retail Stores - in Stations,
  Note: in April 2016. Figures for previous years have been converted accordingly.
                                                                                                                                                           Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Segment information
  鉄道輸送人員(対前年増減) Passengers transported of Railways(Change of Passengers transported of Railways)                                                                   (千人/Thousands of people)
                                               2015/3                    2016/3                    2017/3                    2018/3                  2019/3                      2020/3 (Plan)
定期 Commuter-pass passengers                369,922   ( 1,340     )   383,728    ( 13,806 )   390,503   (    6,775   )    396,434   ( 5,931   )   402,729   ( 6,295   )      405,452    ( 2,723         )
 通勤 Commuter-pass passengers               277,935   ( 4,661     )   289,730    ( 11,795 )   296,359   (    6,629   )    302,563   ( 6,204   )   309,170   ( 6,607   )      312,320    ( 3,150         )
 通学 Commuter-pass passengers (Students)     91,987   ( △ 3,321   )    93,998    ( 2,011 )     94,144   (      146   )     93,871   ( △ 273   )    93,559   ( △ 312   )       93,132    ( △ 427         )
定期外 Non-commuter pass passengers           262,806   ( △ 499     )   268,612    ( 5,806 )    269,824   (    1,212   )    273,808   ( 3,984   )   275,259   ( 1,451   )      278,438    ( 3,179         )
合計 Total                                   632,728   (     841   )   652,340    ( 19,612 )   660,327   (    7,987   )    670,242   ( 9,915   )   677,988   ( 7,746   )      683,890    ( 5,902         )
                                                                                                                                                     2018/9                         2019/9
定期 Commuter-pass passengers                                                                                                                      205,947   ( 2,923 )        212,689    (     6,742     )
 通勤 Commuter-pass passengers                                                                                                                     155,368   ( 3,032 )        160,081    (     4,713     )
 通学 Commuter-pass passengers (Students)                                                                                                           50,579   ( △ 109 )         52,608    (     2,029     )
定期外 Non-commuter pass passengers                                                                                                                 136,966   (   144 )        139,226    (     2,260     )
合計 Total                                                                                                                                         342,913   ( 3,067 )        351,915    (     9,002     )

  鉄道輸送人員の対前年増減率 Variation ratio against previous year of Passengers transported of Railways
   4.0%                                                                                                                                                         合計
   3.0%                                                                                                                                                         Total
   1.0%                                                                                                                                                         定期
   0.0%                                                                                                                                                         Commuter-pass
  -2.0%                                                                                                                                                         定期外
  -3.0%                                                                                                                                                         Non-commuter pass
              2015/3          2016/3      2017/3             2018/3             2019/3        2020/3 (Plan)             2018/9            2019/9

                                                   2015/3             2016/3             2017/3            2018/3                2019/3    2020/3 (Plan)             2018/9                2019/9
定期 Commuter-pass passengers                            0.4                3.7                1.8               1.5                  1.6              0.7                   1.4                   3.3
 通勤 Commuter-pass passengers                           1.7                4.2                2.3               2.1                  2.2              1.0                   2.0                   3.0
 通学 Commuter-pass passengers (Students)              △ 3.5                2.2                0.2            △ 0.3                 △ 0.3            △ 0.5                 △ 0.2                   4.0
定期外 Non-commuter pass passengers                     △ 0.2                2.2                0.5               1.5                  0.5              1.2                   0.1                   1.7
合計 Total                                               0.1                3.1                1.2               1.5                  1.2              0.9                   0.9                   2.6

                                                                                                                                                                    Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Segment information
  旅客運輸収入(対前年増減) Passenger revenues of Railways(Change of Passenger revenues of Railways)                                                                                                   (100万円/\-mil.)
                                               2015/3                    2016/3                         2017/3                    2018/3                      2019/3                      2020/3 (Plan)
定期 Commuter-pass passengers                 33,479   ( △ 113 )        34,480    (     1,000   )    35,146   (     665    )     35,782   (       636   )    35,852   (    69   )       35,916   (       64   )
 通勤 Commuter-pass passengers                29,872   (    39 )        30,792    (       919   )    31,449   (     657    )     32,099   (       649   )    32,264   (   165   )       32,376   (      112   )
 通学 Commuter-pass passengers (Students)      3,607   ( △ 152 )         3,688    (        80   )     3,696   (       8    )      3,683   (     △ 12    )     3,587   ( △ 96    )        3,540   (     △ 47   )
定期外 Non-commuter pass passengers            44,801   (    94 )        45,832    (     1,030   )    46,071   (     238    )     46,751   (       680   )    46,407   ( △ 344   )       46,657   (      249   )
合計 Total                                    78,281   ( △ 19 )         80,313    (     2,031   )    81,217   (     903    )     82,534   (     1,317   )    82,259   ( △ 275   )       82,573   (      314   )
                                                                                                                                                              2018/9                        2019/9
定期 Commuter-pass passengers                                                                                                                                18,171   (    19   )       18,655   (      483   )
 通勤 Commuter-pass passengers                                                                                                                               16,231   (    68   )       16,643   (      411   )
 通学 Commuter-pass passengers (Students)                                                                                                                     1,940   ( △ 49    )        2,012   (       72   )
定期外 Non-commuter pass passengers                                                                                                                           23,087   ( △ 327   )       23,404   (      316   )
合計 Total                                                                                                                                                   41,259   ( △ 308   )       42,059   (      800   )

  旅客運輸収入の対前年増減率 Variation ratio against previous year of Passenger revenues of Railways
   4.0%                                                                                                                                                                  合計
   3.0%                                                                                                                                                                  Total
   1.0%                                                                                                                                                                  定期
   0.0%                                                                                                                                                                  Commuter-pass
  -2.0%                                                                                                                                                                  定期外
  -3.0%                                                                                                                                                                  Non-commuter pass
              2015/3          2016/3      2017/3             2018/3                 2019/3         2020/3 (Plan)             2018/9               2019/9

                                                   2015/3             2016/3                 2017/3             2018/3                2019/3       2020/3 (Plan)              2018/9               2019/9
定期 Commuter-pass passengers                          △ 0.3                3.0                     1.9              1.8                      0.2               0.2                   0.1               2.7
 通勤 Commuter-pass passengers                           0.1                3.1                     2.1              2.1                      0.5               0.3                   0.4               2.5
 通学 Commuter-pass passengers (Students)              △ 4.1                2.2                     0.2            △ 0.3                 △ 2.6                △ 1.3                 △ 2.5               3.7
定期外 Non-commuter pass passengers                       0.2                2.3                     0.5              1.5                 △ 0.7                  0.5                 △ 1.4               1.4
合計 Total                                             △ 0.0                2.6                     1.1              1.6                 △ 0.3                  0.4                 △ 0.7               1.9

                                                                                                                                                           Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Segment information
 営業利益 Operating profit                                                                                       総資産 Total assets
 Billions of yen                                                                                             Billions of yen
16.0                                                                                 運輸業                     1,000.0                                                その他業
                                                                                     Transportation                                                                 Other businesses
14.0                                                                                                          900.0

12.0                                                                                 流通業                      800.0                                                 レジャー・サービス業
                                                                                     Merchandise sales        700.0                                                 Leisure
                                                                                     不動産業                     600.0                                                 不動産業
 8.0                                                                                 Real estate              500.0                                                 Real estate
 6.0                                                                                                          400.0
                                                                                     レジャー・サービス業                                                                     流通業
                                                                                     Leisure                  300.0                                                 Merchandise sales
 2.0                                                                                 その他業                                                                           運輸業
                                                                                     Other businesses                                                               Transportation
 0.0                                                                                                             0.0
        2015/3     2016/3   2017/3   2018/3   2019/3   2020/3    2018/9   2019/9                                        2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3

営業利益 Operating profit                                                                                                  (100万円/\-mil.)     (10億円/\-bil.)                       (100万円/\-mil.)
                                                             2015/3            2016/3              2017/3     2018/3             2019/3    2020/3 (Plan)             2018/9             2019/9
運輸業 Transportation                                           12,279            15,089              14,118     13,516             14,710             15.1             10,516             11,434
流通業 Merchandise sales                                         4,809             4,724               4,389      4,113              5,138              5.4              2,477              2,588
不動産業 Real estate                                              9,616             8,633               9,318      9,445              9,433             10.0              5,288              4,971
レジャー・サービス業 Leisure                                            5,641             6,016               6,784      7,206              6,983              7.6              4,245              3,350
その他業 Other businesses                                         2,295             4,347               3,936      5,410              5,247              5.9              1,071              1,666
合計 Total                                                     34,642            38,811              38,548     39,692             41,514             44.2             23,600             24,012
連結修正 Elimination                                              △ 797           △ 1,052               △ 571    △ 1,155            △ 1,435           △ 0.9                  33               △ 52
連結 Consolidated                                              33,845            37,758              37,976     38,537             40,078             43.3             23,634             23,960

総資産 Total assets                                                                                                       (100万円/\-mil.)
                                                             2015/3             2016/3              2017/3    2018/3             2019/3
運輸業 Transportation                                          378,200            381,730             388,748   402,581            399,461
流通業 Merchandise sales                                       100,685             98,173              98,960   108,133            108,949
不動産業 Real estate                                            159,933            180,948             191,385   207,722            211,015
レジャー・サービス業 Leisure                                          101,454            110,654             125,691   136,503            151,271
その他業 Other businesses                                        26,849             34,737              31,969    30,577             36,579
合計 Total                                                    767,123            806,244             836,754   885,517            907,277
連結修正 Elimination                                             15,299             13,933             △ 2,072     3,617           △ 17,936
連結 Consolidated                                             782,422            820,177             834,682   889,135            889,341                                                          12
                                                                                                                                                       Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Segment information
  減価償却費 Depreciation and amortization                                                    減価償却費と設備投資 Depreciation and amortization & Capital expenditures
  Billions of yen                                                                       Billions of yen                                                          その他業
 40.0                                                              その他業                  100.0                                                                   Other businesses
                                                                   Other businesses
 35.0                                                                                                                                                            レジャー・サービス業
                                                                   レジャー・サービス業             80.0                                                                   Leisure
                                                                                          60.0                                                                   Real estate
 20.0                                                              Real estate                                                                                   流通業
 15.0                                                                                     40.0                                                                   Merchandise sales
 10.0                                                              Merchandise sales                                                                             運輸業
                                                                                          20.0                                                                   Transportation
  5.0                                                              運輸業
                                                                   Transportation                                                                                減価償却費
  0.0                                                                                      0.0                                                                   Depreciation and
        2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3 2019/3 2018/9 2019/9                                   2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3 2020/3 2018/9 2019/9        amortization
                                            (Plan)                                                                                    (Plan)

減価償却費 Depreciation and amortization                                                                                 (100万円/\-mil.)   (10億円/\-bil.)                     (100万円/\-mil.)
                                                          2015/3           2016/3      2017/3             2018/3            2019/3     2020/3 (Plan)            2018/9              2019/9
運輸業 Transportation                                        23,828           23,392      22,372             23,313            23,212              22.4            11,240              10,928
流通業 Merchandise sales                                      4,029            4,131       3,918              3,943             4,108               4.2             2,010               1,984
不動産業 Real estate                                           3,723            4,592       4,529              4,502             4,488               4.6             2,164               2,296
レジャー・サービス業 Leisure                                         3,125            3,342       3,752              4,014             4,363               4.8             2,072               2,314
その他業 Other businesses                                        405              309         330                346               371               0.5               178                 208
合計 Total                                                  35,112           35,768      34,902             36,120            36,543              36.7            17,666              17,732
連結修正 Elimination                                           △ 190            △ 190       △ 220              △ 259             △ 295            △ 0.3              △ 147               △ 160
連結 Consolidated                                           34,921           35,577      34,681             35,860            36,248              36.3            17,518              17,571

設備投資 Capital expenditures                                                                                           (100万円/\-mil.)   (10億円/\-bil.)                     (100万円/\-mil.)
                                                          2015/3           2016/3      2017/3              2018/3           2019/3     2020/3 (Plan)            2018/9              2019/9
運輸業 Transportation                                        23,215           22,181      22,730              32,829           24,360              34.8             6,323               6,446
流通業 Merchandise sales                                      5,063            4,931       9,274              11,795            3,191               5.5               685               1,277
不動産業 Real estate                                           3,415           11,604      10,064              19,061           11,605              34.7             1,476               2,996
レジャー・サービス業 Leisure                                         5,124            7,683      18,416               9,546           16,276              21.9             7,526               2,769
その他業 Other businesses                                      8,813              605       1,055                 500              661               1.6               144                  42
合計 Total                                                  45,632           47,006      61,542              73,733           56,096              98.7            16,156              13,532
連結修正 Elimination                                           △ 722            △ 608         251             △ 1,112            △ 949            △ 1.5              1,871               1,693
連結 Consolidated                                           44,909           46,397      61,793              72,621           55,146              97.2            18,027              15,226   13
                                                                                                                                                     Keio Corporation FACT BOOK 2019-2Q
Segment information
  EBITDA Earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization                      従業員数 Numbers of employee
  Billions of yen                                                                          Persons
 90.0                                                              その他業                   7,000                                                              運輸業
                                                                   Other businesses                                                                          Transportation
                                                                                          6,000                                                              流通業
 70.0                                                              レジャー・サービス業
                                                                                                                                                             Merchandise sales
                                                                   Leisure                5,000
 60.0                                                                                                                                                        不動産業
 50.0                                                              不動産業                   4,000                                                              Real estate
                                                                   Real estate
 40.0                                                                                                                                                        レジャー・サービス業
                                                                                          3,000                                                              Leisure
 30.0                                                              流通業
                                                                   Merchandise sales      2,000                                                              その他業
 20.0                                                                                                                                                        Other businesses
 10.0                                                              運輸業                    1,000                                                              全社
  0.0                                                                                                                                                        Corporate
        2015/3 2016/3 2017/3 2018/3 2019/3 2020/3 2018/9 2019/9                                      2015/3   2016/3     2017/3    2018/3    2019/3

EBITDA Earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization                                                (100万円/\-mil.)    (10億円/\-bil.)                          (100万円/\-mil.)
                                                          2015/3           2016/3      2017/3            2018/3           2019/3     2020/3 (Plan)             2018/9              2019/9
運輸業 Transportation                                        36,107           38,482      36,491            36,829           37,923              37.6             21,757              22,362
流通業 Merchandise sales                                      8,839            8,855       8,308             8,057            9,246               9.6              4,488               4,573
不動産業 Real estate                                          13,744           13,630      14,253            14,352           14,326              15.1              7,656               7,471
レジャー・サービス業 Leisure                                         8,766            9,359      10,536            11,221           11,346              12.5              6,317               5,664
その他業 Other businesses                                      2,700            4,656       4,266             5,756            5,619               6.4              1,249               1,875
合計 Total                                                  70,159           74,984      73,856            76,217           78,462              81.3             41,469              41,946
連結修正 Elimination                                           △ 987          △ 1,243       △ 792           △ 1,414          △ 1,731            △ 1.2               △ 114               △ 212
連結 Consolidated                                           69,171           73,740      73,063            74,802           76,731              80.1             41,355              41,734

従業員数 Numbers of employee                                                                                             (人/Persons)
                                                          2015/3           2016/3      2017/3            2018/3           2019/3
運輸業 Transportation                                         6,473            6,433       6,358             6,320            6,255
流通業 Merchandise sales                                      1,613            1,492       1,559             1,586            1,849
不動産業 Real estate                                             347              391         415               447              457
レジャー・サービス業 Leisure                                         2,010            2,091       2,176             2,183            2,255
その他業 Other businesses                                      2,039            2,075       2,093             2,169            2,190
全社 Corporate                                                 295              309         324               335              336
連結 Consolidated                                           12,777           12,791      12,925            13,040           13,342