9007 小田急 2019-02-08 13:15:00
2019年3月期 第3四半期決算説明資料 [pdf]

2019年3⽉期 第3四半期
Results for the First Three Quarters of FY2018
             ending March 31, 2019

                February 8, 2019
   Consolidated Statement of Income

        単位:百万円                        2017年度 第3四半期                      2018年度 第3四半期                           増減                                               摘要
         Millions of yen            First Three Quarters of FY2017    First Three Quarters of FY2018          Change                                          Summary

                                                                                                                                 運輸業                  Transportation           135,442(+2,359)
営業収益                                                 383,027                           388,731
                                                                                                                 +5,704          流通業                  Merchandising            158,328 (△473)
Revenue from operations                                                                                           (+1.5%)        不動産業                 Real Estate               44,777(+2,662)
                                                                                                                                 その他の事業               Other Businesses          76,537 (+993)
                                                                                                                                 運輸業                  Transportation            27,483(△1,245)
営業利益                                                   45,097                            43,966
                                                                                                                 △1,131          流通業                  Merchandising              2,001(△1,271)
Operating income                                                                                                  (△2.5%)        不動産業                 Real Estate               10,197(+1,728)
                                                                                                                                 その他の事業               Other Businesses           4,139 (△345)
                                                                                                                                 営業外収益                Non-operating income       4,458  (+93)
経常利益                                                   43,440                            42,674
                                                                                                                    △765         営業外費⽤                Non-operating expenses     5,749 (△272)
Ordinary income                                                                                                   (△1.8%)

                                                                                                                                 固定資産売却益                                           515       (△906)
特別利益                                                     1,793                                924                   △869
                                                                                                                                 Gain on sale of property and equipment
Extraordinary profit

                                                                                                                                 固定資産除却損(賃貸物件改修等)                                2,559(+1,735)
特別損失                                                     2,642                             3,197                    +555
                                                                                                                                 Loss on disposal of property and equipment
                                                                                                                                 (Maintenance work of leasing assets, etc.)
Extraordinary loss

四半期純利益                                                                                                           △1,531
                                                       29,507                            27,976
Net income attributable to owners                                                                                 (△5.2%)
of parent

(Change from previous year) Revenue from operations rose due to an increase in revenues from segments other than Merchandising. However, operating income, ordinary income, and net income
attributable to owners of parent decreased due to an increase in expenses in Transportation.

  2                                                                                                            Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 Consolidated Balance Sheets

                 単位:百万円                                        2017年度※                       2018年度 第3四半期                                  増減                                           摘要
                   Millions of yen                                 FY2017                   First Three Quarters of FY2018                Change                                       Summary

                                                                                                                                                               現⾦及び預⾦ △22,683
    流動資産                                                                 145,468                              135,020                      △10,448             Cash and time deposits
    Current assets

    固定資産                                                             1,149,029                            1,150,404                          +1,374
    Noncurrent assets

    資産合計                                                             1,294,498                            1,285,424                          △9,073
    Total assets

    流動負債                                                                 388,091                              366,834                      △21,256
    Current liabilities

    固定負債                                                                 539,829                              535,537                        △4,292
    Long-term liabilities

                                                                                                                                                               有利⼦負債              △9,242
    負債合計                                                                 927,920                              902,371                      △25,548             Interest-bearing debt
    Total liabilities

                                                                                                                                                               利益剰余⾦              +20,728
    純資産合計                                                                366,577                              383,052                      +16,475             Retained earnings
    Net assets

    負債純資産合計                                                          1,294,498                            1,285,424                          △9,073
    Total liabilities and net assets

※ 「 『税効果会計に係る会計基準』 の⼀部改正 」(企業会計基準第28号                                                            2018年2⽉16⽇)等の適⽤に伴い、2017年度末の数値に対し組み替え等をしています。
 Accompanying the application of “Partial Amendments to Accounting Standard for Tax Effect Accounting, etc.” (ASBJ Statement No. 28, February 16, 2018), the figures as of the end of FY2017 have been restated.

3                                                                                                                        Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
   Segment Information (Transportation)
営業損益等                      Selected Financial Data
        単位:百万円                         2017年度 第3四半期                        2018年度 第3四半期                               増減                                               摘要
         Millions of yen             First Three Quarters of FY2017      First Three Quarters of FY2018              Change                                          Summary

                                                                                                                                         鉄道業                Railways           102,244     (+1,653)
営業収益                                                   133,082                             135,442                      +2,359           バス業                Busses              29,270        (+704)
Revenue from operations                                                                                                   (+1.8%)
                                                                                                                                         その他                Others               7,254        (+179)
                                                                                                                                         鉄道業                Railways            24,957     (△1,075)
営業利益                                                     28,729                              27,483                     △1,245           バス業                Busses               1,751        (△152)
Operating income                                                                                                          (△4.3%)
                                                                                                                                         その他                Others               1,140        (+131)

(Change from previous year) Revenue rose on factors including an increase in commuter and non-commuter passengers in the Railway Business as a result of a diagram revision accompanying
construction of multiple double tracks coupled with strong performance from bus operations. However, income fell due to an increase in depreciation and other expenses in the Railway Business, among
other factors.

  4                                                                                                              Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
 Segment Information (Transportation)
[ 参考 Reference ]
 箱根地区各社輸送⼈員(対前年)                         Number of passengers carried by Group companies in Hakone area (Change from First Three Quarters of FY2017)

 箱根登⼭鉄道(鉄道)                                  Hakone Tozan Railway (Railway)                                                 △3.4%
 箱根登⼭鉄道(ケーブルカー)                              Hakone Tozan Railway (Cable car)                                               △1.5%
 箱根ロープウェイ                                    Hakone Ropeway                                                                 +2.7%
 箱根観光船                                       Hakone Sightseeing Cruise                                                      △0.2%
 箱根登⼭バス(乗合業)                                 Hakone Tozan Bus                                                               △0.1%

フリーパス売上枚数(対前年)                       Freepass unit sales (Change from First Three Quarters of FY2017)

 箱根フリーパス                                     Hakone Freepass                                                                △1.7%
 江の島・鎌倉フリーパス                                 Enoshima-Kamakura Freepass                                                   +10.7%

当社鉄道事業営業費          Railway Business operating expenses of Odakyu Electric Railway Co.,Ltd.

                  単位:百万円                                              2017年度 第3四半期                        2018年度 第3四半期                              増減
                   Millions of yen                                   First Three Quarters of FY2017     First Three Quarters of FY2018             Change

 営業費 合計           Total                                                                  66,681                             69,277                          +2,595
    ⼈件費            Personnel expenses                                                     20,745                             20,763                             +18
    修繕費            Repair expenses                                                          4,945                              4,975                            +29
    動⼒費            Power costs                                                              3,949                              4,436                          +487
    固定資産除却費        Property and equipment disposal expenses                                    545                                817                         +271
    減価償却費          Depreciation                                                           16,825                             17,633                           +808
    その他            Others                                                                 19,669                             20,649                           +980
5                                                                                               Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
  Segment Information (Transportation)

当社鉄道事業運輸成績                               Results of Railway Business of Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd.
① 輸送⼈員              Number of passengers carried

              単位:千⼈                          2017年度 第3四半期                     2018年度 第3四半期                             増減                                   摘要
                Thousands                   First Three Quarters of FY2017   First Three Quarters of FY2018            Change                             Summary

定期                                                                                                                                        通勤       Work commuters     +1.9%
                                                             356,800                          360,529                       +1.0%
Commuter                                                                                                                                  通学       School commuters   △0.9%

定期外                                                          217,946                          221,801                       +1.8%

合計                                                           574,746                          582,330                       +1.3%

② 運輸収⼊              Revenue

             単位:百万円                          2017年度 第3四半期                     2018年度 第3四半期                             増減                                  摘要
             Millions of yen                First Three Quarters of FY2017   First Three Quarters of FY2018           Change                             Summary

定期                                                                                                                                        通勤       Work commuters     +1.9%
                                                               35,530                           36,050            +519          (+1.5%)
Commuter                                                                                                                                  通学       School commuters   △1.0%

定期外                                                            53,023                           54,046         +1,023           (+1.9%)

旅客運輸収⼊計                                                        88,553                           90,097         +1,543           (+1.7%)
Revenues from passenger transportation

運輸雑収                                                             2,752                            2,860           +107          (+3.9%)
Miscellaneous revenues

運輸収⼊合計                                                         91,306                           92,957         +1,650           (+1.8%)
Total revenues from transportation
 6                                                                                                    Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
   Segment Information (Transportation)
当社鉄道事業 1⽇平均乗降⼈員 対前年増減率(単位:%)
Average number of passengers per day of Odakyu Electric Railway Co.,Ltd.(year-on-year percentage change) (unit:%)
      全線          17年度 4〜9⽉                10⽉         11⽉      12⽉ 4〜12⽉                 センター・永⼭※ 17年度 4〜9⽉                          10⽉        11⽉         12⽉ 4〜12⽉                            新宿           17年度 4〜9⽉               10⽉         11⽉          12⽉ 4〜12⽉
  Entire Line      FY2017      Apr.-Sep.   Oct.        Nov.     Dec.     Apr.-Dec.       Center/Nagayama       FY2017     Apr.-Sep.   Oct.        Nov.       Dec.      Apr.-Dec.               Shinjuku        FY2017     Apr.-Sep.    Oct.         Nov.        Dec.       Apr.-Dec.
通勤定期                 +1.4        +1.6       +2.7       +2.1     +2.1        +1.9         通勤定期                   +1.2        +4.1      +7.1         +6.8      +7.3           +5.1
                                                                                                                                                                                        通勤定期                      +1.9      +2.4           +3.9      +3.2          +3.4       +2.8
Work commuters                                                                           Work commuters                                                                                 Work commuters
定期外                  +0.6        +0.8      +6.2        +2.6     +2.3        +1.8         定期外                    △0.3        △2.6      +5.4        +0.4       △0.9           △1.2
                                                                                                                                                                                        定期外                       +1.2      +3.2           +7.7      +4.3          +4.8       +4.0
Non-commuter                                                                             Non-commuter                                                                                   Non-commuter

                                                                                                           ※ ⼩⽥急多摩センター Odakyu Tama Center
      町⽥          17年度 4〜9⽉                10⽉         11⽉      12⽉ 4〜12⽉                                    ⼩⽥急永⼭ Odakyu Nagayama                                  代々⽊上原 17年度 4〜9⽉                               10⽉       11⽉        12⽉ 4〜12⽉
   Machida         FY2017      Apr.-Sep.   Oct.        Nov.     Dec.     Apr.-Dec.                                                                                  Yoyogi-Uehara      FY2017      Apr.-Sep.      Oct.       Nov.          Dec.     Apr.-Dec.
通勤定期                 +0.6        +0.6       +1.8       +1.0     +0.8        +0.8                                                                                通勤定期
Work commuters                                                                                                                                                                          +2.2           +5.1        +6.9       +6.1         +6.2        +5.5
                                                                                                                                                                Work commuters
定期外                  +0.1        △0.7      +5.2        +1.0     +0.4       +0.2                                                                                 定期外
Non-commuter                                                                                                                                                                            +3.4           +3.3        +9.3       +6.0         +4.4        +4.4

   海⽼名            17年度 4〜9⽉                10⽉         11⽉      12⽉ 4〜12⽉                            ●     ●                                 世⽥⾕地区 17年度 4〜9⽉                           10⽉          11⽉           12⽉ 4〜12⽉
      Ebina        FY2017      Apr.-Sep.   Oct.        Nov.     Dec.     Apr.-Dec.                                                           Setagaya Area   FY2017        Apr.-Sep.    Oct.          Nov.        Dec.     Apr.-Dec.
                                                                                                   唐 多 永 は 黒 栗 五
通勤定期                 +1.4        +1.4       +2.1       +1.3     +1.0        +1.4                   木 摩 山 る 川 平 月                         通勤定期
Work commuters
                                                                                                                                                               +1.8          +2.8       +3.5           +3.2       +3.1          +3.0
                                                                                                                                         Work commuters
                                                                                                   田 セ   ひ     台
定期外                  +1.4        +2.3      +8.1        +3.9     +2.3        +3.1                     ン   野                               定期外
                                                                                                                                                               +0.9          +2.0       +5.6           +3.8       +4.3          +2.8

                                                                                   ●                            ●                                               ●      ●     ●     ●   ●      ●   ●       ●   ●   ●         ●          ●                        ●

          小 足 蛍 富 栢 開 新 渋 秦 東                             鶴 伊 愛 本 厚 海 座 相 小                               相 町 玉 鶴 柿                    新 百 読 生 向 登 和 狛 喜 成 祖
                                                                                                                                               ヶ                                                  千 経 豪 梅 世 下 東 代
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ヶ                                         代 参 南 新
          田 柄 田 水 山 成 松 沢 野 海                             巻 勢 甲 厚 木 老 間 武 田                               模 田 川 川 生                    百 合 売 田
                                                                                                                                         ヶ       戸 泉 江 多 城 師
                                                                                                                                                           ヶ                                      歳 堂 徳   田 北 北 々                                 々 宮 新 宿
          原           田     大                             温 原 石 木   名   台 急                               大   学                        合   ラ   丘   多   見 学                                        船   寺 丘 谷 沢 沢 木                                 木 橋 宿
                            学                             泉   田         前 相                               野   園                        ケ 丘 ン   遊   摩     園 谷                                      橋       代     上                                 八
                            前                                             模                                   前                        丘   ド   園   川     前 大                                              田     原                                 幡
                                                                          原                                                                前               蔵
                                                                                                                         登⼾           17年度 4〜9⽉              10⽉           11⽉         12⽉ 4〜12⽉                                                    千代田線
                                                                                                                        Noborito      FY2017     Apr.-Sep.    Oct.          Nov.       Dec.       Apr.-Dec.                                         Chiyoda Line
                        片      鵠 本 藤 藤 善 六 湘 長 高 桜 大 鶴 南 中 東
                        瀬      沼 鵠 沢 沢 行 会 南 後 座   和 間 林 央 林                                                      通勤定期                 +0.6         +0.9      +2.1           +2.2      +2.1           +1.3
                        江      海 沼   本   日 台   渋 丘     間 林 間                                                      Work commuters
                        ノ      岸     町   大     谷         間                                                        定期外                  △0.2         +4.9     +11.0           +7.5      +7.8           +6.2
                        島                前                                                                        Non-commuter

                中央林間            17年度 4〜9⽉              10⽉      11⽉        12⽉ 4〜12⽉                                    下北沢           17年度 4〜9⽉              10⽉           11⽉         12⽉ 4〜12⽉
                Chuo-Rinkan      FY2017    Apr.-Sep.    Oct.     Nov.       Dec.       Apr.-Dec.                    Shimo-Kitazawa    FY2017     Apr.-Sep.    Oct.          Nov.       Dec.       Apr.-Dec.
              通勤定期                 +0.9      +0.0        +0.5    △0.0        +0.4         +0.1                      通勤定期               △0.4         +1.1      +2.8           +1.9       +2.2           +1.5
              Work commuters                                                                                        Work commuters
              定期外                  △1.5      △0.1       +6.8      +2.3       +2.2        +1.2                       定期外                +2.4         +3.9      +6.0           +3.7       +3.9           +4.1                                複々線区間
              Non-commuter                                                                                          Non-commuter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Multiple double track section

  7                                                                                                                                                      Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
   Segment Information (Merchandising)
営業損益等                      Selected Financial Data

        単位:百万円                             2017年度 第3四半期                       2018年度 第3四半期                                増減                                                    摘要
         Millions of yen                  First Three Quarters of FY2017    First Three Quarters of FY2018                Change                                              Summary

                                                                                                                                              百貨店業                  Department Stores     107,356        (△3,756)
営業収益                                                       158,801                            158,328                            △473         ストア・⼩売業               Stores and retail       50,205        (△863)
Revenue from operations                                                                                                         (△0.3%)
                                                                                                                                              その他                   Others                       5,986   (+3,998)
                                                                                                                                              百貨店業                  Department Stores            2,621   (△428)
営業利益                                                           3,272                               2,001                     △1,271           ストア・⼩売業               Stores and retail             131     (△101)
Operating income                                                                                                                (△38.8%)      その他                   Others                         26      (+19)
                                                                                                                                              調整額                   Adjustments                  △777     (△760)

【対前年】百貨店業において、 ㈱⼩⽥急百貨店新宿店での訪⽇外国⼈客による免税売上の増加や、前期に実施した連結⼦会社化による増収があったものの、
 (Change from previous year) Revenue fell due to factors including the impact of closing of sales floors due to renewal construction at the Odakyu Department Store Co., Ltd. Machida Store and
Fujisawa Store, despite an increase in duty-free sales to foreign visitors to Japan at the Odakyu Shinjuku Store and a revenue increase attributable to consolidation of a subsidiary in FY2017. Income fell
because of factors including an additional amortization of goodwill associated with a consolidated subsidiary.

[ 参考 Reference ]
百貨店業 店別売上⾼(対前年)                                                                                   ストア・⼩売業                       ⼩⽥急商事                ストア部⾨ (対前年)
Department store sales by store (Change from First Three Quarters of FY2017)                      Stores and retail : Odakyu Shoji store division (Change from First Three Quarters of FY2017)
      新宿店        Shinjuku Store                                                  +3.2%                     営業収益            Revenue from operations                                                       +2.4%
        店頭       Excluding corporate business                                    +3.8%                             既存店売上⾼                 Sales of existing stores                                       +1.3%
      町⽥店        Machida Store                                                 △12.6%
      藤沢店        Fujisawa Store                                                △27.7%             Revenue increase due to consolidation of subsidiaries in FY2017 (Change from First Three Quarters of FY2017)
                                                                                                          株式会社ジェネリックコーポレーション                                             営業収益:                   +0.7億円
                     3店計          Total                                          △3.6%                    Generic Corporation Co., Ltd.                                  Revenue from operations:
                                                                                                                                                                                               +70 million yen
                                                                                                          株式会社⽩鳩                                                         営業収益:                   +40億円
                                                                                                          Shirohato Co., Ltd.                                            Revenue from operations:
                                                                                                                                                                                               +4.0 billion yen
                                                                                                         * 流通業の「その他」に計上                                                      8
                                                                                                                                          Recorded under “Others” in the Merchandising segment

  8                                                                                                                  Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
   Segment Information (Real Estate)
営業損益等                       Selected Financial Data

        単位:百万円                          2017年度 第3四半期                          2018年度 第3四半期                             増減                                                  摘要
          Millions of yen              First Three Quarters of FY2017       First Three Quarters of FY2018             Change                                          Summary

                                                                                                                                          分譲業                Sales               17,041       (+1,823)
営業収益                                                       42,115                                 44,777                  +2,662          賃貸業                Leasing             31,162           (△22)
Revenue from operations                                                                                                     (+6.3%)
                                                                                                                                          調整額                Adjustments         △3,426         (+861)
                                                                                                                                          分譲業                Sales                   722      (+1,598)
営業利益                                                          8,468                               10,197                  +1,728          賃貸業                Leasing             10,207           (+64)
Operating income                                                                                                          (+20.4%)

(Change from previous year) Both revenue and income rose due to factors including an increase in sales of renovated properties in central Tokyo, despite a decrease in the number of homes sold in Real
Estate Sales.

[ 参考 Reference ]
  分譲業 販売⼾数(⼩⽥急不動産)                                     Odakyu Real Estate unit sales

                                                 2017年度                    2018年度
             単位:⼾・区画                             第3四半期                     第3四半期                      増減
              Residences/sections             First Three Quarters of   First Three Quarters of      Change
                                                      FY2017                    FY2018

      ⼾     建    Detached house                                 52                        51                  △1
      マンション              Condominium                          105                         41                 △64
      ⼟     地    Land                                           25                        17                  △8
      合     計    Total                                        182                       109                  △73
  9                                                                                                               Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
   Segment Information (Other Businesses)
営業損益等                      Selected Financial Data

        単位:百万円                          2017年度 第3四半期                           2018年度 第3四半期                               増減                                                摘要
         Millions of yen              First Three Quarters of FY2017         First Three Quarters of FY2018               Change                                       Summary
                                                                                                                                              ホテル業            Hotels                23,507         (+284)
営業収益                                                       75,543                               76,537                         +993           レストラン業          Restaurants           15,481           (+0)
Revenue from operations                                                                                                       (+1.3%)         その他             Others                41,935         (+748)
                                                                                                                                              ホテル業            Hotels                     790       (△292)
営業利益                                                         4,484                                4,139                        △345           レストラン業          Restaurants                377       (+170)
Operating income                                                                                                              (△7.7%)
                                                                                                                                              その他             Others                  3,073        (△258)

(Change from previous year) Revenue rose due to factors including the revenue contribution from properties opened in FY2017 in Hotels and an increase in orders for large projects in the building
management and maintenance business. However, income fell as a result of higher personnel expenses and other expenses in Hotels.

[ 参考 Reference ]
  ホテル業 客室稼働率                          Hotel business occupancy rate

                                                2017年度                 2018年度                                                                          2017年度                 2018年度
            シティホテル                              第3四半期                  第3四半期                増減                箱根地区リゾートホテル                              第3四半期                  第3四半期                増減
                City Hotels                   First Three Quarters   First Three Quarters   Change                Hakone area resort hotels          First Three Quarters   First Three Quarters   Change
                                                   of FY2017              of FY2018                                                                       of FY2017              of FY2018
 ハイアット リージェンシー 東京                                                                                         ⼭のホテル
 Hyatt Regency Tokyo
                                                     85.0%                  88.3%           +3.3P         Hotel de Yama
                                                                                                                                                            83.1%                  80.6%           △2.5P
 ホテルセンチュリーサザンタワー                                                                                          箱根ハイランドホテル
 Hotel Century Southern Tower
                                                     93.4%                  93.5%           +0.1P         Hakone Highland Hotel
                                                                                                                                                            83.2%                  83.8%           +0.6P
                                                                                                          ホテルはつはな                                           91.7%                  84.4%           △7.3P
                                                                                                          Hotel Hatsuhana

  10                                                                                                               Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Consolidated Operations (by Segment)

                単位:百万円                           2017年度 第3四半期                          2018年度 第3四半期                                   増減
                 Millions of yen                First Three Quarters of FY2017        First Three Quarters of FY2018                 Change

     運輸業                     Transportation                         133,082                               135,442                             +2,359

     流通業                     Merchandising                          158,801                               158,328                                △473
業    不動産業                    Real Estate                              42,115                                44,777                            +2,662
収    その他の事業                  Other Businesses                         75,543                                76,537                               +993
     調整額                     Adjustments                           △26,515                               △26,354                                 +161

     合計 Total revenue from operations                               383,027                               388,731                             +5,704

     運輸業                     Transportation                           28,729                                27,483                            △1,245

     流通業                     Merchandising                              3,272                                 2,001                           △1,271
業    不動産業                    Real Estate                                8,468                               10,197                            +1,728
利    その他の事業                  Other Businesses                           4,484                                 4,139                              △345
     調整額                     Adjustments                                    143                                   145                                +2

     合計 Total operating income                                        45,097                                43,966                            △1,131

11                                                                                Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
[Reference]Inbound-Related Data

     Odakyu Sightseeing Service Center (Change from First Three Quarters of FY2017)
     利⽤者数 Number of visitors                                                      +52.3%                       2018年2⽉および3⽉に窓⼝の増設等を実施
                                                                                                            (Reference) Implementation of an increase in the number of service counters
                                                                                                                        in Shinjuku Station in February and March 2018
     *乗⾞券等の購⼊者                         Ticket purchasers

     ⼩⽥急百貨店(対前年)                                   Odakyu Department Store (Change from First Three Quarters of FY2017)
     2018年度第3四半期                         (2018年3⽉〜2018年11⽉)First Three Quarters of FY2018(03/2018~11/2018)
                                                                                                                                     (Reference)Result of December 2018

      免税売上⾼ Tax-free sales                                                        +30.6%                                                         +13.9%

       *新宿店における実績                             Shinjuku Store results

<その他の事業>Other Businesses
 シティホテル 外国⼈⽐率
     Ratio of foreign guests at city hotels

                                                                                      2017年度 第3四半期                        2018年度 第3四半期                              増減
                                                                                     First Three Quarters of FY2017   First Three Quarters of FY2018               Change

     ハイアット リージェンシー 東京                                                                                    76.2%                            78.9%                             +2.7P
     Hyatt Regency Tokyo

                                                                                                         69.5%                            70.5%                             +1.0P
     Hotel Century Southern Tower
12                                                                                                            Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
    Forecast of Consolidated Operations

     単位:百万円                      2017年度               2018年度                  増減                                              摘要                                   10⽉時点⾒込                    増減
       Millions of yen             FY2017               FY2018               Change                                          Summary                                                         Change
                                                                                                                                                                      at Oct. 2018
                                                                                             運輸業               Transportation           179,400      (+3,216)

営業収益                                                                         +5,339          流通業                                        211,400      (△3,079)                              +1,400
                                  524,660              530,000                                                                                                         528,600
Revenue from operations                                                        (+1.0%)       不動産業              Real Estate               71,800      (+3,221)                                   (0.3%)
                                                                                             その他の事業            Other Businesses         105,900        (+876)
                                                                                             運輸業               Transportation            29,800      (+1,677)

営業利益                                51,464               52,000                 +535         流通業                                          3,800        (△847)                                         -
Operating income                                                               (+1.0%)       不動産業              Real Estate               13,000        (+461)                                   (0.0%)
                                                                                             その他の事業            Other Businesses           5,200        (△767)
                                                                                             営業外収益             Non-operating income       4,500        (△565)
経常利益                                47,891               48,700                 +808         営業外費⽤                                        7,800        (△838)                                         -
                                                                                                               Non-operating expenses
Ordinary income                                                                (+1.7%)                                                                                                          (0.0%)

当期純利益                               29,328               31,000              +1,671                                                                                      31,000                       -
Net income attributable to
owners of parent
                                                                               (+5.7%)                                                                                                          (0.0%)

減価償却費                               45,347               46,800              +1,452                                                                                      46,800                       -

設備投資額                               68,288               95,400           +27,111                                                                                        95,400                       -
Capital investments

有利⼦負債残⾼                           719,197              736,300            +17,102                                                                                      736,300                        -
Interest-bearing debt

(Change from previous year) Revenue from operations and operating income will increase, due in part to a forecast of higher revenue for all businesses except for Merchandising. Ordinary income and net
income attributable to owners of parent will increase as a result of a forecast decrease in non-operating expenses.
(Change from October forecast ) Revenue from operations has been revised upward in light of a forecast of higher-than expected revenue from Transportation, Merchandising, and Real Estate. Operating
income remains unchanged in light of a forecast of lower-than-expected income from Merchandising. Accordingly, ordinary income and net income attributable to owners of parent remain unchanged.

  13                                                                                                              Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
   Forecast of Consolidated Operations by Segment(Transportation)
営業損益等                   Selected Financial Data

      単位:百万円                   2017年度             2018年度     増減                                 摘要                            10⽉時点⾒込                      増減
      Millions of yen            FY2017            FY2018    Change                            Summary                           at Oct. 2018

                                                                         鉄道業        Railways      135,500     (+2,116)
営業収益                             176,183           179,400   +3,216      バス業        Busses         38,800       (+861)             179,100                    +300
Revenue from operations                                        (+1.8%)                                                                                       (+0.2%)
                                                                         その他        Others          9,500       (+409)
                                                                         鉄道業        Railways       27,800     (+2,195)
営業利益                               28,122           29,800   +1,677      バス業        Busses          1,300       (△565)               29,600                   +200
Operating income                                               (+6.0%)                                                                                       (+0.7%)
                                                                         その他        Others          1,100       (+167)

減価償却費                              29,686           30,800   +1,113                                                                  30,800                          -

設備投資額                              43,428           47,000   +3,571                                                                  47,000                          -
Capital investments

                                                                         (Change from previous year) Both revenue and income are expected to increase due to factors
                                                                         including an expected increase in commuter and non-commuter passengers in Railways as a
                                                                         result of a diagram revision accompanying construction of multiple double tracks coupled with
                                                                         expected strong performance from bus operations.
                                                                         (Change from October forecast ) In Railways, revenue from operations has been revised upward
                                                                         on a forecast of greater-than-expected impact from a diagram revision accompanying
                                                                         construction of multiple double tracks, among other factors. Operating income has been revised
                                                                         upward in light of a forecast of a decrease in fuel oil costs and other expenses in Busses.

 14                                                                               Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
  Forecast of Consolidated Operations by Segment (Transportation)

当社鉄道事業運輸成績予想                                Forecast of Railway Business of Odakyu Electric Railway Co.,Ltd.
① 輸送⼈員             Number of passengers carried

               単位:千⼈                              2017年度               2018年度                      増減                                  摘要
                 Thousands                         FY2017                FY2018                    Change                             Summary

                                                                                                                      通勤                         +2.1%
定期                                                    465,889               472,347                     +1.4%
                                                                                                                              Work commuters

Commuter                                                                                                              通学      School commuters   △0.5%

定期外                                                   289,439               293,795                     +1.5%

合計                                                    755,328               766,142                     +1.4%

② 運輸収⼊              Revenue

              単位:百万円                              2017年度               2018年度                      増減                                  摘要
               Millions of yen                     FY2017                FY2018                    Change                             Summary

                                                                                                                      通勤                          +2.3%
定期                                                      46,871                47,744           +873         (+1.9%)
                                                                                                                              Work commuters

Commuter                                                                                                              通学      School commuters    △0.5%

定期外                                                     70,451                71,690        +1,239          (+1.8%)

旅客運輸収⼊計                                               117,322                119,435        +2,113          (+1.8%)
Revenues from passenger transportation

運輸雑収                                                        3,895                 3,883         △11         (△0.3%)
Miscellaneous revenues

運輸収⼊合計                                                121,217                123,319        +2,101          (+1.7%)
Total revenues from transportation
 15                                                                                  Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
   Forecast of Consolidated Operations by Segment(Merchandising)
営業損益等                     Selected Financial Data

       単位:百万円                       2017年度                     2018年度                  増減                                     摘要                                   10⽉時点⾒込                     増減
        Millions of yen                 FY2017                    FY2018               Change                               Summary                                                           Change
                                                                                                                                                                      at Oct. 2018
                                                                                                    百貨店業          Department Stores   143,500       (△7,030)
営業収益                                   214,479                   211,400               △3,079       ストア・⼩売業 Stores and retail          67,000       (△1,448)           211,200                   +200
Revenue from operations                                                                 (△1.4%)                                                                                                 (+0.1%)
                                                                                                    その他     Others                       8,200      (+5,521)
                                                                                                    百貨店業          Department Stores      3,500        (△585)
営業利益                                        4,647                     3,800              △847       ストア・⼩売業 Stores and retail              300        (△241)                4,200                △400
Operating income                                                                       (△18.2%)                                                                                                 (△9.5%)
                                                                                                    その他     Others                           -          (△25)

減価償却費                                       3,731                     3,700               △31                                                                               3,700                       -

設備投資額                                       2,873                     8,900            +6,026                                                                               8,900                       -
Capital investments

[ 参考      Reference ]
前期に実施した連結⼦会社化による増収額(対前年)                                                                                る売場閉鎖の影響等を⾒込み減収・減益。
Revenue increase due to consolidation of subsidiaries in FY2017 (Change from FY2017)                     (Change from previous year) Both revenue and income are expected to decrease as a result of
                                                                                                        factors including the anticipated impact of closing of sales floors due to renewal construction at
    株式会社ジェネリックコーポレーション                                           営業収益:                +1億円              the Odakyu Department Store Co., Ltd. Machida Store and Fujisawa Store, despite a revenue
                                                                 Revenue from operations:               increase from consolidation of a subsidiary in FY2017.
    Generic Corporation Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     +0.1 billion yen   【対10⽉時点⾒込】営業収益は、ストア・⼩売業において、㈱セブン&
    株式会社⽩鳩                                                       営業収益:                +55億円             アイ・ホールディングスとの業務提携による店舗転換効果が想定を上回る
    Shirohato Co., Ltd.                                          Revenue from operations:
                                                                                     +5.5 billion yen
                                                                     16                                 貨店町⽥店および藤沢店のリニューアル⼯事に係る費⽤の増加などを⾒込
* 流通業の「その他」に計上                 Recorded under “Others” in the Merchandising segment
                                                                                                        (Change from October forecast ) Revenue from operations has been revised upward in light of
                                                                                                        expected greater-than-anticipated impact from store conversion due to the operating alliance
                                                                                                        with Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd. in Stores and Retail. Operating income has been revised
                                                                                                        downward in light of an expected increase in expenses related to renewal construction at the
                                                                                                        Odakyu Department Store Co., Ltd. Machida Store and Fujisawa Store.

  16                                                                                                             Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
   Forecast of Consolidated Operations by Segment(Real Estate)
営業損益等                   Selected Financial Data

      単位:百万円                     2017年度              2018年度            増減                                摘要                               10⽉時点⾒込                        増減
      Millions of yen             FY2017              FY2018          Change                            Summary                                                         Change
                                                                                                                                             at Oct. 2018
                                                                                  分譲業         Sales         35,700       (+3,357)
営業収益                               68,578              71,800         +3,221      賃貸業         Leasing       41,600         (△394)                70,900                     +900
Revenue from operations                                                 (+4.7%)                                                                                           (+1.3%)

                                                                                  分譲業         Sales           1,700         (+875)
営業利益                               12,538              13,000            +461     賃貸業         Leasing       11,900         (△610)                12,800                     +200
Operating income                                                        (+3.7%)                                                                                           (+1.6%)

減価償却費                                8,837               8,900            +62                                                                       8,900                            -

設備投資額                              17,337              30,000         +12,662                                                                    30,000                              -
Capital investments

[ 参考 Reference ]
  分譲業 販売⼾数(⼩⽥急不動産) Odakyu Real Estate unit sales                                  (Change from previous year) Both revenue and income will increase because of a forecast
                                                                                  increase in sales of renovated properties in central Tokyo and other factors, despite a forecast
                                                                                  decrease in the number of homes sold in Real Estate Sales.
         単位:⼾・区画                     2017年度           2018年度           増減         【対10⽉時点⾒込】 営業収益・営業利益ともに、不動産分譲業における都
        Residences/sections            FY2017           FY2018        Change      ⼼のリノベーション物件の販売計画⾒直しにより上⽅修正。
                                                                                  (Change from October forecast ) Both revenue from operations and operating income have been
                                                                                  revised upward in light of revision of the sales plan for renovated properties in central Tokyo in
 ⼾     建   Detached house                       87             121       +34      Real Estate Sales.

 マンション             Condominium             271                 134      △137
 ⼟     地   Land                                 42               49         +7
 合     計   Total                           400                 304       △96

 17                                                                                        Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
   Forecast of Consolidated Operations by Segment (Other Businesses)
営業損益等                   Selected Financial Data

      単位:百万円                   2017年度             2018年度      増減                                   摘要                           10⽉時点⾒込                     増減
      Millions of yen            FY2017            FY2018     Change                          Summary                                                      Change
                                                                                                                                   at Oct. 2018
                                                                          ホテル業            Hotels        31,100      (+424)
営業収益                             105,023           105,900       +876     レストラン業 Restaurants            20,600      (+176)           105,900                        -
Revenue from operations                                         (+0.8%)                                                                                         (0.0%)
                                                                          その他    Others                 60,400      (+707)
                                                                          ホテル業            Hotels           500      (△456)
営業利益                                5,967             5,200      △767     レストラン業 Restaurants               500      (+347)               5,200                      -
Operating income                                               (△12.9%)                                                                                         (0.0%)
                                                                          その他    Others                  4,600      (△427)

減価償却費                               3,333             3,600      +266                                                                    3,600                      -

設備投資額                               4,649             9,500   +4,850                                                                     9,500                      -
Capital investments

                                                                          (Change from previous year) Revenue is expected to increase because of factors including the
                                                                          expected contribution from revenue from properties opened in FY2017 in Hotels and a forecast
                                                                          increase in orders for large projects in the building management and maintenance business.
                                                                          However, income is expected to decrease due in part to a forecast increase in personnel
                                                                          expenses and other expenses in Hotels.
                                                                          (Change from October forecast ) Revenue from operations and operating income remain

 18                                                                                Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Forecast of Consolidated Operations (by Segment)

              単位:百万円                       2017年度          2018年度                 増減                 10⽉時点⾒込                     増減
              Millions of yen               FY2017          FY2018                Change            Forecast at Oct. 2018        Change

     運輸業                Transportation       176,183         179,400                +3,216                  179,100                   +300

     流通業                Merchandising        214,479         211,400                △3,079                  211,200                   +200
業    不動産業               Real Estate            68,578          71,800               +3,221                    70,900                  +900
収    その他の事業             Other Businesses     105,023         105,900                   +876                 105,900                        -
     調整額                Adjustments         △39,603         △38,500                 +1,103                 △38,500                         -

     合計 Total revenue from operations        524,660         530,000                +5,339                  528,600                +1,400

     運輸業                Transportation         28,122          29,800               +1,677                    29,600                  +200

     流通業                Merchandising           4,647           3,800                  △847                     4,200                 △400
業    不動産業               Real Estate            12,538          13,000                  +461                   12,800                  +200
利    その他の事業             Other Businesses        5,967           5,200                  △767                     5,200                      -
     調整額                Adjustments                  189             200                   +10                      200                    -

     合計 Total operating income                 51,464          52,000                  +535                   52,000                       -

19                                                                     Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
     Figures about company’s business plans, future forecasts and strategies other than historical facts are forward-
     looking statements reflecting management’s view.
     Please note, since the forward-looking statements are based on information currently available, the actual results may
     differ from these forecasts.

20                                                                         Copyright 2019 Odakyu Electric Railway Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.