8303 新生銀 2019-07-31 15:30:00
四半期データブック2019年6月末 [pdf]

  新生銀行(東証: 8303)
Shinsei Bank (TSE: 8303)

  四半期データブック 2019年6月末

Quarterly Data Book for the Fiscal Year
         Ended June 30, 2019
目次                                    頁    Contents                                                                       Page
Section 1. 新生銀行 連結財務関連データ             1    Section 1. Shinsei Bank Consolidated P/L and B/S Data                           1
  財務の概要                               1      Results of Operations                                                         1
   業務粗利益                              1          Total Revenue                                                             1
   経費                                 1          General and Administrative Expenses                                       1
   与信関連費用                             1          Net Credit Costs                                                          1
   のれん及び無形資産償却額                       1          Amortization of Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets                      1
   その他利益                              1          Other Gains                                                               1
   非支配株主に帰属する四半期純利益                   1          Profit Attributable to Noncontrolling Interests                           1
  資金運用/調達(リース・割賦売掛金を含む)の状況 (平均残高)     2      Interest-Earning Assets and Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Average Balance)    2
  資金運用/調達(リース・割賦売掛金を含む)の状況 (利息)       3      Interest-Earning Assets and Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Interest)           3
  資金運用/調達(リース・割賦売掛金を含む)の状況 (利回り(%))   4      Interest-Earning Assets and Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Yield/Rate (%))     4
  資金調達内訳                              4      Overall Funding Composition                                                   4
  連結貸借対照表                             5      Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                   5
  連結損益計算書                             6      Consolidated Statements of Income                                             6
  連結包括利益計算書                           6      Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income                               6
  買入金銭債権                              7      Other Monetary Claims Purchased                                               7
  金銭の信託                               7      Monetary Asset Held in Trust                                                  7
  有価証券                                7      Securities                                                                    7
  有価証券保有区分別残高                         7      Securities by Category                                                        7
  業種別貸出内訳                             8      Loans by Borrower Industry                                                    8
  無形固定資産                              8      Intangible Assets                                                             8
  繰越欠損金(納税主体ベース)                      8      Tax Loss Carryforwards (Taxable Entity Basis)                                 8
  1株当たり配当金(円)                         8      Dividends Per Share (JPY)                                                     8
  リスク管理債権                             9      Risk Monitored Loans                                                          9
  子会社別連結リスク管理債権                       9      Consolidated Risk Monitored Loans by Subsidiary                               9
  貸倒引当金                               9      Reserve for Credit Losses                                                     9
  預金期末残高                              9      Deposits and Negotiable Certificates of Deposits (NCDs)                       9

Section 2. 新生銀行 連結セグメント別データ           10   Section 2. Shinsei Bank Consolidated Business Line Data                         10
  Section 2.1 セグメント別業務粗利益             10     Section 2.1 Business Line Total Revenue                                       10
  法人業務 業務粗利益                          10     Institutional Business Total Revenue                                          10
  個人業務 業務粗利益                          10     Individual Business Total Revenue                                             10
  経営勘定/その他 業務粗利益                      11     Corporate/Other Total Revenue                                                 11
  経費                                  11     General and Administrative Expenses                                           11
  実質業務純益                              11     Ordinary Business Profit                                                      11
  与信関連費用                              12     Net Credit Costs                                                              12
  与信関連費用加算後 実質業務純益                    12     Ordinary Business Profit after Net Credit Costs                               12

 Section 2.2 セグメント別主要データ              13     Section 2.2 Business Line Key Data                                            13
 法人業務 営業性資産                           13     Institutional Business Operating Assets                                       13
 個人業務 営業性資産                           13     Individual Business Operating Assets                                          13
                                              Section 3. Shinsei Bank Consolidated Financial Ratios, Capital Adequacy and Per Share
Section 3. 連結財務諸比率、自己資本、1株当たり数値、格付け情報他   14                                                                                           14
                                              Data, and Credit Ratings
 財務比率                                    14     Financial Ratios                                                                      14
 自己資本関連情報(バーゼルⅢ、国内基準)                    14     Capital Adequacy Data (Basel Ⅲ, Domestic Standard)                                    14
 参考情報                                    14     Reference                                                                             14
 1株当たり数値(円)                              14     Per Share Data (JPY)                                                                  14
 株式数                                     14     Share Data                                                                            14
 格付け(新生銀行)                               15     Credit Ratings (Shinsei Bank)                                                         15
 格付け(昭和リース)                              15     Credit Ratings (Showa Leasing)                                                        15
 格付け(新生証券)                               15     Credit Ratings (Shinsei Securities)                                                   15
 格付け(アプラスフィナンシャル)                        15     Credit Ratings (APLUS FINANCIAL)                                                      15
 格付け(新生フィナンシャル)                          15     Credit Ratings (Shinsei Financial)                                                    15
 連結対象会社数                                 16     Subsidiaries and Affiliates Data                                                      16
 その他主要データ                                16     Other Key Data                                                                        16

Section 4. 無担保ローン事業主要計数                  17   Section 4.Unsecured Loan Business Data                                                  17
  レイク事業主要計数                                     Lake Business Summary of Major Business Information
  無担保ローン(レイク事業)                          17     Unsecured Personal Loan (Lake Business)                                               17
  店舗・チャネル(レイク事業)                         17     Number of Branches and Channels (Lake Business)                                       17
  年齢別残高構成比(レイク事業)                        17     Balance by Age (Lake Business)                                                        17
  性別、既婚・未婚別残高構成比(レイク事業)                  17     Balance by Gender and Marital Status (Lake Business)                                  17
  実行残高別残高構成比(レイク事業)                      17     Balance by Amount of Origination (Lake Business)                                      17
  年収別残高構成比(レイク事業)                        17     Balance by Annual Income (Lake Business)                                              17
  貸出金利帯別残高(レイク事業)                        18     Breakdown of Loans by Lending Rates (Lake Business)                                   18
  債務者区分別残高(レイク事業)                        18     Balance by Obligor Classification (Lake Business)                                     18

 ノーローン主要計数                               19    NOLOAN Summary of Major Business Information                                           19
 無担保ローン(ノーローン)                           19    Unsecured Loans (NOLOAN)                                                               19
 成約率(ノーローン)                              19    Approval Rate (NOLOAN)                                                                 19
 店舗・チャネル(ノーローン)                          19    Number of Branches and Channels (NOLOAN)                                               19
 貸出金利帯別残高(ノーローン)                         19    Balance by Obligor Classification (NOLOAN)                                             19
 年齢別残高構成比(ノーローン)                         20    Balance by Age (NOLOAN)                                                                20
 性別、既婚・未婚別残高構成比(ノーローン)                   20    Balance by Gender and Marital Status (NOLOAN)                                          20
 実行残高別残高構成比(ノーローン)                       20    Balance by Amount of Origination (NOLOAN)                                              20
 年収別残高構成比(ノーローン)                         20    Balance by Annual Income (NOLOAN)                                                      20

 利息返還関連                                  21    Grey Zone Related Information                                                          21
 利息返還関連(新生フィナンシャル)                       21    Grey Zone Related Information (Shinsei Financial)                                      21
 利息返還関連(ノーローン)                           21    Grey Zone Related Information (NOLOAN)                                                 21
 利息返還関連(アプラスフィナンシャル)                     21    Grey Zone Related Information (APLUS FINANCIAL)                                        21

Section 5. 主要子会社の財務データ他                  22   Section 5. Subsidiaries' Financial and Business Data                                    22
新生フィナンシャルの、銀行の勘定科目体系に組替後の、連結損益計算書、       22   Shinsei Financial Consolidated P/L and B/S Data, after reclassification to              22
貸借対照表データ(新生銀行への連結会計処理前)                       conform to Bank's Financial Statements, before Consolidating to Shinsei Bank
  連結損益計算書                                22     Consolidated Statements of Income                                                     22
  連結貸借対照表                                22     Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                           22
株式会社アプラスフィナンシャルの、銀行の勘定科目体系に組替後の、          APLUS FINANCIAL Consolidated P/L and B/S Data, after reclassification to conform to
                                     23                                                                                                    23
連結損益計算書、貸借対照表データ(新生銀行への連結会計処理前)           Bank's Financial Statements, before Consolidating to Shinsei Bank
 連結損益計算書                             23    Consolidated Statements of Income                                                               23
 連結貸借対照表                             23    Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                                     23
 アプラスフィナンシャル開示の連結データ                 24    APLUS FINANCIAL Consolidated Data Disclosure                                                    24
 連結損益の概要                             24    Summary of Income Statement                                                                     24
 営業債権残高                              25    Account Receivables                                                                             25
 顧客数                                 25    Number of Customers (Thousands)                                                                 25
 店舗・チャネル                             25    Number of Branches and Channels                                                                 25
 平均貸出金利                              25    Average Lending Rates                                                                           25
 融資残高内訳                              26    Breakdown of Loan Receivables                                                                   26
 延滞残高、比率                             26    Balance and Ratio of Delinquent Unsecured Personal Loans                                        26
 加重平均借入金利                            26    Weighted Average Funding Rate                                                                   26
 1口座あたり残高(千円)                        26    Credit Outstanding Per Account (Thousands of Yen)                                               26
 年齢別残高構成比                            26    Balance by Age                                                                                  26
 性別残高構成比                             26    Balance by Gender                                                                               26
 実行残高別残高構成比                          26    Balance by Amount of Origination                                                                26

昭和リース株式会社の、銀行の勘定科目体系に組替後の、連結損益計算書、        Showa Leasing Consolidated P/L and B/S Data, after reclassification to conform to
                                     27                                                                                                    27
貸借対照表データ(新生銀行への連結会計処理前)                   Bank's Financial Statements, before Consolidating to Shinsei Bank
 連結損益計算書                             27    Consolidated Statements of Income                                                               27
 連結貸借対照表                             27    Consolidated Balance Sheets                                                                     27

Section 6. 新生銀行 単体財務関連データ            28   Section 6. Shinsei Bank Nonconsolidated P/L and B/S Data                                         28
  単体損益の概要                            28     Results of Operations (Nonconsolidated)                                                        28
  単体損益計算書                            28     Nonconsolidated Statements of Operations                                                       28
  与信関連費用 (単体)                        28     Net Credit Costs (Nonconsolidated)                                                             28
  資金運用/調達の状況(平均残高)(単体)               29     Interest-Earning Assets and Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Average Balance) (Nonconsolidated)   29
  資金運用/調達の状況(利息)(単体)                 29     Interest-Earning Assets and Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Interest) (Nonconsolidated)          29
  資金運用/調達の状況(利回り(%))(単体)             29     Interest-Earning Assets and Interest-Bearing Liabilities (Yield/Rate (%)) (Nonconsolidated)    29
  単体貸借対照表                            30     Nonconsolidated Balance Sheets                                                                 30
  リスク管理債権(単体)                        31     Risk Monitored Loans (Nonconsolidated)                                                         31
  業種別貸出残高(単体)                        31     Loans by Borrower Industry (Nonconsolidated)                                                   31
  業種別リスク管理債権残高(単体)                   32     Risk Monitored Loans by Borrower Industry (Nonconsolidated)                                    32
                                            Coverage Ratios for Non-Performing Claims Disclosed
 金融再生法の開示基準に基づく債権と保全率(単体)            32                                                                                                    32
                                            under the Financial Revitalization Law (Nonconsolidated)
 貸倒引当金(単体)                           32     Reserve for Credit Losses (Nonconsolidated)                                                    32
 債務者区分別の引当率(単体)                      33     Reserve Ratios for Borrowers' Category (Nonconsolidated)                                       33

  (参考)                               34         (Reference)                                                                                33
  換算為替レート                            34         Exchange Rate Information                                                                  33
Section 1. 新生銀行 連結財務関連データ                                                     Section 1. Shinsei Bank Consolidated P/L and B/S Data                                                                                                                未監査(単位:10億円) Unaudited (Billions of Yen)
財務の概要*                                                                        Results of Operations*                                                                              2017.7-9     2017.10-12        2018.1-3       2018.4-6        2018.7-9 2018.10-12 2019.1-3      2019.4-6
業務粗利益                                                                         Total Revenue                                                                                           58.0           58.9            57.1           56.9             57.8     58.1        56.8        57.5
  資金利益                                                                           Net Interest Income                                                                                  32.2           32.5            31.9           33.4             32.8     33.8        33.6        33.3
  非資金利益                                                                          Noninterest Income                                                                                   25.7           26.3            25.1           23.4             24.9     24.3        23.2        24.1
    役務取引等利益                                                                          Net Fees and Commissions                                                                          5.8            7.2             6.2            6.5              8.0      8.4         8.3         7.7
    特定取引利益                                                                           Net Trading Income                                                                                1.4            2.3             2.7            0.6              1.1      2.1         2.7         2.2
    その他業務利益                                                                          Net Other Business Income                                                                        18.4           16.8            16.0           16.1             15.8     13.7        12.1        14.1
      うちリース収益・割賦収益                                                                      Income on Leased Assets and Installment Receivables, Net                                       9.1            9.2             9.1            9.1              9.0      9.6         9.7         9.7
経費                                                                            General and Administrative Expenses                                                                    -35.7          -35.4           -35.4          -34.8            -36.1    -35.6       -38.1       -36.2
  人件費                                                                            Personnel Expenses                                                                                  -14.2          -13.8           -13.7          -13.7            -13.9    -13.7       -14.0       -14.0
  物件費                                                                            Nonpersonnel expenses                                                                               -21.4          -21.5           -21.6          -21.0            -22.1    -21.8       -24.0       -22.1
    店舗関連費用                                                                           Premises Expenses                                                                                -5.1           -5.0            -4.9           -4.7             -4.9     -4.8        -5.0        -4.8
    通信・データ費、システム費                                                                    Technology and Data Processing Expenses                                                          -5.1           -5.1            -5.2           -5.1             -5.8     -6.0        -6.2        -6.3
    広告費                                                                              Advertising Expenses                                                                             -2.8           -2.7            -2.4           -2.7             -2.6     -2.6        -2.8        -2.6
    消費税・固定資産税等                                                                       Consumption and Property Taxes                                                                   -2.1           -2.3            -2.5           -2.2             -2.4     -2.3        -3.3        -2.3
    預金保険料                                                                            Deposit Insurance Premium                                                                        -0.4           -0.4            -0.4           -0.4             -0.4     -0.4        -0.4        -0.3
    その他                                                                              Other General and Administrative Expenses                                                        -5.7           -5.7            -6.0           -5.7             -5.7     -5.4        -6.3        -5.6
実質業務純益                                                                        Ordinary Business Profit                                                                                22.3           23.5            21.6           22.0             21.6     22.5        18.7        21.3
与信関連費用                                                                        Net Credit Costs                                                                                       -10.7          -10.0            -7.3          -10.7             -3.6     -6.6        -8.2        -4.9
  貸出金償却・債権処分損                                                                    Losses on Write-Off of Loans / Losses on Sale of Loans                                               -0.3           -0.0             0.0           -0.0             -0.2     -0.0        -0.0        -0.0
  貸倒引当金繰入                                                                        Net Provision of Reserve for Loan Losses                                                            -11.6          -11.5            -9.3          -12.2             -4.8     -8.4        -9.6        -6.5
    一般貸倒引当金繰入                                                                        Net Provision of General Reserve for Loan Losses                                                 -8.0           -6.6            -6.3           -6.9             -1.2     -5.8        -3.1        -6.9
    個別貸倒引当金繰入                                                                        Net Provision of Specific Reserve for Loan Losses                                                -3.6           -4.9            -3.0           -5.3             -3.6     -2.5        -6.4         0.3
    特定海外債権引当勘定繰入                                                                     Net Provision of Reserve for Loan Losses to Restructuring Countries                               0.0              -               -              -                -        -           -           -
  リース業務関連のその他与信関連費用                                                              Other Credit Costs Relating to Leasing Business                                                      -0.0           -0.5             0.2            0.0             -0.1     -0.0        -0.1         0.0
  償却債権取立益                                                                        Recoveries of Written-off Claims                                                                      1.3            2.1             1.8            1.4              1.6      1.8         1.6         1.6
与信関連費用加算後実質業務純益                                                               Ordinary Business Profit after Net Credit Costs                                                         11.6           13.4            14.3           11.3             17.9     15.8        10.5        16.3
のれん及び無形資産償却額(グロス)                                                             Amortization of Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets                                                    -1.1           -0.8            -0.8           -0.8             -0.8     -0.5        -0.5        -0.5
  新生フィナンシャル                                                                      Shinsei Financial                                                                                    -0.6           -0.3            -0.3           -0.3             -0.3        -        -0.0        -0.0
  新生パーソナルローン                                                                     Shinsei Personal Loan                                                                                 0.0            0.0             0.0            0.0              0.0      0.0         0.0         0.0
  アプラスフィナンシャル                                                                    APLUS FINANCIAL                                                                                         -              -               -              -             -0.0        -           -           -
  昭和リース                                                                          Showa Leasing                                                                                        -0.6           -0.6            -0.6           -0.5             -0.5     -0.6        -0.6        -0.5
  その他                                                                            Others                                                                                                0.0            0.0             0.0            0.0              0.0      0.0         0.0         0.0
その他利益                                                                         Other Gains                                                                                              4.2           -0.0             2.3            0.1              1.8      0.1        -0.3        -0.4
  特別損益                                                                           Extraordinary Income                                                                                 -0.7           -0.2            -0.5           -0.0             -0.1     -0.1        -0.4        -0.4
    固定資産処分損益                                                                         Net Gain on Disposal of Premises and Equipment                                                   -0.0           -0.0             0.5           -0.0             -0.0     -0.0        -0.0        -0.0
    その他の特別利益                                                                         Other Extraordinary Income                                                                       -0.7           -0.2            -1.1           -0.0             -0.1     -0.1        -0.4        -0.4
  利息返還損失引当金繰入                                                                    Net provisions of Reserve for Losses on Interest Repayment                                            3.9              -             2.1              -              1.7        -         0.5           -
    新生フィナンシャル                                                                        Shinsei Financial                                                                                 3.9              -             7.8              -              1.5        -         4.0           -
    新生パーソナルローン                                                                       Shinsei Personal Loan                                                                               -              -            -2.7              -              0.1        -        -0.0           -
     アプラスフィナンシャル                                                                     APLUS FINANCIAL                                                                                     -              -            -3.0              -                -        -        -3.5           -
  その他                                                                            Other                                                                                                 1.1            0.2             0.7            0.1              0.1      0.3        -0.4        -0.0
税金等調整前四半期純利益                                                                  Income before Income Taxes                                                                              14.7           12.5            15.9           10.5             18.9     15.4         9.6        15.3
法人税、住民税及び事業税                                                                  Current Income Tax                                                                                       0.6           -2.5             1.8           -1.6              0.7     -1.5        -1.4        -2.5
法人税等調整額                                                                       Deferred Income Tax                                                                                     -1.1            0.6            -1.9            0.0             -1.0      0.0         2.3        -0.7
非支配株主に帰属する四半期純利益                                                              Profit Attributable to Noncontrolling Interests                                                         -0.0           -0.1             0.0            0.0             -0.0     -0.0         0.2         0.0
親会社株主に帰属する四半期純利益                                                              Profit Attributable to Owners of the Parent                                                             14.1           10.5            15.8            9.0             18.5     13.8        10.7        12.1
注記: 1. 連結損益計算書における営業経費と経営管理ベースの経費(上記テーブル並びに以下の頁)の差は、退職給付費用の一部やその他で臨時費用等とみなされるものによる。
Note: 1. The difference between "General and Administrative Expenses" in Consolidated Statements of Operations and "General and Administrative Expenses" under management accounting basis, which is used in the table above and following pages,
         is mainly related to expenses associated with a portion of retirement and other lump-sum compensation expenses.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         未監査(単位:10億円) Unaudited (Billions of Yen)
資金運用/調達(リース・割賦売掛金を含む)の状況                                                          Interest-Earning Assets and Interest-Bearing Liabilities                             2017.7-9   2017.10-12   2018.1-3   2018.4-6   2018.7-9 2018.10-12 2019.1-3       2019.4-6
(平均残高)*                                                                           (Average Balance)*
資金運用勘定:                                                                           Interest-Earning Assets:
  貸出金                                                                                 Loans and Bills Discounted                                                       4,925.0      4,941.1    4,883.3    4,915.4    4,926.8     4,896.1     5,080.0     4,976.9
  リース債権およびリース投資資産・割賦売掛金                                                               Leased Assets and Installment Receivables                                          743.2        747.0      748.2      751.0      741.6       744.1       748.8       780.1
  有価証券                                                                                Securities                                                                       1,124.5      1,160.2    1,101.7    1,151.6    1,200.7     1,134.8     1,115.2     1,093.0
  その他資金運用勘定                                                                           Other Interest-Earning Assets                                                      156.6        178.8      141.3      161.2      197.8       210.2       191.0       225.8
資金運用勘定合計 (A)                                                                      Total Interest-Earning Assets (A)                                                    6,949.5      7,027.3    6,874.6    6,979.3    7,067.1     6,985.4     7,135.1     7,075.9
資金調達勘定:                                                                           Interest-Bearing Liabilities:
  預金・譲渡性預金                                                                            Deposits, including Negotiable Certificates of Deposit                           5,947.3      6,041.1    5,976.5    6,068.1    6,075.9     6,015.2     5,972.7     5,843.9
  借用金                                                                                 Borrowed Money                                                                     781.5        801.8      738.6      755.7      709.4       848.3       832.7       752.9
    劣後借入                                                                                 Subordinated Debt                                                                12.4         12.4       12.4       12.3        2.5        -0.0         0.0           -
    その他借用金                                                                               Other Borrowed Money                                                            769.1        789.4      726.2      743.4      706.9       848.3       832.6       752.9
  社債                                                                                  Corporate Bonds                                                                    104.0         89.8       86.6       82.4       88.5        96.6        92.3        91.5
    劣後社債                                                                                 Subordinated Bonds                                                               31.4         26.7       25.0       22.3       14.9        13.8         0.2           -
    その他社債                                                                                Other Corporate Bonds                                                            72.6         63.1       61.5       60.0       73.5        82.7        92.1        91.5
  その他資金調達勘定                                                                           Other Interest-Bearing Liabilities                                                 768.9        784.3      739.8      833.6      895.6       896.5       831.0     1,150.8
資金調達勘定合計 (B)                                                                      Total Interest-Bearing Liabilities (B)                                               7,601.9      7,717.2    7,541.6    7,740.0    7,769.6     7,856.7     7,728.8     7,839.2

非金利負債                                                                             Noninterest-Bearing Sources of Funds:
  ネット非金利負債(非金利資産)                                                                    Noninterest-Bearing (Assets) Liabilities, Net                                     -1,485.7    -1,535.7    -1,520.0   -1,617.5   -1,567.9   -1,748.0    -1,481.8    -1,659.0
  純資産の部合計-非支配株主持分                                                                    Total Equity Excluding Noncontrolling Interest in Subsidiaries                       833.4       845.8       852.9      856.9      865.4      876.8       888.0       895.7
非金利負債合計 (C)                                                                       Total Noninterest-Bearing Sources of Funds (C)                                         -652.3      -689.9      -667.0     -760.6     -702.5     -871.2      -593.7      -763.2
                                                                                  Sum of Total Interest-Bearing Liabilities and Total Noninterest-Bearing Sources of
資金調達勘定・非金利負債合計 (D)=(B)+(C)                                                                                                                                             6,949.5      7,027.3    6,874.6    6,979.3    7,067.1     6,985.4     7,135.1     7,075.9
                                                                                  Funds (D)=(B)+(C)

                                                                                  Reconciliation of Total Interest-Earning Assets to
                                                                                  Ordinary Income Basis Interest Earning Assets
  資金運用勘定合計                                                                           Total Balance of Interest-Earning Assets                                          6,949.5      7,027.3    6,874.6    6,979.3    7,067.1     6,985.4     7,135.1     7,075.9
  差引:リース債権およびリース投資資産・割賦売掛金                                                           Less: Leased Assets and Installment Receivables                                     743.2        747.0      748.2      751.0      741.6       744.1       748.8       780.1
経常収益ベース資金運用勘定                                                                     Ordinary Income Basis Interest Earning Assets                                        6,206.2      6,280.3    6,126.3    6,228.3    6,325.4     6,241.3     6,386.2     6,295.8
  資金調達費用                                                                             Total Interest Expense                                                                  -            -          -          -          -           -           -           -
資金利益                                                                              Net Interest Income                                                                        -            -          -          -          -           -           -           -
注記: 1. 前期の数値については、有価証券の平均残高と利回りの訂正による修正を行っております。
      2. 前期の数字は今期の表記に調整されています。
Note: 1. Previous period figures for average balance and yield are adjusted to conform to recalculation of the average balance of securities.
      2. Previous periods have been adjusted to conform to current period presentation.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      未監査(単位:10億円) Unaudited (Billions of Yen)
資金運用/調達(リース・割賦売掛金を含む)の状況                                                          Interest-Earning Assets and Interest-Bearing Liabilities                          2017.7-9   2017.10-12   2018.1-3   2018.4-6   2018.7-9 2018.10-12 2019.1-3       2019.4-6
(利息)*                                                                             (Interest)*
資金運用勘定:                                                                           Interest-Earning Assets:
  貸出金                                                                                 Loans and Bills Discounted                                                       33.8         34.2       33.8       34.6      35.0         35.1        35.4        35.0
  リース債権およびリース投資資産・割賦売掛金                                                               Leased Assets and Installment Receivables                                         9.1          9.2        9.1        9.1       9.0          9.6         9.7         9.7
  有価証券                                                                                Securities                                                                        2.9          2.9        2.6        3.4       2.5          3.7         2.7         2.6
  その他資金運用勘定                                                                           Other Interest-Earning Assets                                                     0.4          0.4        0.5        0.5       0.4          0.5         0.5         0.7
資金運用勘定合計 (A)                                                                      Interest Earned on Interest-Earning Assets (A)                                       46.4         46.8       46.0       47.7      47.0         49.0        48.4        48.0
資金調達勘定:                                                                           Interest-Bearing Liabilities:
  預金・譲渡性預金                                                                            Deposits, including Negotiable Certificates of Deposit                            2.2          2.4        2.2        2.1       1.9          2.2         1.4         1.3
  借用金                                                                                 Borrowed Money                                                                    0.8          0.9        0.8        0.8       0.9          0.7         0.7         0.6
    劣後借入                                                                                  Subordinated Debt                                                               -            -        0.0        0.0       0.0            -           -           -
    その他借用金                                                                                Other Borrowed Money                                                          0.7          0.8        0.7        0.8       0.8          0.7         0.7         0.6
  社債                                                                                  Corporate Bonds                                                                   0.2          0.2        0.1        0.1       0.1          0.1         0.0         0.0
    劣後社債                                                                                  Subordinated Bonds                                                            0.2          0.1        0.1        0.1       0.0          0.0           -           -
    その他社債                                                                                 Other Corporate Bonds                                                           -            -        0.0        0.0       0.0          0.0         0.0         0.0
  その他資金調達勘定                                                                           Other Interest-Bearing Liabilities                                                1.5          1.5        1.6        1.9       2.1          2.4         2.8         2.9
資金調達勘定合計 (B)                                                                      Expense Incurred on Interest-Bearing Liabilities (B)                                  4.9          5.0        4.9        5.1       5.1          5.6         5.1         4.9
純資金利鞘(ネットインタレストマージン) (A)-(B)                                                      Net Interest Margin (A)-(B)                                                          41.4         41.8       41.1       42.6      41.9         43.4        43.3        43.1
非金利負債                                                                             Noninterest-Bearing Sources of Funds:
  ネット非金利負債(非金利資産)                                                                     Noninterest-Bearing (Assets) Liabilities, Net                                       -            -          -          -          -           -           -           -
  純資産の部合計-非支配株主持分                                                                     Total Equity Excluding Noncontrolling Interest in Subsidiaries                      -            -          -          -          -           -           -           -
非金利負債合計 (C)                                                                       Expense Incurred on Noninterest-Bearing Sources of Funds (C)                            -            -          -          -          -           -           -           -
                                                                                  Sum of Expense Incurred on Interest-Bearing Liabilities and Expense Incurred on
資金調達勘定・非金利負債合計 (D)=(B)+(C)                                                                                                                                              4.9          5.0        4.9        5.1        5.1         5.6         5.1         4.9
                                                                                  Noninterest-Bearing Sources of Funds (D)=(B)+(C)
資金利益/資金運用利回り(リース・割賦売掛金を含む) (A)-(D)                                                Interest Earned Less Expense Incurred (A)-(D)                                        41.4         41.8       41.1       42.6      41.9         43.4        43.3        43.1
                                                                                  Reconciliation of Interest Earned on Interest-Earning Assets to
                                                                                  Total Interest Income
  資金運用勘定合計                                                                            Interest Earned on Interest-Earning Assets                                       46.4         46.8       46.0       47.7      47.0         49.0        48.4        48.0
  差引:リース債権およびリース投資資産・割賦売掛金                                                            Less: Leased Assets and Installment Receivables                                   9.1          9.2        9.1        9.1       9.0          9.6         9.7         9.7
経常収益ベース資金運用勘定                                                                     Ordinary Income Basis Interest Earned on Interest-Earning Assets                     37.2         37.6       36.9       38.5      38.0         39.4        38.7        38.3
  資金調達費用                                                                              Total Interest Expense                                                            4.9          5.0        4.9        5.1       5.1          5.6         5.1         4.9
資金利益                                                                              Net Interest Income                                                                  32.2         32.5       31.9       33.4      32.8         33.8        33.6        33.3
注記: 1. 前期の数値については、有価証券の平均残高と利回りの訂正による修正を行っております。
      2. 前期の数字は今期の表記に調整されています。
Note: 1. Previous period figures for average balance and yield are adjusted to conform to recalculation of the average balance of securities.
      2. Previous periods have been adjusted to conform to current period presentation.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          未監査(単位:10億円) Unaudited (Billions of Yen)
資金運用/調達(リース・割賦売掛金を含む)の状況                                                          Interest-Earning Assets and Interest-Bearing Liabilities                              2017.7-9   2017.10-12   2018.1-3   2018.4-6   2018.7-9 2018.10-12 2019.1-3       2019.4-6
(利回り(%))*                                                                          (Yield/Rate (%))*
資金運用勘定:                                                                           Interest-Earning Assets:
  貸出金                                                                                 Loans and Bills Discounted                                                           2.72         2.75       2.81       2.83      2.82        2.85         2.83        2.82
  リース債権およびリース投資資産・割賦売掛金                                                               Leased Assets and Installment Receivables                                            4.90         4.89       4.94       4.88      4.84        5.13         5.26        5.00
  有価証券                                                                                Securities                                                                           1.04         0.99       0.96       1.19      0.84        1.33         1.01        0.96
  その他資金運用勘定                                                                           Other Interest-Earning Assets                                                          ***          ***        ***        ***       ***         ***          ***         ***
資金運用勘定合計 (A)                                                                      Yield on Interest-Earning Assets (A)                                                     2.65         2.65       2.72       2.74      2.64        2.79         2.76        2.73
資金調達勘定:                                                                           Interest-Bearing Liabilities:
  預金・譲渡性預金                                                                            Deposits, including Negotiable Certificates of Deposit                               0.15         0.16       0.16       0.14      0.13        0.15         0.10        0.09
  借用金                                                                                 Borrowed Money                                                                       0.43         0.45       0.47       0.48      0.50        0.37         0.38        0.37
    劣後借入                                                                                 Subordinated Debt                                                                 2.37         2.36       2.37       2.37      2.39        0.00            -           -
    その他借用金                                                                               Other Borrowed Money                                                              0.40         0.42       0.43       0.44      0.50        0.37         0.38        0.37
  社債                                                                                  Corporate Bonds                                                                      1.04         0.95       0.89       0.84      0.53        0.47         0.27        0.26
    劣後社債                                                                                 Subordinated Bonds                                                                2.57         2.36       2.20       2.14      1.69        1.67            -           -
    その他社債                                                                                Other Corporate Bonds                                                             0.38         0.36       0.36       0.36      0.30        0.27         0.27        0.26
  その他資金調達勘定                                                                           Other Interest-Bearing Liabilities                                                     ***          ***        ***        ***       ***         ***          ***         ***
資金調達勘定合計 (B)                                                                      Rate on Interest-Bearing Liabilities (B)                                                 0.26         0.26       0.27       0.27      0.26        0.28         0.27        0.25
純資金利鞘(ネットインタレストマージン) (A)-(B)                                                      Net Interest Margin (A)-(B)                                                              2.39         2.39       2.45       2.47      2.38        2.50         2.49        2.47
非金利負債                                                                             Noninterest-Bearing Sources of Funds:
  ネット非金利負債(非金利資産)                                                                     Noninterest-Bearing (Assets) Liabilities, Net                                            -            -          -          -         -           -            -           -
  純資産の部合計-非支配株主持分                                                                     Total Equity Excluding Noncontrolling Interest in Subsidiaries                           -            -          -          -         -           -            -           -
非金利負債合計                                                                           Rate on Noninterest-Bearing Sources of Funds                                                 -            -          -          -         -           -            -           -
                                                                                  Sum of Rate on Interest-Bearing Liabilities and Rate on Noninterest-Bearing Sources
資金調達勘定・非金利負債合計                                                                                                                                                            0.28         0.29        0.29      0.29       0.29        0.32         0.29        0.28
                                                                                  of Funds
資金利益/資金運用利回り(リース・割賦売掛金を含む)                                                        Yield on Net Interest Income (Incl. Leased Assets and Installment Receivables)           2.37         2.36       2.42       2.45      2.35        2.47         2.47        2.44
                                                                                  Reconciliation of Total Revenue on Interest-Earning Assets to
                                                                                  Total Interest Income
  資金運用勘定合計                                                                            Yield on Interest-Earning Assets                                                     2.65         2.65       2.72       2.74      2.64        2.79         2.76        2.73
  差引:リース債権およびリース投資資産・割賦売掛金                                                            Less: Leased Assets and Installment Receivables                                      4.90         4.89       4.94       4.88      4.84        5.13         5.26        5.00
経常収益ベース資金運用勘定                                                                     Ordinary Income Basis Yield on Interest-Earning Assets                                   2.38         2.38       2.45       2.48      2.39        2.51         2.46        2.44
  資金調達費用                                                                              Total Interest Expense                                                                  -            -          -          -         -           -            -           -
資金利益                                                                              Net Interest Income                                                                         -            -          -          -         -           -            -           -
注記: 1. 前期の数値については、有価証券の平均残高と利回りの訂正による修正を行っております。
      2. 前期の数字は今期の表記に調整されています。
Note: 1. Previous period figures for average balance and yield are adjusted to conform to recalculation of the average balance of securities.
      2. Previous periods have been adjusted to conform to current period presentation.

資金調達内訳*                                                                           Overall Funding Composition*                                                           2017.9      2017.12     2018.3     2018.6     2018.9     2018.12      2019.3       2019.6
  顧客からの資金調達                                                                         Total Customer Based Funding                                                        6,004.0      6,105.9    6,067.5    6,059.7    6,041.3     6,047.0     5,922.1     5,899.6
    法人預金                                                                                Institutional Deposits                                                          1,045.5      1,084.1    1,182.5    1,181.2    1,278.9     1,316.9     1,327.5     1,292.6
    リテール預金                                                                              Retail Deposits                                                                 4,954.7      5,020.0    4,884.5    4,878.4    4,762.4     4,730.0     4,594.5     4,607.0
      仕組預金                                                                                  Structured Deposits                                                           276.1        279.7      289.3      298.1      308.4       274.4       267.9       242.2
  コールマネー及び売渡手形                                                                      Call Money                                                                             80.9            -          -          -        5.3         0.7       145.0       274.8
  売現先勘定                                                                             Payables under Repurchase Agreements                                                   35.3         59.1       55.9       51.8       64.3        42.7        59.0        33.5
  債券貸借取引受入担保金                                                                       Collateral Related Securities Lending Transactions                                    389.4        418.9      433.4      463.1      542.0       504.6       510.2       454.3
  コマーシャル・ペーパー                                                                       Commercial Paper                                                                          -            -          -          -          -           -           -           -
  借用金                                                                               Borrowed Money                                                                        788.0        754.4      739.5      712.9      700.2       688.7       684.0       644.9
  社債及び短期社債                                                                          Corporate Bonds and Short-Term Corporate Bonds                                        282.5        259.6      260.7      268.9      281.2       304.6       283.3       320.3
資金調達内訳                                                                            Overall Funding Composition                                                           7,580.3      7,598.2    7,557.2    7,556.6    7,634.6     7,589.1     7,604.3     7,628.5
注記: 1. 前期の数字は今期の表記に調整されています。
Note: 1. Previous periods have been adjusted to conform to current period presentation.

                                                                                                                                  未監査(単位:10億円) Unaudited (Billions of Yen)
連結貸借対照表            Consolidated Balance Sheets                                          2017.9   2017.12    2018.3    2018.6    2018.9 2018.12    2019.3           2019.6
資産の部:              Assets:
  現金預け金               Cash and Due from Banks                                          1,476.3   1,444.8   1,465.6   1,505.7   1,396.7    1,360.5     1,355.9     1,373.4
  コールローン及び買入手形        Call Loans and Bills Bought                                            -         -         -         -         -          -           -           -
  買現先勘定               Receivables under Resale Agreements                                    -         -         -         -         -          -           -           -
  債券貸借取引支払保証金         Receivables under Securities Borrowing Transactions                  1.5       2.5       2.6       2.6       0.5        1.5         2.1         2.1
  買入金銭債権              Other Monetary Claims Purchased                                     37.1      33.4      36.3      32.4      29.4       29.6        30.9        74.8
  特定取引資産              Trading Assets                                                     223.8     211.9     205.2     202.8     188.5      192.3       204.4       234.8
  金銭の信託               Monetary Assets Held in Trust                                      235.5     241.5     234.9     255.2     267.5      274.9       305.8       314.0
  有価証券                Securities                                                       1,144.2   1,156.3   1,123.5   1,121.6   1,217.5    1,118.6     1,130.2     1,065.7
  貸出金                 Loans and Bills Discounted                                       4,909.1   4,944.1   4,895.9   4,846.7   4,877.0    4,943.4     4,986.8     4,921.1
  外国為替                Foreign Exchanges                                                   31.7      30.6      32.5      22.5      33.4       30.2        29.5        32.2
  リース債権及びリース投資資産      Lease Receivables and Leased Investment Assets                     181.0     174.5     171.4     164.6     159.2      178.1       176.5       175.2
  その他資産               Other Assets                                                       819.6     836.2     856.2     849.8     900.5      920.1       851.2       937.9
    割賦売掛金                 Installment Receivables                                        540.1     548.9     558.8     556.2     549.3      563.3       562.2       566.9
  有形固定資産              Premises and Equipment                                              49.6      53.4      50.2      47.3      47.6       46.0        45.3        44.9
    有形リース資産               Tangible Leased Assets as Lessor                                24.9      29.4      27.9      26.0      26.1       25.2        24.4        23.7
  無形固定資産              Intangible Assets                                                   55.5      57.7      59.4      68.2      67.0       67.3        67.1        66.5
    のれん                   Goodwill                                                        13.1      12.5      11.9      11.2      10.6       10.4        10.9        11.4
    無形資産                  Intangible Assets Acquired in Business Combinations              1.7       1.5       1.2       1.0       0.8        0.7         0.6         0.6
  退職給付に係る資産           Assets for Retirement Benefits                                       8.5       9.2      13.2      14.0      14.3       14.5        10.9        11.0
  債券繰延資産              Deferred Issuance Expenses for Debentures                            0.0         -         -         -         -          -           -           -
  繰延税金資産              Deferred Tax Assets                                                 14.8      15.1      14.7      15.0      14.3       14.5        15.0        13.7
  支払承諾見返              Customers' Liabilities for Acceptances and Guarantees              365.2     383.9     395.3     408.2     422.1      441.4       456.7       481.4
  貸倒引当金               Reserve for Credit Losses                                          -98.8     -99.8    -100.8    -103.5    -100.7     -101.1       -98.0       -95.2
資産の部合計             Total Assets                                                        9,455.3   9,495.8   9,456.6   9,453.8   9,535.5    9,532.4     9,571.1     9,654.0
負債及び純資産の部          Liabilities and Equity
負債の部:              Liabilities:
  預金                  Deposits                                                         5,581.9   5,685.8   5,628.1   5,617.4   5,561.5    5,524.8     5,351.5     5,394.4
  譲渡性預金               Negotiable Certificates of Deposit                                 418.3     418.3     438.9     442.2     479.7      522.1       570.5       505.1
  債券                  Debentures                                                           3.7       1.7       0.4         -         -          -           -           -
  コールマネー及び売渡手形        Call Money and Bills Sold                                           80.9         -         -         -       5.3        0.7       145.0       274.8
  売現先勘定               Payables under Repurchase Agreements                                35.3      59.1      55.9      51.8      64.3       42.7        59.0        33.5
  債券貸借取引受入担保金         Payables under Securities Lending Transactions                     389.4     418.9     433.4     463.1     542.0      504.6       510.2       454.3
  特定取引負債              Trading Liabilities                                                198.7     192.1     184.5     179.9     166.4      171.1       182.3       193.2
  借用金                 Borrowed Money                                                     788.0     754.4     739.5     712.9     700.2      688.7       684.0       644.9
  外国為替                Foreign Exchanges                                                    0.0       0.0       0.1       0.0       0.0        0.5         0.4         0.9
  短期社債                Short-Term Corporate Bonds                                         187.9     171.6     175.7     193.4     193.9      212.3       191.0       238.0
  社債                  Corporate Bonds                                                     94.6      88.0      85.0      75.5      87.3       92.3        92.3        82.3
  その他負債               Other Liabilities                                                  367.8     368.6     367.7     361.1     355.8      364.8       347.3       373.1
  賞与引当金               Accrued Employees' Bonuses                                           4.9       6.0       8.4       2.5       4.9        5.9         8.5         2.4
  役員賞与引当金             Accrued Directors' Bonuses                                           0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0         0.0         0.0
  退職給付に係る負債           Liabilities for Retirement Benefits                                  8.4       8.5       8.3       8.3       8.3        8.4         8.2         8.2
  睡眠債券払戻損失引当金         Reserve for Reimbursement of Debentures                              3.6       3.7       4.1       4.0       4.0        3.9         3.7         3.6
  利息返還損失引当金           Reserve for Losses on Interest Repayments                           85.0      80.4      74.6      70.9      65.7       62.1        63.0        60.2
  繰延税金負債              Deferred Tax Liabilities                                               -         -         -         -         -          -           -           -
  支払承諾                Acceptances and Guarantees                                         365.2     383.9     395.3     408.2     422.1      441.4       456.7       481.4
負債の部合計             Total Liabilities                                                   8,614.2   8,641.8   8,600.6   8,592.0   8,662.2    8,647.1     8,674.5     8,751.0
純資産の部:             Equity:
    資本金                   Common Stock                                                   512.2     512.2     512.2     512.2     512.2      512.2       512.2       512.2
    資本剰余金                 Capital Surplus                                                 78.5      78.5      78.5      78.5      78.5       78.5        78.5        78.5
    利益剰余金                 Retained Earnings                                              335.0     345.5     361.3     303.5     322.1      336.0       346.5       356.1
    自己株式                  Treasury Stock, at Cost                                        -79.5     -79.5     -89.5     -27.4     -37.3      -37.7       -37.7       -40.9
  株主資本合計              Total Shareholders' Equity                                         846.2     856.7     862.5     866.8     875.5      889.0       899.5       905.9
    その他有価証券評価差額金          Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Available-for-Sale Securities          7.7       8.7       5.1       6.9       6.6        7.2        10.0        11.4
    繰延ヘッジ損益               Deferred Gain (Loss) on Derivatives under Hedge Accounting     -14.0     -14.0     -14.4     -14.4     -12.3      -14.3       -16.3       -17.1
    為替換算調整勘定              Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments                         0.5       1.0      -1.5      -1.9      -1.1       -1.9        -1.5        -2.7
    退職給付に係る調整累計額          Defined Retirement Benefit Plans                                -0.9      -0.8       2.0       2.1       2.3        2.4         0.3         0.4
  その他の包括利益累計額合計       Total Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income                        -6.7      -5.1      -8.7      -7.1      -4.5       -6.5        -7.5        -8.0
  新株予約権               Stock Acquisition Rights                                             0.3       0.3       0.3       0.1       0.1        0.0         0.0         0.1
  非支配株主持分             Noncontrolling Interests                                             1.3       2.0       1.9       2.0       2.1        2.7         4.4         5.0
純資産の部合計            Total Equity                                                          841.1     853.9     856.0     861.8     873.2      885.3       896.6       903.0
負債及び純資産の部合計        Total Liabilities and Equity                                        9,455.3   9,495.8   9,456.6   9,453.8   9,535.5    9,532.4     9,571.1     9,654.0

                                                                                                                                                          未監査(単位:10億円) Unaudited (Billions of Yen)
連結損益計算書                    Consolidated Statements of Income                                            2017.7-9   2017.10-12   2018.1-3   2018.4-6   2018.7-9 2018.10-12 2019.1-3       2019.4-6
経常収益                       Ordinary Income                                                                 98.0         95.6       97.7       91.7       95.6         91.7       93.0        91.5
  資金運用収益                      Interest Income                                                              37.2         37.6       36.9       38.5       38.0         39.4       38.7        38.3
    貸出金利息                         Interest on Loans and Bills Discounted                                   33.8         34.2       33.8       34.6       35.0         35.1       35.4        35.0
    有価証券利息配当金                     Interest and Dividends on Securities                                      2.9          2.9        2.6        3.4        2.5          3.7        2.7         2.6
    その他の資金運用収益                    Other Interest Income                                                     0.4          0.4        0.5        0.5        0.4          0.5        0.5         0.7
  役務取引等収益                     Fees and Commissions Income                                                  12.2         13.2       12.6       12.7       14.4         14.1       14.0        15.0
  特定取引収益                      Trading Income                                                                1.4          2.3        2.7        0.9        1.3          1.7        2.6         2.2
  その他業務収益                     Other Business Income                                                        33.7         35.5       35.8       34.9       34.5         30.7       33.7        32.4
  その他経常収益                     Other Ordinary Income                                                        13.2          6.8        9.6        4.4        7.3          5.7        3.8         3.3
経常費用                       Ordinary Expenses                                                               82.5         82.7       81.3       81.1       76.5         76.1       82.9        75.7
  資金調達費用                      Interest Expenses                                                             4.9          5.0        4.9        5.1        5.1          5.6        5.1         4.9
    預金利息                          Interest on Deposits                                                      2.2          2.4        2.2        2.1        1.9          2.2        1.4         1.2
    借用金利息                         Interest on Borrowings                                                    0.8          0.9        0.8        0.8        0.9          0.7        0.7         0.6
    社債利息                          Interest on Corporate Bonds                                               0.2          0.2        0.1        0.1        0.1          0.1        0.0         0.0
    その他の資金調達費用                    Other Interest Expenses                                                   1.5          1.5        1.6        1.9        2.1          2.4        2.8         2.9
  役務取引等費用                     Fees and Commissions Expenses                                                 6.4          6.0        6.3        6.1        6.4          5.6        5.7         7.3
  特定取引費用                      Trading Losses                                                                  -            -          -        0.2        0.1         -0.3       -0.1           -
  その他業務費用                     Other Business Expenses                                                      21.5         22.3       23.0       20.3       21.3         19.4       22.9        19.6
  営業経費                        General and Administrative Expenses                                          37.0         36.4       36.2       35.8       37.3         36.2       39.1        36.8
    のれん償却額                        Amortization of Goodwill                                                  0.7          0.6        0.6        0.6        0.6          0.4        0.5         0.5
    無形資産償却額                       Amortization of Intangible Assets Acquired in Business Combinations       0.3          0.2        0.2        0.2        0.2          0.0        0.0         0.0
    営業経費(のれん及び無形資産償却を除く)          Other General and Administrative Expenses                                35.8         35.6       35.4       34.9       36.4         35.7       38.5        36.3
  その他経常費用                     Other Ordinary Expenses                                                      12.5         12.8       10.8       13.4        6.1          9.4       10.1         6.9
    貸倒引当金繰入額                      Provision of Reserve for Credit Losses                                   11.6         11.5        9.3       12.2        4.8          8.4        9.6         6.5
    その他                           Other                                                                     0.8          1.2        1.4        1.2        1.2          1.0        0.4         0.4
経常利益                       Ordinary Profit                                                                 15.5         12.8       16.4       10.6       19.0         15.6       10.1        15.7
  特別利益                        Extraordinary Gains                                                           0.0          0.0        0.6        0.2        0.0          0.0       -0.0         0.0
  特別損失                        Extraordinary Losses                                                          0.7          0.3        1.1        0.2        0.1          0.1        0.4         0.4
税金等調整前四半期純利益               Income before Income Taxes                                                      14.7         12.5       15.8       10.5       18.9         15.4        9.6        15.3
  税金                          Income Taxes:
    法人税、住民税及び事業税                  Income Taxes (Benefits) - Current                                        -0.6          2.5       -1.8        1.6       -0.7          1.5        1.4         2.5
    法人税等調整額                       Income Taxes (Benefits) - Deferred                                        1.1         -0.6        1.9       -0.0        1.0         -0.0       -2.3         0.7
  非支配株主に帰属する四半期純利益            Profit Attributable to Noncontrolling Interests                               0.0          0.1        0.0       -0.0        0.0          0.0       -0.2        -0.0
親会社株主に帰属する四半期純利益           Profit Attributable to Owners of the Parent                                     14.1         10.5       15.8        9.0       18.5         13.8       10.7        12.1

連結包括利益計算書                  Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income                              2017.7-9   2017.10-12   2018.1-3   2018.4-6   2018.7-9   2018.10-12   2019.1-3    2019.4-6
  純利益                        Profit                                                                        14.1         10.6       15.7        9.0       18.6         13.9       10.5        12.0
  その他の包括利益                   Other Comprehensive Income                                                    -1.4          1.5       -3.6       -2.3        2.6         -2.0       -0.9        -0.6
    その他有価証券評価差額金                Unrealized Gain on Available-for-Sale Securities                           -2.4          0.3       -3.5       -2.5       -1.2          0.0        3.4         1.0
    繰延ヘッジ損益                     Deferred Gain on Derivatives under Hedge Accounting                         0.7         -0.0       -0.4        0.0        2.0         -1.9       -2.0        -0.7
    為替換算調整勘定                    Foreign Currency Translation Adjustments                                    0.6         -0.0        0.0       -0.5       -0.1          0.1        0.4        -0.1
    退職給付に係る調整額                  Defined Retirement Benefit Plans                                            0.1          0.0        2.9        0.1        0.1          0.1       -2.0         0.0
    持分法適用会社に対する持分相当額            Share of Other Comprehensive Income in Affiliates                          -0.4          1.1       -2.7        0.6        1.9         -0.4       -0.7        -0.8
  包括利益                       Comprehensive Income                                                          12.7         12.1       12.1        6.7       21.3         11.8        9.5        11.4
    親会社株主に係る包括利益                Owners of the Parent                                                       12.7         12.1       12.2        6.7       21.2         11.8        9.8        11.5
    非支配株主に係る包括利益                Noncontrolling Interests                                                    0.0          0.0       -0.1       -0.0        0.0         -0.0       -0.2        -0.1

                                                                                                                                                                  未監査(単位:10億円) Unaudited (Billions of Yen)
買入金銭債権                           Other Monetary Claims Purchased                                                        2017.9   2017.12    2018.3    2018.6    2018.9 2018.12    2019.3           2019.6
  売買目的の買入金銭債権                       Trading Purpose                                                                       2.5       n/a       1.7       n/a       1.7         n/a         2.8         n/a
  その他の買入金銭債権                        Other                                                                                34.6       n/a      34.6       n/a      27.6         n/a        28.1         n/a
買入金銭債権                           Total Other Monetary Claims Purchased                                                   37.1      33.4      36.3      32.4      29.4        29.6        30.9        74.8

金銭の信託                            Monetary Assets Held in Trust                                                          2017.9   2017.12    2018.3    2018.6    2018.9     2018.12      2019.3      2019.6
  運用目的の金銭の信託                        Trading Purpose                                                                      19.0       n/a      17.2       n/a      15.7         n/a        12.5         n/a
  その他の金銭の信託                         Other                                                                               216.4       n/a     217.6       n/a     251.8         n/a       293.3         n/a
金銭の信託                            Total Monetary Assets Held in Trust                                                    235.5     241.5     234.9     255.2     267.5       274.9       305.8       314.0

有価証券                             Securities                                                                             2017.9   2017.12    2018.3    2018.6    2018.9     2018.12      2019.3      2019.6
  国債                                Japanese National Government Bonds                                                   533.3       n/a     504.5       n/a     554.6        n/a       501.5         n/a
  地方債                               Japanese Local Government Bonds                                                          -       n/a       2.3       n/a       3.2        n/a           -         n/a
  社債                                Japanese Corporate Bonds                                                             146.1       n/a     157.4       n/a     165.1        n/a       171.1         n/a
  株式                                Japanese Equity Securities                                                            32.5       n/a      32.7       n/a      32.8        n/a        30.6         n/a
  その他の証券                            Foreign Bonds and Other                                                              432.2       n/a     426.5       n/a     461.5        n/a       426.9         n/a
有価証券                             Total Securities                                                                      1,144.2   1,156.3   1,123.5   1,121.6   1,217.5    1,118.6     1,130.2     1,065.7

有価証券保有区分別残高                      Securities by Category                                                                 2017.9   2017.12    2018.3    2018.6    2018.9     2018.12      2019.3      2019.6
  売買目的有価証券のうち有価証券に含まれるもの            Trading Securities                                                                     0.0       n/a       0.0       n/a       0.0        n/a         0.0         n/a
  満期保有目的の債券                         Securities Being Held to Maturity                                                    493.8     486.8     481.3     450.7     455.2      429.7       399.2       368.6
     国債                                    Japanese National Government Bonds                                            492.4     486.8     481.3     450.7     455.2      429.7       399.2       368.6
     社債                                    Japanese Corporate Bonds                                                          -         -         -         -         -          -           -           -
     その他                                   Other                                                                           1.4         -         -         -         -          -           -           -
  その他有価証券                           Securities Available for Sale                                                        597.5       n/a     587.6       n/a     698.4        n/a       670.3         n/a
    その他有価証券で時価のあるもの                    Securities Carried at Fair Value                                                  550.6     560.1     534.7     564.3     652.2      582.1       624.5       589.3
     株式                                    Equity Securities                                                              23.2      25.6      21.1      20.6      20.6       16.7        17.3        17.5
     国債                                    Japanese National Government Bonds                                             40.9      22.4      23.2      61.2      99.4       87.6       102.3       108.1
     地方債                                   Japanese Local Government Bonds                                                   -         -       2.3       2.4       3.2          -           -           -
     社債                                    Japanese Corporate Bonds                                                      146.1     160.2     157.4     150.4     165.1      146.8       171.1       172.8
     その他                                   Other, Mainly Foreign Debt Securities                                         340.4     351.8     330.6     329.6     363.7      330.8       333.6       290.7
       外国証券                                    Foreign Securities                                                        327.5     345.8     326.1     324.3     358.6      325.5       332.6       289.2
        外貨外国公社債                                  Foreign Currency Denominated Foreign Corporate and Government Bonds     220.1     249.1     249.6     250.4     282.7      252.1       259.7       206.8
        邦貨外国公社債                                  Yen-Denominated Foreign Corporate and Government Bonds                  100.1      92.5      72.5      68.9      69.1       67.6        67.0        78.4
        外国株式・その他                                 Foreign Equity Securities and Others                                      7.1       4.1       3.9       4.8       6.7        5.6         5.8         4.0
       その他証券                                   Other Securities                                                           12.9       5.9       4.4       5.3       5.1        5.3         0.9         1.4
    その他有価証券で時価を把握することが極めて困難なもの          Securities Carried at Cost whose Fair Value cannot be Reliably Determined         46.8       n/a      52.9       n/a      46.2        n/a        45.7         n/a
     株式                                    Equity Securities                                                               8.1       n/a       8.9       n/a       9.0        n/a         9.8         n/a
     外国証券                                  Foreign Securities                                                             31.4       n/a      33.9       n/a      26.6        n/a        23.4         n/a
     その他                                   Other                                                                           7.2       n/a       9.9       n/a      10.5        n/a        12.5         n/a
  非連結子会社・関連会社株式                     Equity Securities of Unconsolidated Subsidiaries and Affiliates                       52.8       n/a      54.5       n/a      63.7        n/a        60.7         n/a
有価証券                             Total Securities                                                                      1,144.2   1,156.3   1,123.5   1,121.6   1,217.5    1,118.6     1,130.2     1,065.7

                                                                                                                                                                                             未監査(単位:10億円) Unaudited (Billions of Yen)
業種別貸出内訳                                  Loans by Borrower Industry                                                                                2017.9   2017.12    2018.3    2018.6    2018.9 2018.12    2019.3           2019.6
  国内(除く特別国際金融取引勘定分)                         Domestic Offices (excluding Japan Offshore Market Account):
    製造業                                       Manufacturing                                                                                         199.1     204.5     189.6     191.9     191.7      203.0       190.0       196.6
    農業、林業                                     Agriculture and Forestry                                                                                0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0        0.0         0.0         0.0
    漁業                                        Fishery                                                                                                   -         -         -         -         -        0.1           -         0.1
    鉱業、砕石業、砂利採取業                              Mining, Quarrying and Gravel Extraction                                                                 0.6       0.6       0.4       0.6       0.4        0.7         0.3         0.6
    建設業                                       Construction                                                                                            7.5       8.9       7.6       7.4       7.7        8.2         9.1         8.9
    電気・ガス・熱供給・水道業                             Electric Power, Gas, Heat Supply and Water Supply                                                     221.7     237.8     250.1     252.0     268.8      298.4       320.7       316.9
    情報通信業                                     Information and Communications                                                                         47.0      76.5      70.5      69.6      64.6       60.8        55.1        54.3
    運輸業、郵便業                                   Transportation and Postal Service                                                                     200.6     197.9     197.9     195.4     195.7      198.5       195.2       193.4
    卸売業、小売業                                   Wholesale and Retail                                                                                  109.4     114.7     114.5     108.0     111.8      112.5       122.5       115.9
    金融業、保険業                                   Finance and Insurance                                                                                 553.8     539.7     509.1     491.0     530.3      514.3       521.5       520.0
    不動産業                                      Real Estate                                                                                           602.4     567.9     565.9     556.3     574.1      572.2       584.9       611.2
    各種サービス業                                   Services                                                                                              335.5     345.3     344.6     345.0     315.9      340.0       341.8       339.2
    地方公共団体                                    Local Government                                                                                       68.9      67.8      68.4      57.2      58.0       55.1        52.4        52.8
    その他                                       Others                                                                                              2,438.5   2,444.4   2,437.3   2,430.4   2,406.2    2,401.1     2,402.7     2,321.8
     個人向け貸出(住宅ローン、無担保ローン、クレジットカードキャッシング、          Loans to Individual Customers (Housing Loan, Unsecured Loan, Cashing by
          住関連ローン等)                                                                         Credit Card, Housing Related Loan, etc.)
                                                                                                                                                  1,996.1   1,998.9   1,998.2   1,984.9   1,971.6    1,950.7     1,934.5     1,915.5
  国内合計 (A)                                                                          Total Domestic (A)                                            4,785.5   4,806.6   4,756.4   4,705.3   4,725.6    4,765.3     4,796.9     4,732.4
  海外及び特別国際金融取引勘定分                                                                   Overseas Offices (including Japan Offshore Market Account):
    政府等                                                                                 Governments                                                   0.4       0.4       0.3       0.3       0.2        0.2         0.1         0.1
    金融機関                                                                                Financial Institutions                                       19.1      29.9      30.8      30.4      29.0       30.7        32.6        29.7
    その他                                                                                 Others                                                      103.9     107.1     108.3     110.5     121.9      147.1       157.1       158.8
  海外合計 (B)                                                                          Total Overseas (B)                                              123.6     137.5     139.5     141.3     151.3      178.1       189.9       188.7
合計 (A)+(B)                                                                       Total (A)+(B)                                                    4,909.1   4,944.1   4,895.9   4,846.7   4,877.0    4,943.4     4,986.8     4,921.1

無形固定資産                                                                           Intangible Assets                                                 2017.9   2017.12    2018.3    2018.6    2018.9     2018.12      2019.3      2019.6
  のれん                                                                                Goodwill                                                       13.1      12.5      11.9      11.2      10.6        10.4        10.9        11.4
    新生フィナンシャル                                                                            Shinsei Financial                                           0.6       0.4       0.3       0.1         -           -         1.0         1.0
    新生パーソナルローン                                                                           Shinsei Personal Loan                                      -3.6      -3.5      -3.4      -3.3      -3.2        -3.1        -3.0        -2.9
    アプラスフィナンシャル                                                                          APLUS FINANCIAL                                               -         -         -         -         -           -           -           -
    昭和リース                                                                                Showa Leasing                                              16.0      15.5      15.0      14.4      13.9        13.6        13.0        12.4
    ファイナンシャル・ジャパン                                                                        FINANCIAL JAPAN                                               -         -         -         -         -           -           -         0.9
    その他                                                                                  Others                                                     -0.0      -0.0      -0.0      -0.0      -0.0        -0.0        -0.0        -0.0
  連結に伴う無形資産                                                                          Intangible Assets Related with Acquisitions                     1.7       1.5       1.2       1.0       0.8         0.7         0.6         0.6
    新生フィナンシャル                                                                            Shinsei Financial                                           0.7       0.5       0.3       0.1         -           -           -           -
    昭和リース                                                                                Showa Leasing                                               1.0       0.9       0.9       0.8       0.8         0.7         0.6         0.6
  その他                                                                                Other                                                          40.6      43.6      46.2      55.9      55.5        56.1        55.5        54.4
無形固定資産                                                                           Intangible Assets                                                  55.5      57.7      59.4      68.2      67.0        67.3        67.1        66.5

繰越欠損金(納税主体ベース)                                                                   Tax Loss Carryforwards (Taxable Entity Basis)                     2017.9   2017.12    2018.3    2018.6    2018.9     2018.12      2019.3      2019.6
新生銀行(連結納税)                                                                       Shinsei Bank (Consolidated Tax)                                      n/a       n/a    156.0        n/a       n/a        n/a       147.2          n/a
アプラスフィナンシャル(連結納税)                                                                APLUS FINANCIAL (Consolidated Tax)                                   n/a       n/a     41.9        n/a       n/a        n/a        46.2          n/a

1株当たり配当金(円)                                                                      Dividends Per Share (JPY)                                         2017.9   2017.12    2018.3    2018.6    2018.9     2018.12      2019.3      2019.6
普通株                                                                              Common Share                                                           -         -    10.00          -         -          -       10.00           -
注記: 1. 2017年10月1日付で普通株式10株につき1株の割合で株式併合を実施いたしました。
Note: 1. Shinsei Bank consolidated its shares with a ratio of ten shares of common stock into one share on October 1, 2017.

                                                                                                                         未監査(単位:10億円) Unaudited (Billions of Yen)
リスク管理債権         Risk Monitored Loans                                       2017.9    2017.12     2018.3     2018.6     2018.9 2018.12    2019.3           2019.6
  破綻先債権額            Loans to Bankrupt Obligors                                 5.1        5.5        5.6        6.3        6.1        5.7         4.8         4.8
  延滞債権額             Nonaccrual Delinquent Loans                              32.7       32.1       31.1       29.1       29.1       29.9        28.3        27.0
  3ヵ月以上延滞債権額        Loans Past Due Three Months or More                        1.5        1.5        1.8        1.6        1.0        1.0         0.8         0.9
  貸出条件緩和債権額         Restructured Loans                                       33.8       34.9       36.2       37.9       38.9       40.6        43.4        43.6
合計 (A)          Total (A)                                                    73.3       74.2       74.9       75.1       75.2       77.4        77.5        76.5
貸出金残高 (B)       Loans and Bills Discounted (B)                            4,909.1    4,944.1    4,895.9    4,846.7    4,877.0    4,943.4     4,986.8     4,921.1
貸出残高比 (A)/(B)   (A)/(B)                                                     1.49%      1.50%      1.53%      1.55%      1.54%      1.57%       1.56%       1.55%
貸倒引当金 (C)       Reserve for Credit Losses (C)                                98.8       99.8      100.8      103.5      100.7      101.1        98.0        95.2
引当率 (C)/(A)     Reserve Ratios (C)/(A)                                    134.9%     134.5%     134.6%     137.9%     133.9%     130.6%      126.4%      124.5%

子会社別連結リスク管理債権   Consolidated Risk Monitored Loans by Subsidiary            2017.9    2017.12     2018.3     2018.6     2018.9     2018.12      2019.3      2019.6
  新生銀行単体           Shinsei Bank (Nonconsolidated)                             8.8        n/a        8.3        n/a        7.6        n/a        10.1         n/a
  新生フィナンシャル        Shinsei Financial                                         39.7        n/a       42.0        n/a       44.8        n/a        45.8         n/a
  アプラスフィナンシャル      APLUS FINANCIAL                                           18.5        n/a       19.5        n/a       18.5        n/a        16.0         n/a
  その他子会社           Other Subsidiaries                                         6.0        n/a        4.9        n/a        4.1        n/a         5.4         n/a
子会社別連結リスク管理債権   Risk-Monitored Loans Breakdown For Large Entities            73.3       74.2       74.9       75.1       75.2       77.4        77.5        76.5

貸倒引当金           Reserve for Credit Losses                                  2017.9    2017.12     2018.3     2018.6     2018.9     2018.12      2019.3      2019.6
  一般貸倒引当金         General Reserve for Loan Losses                            74.9       75.1      75.5       77.1       73.0        73.3        70.7        69.6
  個別貸倒引当金         Specific Reserve for Loan Losses                           23.9       24.7      25.2       26.3       27.6        27.8        27.2        25.6
  特定海外債権引当勘定      Reserve for Loans to Restructuring Countries                  -          -         -          -          -           -           -           -
貸倒引当金合計         Reserve for Credit Losses                                    98.8       99.8     100.8      103.5      100.7       101.1        98.0        95.2

預金期末残高          Deposits and Negotiable Certificates of Deposits (NCDs)    2017.9    2017.12     2018.3     2018.6     2018.9     2018.12      2019.3      2019.6
  預金              Deposits                                                5,581.9    5,685.8    5,628.1    5,617.4    5,561.5    5,524.8     5,351.5     5,394.4
    流動性預金            Liquid (Current, Ordinary, Notice) Deposits          2,317.4    2,428.5    2,423.0    2,477.6    2,495.5    2,554.1     2,591.5     2,583.9
    定期性預金            Time Deposits                                        2,800.6    2,775.7    2,691.0    2,650.3    2,585.3    2,490.8     2,271.9     2,293.3
    その他              Other                                                  463.8      481.4      514.0      489.4      480.7      479.8       487.9       517.0
  譲渡性預金           Negotiable Certificates of Deposits (NCDs)                418.3      418.3      438.9      442.2      479.7      522.1       570.5       505.1
預金期末残高          Deposits and Negotiable Certificates of Deposits (NCDs)   6,000.2    6,104.2    6,067.0    6,059.7    6,041.3    6,047.0     5,922.1     5,899.6

Section 2. 新生銀行 連結セグメント別データ                                                     Section 2. Shinsei Bank Consolidated Business Line Data
Section 2.1 セグメント別業務粗利益                                                         Section 2.1 Business Line Total Revenue
・個人業務「新生フィナンシャル」では、経営管理上、新生フィナンシャル、新生銀行レ ・Income of Shinsei Financial , "Shinsei Bank Card Loan - Lake", and "Shinsei Bank Smart
                                         Card Loan Plus" are combined on a management accounting basis.
                                                                                                                                                                                           未監査(単位:10億円) Unaudited (Billions of Yen)
法人業務 業務粗利益*                                                                     Institutional Business Total Revenue*                     2017.7-9   2017.10-12   2018.1-3   2018.4-6   2018.7-9 2018.10-12 2019.1-3      2019.4-6
  資金利益                                                                             Net Interest Income                                        6.7          6.5        6.2        6.6        5.6          7.0        6.8        6.6
    法人営業                                                                               Corporate Business                                     2.3          2.5        2.4        2.5        2.4          2.5        2.5        2.5
    ストラクチャードファイナンス                                                                     Structured Finance                                     2.3          2.4        2.5        2.4        2.4          2.6        2.7        2.7
    プリンシパルトランザクションズ                                                                    Principal Transactions                                 1.5          1.0        0.8        1.1        0.3          1.5        0.7        0.4
    昭和リース                                                                              Showa Leasing                                          0.0         -0.0       -0.0       -0.0       -0.1         -0.0        0.1       -0.0
    市場営業                                                                               Markets                                                0.4          0.4        0.3        0.3        0.3          0.3        0.4        0.7
    その他金融市場                                                                            Other Global Markets                                   0.1          0.1        0.1        0.1        0.1          0.1        0.1        0.1
  非資金利益                                                                            Noninterest Income                                        12.6         12.4       11.9        9.8       11.7          9.7        9.8        8.6
    法人営業                                                                               Corporate Business                                     4.2          1.5        1.5        1.0        1.5          1.7        2.3        1.2
    ストラクチャードファイナンス                                                                     Structured Finance                                     1.5          2.4        1.8        1.0        2.3          2.1        1.6        1.6
    プリンシパルトランザクションズ                                                                    Principal Transactions                                 1.7          2.1        0.4        2.3        2.6          1.0       -0.5        0.4
    昭和リース                                                                              Showa Leasing                                          3.3          4.3        5.1        3.8        3.3          3.0        4.0        3.1
    市場営業                                                                               Markets                                                1.1          1.4        2.4        0.9        1.4          1.3        1.8        1.3
    その他金融市場                                                                            Other Global Markets                                   0.5          0.5        0.5        0.5        0.4          0.3        0.4        0.7
法人業務 業務粗利益                                                                      Institutional Business Total Revenue                         19.4         18.9       18.2       16.5       17.4         16.8       16.6       15.2
    法人営業                                                                               Corporate Business                                     6.6          4.0        4.0        3.6        4.0          4.3        4.8        3.8
    ストラクチャードファイナンス                                                                     Structured Finance                                     3.8          4.8        4.3        3.5        4.8          4.7        4.4        4.4
    プリンシパルトランザクションズ                                                                    Principal Transactions                                 3.2          3.1        1.3        3.5        3.0          2.5        0.1        0.9
    昭和リース                                                                              Showa Leasing                                          3.3          4.3        5.0        3.8        3.1          2.9        4.2        3.1
    市場営業                                                                               Markets                                                1.6          1.8        2.7        1.3        1.7          1.7        2.2        2.0
    その他金融市場                                                                            Other Global Markets                                   0.6          0.6        0.7        0.6        0.5          0.5        0.5        0.8
法人業務 業務粗利益                                                                      Institutional Business Total Revenue                         19.4         18.9       18.2       16.5       17.4         16.8       16.6       15.2
注記: 1. 前期の数字は今期の表記に調整されています。
Note: 1. Previous periods have been adjusted to conform to current period presentation.

個人業務 業務粗利益*                                                                     Individual Business Total Revenue*                        2017.7-9