8267 イオン 2020-01-10 16:30:00
2020年2月期 第3四半期決算補足資料(第95期) [pdf]


           Brief Summary
           3rd Quarter of the Fiscal Year Ending Feb. 29, 2020

Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                        ⽬ 次 (Contents)
             【参考】株式会社カジタク会計処理問題の影響額(2019年度第1四半期⼀括計上)を除く連結決算概況                                                                                                                            1

             ((Ref.) Consolidated Financial Highlights Excluding the Impact of Improper Accounting Arised in KAJITAKU CO., Ltd. Recorded as a Lump-sum in the 1st Quarter of FY 2019)    1

          Ⅰ.連結決算概況 (Consolidated Financial Highlights)
            1.決算概要 (Financial Highlights)                                                                                                                                                2

            2.経費明細 (Selling, General and Administrative Expenses)                                                                                                                        2

            3.⾦融収⽀ (Financial Position)                                                                                                                                                  3

            4.特別利益・特別損失 (Extraordinary Income and Loss)                                                                                                                                  3

            5.連結有利⼦負債の状況 (Consolidated Interest-bearing Debt)                                                                                                                            4

             〔参考〕有利⼦負債残⾼ ((Ref.) Balance of Interest-bearing Debt)                                                                                                                       4

            6.設備投資額 (Capital Expenditures)                                                                                                                                               5

            7.主要連結経営指標 (Major Financial Indicators)                                                                                                                                      5

             〔参考〕トップバリュ売上実績 ((Ref.) Sales Results of TOPVALU)                                                                                                                            5

          Ⅱ.事業別セグメント情報 (Business Segment Information)
            8.セグメント別損益状況と設備投資 (Operating Revenue, Operating Profit and Capital Expenditures by Business Segment)                                                                          6

          Ⅲ.地域別の状況 (Segment Information by Region)
            9.地域別実績 (Information by Region)                                                                                                                                              7

                  1)地域別損益状況 (Segment Information by Region)                                                                                                                              7

                       〔参考〕国内外⽐率 ((Ref.)Ratio of Japan & Overseas)                                                                                                                       7

                  2)地域別設備投資実績 (Capital Expenditures by Region)                                                                                                                           7

                       〔参考〕国内外⽐率 ((Ref.)Ratio of Japan & Overseas)                                                                                                                       7

          Ⅳ.主要企業の状況 (Information of Major Companies)
            10.連結⼦会社・持分適⽤会社の異動状況 (Change of Consolidated Subsidiaries & Equity-method Affiliates)                                                                                          8

                  1)連結⼦会社数の推移 (Consolidated Subsidiaries)                                                                                                                                8

                  2)持分法適⽤会社数の推移 (Equity-method Affiliates)                                                                                                                                 8

                  3)主な連結⼦会社の異動状況 (Change of Major Consolidated Subsidiaries)                                                                                                             8

            11.主要企業⼀覧 (Major Group Companies)                                                                                                                                            8

            12.主要各社明細 (Breakdown by Major Companies)                                                                                                                                     9

             〔参考〕為替換算レート ((Ref.) Exchange Rates)                                                                                                                                         9

Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                      ⽬ 次 (Contents)

          Ⅴ.参考資料 (Reference Materials)
            13.イオンリテール株式会社 決算概況 (AEON Retail Co., Ltd. Financial Highlights)                                                                                                                      10

                  1)要約損益計算書 (Summary of Statements of Income)                                                                                                                                     10

                  2)設備投資 (Capital Expenditures)                                                                                                                                                   10

                  3)従業員数 (Number of Employees)                                                                                                                                                    10

          The information presented in these materials represents Aeon's views at the time of the release of its financial results, and Aeon makes no guarantees, warranties, or representations as
          to the accuracy or completeness of the information. Further, these materials contain forward-looking statements including projections based on assumptions, forecasts, and future plans.
          Actual results may differ from expectations and the projections presented in these materials due to certain risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, changes in the global
          economy and fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates and so on. Please refer to these materials in conjunction with Aeon's earnings reports and other disclosure documents.

Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                         【参考】株式会社カジタク 会計処理問題の影響額(2019年度第1四半期⼀括計上)を除く連結決算概況
                                                    (Consolidated Financial Highlights Excluding the Impact of Improper Accounting Arised in KAJITAKU CO., Ltd. Recorded as a Lump-sum in the 1st Quarter of FY 2019)

           決算概要 (Financial Highlights)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    百万円(Millions of Yen)

                                                                                                                                                  2015/11        2016/11      2017/11        2018/11      2019/11       前年同期⽐ YoY

             営業収益                                                                   Operating Revenue                                              6,036,049      6,099,860    6,206,571      6,339,364   6,401,619            +1.0%
             営業利益                                                                   Operating Profit                                                   80,851       85,376       102,798       109,011      117,625            +7.9%
             経常利益                                                                   Ordinary Profit                                                    81,988       85,040       105,106       110,287      107,923             -2.1%
             税⾦等調整前四半期純利益                                                           Profit before Income Taxes                                         73,239       75,897        93,671        96,421       90,148             -6.5%
             親会社株主に帰属する四半期純利益                                                       Profit (Loss) Attributable to Owners of Parent                    -17,474       -17,256        -4,404          630        1,577        +150.2%

             セグメント別損益状況と設備投資 (Operating Revenue, Operating Profit and Capital Expenditures by Business Segment)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    百万円(Millions of Yen)

                                                                                               営業収益 Operating Revenue                                     営業利益 Operating Profit                  設備投資 Capital Expenditures

                                                                                                                              前年同期⽐                                           前年同期⽐                                       前年同期差
                                                                                        2018/11            2019/11                                2018/11        2019/11                     2018/11      2019/11
                                                                                                                                 YoY                                             YoY                                      Inc./dec.
                                              General Merchandise Store
             GMS事業                                                                       2,272,923          2,276,638               +0.2%             -18,815      -18,126       -              66,078       93,952          +27,874

             SM事業                             Supermarket Business                       2,429,819          2,403,576                 -1.1%            13,171        4,531        -65.6%        51,678       49,686             -1,991

             ヘルス&ウエルネス事業                      Health & Wellness Business                    589,932           652,138             +10.5%               17,311       22,267       +28.6%         12,141       11,894               -247

             総合⾦融事業                           Financial Services Business                   320,452           352,869             +10.1%               47,460       39,663        -16.4%        21,149       34,268          +13,118
                                              Shopping Center Development
             ディベロッパー事業                                                                      266,410           275,892               +3.6%              37,043       43,784       +18.2%        156,982       92,290           -64,691
                                              Services & Specialty Store
             サービス・専⾨店事業                                                                     576,983           570,377                 -1.1%            13,499       17,516       +29.8%         17,955       14,919             -3,036

             国際事業                             International Business                        330,230           327,491                 -0.8%               -196       5,615       -              20,982       10,455           -10,526

             その他事業                            Others Business                                37,812             39,597              +4.7%                  762       2,196       +188.0%         4,159        5,470            +1,311

             調整額                              Adjustments                                 -485,199           -496,961             -                     -1,225         176       -               2,542        4,416            +1,874

             連結合計                             Consolidated Total                         6,339,364          6,401,619               +1.0%             109,011      117,625        +7.9%        353,669      317,354           -36,314

             (The Capital Expenditures above are amount of payment, including Tangible Fixed Assets, Intangible Fixed Assets, and Long-term Prepaid Expenses.)

           地域別実績 (Information by Region)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    百万円(Millions of Yen)

                                                                                                                                                  2015/11        2016/11      2017/11        2018/11      2019/11       前年同期⽐ YoY

                                                                                    営業収益               Operating Revenue                           5,517,979      5,602,496    5,680,477      5,765,646   5,823,936            +1.0%
             ⽇本                               Japan
                                                                                    営業利益               Operating Profit                                72,785       81,546        89,981        85,412       89,762            +5.1%
                                                                                    営業収益               Operating Revenue                              248,012      231,913       244,632       273,957      288,847            +5.4%
             アセアン                             ASEAN
                                                                                    営業利益               Operating Profit                                15,287       12,220        15,518        23,148       21,482             -7.2%
                                                                                    営業収益               Operating Revenue                              184,659      180,436       190,791       209,309      207,653             -0.8%
             中国                               China
                                                                                    営業利益               Operating Profit                                 -8,143       -8,616        -2,938         -117        6,163           -
                                                                                    営業収益               Operating Revenue                               85,398       85,013        90,670        90,451       81,181           -10.2%
             その他                              Others
                                                                                    営業利益               Operating Profit                                    922         226             237         567          218           -61.6%
                                                                                    営業収益               Operating Revenue                           6,036,049      6,099,860    6,206,571      6,339,364   6,401,619            +1.0%
             合計                               Total
                                                                                    営業利益               Operating Profit                                80,851       85,376       102,798       109,011      117,625            +7.9%


Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                           Ⅰ.連結決算概況 (Consolidated Financial Highlights)

             1.決算概要 (Financial Highlights)
                                                                                                                                                                                     百万円(Millions of Yen)

                                                                                                                 2015/11      2016/11      2017/11      2018/11         2019/11        前年同期⽐ YoY

             営業収益                                    Operating Revenue                                            6,036,049    6,099,860    6,206,571    6,339,364       6,387,005              +0.8%

             営業利益                                    Operating Profit                                                80,851       85,376      102,798      109,011        103,081                 -5.4%

             経常利益                                    Ordinary Profit                                                 81,988       85,040      105,106      110,287          93,373             -15.3%

             税⾦等調整前四半期純利益                            Profit before Income Taxes                                      73,239       75,897       93,671       96,421          75,270             -21.9%

             親会社株主に帰属する四半期純利益                        Profit (Loss) Attributable to Owners of Parent                 -17,474      -17,256       -4,404             630       -6,343            -

             1株当たり四半期純利益 (円)                         Earnings Per Share (Yen)                                        -20.91       -20.61        -5.25         0.75           -7.54            -

             期中平均株式数 (千株)                            Average number of Shares Outstanding (Share in thousands)      835,880      837,235      838,664      840,662        841,723               +0.1%

             総資産                                     Total Assets                                                 8,255,078    8,674,751    9,449,063   10,066,126      11,062,190              +9.9%

             純資産                                     Net Assets                                                   1,840,069    1,783,832    1,867,242    1,850,373       1,820,553                -1.6%

             ⾮⽀配株主持分                                 Non-controlling Interests                                      662,314      696,524      743,937      758,668        773,625               +2.0%

             営業活動によるキャッシュ・フロー                        Cash Flow from Operating Activities                           -119,269      115,378      146,180      243,306        244,219               +0.4%

                減価償却費                                     Depreciation and Amortization                             160,447      173,461      180,805      187,670        220,720             +17.6%

             投資活動によるキャッシュ・フロー                        Cash Flow from Investing Activities                           -386,719     -351,103     -378,465     -551,553        -236,228            -

             財務活動によるキャッシュ・フロー                        Cash Flow from Financing Activities                            326,352      176,988       74,539      143,772        114,683              -20.2%

             2.経費明細 (Selling, General and Administrative Expenses)
                                                                                                                                                                                     百万円(Millions of Yen)

                                                                                                                 2015/11      2016/11      2017/11      2018/11         2019/11        前年同期⽐ YoY

             ⼈件費                                     Personnel Expenses                                             860,227      895,740      922,953      939,004        946,929               +0.8%

             販売促進費                                   Advertising and Selling Expenses                               229,127      230,556      225,001      227,203        244,170               +7.5%

                販促費                                       Advertising Expenses                                      145,432      146,670      139,903      138,800        159,280             +14.8%

                販売費                                       Selling Expenses                                           83,695       83,885       85,098       88,403          84,890                -4.0%

             設備費                                     Facilities Expenses                                            703,159      711,097      721,884      746,637        738,948                 -1.0%

             ⼀般費                                     General Expenses                                               230,730      239,502      251,542      258,997        277,323               +7.1%

             合計                                      Total                                                        2,023,246    2,076,897    2,121,381    2,171,843       2,207,371              +1.6%


Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                      Ⅰ.連結決算概況 (Consolidated Financial Highlights)

             3.⾦融収⽀ (Financial Position)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                百万円(Millions of Yen)

                                                                                                                                     2015/11               2016/11               2017/11               2018/11                2019/11             前年同期⽐ YoY

             受取利息                                           Interest Income                                                                    2,607                2,220                 2,266                  2,403                2,587                +7.7%

             受取配当⾦                                          Dividend Income                                                                    1,786                1,552                 1,594                  1,553                1,601                +3.1%

                                              ⼩計(A)                                                 Financial Income (A)                       4,394                3,772                 3,861                  3,957                4,189                +5.9%

             ⽀払利息                                           Interest Expenses                                                                  8,627                8,691                 9,104                  9,336              20,871              +123.6%

             社債利息                                           Interest on Bonds                                                                  2,160                2,304                 2,617                  2,826                2,787                  -1.4%

             コマーシャル・ペーパー⽀払利息                                Interest on Commercial Paper                                                          69                     4                      0                     0                     2            -

                                              ⼩計(B)                                               Financial Expenses (B)                     10,857                11,000                11,722                 12,162              23,662               +94.5%

             ⾦融収⽀(A)-(B)                                    Net Financial Charge (A)-(B)                                                     -6,462                -7,227                -7,861                 -8,205             -19,473               -

             4.特別利益・特別損失 (Extraordinary Income and Loss)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                百万円(Millions of Yen)

                                                                                                                                     2015/11               2016/11               2017/11               2018/11                2019/11             前年同期⽐ YoY

             固定資産売却益                                        Gain on Sale of Non-current Assets                                                 4,784                4,038                 7,772                  5,710                1,787

             受取保険⾦                                          Insurance Income                                                                      64                1,537                     62                 5,947                1,536

             負ののれん発⽣益                                       Gain on bargain purchase                                                     -                     -                     -                      -                         1,333

             その他                                            Other Extraordinary Income                                                       13,665                 1,232                 2,777                    976                2,887

             特別利益合計                                         Total Extraordinary Income                                                       18,514                 6,808                10,611                 12,633                7,545               -40.3%

             減損損失                                           Impairment Loss                                                                  13,255                 5,197                 9,544                  9,909              10,705

             店舗閉鎖損失引当⾦繰⼊額                                   Provision for Loss on Store Closing                                                4,838                2,749                 3,945                  4,738                3,450

             固定資産除却損                                        Loss on Retirement of Non-current Assets                                     -                          2,621                 2,301                  2,118                3,618

             店舗閉鎖損失                                         Loss on Store Closing                                                        -                     -                     -                           1,055                2,241

             その他                                            Other Extraordinary Loss                                                           9,170                5,383                 6,254                  8,678                5,632

             特別損失合計                                         Total Extraordinary Loss                                                         27,263                15,951                22,045                 26,500              25,648                   -3.2%
              (The disclosure items are based on the consolidated statements of income for this term. The nondisclosure items of past fiscal year, are included in "Other Extraordinary Income/Loss" regardless of the above classification.)


Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                            Ⅰ.連結決算概況 (Consolidated Financial Highlights)

             5.連結有利⼦負債の状況 (Consolidated Interest-bearing Debt)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   百万円(Millions of Yen)
                                                                                                                  2016/2             2017/2            2018/2           2019/2       2019/11
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Change from '19/2

             ⻑期借⼊⾦(*1)                               Long-term Loans Payable (*1)                                   1,255,717         1,274,761             1,298,875    1,357,797    1,357,973               +0.0%

             短期借⼊⾦                                   Short-term Loans Payable                                         328,570            354,475             332,486      385,634      368,170                  -4.5%

             コマーシャル・ペーパー                             Commercial Paper                                                 115,500             43,498              81,049       92,079      216,721             +135.4%

                                       借⼊⾦ 計                                                   Debts Subtotal       1,699,787         1,672,735             1,712,411    1,835,511    1,942,865               +5.8%

             社債 (*1)                                 Bonds Payable (*1)                                               389,579            463,540             507,915      585,973      718,203              +22.6%

             新株予約権付社債 (*1)                           Bonds with Subscription Rights to Shares(*1)                           50            30,000              29,948       29,946      -                    -

                                          社債 計                                                Bonds Subtotal          389,629            493,540             537,863      615,919      718,203              +16.6%

             リース債務 (*1)                              Lease Obligations (*1)                                              66,433           73,176              75,516       77,037      353,133             +358.4%

             割賦⻑期設備未払⾦ (*1)                          Accounts Payable for Capital Expenditures Installment (*1)          14,950           13,055              13,496       18,949        18,442                 -2.7%

             その他流動負債 (*2)                            Other current liabilities (*2)                                  -                     4,587               5,094         5,172         6,037            +16.7%

                                         その他 計                                                Others Subtotal            81,383           90,818              94,106      101,159      377,614             +273.3%

             合計                                      Total                                                          2,170,800         2,257,094             2,344,381    2,552,589    3,038,683             +19.0%

             *1: 1年以内返済・償還予定分を含む。 (Including the current portion of long-term loans payable.)
             *2: ⼀部の連結⼦会社における債権の流動化による資⾦調達額。(The amount of capital procurement due to liquidation of receivables in a part of consolidated subsidiaries.)

             参考)有利⼦負債残⾼ ((Ref.) Balance of Interest-bearing Debt)                                                                                                                                  百万円(Millions of Yen)
                                                                                                                  2016/2             2017/2            2018/2           2019/2       2019/11
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Change from '19/2

             連結有利⼦負債                                 Consolidated Interest-bearing Debt                             2,170,800         2,257,094             2,344,381    2,552,589    3,038,683             +19.0%

                総合⾦融事業除く有利⼦負債                             Excluding Financial Services Business                     1,374,351         1,433,294             1,534,608    1,646,787    1,944,040             +18.1%

                総合⾦融事業有利⼦負債                               Financial Services Business                                 796,448            823,800             809,773      905,802     1,094,643             +20.8%


Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                    Ⅰ.連結決算概況 (Consolidated Financial Highlights)

             6.設備投資額 (Capital Expenditures)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      百万円(Millions of Yen)
                                                                                                                                 2015/11              2016/11            2017/11         2018/11         2019/11
             設備投資                                         CAPEX                                                                       403,339               357,985         351,843         353,669        317,354              -36,314

             (The Capital Expenditures above are amount of payment, including Tangible Fixed Assets, Intangible Fixed Assets, and Long-term Prepaid Expenses.)

           7.主要連結経営指標 (Major Financial Indicators)

                                                                                                                                 2015/11              2016/11            2017/11         2018/11                   2019/11

             営業収益営業利益率                                    Operating Profit Margin                                                          1.3%                  1.4%         1.7%            1.7%                                 1.6%

             営業収益経常利益率                                    Ordinary Profit Margin                                                           1.4%                  1.4%         1.7%            1.7%                                 1.5%

             ⾃⼰資本当期純利益率                                   Return on Equity (ROE)                                                         -1.5%                   -1.5%        -0.4%           0.1%                                -0.6%

             投下資本利益率                                      Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)                                                1.7%                  1.7%         2.1%            2.2%                                 1.9%

             総資産経常利益率                                     Ordinary Income to Total Assets Ratio                                            1.0%                  1.0%         1.2%            1.1%                                 0.9%

             総資産当期純利益率                                    Net Income to Total Assets Ratio                                               -0.2%                   -0.2%        -0.0%           0.0%                                -0.1%

             1株当たり純資産(円)                                  Net Assets per Share (Yen)                                                 1,405.70              1,295.64        1,336.16        1,294.66                           1,241.52

             ⾃⼰資本⽐率                                       Shareholder's Equity Ratio                                                    14.2%                    12.5%       11.9%           10.8%                                 9.4%

             DEレシオ(⾦融除く)(倍)(*)                            Debt Equity Ratio (excl. Financial Services Business) (Times) (*)                  1.1                   1.3             1.3             1.4                               1.7

             *DEレシオはハイブリッド社債・ハイブリッドローンの資本性を考慮し、調整を⾏っています。(DE ratio is adjusted with capital of hybrid bond and hybrid loan considered.)

             参考)トップバリュ売上実績 ((Ref.) Sales Results of TOPVALU)
                                                                                                                                                                                                              億円(Hundred Millions of Yen)

                                                                                                                                 2015/11              2016/11            2017/11         2018/11         2019/11        前年同期⽐ YoY

             トップバリュ売上 グループ計                               Total TOPVALU Sales of Aeon Group                                                5,633                 5,388        5,434           5,798           6,040              +4.2%


Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                            Ⅱ.事業別セグメント情報 (Business Segment Information)

          8.セグメント別損益状況と設備投資 (Operating Revenue, Operating Profit and Capital Expenditures by Business Segment)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        百万円(Millions of Yen)

                                                                                                                   営業収益                                                営業利益                                      設備投資
                                                                                                            Operating Revenue                                      Operating Profit                        Capital Expenditures

                                                                                                                                    前年同期⽐                                             前年同期⽐                                   前年同期差
                                                                                                 2018/11           2019/11                            2018/11          2019/11                   2018/11        2019/11
                                                                                                                                         YoY                                           YoY                                    Inc./dec.

                                                   General Merchandise Store
          GMS事業                                                                                   2,272,923        2,276,638              +0.2%           -18,815        -18,126        -           66,078          93,952        +27,874

          SM事業                                     Supermarket Business                           2,429,819        2,403,576              -1.1%               13,171       4,531        -65.6%      51,678          49,686          -1,991

          ヘルス&ウエルネス事業                              Health & Wellness Business                       589,932          652,138             +10.5%               17,311      22,267       +28.6%       12,141          11,894            -247

          総合⾦融事業                                   Financial Services Business                      320,452          352,869             +10.1%               47,460      39,663        -16.4%      21,149          34,268        +13,118

                                                   Shopping Center Development
          ディベロッパー事業                                                                                 266,410          275,892              +3.6%               37,043      43,784       +18.2%      156,982          92,290        -64,691

                                                   Services & Specialty Store
          サービス・専⾨店事業                                                                                576,983          556,440              -3.6%               13,499       2,972        -78.0%      17,955          14,919          -3,036

          国際事業                                     International Business                           330,230          327,491              -0.8%                 -196       5,615        -           20,982          10,455        -10,526

          その他事業                                    Others Business                                    37,812           39,597             +4.7%                 762        2,196       +188.0%       4,159           5,470         +1,311

          調整額                                      Adjustments                                     -485,199         -497,638             -                    -1,225         176        -            2,542           4,416         +1,874

          連結合計                                     Consolidated Total                             6,339,364        6,387,005              +0.8%           109,011       103,081          -5.4%     353,669        317,354         -36,314

          (The Capital Expenditures above are amount of payment, including Tangible Fixed Assets, Intangible Fixed Assets, and Long-term Prepaid Expenses.)


Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                     Ⅲ.地域別の状況 (Segment Information by Region)

           9.地域別実績 (Information by Region)

             1)地域別損益状況 (Segment Information by Region)                                                                                                                                                          百万円(Millions of Yen)

                                                                                                       2015/11                   2016/11                   2017/11           2018/11          2019/11           前年同期⽐ YoY

                                                   営業収益               Operating Revenue                     5,517,979                 5,602,496                  5,680,477      5,765,646       5,809,323                  +0.8%
             ⽇本               Japan
                                                   営業利益               Operating Profit                          72,785                      81,546                 89,981         85,412           75,218                 -11.9%

                                                   営業収益               Operating Revenue                        248,012                     231,913                244,632        273,957          288,847                  +5.4%
             アセアン             ASEAN
                                                   営業利益               Operating Profit                          15,287                      12,220                 15,518         23,148           21,482                   -7.2%

                                                   営業収益               Operating Revenue                        184,659                     180,436                190,791        209,309          207,653                   -0.8%
             中国               China
                                                   営業利益               Operating Profit                           -8,143                     -8,616                  -2,938             -117         6,163             -
                                                   営業収益               Operating Revenue                         85,398                      85,013                 90,670         90,451           81,181                 -10.2%
             その他              Others
                                                   営業利益               Operating Profit                              922                       226                     237               567             218               -61.6%
                                                   営業収益               Operating Revenue                     6,036,049                 6,099,860                  6,206,571      6,339,364       6,387,005                  +0.8%
             合計               Total
                                                   営業利益               Operating Profit                          80,851                      85,376                102,798        109,011          103,081                   -5.4%

             参考)国内外⽐率 ((Ref.) Ratio of Japan & Overseas)
                                                                                                       2015/11                   2016/11                   2017/11           2018/11          2019/11         前年同期差 Inc./dec.

                                                   国内                 Japan                                      91.4%                      91.8%                   91.5%          91.0%           91.0%                +0.0 pts.
             営業収益             Operating Revenue
                                                   海外                 Overseas                                     8.6%                      8.2%                    8.5%              9.0%         9.0%                 -0.0 pts.
                                                   国内                 Japan                                      90.0%                      95.5%                   87.5%          78.4%           73.0%                 -5.4 pts.
             営業利益             Operating Profit
                                                   海外                 Overseas                                   10.0%                       4.5%                   12.5%          21.6%           27.0%                +5.4 pts.

             2)地域別設備投資実績 (Capital Expenditures by Region)                                                                                                                                                       百万円(Millions of Yen)

                                                                                                       2015/11                   2016/11                   2017/11           2018/11          2019/11         前年同期差 Inc./dec.

             ⽇本                                    Japan                                                       313,156                     295,513                307,144        291,204          281,805                  -9,399
             アセアン                                  ASEAN                                                        50,525                      33,161                 25,139         45,849           22,048                 -23,800
             中国                                    China                                                        36,020                      26,052                 16,240         13,601           10,930                  -2,670
             その他                                   Others                                                         3,636                      3,258                  3,319          3,013            2,569                     -444
             合計                                    Total                                                       403,339                     357,985                351,843        353,669          317,354                 -36,314
             (The Capital Expenditures above are amount of payment, including Tangible Fixed Assets, Intangible Fixed Assets, and Long-term Prepaid Expenses.)

             参考)国内外⽐率 ((Ref.) Ratio of Japan & Overseas)
                                                                                                       2015/11                   2016/11                   2017/11           2018/11          2019/11         前年同期差 Inc./dec.

             国内                                    Japan                                                         77.6%                      82.5%                   87.3%          82.3%           88.8%                +6.5 pts.
             海外                                    Overseas                                                      22.4%                      17.5%                   12.7%          17.7%           11.2%                 -6.5 pts.


Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                          Ⅳ.主要企業の状況 (Information of Major Companies)

           10.連結⼦会社・持分適⽤会社の異動状況 (Change of Consolidated Subsidiaries & Equity-method Affiliates)
             1)連結⼦会社数の推移 (Consolidated Subsidiaries)                                                      3)主な連結⼦会社の異動状況 (Change of Major Consolidated Subsidiaries)
                2019/2 増加 Increase     減少 Decrease                         2019/11
                                                                                                                       会社名 Company                   増減 Inc./dec.        異動⽇ Change Date       事業セグメント Business Segment
                     293                 6                  10                289
                                                                                                                  ㈱横浜インポートマート                              増加                                          ディベロッパー事業
                                                                                                          YOKOHAMA IMPORTMART INC.                       Increase                           Shopping Center Development Business
             2)持分法適⽤会社数の推移 (Equity-method Affiliates)
                2019/2 増加 Increase   減少 Decrease                           2019/11
                                                                                                                   マックスバリュ中部㈱                              減少                                               SM事業
                     29                  1                  1                 29                               Maxvalu Chubu Co., Ltd.                   Decrease                                   Supermarket Business

           11.主要企業⼀覧 (Major Group Companies)                                                                                                                                                                         百万円(Millions of Yen)

                        事業セグメント                             会社名                              総資産           持分⽐率                           事業セグメント                               会社名                               総資産           持分⽐率
                       Business Segment                    Company                         Total Assets   Share-holding Ratio            Business Segment                      Company                          Total Assets   Share-holding Ratio

                                                     イオン北海道㈱                                                                                                             イオンフィナンシャルサービス㈱
                                                                                            112,061           81.27%
                                                     AEON Hokkaido Corporation                                                                                           AEON Financial Service Co., Ltd.
                                                     ㈱サンデー                                                                                                               イオンタナシンサップ(タイランド)
                                                                                              35,362          76.97%
             GMS事業                                   SUNDAY CO., LTD.                                                           総合⾦融事業                              (*4) AEON THANA SINSAP (THAILAND) PLC.
             General Merchandise Store Business イオン九州㈱                                                                          Financial Services Business              イオンクレジットサービス(マレーシア)
                                                                                            110,051           70.02%
                                                     AEON KYUSHU CO., LTD.                                                                                               AEON CREDIT SERVICE (M) BERHAD
                                                     イオンリテール㈱                      (*1)                                                                                  イオンクレジットサービス(アジア)
                                                                                           1,186,056        100.00%
                                                     AEON Retail Co., Ltd.                                                                                               AEON CREDIT SERVICE (ASIA) CO.,LTD.
                                                     マックスバリュ北海道㈱                                                                ディベロッパー事業                                イオンモール㈱                       (*2)
                                                                                              39,578          61.64%                                                                                            1,394,735          56.22%
                                                     Maxvalu Hokkaido Co., Ltd.                                                 Shopping Center Development Business AEON Mall Co., Ltd.
                                                     マックスバリュ東北㈱                                                                                                          イオンディライト㈱                     (*2)
                                                                                              22,313          71.01%                                                                                             134,255           54.52%
                                                     Maxvalu Tohoku Co., Ltd.                                                                                            AEON DELIGHT CO., LTD.
                                                     マックスバリュ東海㈱  (*2)(*3)                                                                                                ㈱ツヴァイ
                                                                                            122,100           68.34%                                                                                                2,680          66.79%
                                                     Maxvalu Tokai Co., Ltd.                                                                                             ZWEI CO., LTD.
             SM事業                                    マックスバリュ⻄⽇本㈱    (*2)                                                        サービス・専⾨店事業                               ㈱イオンファンタジー                    (*2)
                                                                                            278,980           73.44%                                                                                               58,039          67.26%
             Supermarket Business                    Maxvalu Nishinihon Co., Ltd.                                               Services & Specialty Store Business      AEON Fantasy Co., Ltd.
                                                     マックスバリュ九州㈱                                                                                                          ㈱ジーフット                       (*2)
                                                                                              41,536          77.63%                                                                                               58,559          64.44%
                                                     Maxvalu Kyushu Co., Ltd.                                                                                            GFOOT CO., LTD.
                                                     U.S.M.H㈱                       (*2)                                                                                 ㈱コックス                         (*2)
                                                                                            264,508           38.87%                                                                                               14,574          68.98%
                                                     United Super Markets Holdings Inc.                                                                                  COX CO., LTD.
                                                     ミニストップ㈱                        (*2)                                                                                 イオンマレーシア                      (*5)
                                                                                            129,442           51.78%                                                                                             166,955           51.68%
                                                     MINISTOP CO., LTD.                                                         国際事業                                     AEON CO. (M) BHD.
             ヘルス&ウエルネス事業                             ウエルシアホールディングス㈱ (*2)                                                        International Business                   イオンストアーズ⾹港                  (*6)
                                                                                            378,408           50.56%
             Health & Wellness Business              WELCIA HOLDINGS CO., LTD.                                                                                           AEON Stores (Hong Kong) Co., Limited
             *1︓⾮上場会社です。(Unlisted company.)          *2︓連結決算の数値です。(Consolidated financial results) *3︓マックスバリュ東海㈱は、2019年9⽉1⽇付でマックスバリュ中部㈱と合併しました。(Maxvalu Chubu Co., Ltd. was merged into Maxvalu Tokai Co., Ltd. on Sep.1,2019.)

             *4︓イオンフィナンシャルサービス㈱の決算期が異なる為、記載しておりません。(Financial results are not indicated, as AFS' s FY end is different.)

             *5︓監査前の参考数値です。(Unaudited results.)                                                                                 *6︓2Qと4Qのみ開⽰しております。(Disclosed in 2Q and 4Q only.)


Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                    Ⅳ.主要企業の状況 (Information of Major Companies)

             12.主要各社明細 (Breakdown by Major Companies)                                                                                                            ※営業収益欄の斜体数値は、売上⾼です。 (Italic figures are sales figures.)

                                                                                                                                                                                                        百万円(Millions of Yen)
                                                                                                                                     営業収益                   営業利益                   経常利益                 四半期純利益
                                                                                                                                Operating Revenue       Operating Profit        Ordinary Profit         Net Income
                                                                                                                                            前年同期⽐                  前年同期差                  前年同期差                  前年同期差
                                                                                                                                2019/11                2019/11                 2019/11                2019/11
                                                                                                                                              YoY                  Inc./dec.              Inc./dec.              Inc./dec.
                                                       イオン北海道㈱                        AEON Hokkaido Corporation                  135,926     +0.4%         4,635       -300       4,615       -266       3,011       +488
             GMS事業                                     イオン九州㈱                         AEON KYUSHU CO., LTD.                      163,828      -0.7%       -1,266    +1,398       -1,066     +1,431        -949       +856
             General Merchandise Store Business        ㈱サンデー                          SUNDAY CO., LTD.                            37,979     +1.3%           445       +60         472         +44         312         +84
                                                       イオンリテール㈱                       AEON Retail Co., Ltd.                     1,623,044    +0.9%      -14,842      -1,013     -20,563      -8,218    -18,127    -17,794
                                                       マックスバリュ北海道㈱                    Maxvalu Hokkaido Co., Ltd.                  98,793     +2.8%           873      +399         906        +427         299       +456
                                                       マックスバリュ東北㈱                     Maxvalu Tohoku Co., Ltd.                    75,736      -3.0%          431       -275        451        -310         144        -153
                                                       マックスバリュ東海㈱ (*1)(*2) Maxvalu Tokai Co., Ltd. (*1)(*2)                      186,297 +10.2%            3,775      +806        3,565       +672       1,784       +105
                                                       マックスバリュ⻄⽇本㈱ (*1) Maxvalu Nishinihon Co., Ltd. (*1)                        403,551 +95.4%             -176     -1,104         -27      -1,144       -881      -1,556
             Supermarket Business
                                                       マックスバリュ九州㈱                     Maxvalu Kyushu Co., Ltd.                   135,581     +1.9%           985       -342        987        -358         281        -380
                                                       U.S.M.H㈱ (*1)                  United Super Markets Holdings Inc. (*1)    514,370      -1.0%        4,686     -3,012       4,862      -3,120      1,224      -2,934
                                                       ミニストップ㈱ (*1)                   MINISTOP CO., LTD. (*1)                    147,999      -6.8%       -2,590     -3,641      -2,031      -3,899     -3,213      -4,642
                                                       ウエルシアホールディングス㈱ (*1) WELCIA HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (*1)                        641,281    +10.8%       24,579     +4,898       26,523     +4,935      15,928     +2,816
             Health&Wellness Business
                                                       イオンモール㈱ (*1)                   AEON Mall Co., Ltd. (*1)                   240,573     +4.1%       42,265     +6,777       36,783     +2,092      23,503       +899
             Shopping Center Development
                                                       イオンディライト㈱ (*1)                 AEON DELIGHT CO., LTD. (*1)                232,643     +2.6%       12,104     +3,191       12,189     +2,882       7,369     +3,476
                                                       ㈱ツヴァイ                          ZWEI CO., LTD.                               2,348     -12.0%         -289       -132        -256       -131      -1,112        -968
                                                       ㈱イオンファンタジー (*1)                AEON Fantasy Co., Ltd. (*1)                 55,694     +3.0%         2,488      +100        1,864       -262         112        -406
             Services & Specialty Store Business
                                                       ㈱ジーフット (*1)                    GFOOT CO., LTD. (*1)                        69,810      -4.8%         -805     -1,811        -791      -1,828     -1,239        -780
                                                       ㈱コックス (*1)                     COX CO., LTD. (*1)                          12,842     -11.3%         -318      +526         -203       +484        -344       +498
             国際事業                      (*3) (*4)
                                                       イオンマレーシア                       AEON CO. (M) BHD.                           89,070      -0.1%        6,051    +1,900        2,897        +95       1,570       +152
             International Business
             *1︓連結決算の数値です。(Consolidated financial results.)
             *2︓マックスバリュ東海㈱は、2019年9⽉1⽇付でマックスバリュ中部㈱と合併しました。(Maxvalu Chubu Co., Ltd. was merged into Maxvalu Tokai Co., Ltd. on Sep.1,2019.)
             *3︓イオンマレーシアの会計期間は2019/1/1〜2019/9/30。 (The financial results period for AEON CO. (M) BHD. is between Jan 1, 2019 and Sep 30, 2019.)        *4︓監査前の参考数値です。(Unaudited results.)

             参考)為替換算レート ((Ref.) Exchange Rates)
                                                                                                通貨                                          2018/11 期中平均                                   2019/11 期中平均
                                                                                              Currency                                    Average for 3Q FY2018                          Average for 3Q FY2019
             イオンマレーシア    AEON CO. (M) BHD.                                               1マレーシアリンギット(MYR)                                     27.50円(JPY)                                   26.44円(JPY)


Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                                                                                             Ⅴ.参考資料(Reference Materials)

           13.イオンリテール株式会社 決算概況 (AEON Retail Co., Ltd. Financial Highlights)

              1)要約損益計算書 (Summary of Statements of Income)                                                                                    2)設備投資 (Capital Expenditures) (*1)
                                                                                                            億円(Hundred Millions of Yen)                                                                         億円(Hundred Millions of Yen)
                                                                                                                           GMS7既存⽐                                                                                        前年同期差
                                                                                                              前年同期⽐            GMS7                                                                                        Inc./dec.
                                                                                   2018/11    2019/11
                                                                                                                 YoY       Existing stores                        Investment of New
                                                                                                                                             新店投資(*2)                                                          115                        +9
                                                                                                                                YoY                               Stores (*2)
                                                                                                                                                                  Investment of Existing
               売上⾼                  Net Sales                                        14,800    14,939             +0.9%          +0.3%       既存店投資                                                             203                       +28

                      (内)商品供給            (of which)Commodity Supply                   1,363     1,401             +2.8%           -          その他投資                Other Investment                             506                      +313

                                                                                                                                                                  Total Capital
               その他の営業収⼊             Other Revenues                                    1,286     1,290             +0.3%           -          設備投資計                                                             824                      +351

             営業収益                   Operating Revenue                                16,086    16,230             +0.9%           -          3)従業員数 (Number of Employees) (*3)
               売上総利益                Gross Profit                                      3,864     3,847              -0.4%          -                                                                  2019/11

               営業総利益                Gross Operating Profit                            5,150     5,138              -0.2%          -          社員                   Full-time Employees                      21,935                        -78

               販売管理費                Selling, General and Administrative Expenses      5,288     5,286              -0.0%          -1.0%      コミュニティ社員             Part-timers                              62,534                      -1,355

                      ⼈件費           Personnel Expenses                                2,289     2,298             +0.4%           -1.6%      合計                   Total                                    84,469                      -1,433

                      販売促進費         Advertising and Selling Expenses                    742       745             +0.5%           -0.5%

                      設備費           Facilities Expenses                               1,880     1,851              -1.5%          -1.6%      店舗関連情報は、(参考)「主要企業の情報」に掲載しています。
                                                                                                                                             Information for stores is disclosed on the company website, " (Ref.)
                      ⼀般費           General Expenses                                    376       391             +3.9%          +0.9%       Information of Major Companies".
             営業利益                   Operating Profit                                   -138      -148             -               -
               営業外収益                Non-operating Income                                 83        80              -4.0%          -
                                                                                                                                             The investment results of new stores, existing stores and others are the aggregate investment
                                                                                                                                             (payment base) including capital expenditure and repair/maintenance expenses.
               営業外費⽤                Non-operating Expenses                               68       137          +100.0%            -
                                                                                                                                             *2:先⾏投資分を含みます。                Prior investment is included.
             経常利益                   Ordinary Profit                                    -123      -205             -               -
                                                                                                                                             を除き、 受⼊出向者を含む勤務者です。
                                                                                                                                             The number of employees is calculated at the term-end. Full-time employees include seconded
               特別利益                 Extraordinary Income                                122             3         -97.3%          -
                                                                                                                                             staff but exclude those loaned to other companies. The number of part-time employees (fixed
                                                                                                                                             term contract) is calculated by dividing the total working hours by 160 hours per month.
               特別損失                 Extraordinary Loss                                   49        30             -38.7%          -

              当期純利益                 Net Income                                           -3      -181             -               -


Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
                          Information of Major Companies is disclosed on the company website.

Copyright 2020 AEON CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.