8252 丸井G 2020-08-06 15:00:00
2021年3月期 第1四半期 FACT BOOK(決算補足資料) [pdf]
2021年3月期 第1四半期
3months ended June 30, 2020
目 次 Contents
1.業績の概要 Financial summary ………………………………………… 2
2.グループ総取扱高 Total Group transactions ………………………………………… 4
3.売上収益 Revenue ………………………………………… 5
4.売上総利益 Gross profit ………………………………………… 6
5.販売費及び一般管理費 Selling, general and administrative expenses ………………………………………… 7
6.セグメント情報 Segment information ………………………………………… 8
7.連結貸借対照表の概要 Summary of consolidated balance sheet ………………………………………… 9
8.グループ総取扱高 前年比推移 YOY change in monthly of total Group transactions ………………………………………… 10
9.小売 店別取扱高 Transactions of Retailing by store ………………………………………… 11
10.入店・買上客数及び客単価の伸長率 YOY change in number of customers, sales per purchase ………………………………………… 13
11.カード会員数 Number of credit card members ………………………………………… 13
12.営業債権 Operating receivables ………………………………………… 14
13.投資計画と実績 Investments ………………………………………… 15
14.有利子負債 Interest-bearing debt ………………………………………… 16
15.社員数 Number of employees ………………………………………… 17
16.2021年3月期予想について About Forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021 ………………………………………… 18
<参考>Non-GAAP指標について (Reference) About Non-GAAP indicators ………………………………………… 19
<参考>LTV経営の指標について (Reference) About Lifetime Value Management indicators ………………………………………… 20
<参考>店舗の状況について (Reference) About Store Trends ………………………………………… 21
<参考>リボルビング債権流動化について (Reference) About Liquidation of Revolving Receivables ………………………………………… 22
<参考>株主還元の実績と今後の方針について (Reference) About Shareholder Returns and Policies ………………………………………… 23
<参考>「共創経営レポート 2019」について (Reference) About Co-Creation Management Report 2019 ………………………………………… 24
<参考>「VISION BOOK 2050」について (Reference) About VISION BOOK 2050 ………………………………………… 25
※決算ダイジェストは、別資料「2021年3月期 第1四半期決算概要」をご覧ください。
※For financial digests , please refer to “Overview of Performance in Three Months Ended June 30, 2020” as the attached material.
1.業績の概要 Financial summary
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
3ヵ月 前年比 3ヵ月 前年比 12ヵ月 前年比
(円/Yen) 3 months YOY(%) 3 months YOY(%) FY2020 YOY(%)
1株当たり四半期純利益(EPS) Earnings per share 25.75 98.9 7.3 28.4 117.58 101.4
自己資本当期純利益率(ROE) Return on equity - - - - 8.8% △0.3%
投下資本利益率(ROIC) Return on invested capital *1★1 0.8% +0.0% 0.8% +0.0% 3.7% +0.0%
株主資本コスト Capital costs *1★2 - - - - 6.9% +0.1%
資本コスト(WACC) Weighted average cost of capital *1★3 - - - - 3.0% +0.2%
(百万円/Millions of Yen)
グループ総取扱高 Total Group transactions 685,811 116.7 615,288 89.7 2,903,713 114.3
小売 Retailing 79,724 100.3 34,050 42.7 320,119 95.0
フィンテック FinTech 630,801 118.1 591,719 93.8 2,678,839 115.9
消去 Eliminations △24,715 - △10,480 - △95,245 -
売上収益 Revenue 57,407 98.7 46,099 80.3 247,582 98.5
[リカーリングレベニュー] [Reccuring revenue] *1★4 [35,684] [108.2] [30,289] [84.9] [144,723] [105.6]
小売 Retailing 26,171 88.4 15,321 58.5 110,960 88.5
フィンテック FinTech 31,236 109.4 30,778 98.5 136,622 108.4
売上総利益 Gross profit 45,800 102.9 37,313 81.5 195,666 102.7
[リカーリングレベニュー] [Reccuring gross profit] *1★4 [32,084] [109.2] [27,345] [85.2] [131,099] [106.9]
売上総利益率 Gross profit margin 79.8% +3.3% 80.9% +1.1% 79.0% +3.2%
店舗・Web Store・Web 69.8% +3.3% 62.3% △7.5% 70.2% +4.1%
販売費及び一般管理費 Selling, general and administrative expenses 36,991 103.1 28,436 76.9 153,721 102.9
営業利益 Operating income 8,809 102.0 *2 8,876 100.8 41,944 101.8
小売 Retailing 2,350 95.9 840 35.8 10,027 87.8
フィンテック FinTech 8,121 107.5 9,492 116.9 38,399 109.7
消去又は全社 Eliminations/Corporate △1,662 - △1,455 - △6,482 -
経常利益 Ordinary income 8,556 101.3 9,367 109.5 40,415 101.6
親会社株主に帰属する四半期純利益 Net income attributable to owners of parent 5,596 97.7 1,565 28.0 25,396 100.2
期中平均株式数(自己株式を除く) Average number of shares (excluding treasury stock) *3★4 217,366,193 98.7 214,411,916 98.6 216,001,704 98.9
* 注記は、次ページに記載しております。
* The notes are on the next page.
*1 詳細はp.20をご参照ください。
For more details, please refer to page 20.
*2 営業利益の前年増減につきましては、別資料「2021年3月期 第1四半期決算概要 p.4 営業利益増加の内訳」をご覧ください。
*4 For information on factors affecting operating income, please refer to “Factors Affecting Operating Income” on page 4 of
“Overview of Performance for 3 months ended June 30, 2020” as the attached material.
*3 期中平均株式数の算出において、発行済株式数から控除する自己株式数には、役員報酬BIP信託及び株式付与ESOP信託が保有する当社株式を含めております。
(2021年3月期 第1四半期 545,184、2020年3月期 479,820、2020年3月期 第1四半期 430,961)
*5 Treasury stock excluded from average number of shares includes Board Incentive Plan and Employees Stock Ownership Plan.
(FY2021 1Q 545,184 FY2020 479,820 FY2020 1Q 430,961)
* 当社グループでは、2021年3月期を最終年度とする5ヵ年の中期経営計画において、EPS、ROE、ROICを経営指標に定め、企業価値向上に向けて
* Marui Group’s 5-Year Mid-Term Plan to fiscal year ending March 31, 2021 has set EPS, ROE and ROIC as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators); to improve corporate value
we aim to expand earnings and reduce capital costs to achieve a structure where ROIC consistently exceeds WACC.
* ★1~4は、Non-GAAP指標です。計算式は、p.19<参考>Non-GAAP指標についてをご参照ください。
* Items ★1–4 are Non-GAAP indicators. For calculation methods, please refer to “(Reference) About Non-GAAP Indicators” on page 19.
2.グループ総取扱高 Total Group transactions
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
3ヵ月 前年比 3ヵ月 前年比 12ヵ月 前年比
(百万円/Millions of Yen) 3 months YOY(%) 3 months YOY(%) FY2020 YOY(%)
小売 Retailing 79,724 100.3 34,050 42.7 320,119 95.0
定期借家テナント売上高等 Tenant sales and others 55,573 119.1 19,643 35.3 218,600 104.8
商品売上高 Product sales 9,370 74.7 6,111 65.2 36,195 72.9
消化仕入売上高 Consignment sales 10,479 67.6 4,413 42.1 40,411 74.7
関連事業収入 Related business revenues 4,301 90.8 3,882 90.3 24,912 101.3
フィンテック FinTech 630,801 118.1 591,719 93.8 2,678,839 115.9
ショッピングクレジット Card shopping 510,814 118.3 459,912 90.0 2,171,018 115.7
外部加盟店 Outside of Marui Group 486,098 119.8 449,431 92.5 2,075,772 117.3
(リボ・分割取扱高) (Total transactions for revolving and installment payments) *1 (65,222) (119.6) (55,104) (84.5) (284,656) (116.1)
サービス Service 80,665 125.1 105,589 130.9 353,863 125.9
カードキャッシング Cash advance 37,127 103.1 24,112 64.9 145,234 101.3
IT 他 IT, etc. 2,195 104.0 2,104 95.9 8,723 94.8
消去 Eliminations △24,715 - △10,480 - △95,245 -
合計 Total 685,811 116.7 615,288 89.7 2,903,713 114.3
*1 ショッピングクレジットと運転免許クレジットで利用した「リボ・分割取扱高」の合計額です。
* Total transactions for revolving and installment payments are the total of Card shopping and Driver's license Credits.
* 定期借家テナント売上高等は、定期借家契約を締結しているテナントの取扱高等です。
* 商品売上高は、主に自主専門店の売上高です。
* 消化仕入売上高は、商品の販売と同時に取引先より商品を仕入れる百貨店型の契約形態での取扱高です。
* Tenant sales and others are the sales of tenants which made the fixed-term rental contracts.
* Product sales are mainly the sales of specialty stores, which primarily deal in private brand products.
* Consignment sales are the sales by the department store type of contract which products are procured from suppliers at the same time they are sold to customers.
* Related business revenues are the revenues of retail-related buisiness except store and web revenue, which are commercial facility design・construction, property management, comprehensive building management and
* real estate business, etc.
3.売上収益 Revenue
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
3ヵ月 前年比 3ヵ月 前年比 12ヵ月 前年比
(百万円/Millions of Yen) 3 months YOY(%) 3 months YOY(%) FY2020 YOY(%)
小売 Retailing 26,171 88.4 15,321 58.5 110,960 88.5
定期借家テナント収入等 Tenant rent revenue and others 10,578 109.1 4,633 43.8 42,497 102.2
商品売上高 Product sales 9,370 74.7 6,111 65.2 36,195 72.9
消化仕入売上高(純額) Consignment revenue 1,921 72.7 693 36.1 7,355 76.7
関連事業収入 Related business revenue 4,301 90.8 3,882 90.3 24,912 101.3
フィンテック FinTech 31,236 109.4 30,778 98.5 136,622 108.4
ショッピングクレジット Card shopping revenue 19,681 113.7 19,582 99.5 82,659 112.5
リボ・分割手数料 Finance charges on revolving and installment payments 11,574 110.8 12,096 104.5 47,912 110.0
加盟店手数料 Affiliate commissions 8,107 118.1 7,486 92.3 34,746 116.1
カードキャッシング利息 Interest income on consumer loans 6,223 102.2 5,982 96.1 24,916 101.7
債権流動化(18.9~) Liquidated accounts receivable(Sep. 2018-) △325 - △ 664 - 5,115 91.2
流動化債権譲渡益 Gain on transfer of liquidated accounts receivable *1 - - - - 7,110 117.3
譲渡益償却 他 Amortization of liquidated accounts receivable and others *1 △325 - △ 664 - △ 1,994 -
サービス収入 Service revenue 3,460 113.8 3,772 109.0 15,207 115.0
IT 他 IT, etc. 2,195 104.0 2,104 95.9 8,723 94.8
合計 Total 57,407 98.7 46,099 80.3 247,582 98.5
[リカーリングレベニュー] [Reccuring revenue] *2★4 [35,684] [108.2] [30,289] [84.9] [144,723] [105.6]
[リカーリングレベニュー比率 [Ratio of reccuring revenue] ★5 60.8% +5.1% 64.8% +4.0% 57.3% +3.8%
*1 詳細はp.22をご参照ください。
For more details, please refer to page 22.
*2 詳細はp.20をご参照ください。
For more details, please refer to page 20.
* ★4,5は、Non-GAAP指標です。計算式は、p.19<参考>Non-GAAP指標についてをご参照ください。
* Items ★4,5 are Non-GAAP indicators. For calculation methods, please refer to “(Reference) About Non-GAAP Indicators” on page 19.
* 定期借家テナント収入等は、定期借家契約に基づく家賃収入等の収益です。
* 商品売上高は、主に自主専門店の売上高です。
* 消化仕入売上高(純額)は、商品の販売と同時に取引先より商品を仕入れる百貨店型の契約形態での売上高で、利益相当額のみを売上計上する純額表示をしております。
* Rent revenues and others are the revenues of rental income and others which generates from the fixed-term rental contracts.
* Product sales are mainly the sales of specialty stores, which primarily deal in private brand products.
* Consignment revenues are the sales by the department store type of contract which products are procured from suppliers at the same time they are sold to customers, and the Company shows it at net value,
* the portion that represents profit to the Company.
* Related business revenues are the revenues of retail-related buisiness except store and web revenue, which are commercial facility design・construction, property management, comprehensive building management and
* real estate business, etc.
4.売上総利益 Gross profit
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
3ヵ月 前年比 3ヵ月 前年比 12ヵ月 前年比
(百万円/Millions of Yen) 3 months YOY(%) 3 months YOY(%) FY2020 YOY(%)
小売 Retailing 16,260 92.3 8,230 50.6 65,877 91.9
定期借家テナント等 Rent revenue and others 9,789 109.6 4,433 45.3 40,094 104.3
商品 Product sales 3,561 71.8 1,999 56.1 12,921 69.4
消化仕入 Consignment revenue 1,921 72.7 693 36.1 7,355 76.7
関連事業 Related business revenue 987 91.0 1,102 111.7 5,505 109.5
フィンテック FinTech 29,539 109.9 29,083 98.5 129,788 109.2
ショッピングクレジット Card shopping revenue 19,681 113.7 19,582 99.5 82,659 112.5
リボ・分割手数料 Finance charges on revolving and installment payments 11,574 110.8 12,096 104.5 47,912 110.0
加盟店手数料 Affiliate commissions 8,107 118.1 7,486 92.3 34,746 116.1
カードキャッシング Interest income on consumer loans 6,223 102.2 5,982 96.1 24,916 101.7
債権流動化(18.9~) Liquidated accounts receivable(Sep. 2018-) △325 - △664 - 5,115 91.2
流動化債権譲渡益 Gain on transfer of liquidated accounts receivable *1 - - - - 7,110 117.3
譲渡益償却 他 Amortization of liquidated accounts receivable and others *1 △325 - △664 - △1,994 -
サービス Service revenue 3,460 113.8 3,772 109.0 15,207 115.0
IT 他 IT, etc. 498 112.2 409 82.1 1,889 93.3
合計 Total 45,800 102.9 37,313 81.5 195,666 102.7
[リカーリングレベニュー] [Reccuring gross profit] *2★4 [32,084] [109.2] [27,345] [85.2] [131,099] [106.9]
[リカーリングレベニュー比率 [Ratio of reccuring gross profit ★5 68.1% +3.6% 72.1% +4.0% 65.3% +2.4%
*1 詳細はp.22をご参照ください。
For more details, please refer to page 22.
*2 詳細はp.20をご参照ください。
For more details, please refer to page 20.
* ★4,5は、Non-GAAP指標です。計算式は、p.19<参考>Non-GAAP指標についてをご参照ください。
* Items ★4,5 are Non-GAAP indicators. For calculation methods, please refer to “(Reference) About Non-GAAP Indicators” on page 19.
5.販売費及び一般管理費 Selling, general and administrative expenses
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
3ヵ月 前年比 3ヵ月 前年比 12ヵ月 前年比
(百万円/Millions of Yen) 3 months YOY(%) 3 months YOY(%) FY2020 YOY(%)
販売促進費 Sales promotion expenses 7,077 108.7 6,417 90.7 28,985 106.4
ポイント費用 Card rewards 5,218 111.2 5,502 105.4 22,855 115.1
販売事務費 Sales administration costs 6,433 104.7 4,687 72.9 27,343 108.0
人件費 Personnel costs 10,002 95.1 7,493 74.9 38,926 95.0
設備費 Equipment costs 5,861 100.7 2,830 48.3 23,962 100.2
減価償却費 Depreciation and amortization 2,061 97.9 1,435 69.6 7,861 91.3
貸倒費用 Provision for bad debts 4,182 119.5 4,296 102.7 16,247 113.1
利息返還損失引当金繰入 Provision for loss on interest repayment - - - - 4,422 131.5
租税公課(事業税) Taxes and dues (business taxes) 328 103.9 350 106.5 1,440 108.3
その他 Others 1,043 109.6 923 88.6 4,532 107.6
合計 Total 36,991 103.1 28,436 76.9 153,721 102.9
* 2021年3月期 第1四半期 営業利益に与えるコロナ影響額は、p.18をご参照ください。
* For impact amounts on operating income of the COVID-19 in Three Months Ended June 30, 2020, please refer to page 18.
6.セグメント情報 Segment information
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
3ヵ月 前年比 3ヵ月 前年比 12ヵ月 前年比
小売 Retailing (百万円/Millions of Yen) 3 months YOY(%) 3 months YOY(%) FY2020 YOY(%)
売上収益 Revenue 27,559 88.3 15,906 57.7 116,271 88.3
営業利益 Operating income 2,350 95.9 840 35.8 10,027 87.8
営業利益率 Operating income to revenue 8.5% +0.6% 5.3% △3.2% 8.6% △0.1%
セグメント資産 Segment assets 284,097 99.1 263,721 92.8 275,779 91.5
投下資本利益率(ROIC) Return on invested capital
★1 0.8% 0.0% 0.3% △0.5% 3.4% △0.4%
フィンテック FinTech (百万円/Millions of Yen)
売上収益 Revenue 31,964 109.8 31,167 97.5 139,546 108.8
営業利益 Operating income 8,121 107.5 9,492 116.9 38,399 109.7
営業利益率 Operating income to revenue 25.4% △0.6% 30.5% +5.1% 27.5% +0.2%
セグメント資産 Segment assets 633,403 102.7 614,215 97.0 622,438 100.0
投下資本利益率(ROIC) Return on invested capital ★1 1.0% +0.1% 1.2% +0.2% 4.6% +0.4%
*1 ★1は、Non-GAAP指標です。計算式は、p.19<参考>Non-GAAP指標についてをご参照ください。
Item ★1 is Non-GAAP indicator. For calculation methods, please refer to “(Reference) About Non-GAAP Indicators” on page 19.
7.連結貸借対照表の概要 Summary of consolidated balance sheet
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
前年比 前年比 前年比
(百万円/Millions of Yen) YOY(%) YOY(%) YOY(%)
営業債権 Operating receivables 570,593 100.6 540,424 94.7 555,563 98.2
割賦売掛金 Installment sales accounts receivable 431,736 102.9 411,537 95.3 416,250 97.2
営業貸付金 Operating loans 138,857 94.2 128,886 92.8 139,313 101.3
(債権流動化額) (Liquidated accounts receivable) (134,531) (188.2) (177,465) (131.9) (181,941) (152.6)
固定資産 Fixed assets 252,485 103.4 265,362 105.1 259,202 103.8
有利子負債 Interest-bearing debt 508,329 99.8 472,836 93.0 479,835 98.6
自己資本 Shareholder's equity 284,308 103.5 291,446 102.5 289,792 101.8
総資産 Total assets 901,357 102.3 884,590 98.1 885,969 99.5
流動化比率 Ratio of liquidated accounts receivable ★6 19.1% +7.9% 24.7% +5.6% 24.7% +7.3%
有利子負債 営業債権比 Ratio of interest-bearing debt to operating receivables ★7 89.1% △0.7% 87.5% △1.6% 86.4% +0.4%
自己資本比率 Equity ratio 31.5% +0.3% 32.9% +1.4% 32.7% +0.7%
*2 当社グループでは、2021年3月期を最終年度とする5ヵ年の中期経営計画において、EPS、ROE、ROICを経営指標に定め、企業価値向上に向けて利益拡大と資本コストの低減に取り組み、
*2 ROICがWACCを安定的に上回る構造をめざしております。
*2 フィンテックにおいて拡大を続ける営業債権の資金需要には、コストの低い資金調達で対応し、有利子負債の構成を高めることでグループ全体の資本コストを引き下げる方針です。
*2 ただし、有利子負債の残高は安全性を考慮して営業債権の9割程度を目安としております。
*2 自己資本については、ビジネスモデルの変化にあわせて構成を見直し、自己資本比率30%程度を目安に「めざすべきバランスシート」を構築していきます。
*2 Marui Group’s 5-Year Mid-Term Plan to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, has set EPS, ROE and ROIC as KPIs (Key Performance Indicators); to improve corporate value we aim to expand earnings
*2 and reduce capital costs to achieve a structure where ROIC consistently exceeds WACC.
*2 In FinTech Business, continued growth for operating receivable funding needs will be met with low cost interest-bearing debts, as increased debt-gearing lowers the Group’s overall cost of capital.
*2 At the same time, we will seek to maintain a level of interest-bearing debt that is equivalent to around 90% of operating receivables to ensure financial safety.
*2 Shareholder’s equity ratios will be adjusted in conjunction with our changing business model structure, and we aim to build “ideal balance sheet” with an equity ratio of about 30%.
*2 ★6,7は、Non-GAAP指標です。計算式は、p.19「<参考>Non-GAAP指標について」をご参照ください。
*2 Items ★6,7 are Non-GAAP indicators. For calculation methods, please refer to “(Reference) About Non-GAAP Indicators” on page 19.
8.グループ総取扱高 前年比推移 YOY change in monthly of total Group transactions
4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 1月 2月 3月 累計
グループ総取扱高 Total Group transactions 81.3 84.6 103.2 - - - - - - - - - 89.7
小売 Retailing 25.8 23.1 82.5 - - - - - - - - - 42.7
店舗・Web Store・Web *1 22.8 19.4 81.1 - - - - - - - - - 40.0
フィンテック FinTech 86.4 89.7 105.3 - - - - - - - - - 93.8
ショッピングクレジット(外部加盟店) Card shopping (Outside of Marui Group) 82.4 90.2 104.5 - - - - - - - - - 92.5
サービス Service *2 129.8 130.8 132.1 - - - - - - - - - 130.9
カードキャッシング Cash advance 76.8 57.7 62.2 - - - - - - - - - 64.9
*1 「店舗・Web」は、小売の定期借家テナント等、商品、消化仕入の合計額です。
*1 Store・Web is a total of Tenant sales and others, Product sales and Consignment sales.
*2 フィンテックにおける「サービス」は、家賃立替払い額、運転免許クレジット・保険等のご利用総額です。
“Service” under FinTech represents the amounts of rent advances, driver’s license credit, insurance sales, etc.
9.小売 店別取扱高 Transactions of Retailing by store
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
3ヵ月 前年比 3ヵ月 前年比 12ヵ月 前年比 売場面積(㎡)
(百万円/Millions of Yen) 3 months YOY(%) 3 months YOY(%) FY2020 YOY(%) Sales floor area
Web通販 EC 5,270 92.4 5,236 99.4 21,497 89.0 -
北千住マルイ Kitasenju Marui 東京都 Tokyo 9,937 106.9 4,131 41.6 38,956 100.4 35,300
マルイファミリー溝口 Marui Family Mizonokuchi 神奈川県 Kanagawa 5,247 101.2 *2 2,523 48.1 21,576 97.4 32,260
国分寺マルイ Kokubunji Marui 東京都 Tokyo 2,662 95.2 1,619 60.8 10,626 92.5 14,300
新宿マルイ Shinjuku Marui *1 東京都 Tokyo 7,250 100.4 1,485 20.5 27,456 91.5 30,590
丸井錦糸町店 Marui Kinshicho 東京都 Tokyo 3,021 94.7 1,457 48.2 11,918 90.8 22,990
マルイファミリー志木 Marui Family Shiki 埼玉県 Saitama 2,716 106.6 1,429 52.6 10,581 96.5 18,900
町田店 Machida *1 東京都 Tokyo 3,757 100.3 1,168 31.1 *2 14,803 95.3 21,270
マルイファミリー海老名 Marui Family Ebina 神奈川県 Kanagawa 1,870 92.7 1,117 59.7 *2 7,370 88.8 *2 19,500
有楽町マルイ Yurakucho Marui 東京都 Tokyo 4,928 95.0 1,067 21.7 *2 19,013 88.8 18,500
なんばマルイ Namba Marui 大阪府 Osaka 2,999 114.5 906 30.2 11,236 101.9 17,000
戸塚モディ Totsuka Modi 神奈川県 Kanagawa 2,320 101.2 875 37.7 *2 8,887 96.6 16,580
上野マルイ Ueno Marui 東京都 Tokyo 3,224 101.8 847 26.3 12,069 93.0 16,390
中野マルイ Nakano Marui 東京都 Tokyo 1,523 102.8 809 53.1 *2 6,158 98.3 4,950
柏店 Kashiwa *1 千葉県 Chiba 1,940 108.7 *2 727 37.5 7,778 107.6 18,810
マルイシティ横浜 Marui City Yokohama 神奈川県 Kanagawa 2,131 119.9 *2 672 31.5 8,677 107.6 *2 16,770
博多マルイ Hakata Marui 福岡県 Fukuoka 2,061 102.1 632 30.7 8,128 95.1 *2 15,000
大宮マルイ Omiya Marui 埼玉県 Saitama 1,615 99.4 568 35.2 *2 6,251 91.9 13,970
神戸マルイ Kobe Marui 兵庫県 Hyogo 1,189 115.4 *2 519 43.6 4,862 106.9 6,940
草加マルイ Soka Marui 埼玉県 Saitama 1,268 108.9 504 39.8 *2 4,793 104.6 *2 16,530
丸井吉祥寺店 Marui Kichijoji 東京都 Tokyo 1,329 102.2 415 31.3 5,036 95.6 11,950
池袋マルイ Ikebukuro Marui 東京都 Tokyo 1,521 111.2 379 24.9 5,473 93.1 12,170
渋谷店 Shibuya *1 東京都 Tokyo 2,783 104.1 354 12.7 *2 10,422 83.6 14,090
静岡店 Shizuoka *1 静岡県 Shizuoka 610 86.8 *2 231 37.9 *2 2,322 81.9 *2 13,460
京都マルイ Kyoto Marui 京都府 Kyoto 1,215 96.8 26 2.1 *4 4,205 86.5 8,760
川越モディ Kawagoe Modi 埼玉県 Saitama 421 100.7 *2 - - *3 1,659 97.6 *2 - *3
[外部専門店] [Specialty stores] 126 47.4 29 23.0 472 44.3 -
* 注記は、次ページに記載しております。
* The notes are on the next page.
*1 新宿マルイは、「本館」「アネックス」「メン」の3館、町田店・渋谷店・柏店・静岡店は、それぞれ「マルイ」「モディ」の2館を展開しております。
*4 Shinjuku Marui includes "Main Building", "Annex" and "Men". Machida, Shibuya, Kashiwa and Shizuoka include "Marui" and "Modi."
*2 小売では、改装等にともなう区画閉鎖が各店舗で発生しております。売場閉鎖率が高い主な店舗は以下のとおりです。
*2 【2021年3月期 第1四半期】
*2 静岡店(12%)、マルイファミリー海老名(11%)、中野マルイ(11%)、町田店(8%)、有楽町マルイ(8%)、戸塚モディ(6%)、草加マルイ(6%)、大宮マルイ(5%)、渋谷店(5%)
*2 【2020年3月期 第1四半期】
*2 川越モディ(18%)、静岡店(8%)、マルイファミリー溝口(7%)、神戸マルイ(6%)、柏店(6%)、マルイシティ横浜(6%)
*2 【2020年3月期 通期】
*2 川越モディ(18%)、静岡店(9%)、マルイファミリー海老名(7%)、博多マルイ(6%)、マルイシティ横浜(6%)、草加マルイ(6%)
In the Retailing segment, a certain amount of floor space is closed for renovation at stores. Stores that have high closing rate of sales floor area are as follows.
*1 【FY2021 Q1】
*1 Shizuoka (12%), Marui Family Ebina (11%), Nakano Marui (11%), Machida (8%), Yurakucyo Marui (8%), Totsuka Modi (6%), Soka Marui (6%), Omiya Marui (5%), Shibuya (5%)
*1 【FY2020 Q1】
*1 Kawagoe Modi (18%), Shizuoka (8%), Marui Family Mizonokuchi(7%), Kobe Marui (6%), Kashiwa(6%), Marui City Yokohama (6%)
*1 【FY2020】
*1 Kawagoe Modi (18%), Shizuoka (9%), Marui Family Ebina (7%), Hakata Marui (6%), Marui City Yokohama (6%), Soka Marui (6%)
*3 川越モディは、2020年3月31日に閉店いたしました。
Kawagoe Modi closed on March 31, 2020.
*4 京都マルイは、2020年5月12日に閉店いたしました。
Kyoto Marui closed on May 12, 2020.
10.入店・買上客数及び客単価の伸長率 YOY change in number of customers, sales per purchase
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
3ヵ月 3ヵ月 12ヵ月
(%) 3 months 3 months FY2020
入店客数 Number of customers coming to stores 104.3 34.3 97.7
買上客数 Number of purchase 106.1 42.8 99.2
客単価 Sales per purchase 95.2 92.9 95.1
11.カード会員数 Number of credit card members
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
前年差 前年差 前年差
(万人/10 thousands) Change Change Change
カード会員数合計 Total 697 +35 715 +18 720 +32
プラチナ Platinum cardholders 7 +2 9 +2 9 +2
ゴールド Gold cardholders 215 +30 247 +32 242 +33
プレミアムカード会員構成 Ratio of premium cardholders * 31.9% +3.1% 35.8% +3.9% 34.8% +3.5%
新規会員数 New cardholders 20 +1 10 △10 81 0
丸井グループ店舗外入会 Outside of Marui Group stores 11 +2 8 △3 48 +6
利用客数(会計期間) Active cardholders (fiscal year) 355 +26 339 △16 472 +19
利用率 Ratio of active cardholders (fiscal year) 51.0% +1.2% 47.4% △3.6% 65.5% △0.4%
稼働客数(1年間利用) Active cardholders (for a year) 459 +21 463 +4 472 +19
稼働率 Ratio of active cardholders (for a year) 65.9% △0.3% 64.8% △1.1% 65.5% △0.4%
* 「プレミアムカード会員」は、プラチナ会員とゴールド会員の合計です。
*1 Premium cardholders is the total number of Platinum cardholders and Gold cardholders.
12.営業債権 Operating receivables
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
前年比 前年比 前年比
(百万円/Millions of Yen) YOY(%) YOY(%) YOY(%)
割賦売掛金残高 Installment sales accounts receivable 431,736 102.9 411,537 95.3 416,250 97.2
(流動化債権を含む) (Including liquidated accounts receivable) (552,996) (112.6) (575,360) (104.0) (584,641) (109.4)
リボ・分割払い Revolving and installment payments 315,781 102.4 293,345 92.9 305,781 98.6
(流動化債権を含む) (Including liquidated accounts receivable) (342,144) (110.4) (354,343) (103.6) (366,267) (108.9)
1・2回、ボーナス1回払い等 Payment by installments within two times,
lump-sum payment in bonus months and others
115,954 104.5 118,191 101.9 110,469 93.5
(流動化債権を含む) (Including liquidated accounts receivable) (210,851) (116.6) (221,017) (104.8) (218,373) (110.3)
営業貸付金残高 Operating loans outstanding 138,857 94.2 128,886 92.8 139,313 101.3
(流動化債権を含む) (Including liquidated accounts receivable) (152,129) (103.2) (142,529) (93.7) (152,863) (101.5)
合計 Total 570,593 100.6 540,424 94.7 555,563 98.2
(流動化債権を含む) (Including liquidated accounts receivable) (705,125) (110.4) (717,889) (101.8) (737,505) (107.7)
(百万円/Millions of Yen)
利息返還損失引当金残高 Allowance of loss on interest repayment balance 3,925 77.0 3,552 90.5 4,663 94.1
貸倒率 Ratio of bad debt write-offs ★8 0.48 +0.01 0.47 △0.01 1.88 +0.08
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
前年差 前年差 前年差
(万円/10 thousands of Yen) Change Change Change
1人当たりリボ・分割払い残高(割賦売掛金)Balance of revolving and installment payments per customer ★9 36.9 +0.6 37.6 +0.7 37.2 +0.6
1人当たり営業貸付金残高 Balance of operating loans outstanding per customer ★10 24.4 △0.3 24.2 △0.2 24.5 △0.1
* ★8~10は、Non-GAAP指標です。計算式は、p.19「<参考>Non-GAAP指標について」をご参照ください。
* Items ★8-10 are Non-GAAP indicators. For calculation methods, please refer to “(Reference) About Non-GAAP Indicators” on page 19.
13.投資計画と実績 Investments
(1)投資額と減価償却費 Investments and depreciation and amortization
2020/3/31 2020/6/30 2021/3/31
12ヵ月 3ヵ月 12ヵ月
(百万円/Millions of Yen) FY2020 3 mounths FY2021
投資額 Total investments 22,335 3,979 24,400
設備投資(有形投資) Capital investments (Property and equipment) 7,348 1,629 8,000
ソフトウェア(無形投資) Software investments (Intangible assets) 3,119 714 4,000
新規事業(無形投資) New businesses (Intangible assets) 8,716 1,075 9,000
人材投資・研究開発費(無形投資) Human resource and R&D investments (Intangible assets) 3,150 559 3,400
減価償却費 Depreciation and amortization 9,191 2,474 10,000
(2)改装の状況 Renovations
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
主な改装店舗 Major store renovations マルイファミリー溝口 Marui Family Mizonokuchi 戸塚モディ Totsuka Modi マルイファミリー溝口 Marui Family Mizonokuchi
上野マルイ Ueno Marui 中野マルイ Nakano Marui マルイファミリー志木 Marui Family Shiki
有楽町マルイ Yurakucho Marui 新宿マルイ Shinjuku Marui 新宿マルイ Shinjuku Marui
マルイファミリー海老名 Marui Family Ebina 有楽町マルイ Yurakucho Marui 戸塚モディ Totsuka Modi
なんばマルイ Nanba Marui
(3)店舗数と売場面積の状況 Number of stores and sales floor space
(千㎡/Thousand ㎡) 2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
期末店舗数 Number of stores at the end of period 25店舗 23店舗 24店舗
期末売場面積 Sales floor space at the end of period * 425.6 408.8 417.5
* 「期末売場面積」はマルイ(外部専門店含む)、モディの合計面積です。
* Sales floor space at the end of period is total of Marui includes specialty stores and Modi.
14.有利子負債 Interest-bearing debt
(1)有利子負債の内訳・支払利息 Breakdown of interest-bearing debt and interest expense
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
前期末差 前期末差 前期末差
(百万円/Millions of Yen) Change Change Change
短期借入金 Short-term loans 36,329 +6,696 51,336 +1 51,335 +21,702
コマーシャル・ペーパー Commercial paper 25,000 +25,000 - - - -
社債 Straight bonds 105,000 △10,000 90,000 △15,000 105,000 △10,000
長期借入金 Long-term loans 342,000 - 331,500 +8,000 323,500 △18,500
合計 Total 508,329 +21,696 472,836 △6,998 479,835 △6,797
有利子負債 営業債権比 Ratio of interest-bearing debt to operating receivables ★7 89.1% +3.1% 87.5% +1.1% 86.4% +0.4%
D/Eレシオ Debt/Equity ratio 1.8倍 +0.1倍 1.6倍 △0.1倍 1.7倍 0.0倍
* ★7は、Non-GAAP指標です。計算式は、p.19「<参考>Non-GAAP指標について」をご参照ください。
* Item ★7 is Non-GAAP indicator. For calculation methods, please refer to “(Reference) About Non-GAAP Indicators” on page 19.
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
3ヵ月 前年比 3ヵ月 前年比 12ヵ月 前年比
(百万円/Millions of Yen) 3 months YOY(%) 3 months YOY(%) FY2020 YOY(%)
支払利息 Interest expense 344 92.6 312 90.7 1,330 90.8
(2)社債明細 Breakdown of bonds
利率 年限 発行年月 償還期限
銘柄 Issues (百万円/Millions of Yen) Interest rates Years Date of issuance Due date
第26回普通社債 #26 Straight bond 10,000 0.562% 7年 2014/6 2021/6
第28回普通社債 #28 Straight bond 10,000 0.543% 7年 2015/6 2022/6
第30回普通社債 #30 Straight bond 10,000 0.130% 5年 2016/8 2021/8
第31回普通社債 #31 Straight bond 10,000 0.190% 5年 2017/5 2022/5
第32回普通社債 #32 Straight bond 10,000 0.300% 7年 2017/5 2024/5
第33回普通社債 #33 Straight bond 10,000 0.040% 3年 2018/10 2021/10
第34回普通社債(グリーンボンド)#34 Straight bond(Green bond) 10,000 0.190% 5年 2018/10 2023/10
第35回普通社債 #35 Straight bond 10,000 0.170% 5年 2019/10 2024/10
第36回普通社債 #36 Straight bond 10,000 0.250% 7年 2019/10 2026/10
合計 Total 90,000 - - - -
15.社員数 Number of employees
2019/6/30 2020/6/30 2020/3/31
前年差 前年差 前年差
(人/Number) Change Change Change
小売 Retailing 3,351 △417 3,024 △327 3,167 △312
(816) (△76) (777) (△39) (785) (△75)
フィンテック FinTech 1,611 +128 1,575 △36 1,596 +71
(639) (△15) (656) (+17) (646) (+7)
本社管理部門 Head office, corporate management departments 343 +21 374 +31 367 +45
(22) (△1) (23) (+1) (22) (+1)
合計 Total 5,305 △268 4,973 △332 5,130 △196
(1,477) (△92) (1,456) (△21) (1,453) (△67)
* 社員数は就業人員です。( )内は臨時社員の期中平均雇用者数であり、就業人員には含んでおりません。
* The number in brackets ( ) in the lower row is the average number of part-time employees which is not included in each of the numbers in the upper row.
16.2021年3月期予想について About Forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021
■2021年3月期 第1四半期 営業利益に与えるコロナ影響額
Impact amounts on operating income of the COVID-19 in Three Months Ended June 30, 2020
Retailing segment operating income decreased \1.3 billion.
FinTech segment operating income increased ¥0.3 billion due to card issuance cost decrease.
Scenario of impact of the COVID-19 for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2021
Performance in June exceeded initial forecasts, however that in July fall below in June due to re-epidemic of the COVID-19.
Forecasts of FY2021 remains undetermined because it is difficult to predict when the trend will recover.
The scenarios at the last financial result briefing were revised.
・コロナ影響のシナリオ The scenarios of the COVID-19 impact
◇シナリオ(E) ◇ scenario(E) ・20年6~7月基調が3月まで継続
・Trend from June to July, 2020 continues to March, 2021
・Retailing transactions trend is 80%
・FinTech transactions(Outside of Marui Group stores) trend is 105%
◇シナリオ(G) ◇ scenario(G)・20年7月基調が3月まで継続+1ヵ月間休業
・Trend in July, 2020 continues to March,2021 and there is store closure for 1month
・Retailing transactions trend is 75%
・FinTech transactions(Outside of Marui Group stores) trend is 105%
<参考>Non-GAAP指標について (Reference) About Non-GAAP indicators
★1 投下資本利益率(ROIC) = 税引き後営業利益 / 投下資本(割賦売掛金・売掛金 + 営業貸付金 + 商品 + 有形・無形固定資産 + 差入保証金 - 買掛金)
* ROIC = After tax operating income / Invested capital (Installment sales accounts receivable・ Accounts receivable + Operating loans + Products +
* Tangible and intangible fixed assets + Guarantee deposits - Accounts payable)
★2 株主資本コスト = リスクフリーレート + β値 × リスクプレミアム
* Capital costs =Risk free rate + β × Risk premium
★3 WACC(加重平均資本コスト) = 株主資本コスト [リスクフリーレート + β値 × リスクプレミアム] × 時価総額 /(有利子負債 + 時価総額) + 借入レート × (1-税率) × 有利子負債
* /(有利子負債 + 時価総額) *時価総額は、機関投資家の当社株式平均保有年数に相当する期間の平均値を使用しております。
* WACC = Capital costs [Risk free rate + β × Risk premium]× Market capitalization / (Interest-bearing debt + Market capitalization) + Borrowing rate ×(1-tax rate) × Interest-bearing debt
* WACC = / (Interest-bearing debt + Market capitalization) *Market capitalization is calculated using the average number of years that shares are held by institutional investors.
★4 リカーリングレベニュー = お客さままたはお取引先さまとの契約に基づく定期的な収入
* Recurring revenue [or Recurring gross profit] is revenue [or gross profit] that is generated on a recurring basis through contracts with customers and business partners
★5 リカーリングレベニュー比率 = リカーリングレベニュー / (売上収益 [または売上総利益] + 販管費戻り [お取引先さまからいただく経費] )
* Ratio of recurring revenue [or Ratio of recurring gross profit] = Recurring revenue [or Recurring gross profit] / (Consolidated revenue [or Consolidated gross profit]
* Ratio of recurring revenue [or Ratio of recurring gross profit] =+ Selling, general and administrative expenses paid by business partners)
★6 流動化比率 = 債権流動化額 / (営業債権+債権流動化額)
* Ratio of liquidated accounts receivable = Liquidated accounts receivable / (Operating receivables + Liquidated accounts receivable)
★7 有利子負債 営業債権比 = 有利子負債 / 営業債権
* Ratio of interest-bearing debt to operating receivables = Interest-bearing debt / Operating receivables
★8 貸倒率 = 貸倒償却額 / 期末営業債権残高(流動化債権含む)
* Ratio of bad debt write-offs = Bad debt write-offs / Operating receivables at the end of period (including liquidated accounts receivable)
★9 1人当たりリボ・分割払い残高(割賦売掛金) = リボ・分割払い残高(流動化債権含む) / 支払中客数
* Balance of revolving and installment payments per customer = Revolving and installment payments(including liquidated accounts receivable) / Number of customers making payments
★10 1人当たり営業貸付金残高 = 営業貸付金残高(流動化債権含む) / 支払中客数
* Balance of operating loans outstanding per customer = Operating loans outstanding (including liquidated accounts receivable) / Number of customers making payments
* Non-GAAP指標(Non-Generally Accepted Acounting Principles):当社グループの事業の実態を表す指標として使用しております。
Non-GAAP (non-generally accepted accounting principles) indicators are indicators used to better illustrate the state of MARUI GROUP’s business.
<参考>LTV経営の指標について (Reference) About Lifetime Value Management indicators
【リカーリングレベニューとは】 Recurring Revenue / Recurring Gross Profit
Recurring revenue (gross profit) is revenue (gross profit) that is generated on a recurring basis through contracts with customers and business partners. Examples of recurring revenue (gross profit)
include rent revenues in the Retailling segment and finance charges on revolving and installment payments and cash advances, rent guarantee revenues, and annual enrollment fees from the EPOS
card use in the FinTech segment.
■リカーリングレベニュー Recurring Revenue / Recurring Gross Profit ■売上総利益に占めるリカーリングレベニューの構成(年間推移)
・ビジネスモデルの転換により、お客さま、お取引先さまとの長期にわたる継続的な収益が拡大 Ratio of Recurring Gross Profit to Total Gross Profit(Annual Trends)
・Recurring revenue grows thanks to long-term relationships with customers and business
・partners through the transformation of our business model
【成約済み繰延収益とは】 Contracted Future Recurring Revenue / Contructed Future Recurring Gross Profit
Contracted future recurring revenue (gross profit) is an indicator of the earnings promised by contracts with customers and business partners in the given fiscal year and in subsequent fiscal years and
is used to measure the stability of earnings. For rent revenues, for example, contracted future recurring revenue (gross profit) is calculated by assessing the future earnings projected based on the
remaining number of years in rental contracts. Meanwhile, repayment periods are used for finance charges on revolving and installment payments and cash advances, expiration dates are used for
(recurring) affiliate commissions, and the number of remaining years of residency is used for rent guarantees.
■成約済み繰延収益(売上総利益ベース) Contracted Future Recurring Gross Profit ■成約済み繰延収益の考え方(イメージ) Concept of Contracted Future Recurring Revenue
<参考>店舗の状況について (Reference) About Store Trends
■改装の状況 Renovations
2015/3/31 2016/3/31 2017/3/31 2018/3/31 2019/3/31 2020/3/31
出店 Store openings ー ー 博多マルイ ー ー ー
ー ー Hakata Marui ー ー ー
主な改装店舗 Major store renovations 町田店 渋谷店 柏店 新宿マルイ マルイファミリー溝口 マルイファミリー溝口
Machida Shibuya Kashiwa Shinjuku Marui 00Marui Family Mizonokuchi 00Marui Family Mizonokuchi
マルイシティ横浜 町田店 北千住マルイ 北千住マルイ 上野マルイ マルイファミリー志木
Marui City Yokohama Machida Kitasenju Marui Kitasenju Marui Ueno Marui Marui Family Shiki
丸井吉祥寺店 丸井吉祥寺店 静岡店 丸井錦糸町店 北千住マルイ 新宿マルイ
Marui Kichijoji Marui Kichijoji Shizuoka Marui Kinshicho Kitasenju Marui Shinjuku Marui
新宿マルイ 北千住マルイ 上野マルイ 大宮マルイ 神戸マルイ 戸塚モディ
Shinjuku Marui Kitasenju Marui Ueno Marui Omiya Marui Kobe Marui Totsuka Modi
丸井錦糸町店 なんばマルイ 上野マルイ
Marui Kinshicho Namba Marui Ueno Marui
■定借化・利益改善の計画と進捗状況 ■契約形態・カテゴリー Contract Type and Category
Plan for and Increases in Ratio of Fixed-Term Rental Contracts and Income Improvements
・2015年3月期から5年間で、6.6万坪の定借化が完了 Progress in transformation of stores in conjunction with transition to
Total of 218,500 m2 converted to fixed-term rental contracts over five years beginning fixed-term rental contracts, expansion of food and service categories
with the fiscal year ended March 31, 2015
〈契約形態 Contract Type〉 〈カテゴリー Category〉
*1 コロナ影響除き Excluding the impact of COVID-19.
* 定借化率=定借化面積/当初の定借化対象区画面積(6.2万坪)
Ratio of fixed-term contracts = Fixed-term rental contracted floor space ÷ Total floor space capable * 9.7万坪はマルイ・モディの実効面積です。
of being contracted as fixed-term rental(200,000㎡) The area of 320,000 ㎡ is the amount of usable floor space in Marui and Modi.
<参考>リボルビング債権流動化について (Reference) About Liquidation of Revolving Receivables
【目的】 Purpose
・中期経営計画「めざすべきB/S」実現に向けた、総資産・負債の増加抑制 Limiting of growth in total assets and liabilities to achieve balance sheet targeted in
the medium-term management plan
・調達方法の多様化と安全性を考慮した資金調達 Fund procurement geared toward safety and diversification of procurement methods
・市場投資家への販売を通じた、調達先の多様化 Diversification of procurement methods through sale to market investors
【2018年9月流動化を例とした売上計上イメージ】 Process of Generating Revenues through Liquidation in the case of September 2018
■流動化を行わなかった場合 Without Liquidation
Finance charges earned on installment sales of \4.2 billion recorded over period of 5 years and 3 months
from applicable receivables
4億 8億 8億 8億 8億 6億
receivables \0.4 billion \0.8 billion \0.8 billion \0.8 billion \0.8 billion \0.6 billion
¥25.8 billion
2018/9/30 2019/3/31 2020/3/31 2021/3/31 2022/3/31 2023/3/31 2024/3/31
(6ヵ月) (9ヵ月)
(6 months) (9 months)
■流動化を行った場合 With Liquidation
Batch recording of finance charges earned on installment sales of \4.2 billion in FY2019
調達額 リボ債権 譲渡益
300億 258億 42億
Procurement Revolving Gain on the
amount receivables transfer
¥30.0 billion ¥25.8 billion ¥4.2 billion
2018/9/30 2018/9/30 2019/3/31 2020/3/31 2021/3/31 2022/3/31 2023/3/31 2024/3/31
【リボルビング債権流動化による調達】 Procurement through Liquidation of Revolving Receivables
調達日 調達期間 対象債権 調達金額 譲渡債権額 流動化債権譲渡益 譲渡益償却他(会計期間)
Amount of Gain on transfer of Amotization of gain on transfer
Procurement date Procurement period Applicable receivables Procurement amount receivable transfer liquidated receivables and others (for fiscal year)
2018年9月 5年3ヵ月 割賦売掛金 300億 258億 42億 2億
Installment sales
September 2018 5 years 3 months accounts receivables \30.0 billion \25.8 billion \4.2 billion \0.2 billion
2019年3月 5年 営業貸付金 150億 132億 18億 1億
March 2019 5 years Operating loans \15.0 billion \13.2 billion \1.8 billion \0.1 billion
2019年9月 5年8ヵ月 割賦売掛金 400億 329億 71億 3億
Installment sales
September 2019 5 years 8 months accounts receivables \40.0 billion \32.9 billion \7.1 billion \0.3 billion
合計 850億 718億 132億 7億
Total \85.0 billion \71.8billion \13.2 billion \0.7 billion
<参考>株主還元の実績と今後の方針について (Reference) About Shareholder Returns and Policies
【株主還元の方向性】 Shareholder Returns and Policies
・株主還元を自己株式の取得から徐々に配当へシフト ■株主還元指標のイメージ Shareholder Returns and Indicators
MARUI GROUP will be gradually shifting the focus of shareholder returns
from share buybacks to dividends
・連結配当性向は2024年3月期 55%程度を目標とし、段階的に高める
We will aim for a consolidated payout ratio of around 55% in the fiscal year
ending March 31, 2024 and move toward this ratio in phased manner
Our target for the total return ratio will be around 70%, and maintain an equity
ratio of 30% going forward
16.3 17.3 18.3 19.3 20.3 5年間平均
【EPS・配当金伸長率】 EPS and Dividends Growths FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 5-year average
EPS伸長率 +20.1% +13.5% +16.1% +24.5% +1.4% +14.8%
High growth and high returns sustained over long term through EPS Growth
business strategies and capital measures
配当金伸長率 +15.8% +50.0% +15.2% +28.9% +2.0% +21.4%
Dividend Growth
【2020年3月期の実績および2021年3月期の見通し】 Shareholder Returns of the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2020 and Forecasts for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2021
The dividend per share for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 reached a record high of \50 (+\1 YOY difference) for the fourth consecutive year.
The consolidated dividend payout ratio was 42.5% (+0.3% YOY difference).
As a result of acquiring \7.0 billion of treasury stock in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020, total return ratio was 70.1%.
It's difficult to determine the impact of COVID-19 on our performance at the moment, however annual dividends for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021 will be \51 (+\1 YOY difference)
increase for the ninth consecutive year based on our shareholder return polisies, which is aiming for long-term continuous dividends increase.
We will consider acquisition of treasury stock in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021 based on the future situation because of current uncertain outlook for profit and cash flows.
<参考>「共創経営レポート 2019」について (Reference) About Co-Creation Management Report 2019
丸井グループでは、すべてのステークホルダーの皆さまに向けた統合報告書「共創経営レポート 2019」を発行いたしました。
「共創経営レポート 2019」では、「この指とーまれ!」をメインメッセージに掲げ、ステークホルダーの皆さまに当社との共創を呼びかけています。共創にあたって当社のことをよりご理解
MARUI GROUP CO., LTD., announces that it has published Co-Creation Management Report 2019, its latest integrated report for all stakeholders.
In Co-Creation Management Report 2019, we are encouraging our stakeholders to co-create with our company with "Let's Join Hands" as the main message.
In order to understand more about our company’s approach to co-creation, this report explains our company's philosophy and initiatives from various angles.
《 丸井グループの企業価値 》 MARUI GROUP’s Corporate Value
Based on the belief that expansion of intersection between of stakeholder's interests (happiness) including the future generations are expansion of our company’s
corporate value, this section introduces our desire to create a platform for happiness together with our stakeholders.
《 LTV(生涯利益)を重視した長期視点での経営 》 Long-Term Prospective Management Focused on LTV (Lifetime Value)
This section explains our company’s earnings structure has changed from one-time revenue to recurring revenue based on contracted recurring payments
as a result of the transformation of its business model and we are shifting our focus to LTV management.
《TCFD提言に賛同しグリーン・ビジネスを推進》 Green Business Based on TCFD Recommendations
In promoting green businesses to protect the happier future for future generations, this report introduces the climate change-related risks and
opportunities including the financial impact, based on analyze three potential scenarios leading up to 2050.
《共創サステナビリティのマネジメント》 Co-Creation Sustainability Management
This section discusses the establishment of the Sustainability Committee and the revision to officer compensation system to promote sustainability management.
We also provide a unique introduction to the diversity of all directors, including external directors.
※「共創経営レポート 2019」は、こちらからご覧ください Co-Creation Management Report 2019 is available through the following links.
→(日本語版)https://www.0101maruigroup.co.jp/ir/lib/i-report.html (English)https://www.0101maruigroup.co.jp/en/ir/lib/i-report.html
<参考>「VISION BOOK 2050」について (Reference) About VISION BOOK 2050
《 丸井グループ ビジョン2050 -MARUI GROUP's 2050 Vision- 》
「 ビジネスを通じてあらゆる二項対立を乗り越える世界を創る -Harnessing the power of business to build a world that transcends dichotomies- 」
丸井グループでは、すべてのステークホルダーの皆さまに向けた共創サステナビリティレポートとして「VISION BOOK 2050」を発行いたしました。
「VISION BOOK 2050」では、「丸井グループ ビジョン2050」と、ビジョン達成に向けた「共創を基盤とした3つのビジネス」「サステナビリティガバナンス」への
MARUI GROUP CO., LTD., announces that it has published VISION BOOK 2050 , its latest co-creation sustainability report for all stakeholders.
VISION BOOK 2050 provides explanations on MARUI GROUP’s 2050 Vision and the initiatives in three businesses founded on co-creation and in sustainability
governance for accomplishing this vision. This report also includes a roadmap for MARUI GROUP’s quest to help build a flourishing and inclusive society that offers happiness to all.
《 丸井グループ ビジョン2050 -MARUI GROUP’s 2050 Vision- 》
VISION BOOK 2050 contains information on the concept of inclusion and the vision for the world of 2050 that formed the basis for MARUI GROUP’s
2050 Vision of “harnessing the power of business to build a world that transcends dichotomies.”
《 共創を基盤とした3つのビジネス -Three Businesses Founded on Co-Creation- 》
MARUI GROUP has identified three businesses that will aid it in accomplishing its vision of transcending dichotomies: "Inter-generational businesses",
"Co-creative businesses" and "Financial inclusion". VISION BOOK 2050 details the long-term targets of each business and its initiatives for realizing its vision.
《サステナビリティガバナンス -Sustainability Governance- 》
MARUI GROUP realizes that co-creation with future generations is vital in its quest to help build a sustainable society and global environment through its business.
For this reason, future generations have been included alongside the five groups of stakeholders the Company has previously emphasized. VISION BOOK 2050
explains the new value creation initiatives being advanced to promote harmony and expand the intersections between the interests (happiness) of now six groups of stakeholders.
※「VISION BOOK 2050」は、こちらからご覧ください VISION BOOK 2050 is available through the following links.
→(日本語版)https://www.0101maruigroup.co.jp/sustainability/lib/s-report.html (English)https://www.0101maruigroup.co.jp/en/sustainability/lib/s-report.html
実際の業績等は様々な要因により大きく異なる可能性があります。お問い合わせは、IR部 03-5343-0075にご連絡ください。
Forward-looking statements contained in this presentation are based on information available at the time of preparation and
on assumptions that have been deemed to be rational. Actual performance may differ greatly due to a variety of factors.
Any inquiries may be directed to the IR Department (Tel: +81 3 5343 0075).