6417 SANKYO 2019-02-08 13:30:00
2019年3月期第3四半期決算説明会 [pdf]

                                                        証券コード   6417

Presentation on Business Results
for the First Nine Months of FY 3/2019
(April 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018)
Kimihisa Tsutsui
President & Chief Operating Officer
February 8, 2019 at Bellesalle Yaesu

1st Sec. of the TSE #6417
                                             代表取締役社長 筒井公久
Current Price: Y 4,130 (February 6, 2019)
Shares Outstanding: 89.5 million
Market Cap: Y 370,037 million

 © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
1             目次

    2   2019年3月期第3四半期 総括(連結)           Overview of the First Nine Months of FY 3/2019    2
    3   決算ハイライト                                                   Financial Highlights   3
    4   連結損益計算書                                    Consolidated Statements of Income     4
    5   連結売上高                                                               Net Sales    5
    6   パチンコ機関連事業                                        Pachinko Machines Business      6
    7   パチスロ機関連事業                                        Pachislot Machines Business     7
    8   連結営業利益                                                      Operating Income     8
    9   連結貸借対照表                                          Consolidated Balance Sheets     9
10      販売予定タイトル                  Number of Pachinko/Pachislot Titles to be Released     10
11      2019年3月期 業績予想に対する進捗         Progress up to the First Nine Months of FY 3/2019    11
12      市場の見通し と当社の取り組み                    Market Forecasts and SANKYO’s Initiatives     12
13      パチンコ市場                                              Pachinko Machine Market      13
14      パチスロ市場                                              Pachislot Machine Market     14
15      パチンコ・パチスロ市場における取り組み     Initiatives in Pachinko and Pachislot Machine Markets    15
16      ヱヴァンゲリヲンシリーズ同時発売           Simultaneous introduction of the Evangelion series    16
17      みんなのパチンコフェス                                           Minna no Pachinko FES      17
18      付属資料                                                                Appendix     18
19      2019年3月期 第3四半期実績       Business Results for the First Nine Months of FY 3/2019   19
20      パチンコ機関連事業                                        Pachinko Machines Business      20
21      パチスロ機関連事業                                        Pachislot Machines Business     21
22      売上総利益率/営業利益率                                            GP Margin/OP Margin      22
23      ROE                                                          Return on Equity    23
24      パチンコ/パチスロ市場                               Pachinko/Pachislot Machine Market      24
25      その他                                                                    Others    25

                                                                        © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
第3四半期 総括(連結)
Overview of the First Nine Months of FY 3/2019

© 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
  3           決算ハイライト
              Financial Highlights

 Net Sales
                        55,341 million yen        29億円の営業損失)を確保
                                      YoY 19.8%   通期業績予想に対し堅調に推移

Operating Income
                        10,949 million yen        新規則機の販売、適合実績を積み重ねる


                                                  Higher sales compared with the same period of the
                                                  previous year and operating income was recorded
Pachinko machines
                           126,124 unit           (operating loss of ¥2.9 billion for the same period of the
                                                  previous year)
                                     YoY 56.4%
                                                  Robust financial performance compared with the forecast
                                                  for the full year
Pachislot machines
                                4,230 unit        Launched machines compliant with the new regulations
                                     YoY -76.7%   and built up a successful record of format inspection passes

                                                  Efforts to reduce costs and optimize the efficiency of R&D
                                                  expenses were successful

                                                                                            © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
4            連結損益計算書(第3四半期連結累計期間)
            Consolidated Statements of Income

                               FY 3/2018   FY 3/2019         YoY
million yen                        9 Months     9 Months

売上高                                46,197       55,341      +9,144      +19.8%
Net Sales                            100.0%       100.0%

売上原価                               23,433       23,593       +160        +0.7%
Cost of Sales                         50.7%        42.6%       -8.1pt

売上総利益                              22,763       31,748      +8,985      +39.5%
Gross Profit                          49.3%        57.4%       +8.1pt

販管費                                25,676       20,798      -4,878       -19.0%
SG & A Expenses                       55.6%        37.6%      -18.0pt

営業利益                               (2,913)      10,949     +13,862      -475.9%
Operating Income                      -6.3%        19.8%      +26.1pt

経常利益                               (1,867)      11,846     +13,713       -60.0%
Recurring Income                      -4.0%        21.4%      +25.4pt

親会社株主に帰属する        四半期純利益           (1,282)       8,812     +10,094      -787.4%
Net Income                            -2.8%        15.9%      +18.7pt
attributable to owners of parent

                                                                            © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
  5                 連結売上高(第3四半期連結累計期間)
                    Net Sales

FY 3/2018 1st Nine Months                                                                             FY 3/2018 FY 3/2019
(Apr-Dec)                       46,197                                                                                             YoY
                                                                     million yen                        9 Months   9 Months

                                                                                                        46,197     55,341        +9,144
 パチンコ機関連事業                                                           Net Sales
 Pachinko Machines Business              +15,992                       パチンコ機関連事業                        32,117     48,109      +15,992
                                                                       Pachinko Machines Business
 パチスロ機関連事業                                                             パチスロ機関連事業
                                                                                                         7,821      1,714        -6,107
 Pachislot Machines Business               -6,107                      Pachislot Machines Business

                                                                       補給機器関連事業                          5,847      5,076          -771
 補給機器関連事業                                                              Ball Bearing Supply Business
 Ball Bearing Supply Business
                                         -771                          その他の事業                              410        441           +31
                                                                       Other Businesses

 Other Businesses

FY 3/2019 1st Nine Months
(Apr-Dec)                            55,341           +9,144
                                                       million yen

                                                                                                                     © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
  6                パチンコ機関連事業(第3四半期連結累計期間)
                   Pachinko Machines Business

FY 3/2018 1st Nine Months                                                                                       FY 3/2018 FY 3/2019
(Apr-Dec)           32,117                                                    million yen                         9 Months   9 Months

                                                                              売上高                                 32,117      48,109     +15,992
                                                                              Net Sales
 Sales volume of SANKYO-brand and JB-brand          +27,514                   営業利益                                   844      16,819
 pachinko machines increases.                                                 Operating Income                       2.6%      35.0%

 SANKYO+JBパチンコ機の価格上昇                                                          販売台数
 Unit price of SANKYO-brand and JB-brand
                                                       +2,999                                                     80,650     126,124     +45,474
                                                                              Unit Sales of Pachinko Machines
 pachinko machines increases.
                                                                              SANKYO+JB                           34,592     117,845     +83,253
 BIstyパチンコ機の数量減少                                                               Frame                                10,546     54,541      +43,995
 Sales volume of Bisty-brand pachinko                 -14,099
                                                                               Gauge                                24,046     63,304      +39,258
 machines decreases.
                                                                              Bisty                               46,058       8,279      -37,779
 BIstyパチンコ機の価格下落                                                               Frame                                37,600      3,024       -34,576
 Unit price of Bisty-brand pachinko                 -489
 machines decreases.
                                                                               Gauge                                 8,458      5,255        -3,203

 その他                                                +68
 Other factors

FY 3/2019 1st Nine Months                                     +15,992
(Apr-Dec)                                  48,109
                                                                million yen

                                                                                                                               © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
  7               パチスロ機関連事業(第3四半期連結累計期間)
                  Pachislot Machines Business

FY 3/2018 1st Nine Months                                                                                                   FY 3/2018 FY 3/2019
(Apr-Dec)                                                            7,821               million yen                          9 Months   9 Months

                                                                                         売上高                                   7,821      1,714        -6,107
                                                                                         Net Sales
SANKYOパチスロ機の数量減少                                                                                                                (409)    (2,324)
Sales volume of SANKYO-brand pachislot machines decreases.         -5,565                営業利益                                                          -1,915
                                                                                         Operating Income                        -5.2%   -135.6%

                  -208       Unit price of SANKYO-brand pachislot machines decreases.
                                                                                         販売台数                                 18,174      4,230      -13,944
                                                                                         Unit Sales of Pachislot Machines
                                                                                         SANKYO                               17,359      3,980      -13,379
                             BIstyパチスロ機の数量減少                                             Bisty                                   815        250         -565
                 -182        Sales volume of Bisty-brand pachislot machines decreases.

                 +2          Unit price of Bisty-brand pachislot machines increases.

               -154          Other factors

                 FY 3/2019 1st Nine Months                        -6,107
                                                                     million yen

                                                                                                                                           © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
8             連結営業利益(第3四半期連結累計期間)
              Operating Income

                    FY 3/2018 1st Nine Months                                                    FY 3/2018 FY 3/2019
      (2,913)       (Apr-Dec)                                                                                                YoY
                                                                        million yen                9 Months   9 Months

                                                                         売上高                       46,197     55,341       +9,144
パチンコ機売上総利益の増加                                                            Net Sales
The gross profit of the pachinko machine    +11,312
sales increases.                                                         売上原価                      23,433     23,593         +160
                                                                         Cost of Sales

パチスロ機売上総利益の減少                                                            売上総利益                     22,763     31,748       +8,985
The gross profit of the pachislot          -3,301                        Gross Profit
machine sales decreases.
                                                                         販管費                       25,676     20,798       -4,878
                                                                         SG & A Expenses
        Advertising expenses decreases.    +289                           広告宣伝費
                                                                                                      1,172        883         -289
                                                                          Advertising Expenses
                                                                                                      2,766      1,178       -1,588
        販売手数料の減少                                                          Sales Commission
        Sales commission decreases.        +1,588                         研究開発費
                                                                                                     14,299    11,130        -3,169
                                                                          R&D Expenses

                                                                         営業利益                       (2,913)   10,949     +13,862
                        研究開発費の減少                      +3,169             Operating Income
                        R&D expenses decreases.

                                           Other factors        +806

                    FY 3/2019 1st Nine Months              10,949      +13,862
                                                                          million yen

                                                                                                                © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
9                   連結貸借対照表(第3四半期連結会計期間)
                    Consolidated Balance Sheets
                                   As of             As of
million yen                        31-Mar-18 31-Dec-18
    当座資産                                                                        現金及び預金、売掛債権の減少
                                           314,056           302,287    -11,769 Decrease in Cash and deposits and notes and accounts receivable
    Quick assets

流動資産                                     322,660        311,421        -11,239
Total current assets
    投資有価証券                                                                        特定投資株式の時価評価
                                            25,015            19,245     -5,770
    Investment securities                                                         Fair value evaluation of specific investment equities

固定資産                                       73,631            69,405     -4,226
Total fixed assets

資産合計                                     396,291        380,827        -15,464
Total assets

流動負債                                       30,599            22,062     -8,537    支払手形及び買掛金、電子記録債務の減少
Total current liabilities                                                         Decreases in notes and accounts payable-trade and electronically recorded
                                          20,046              20,031        -15
    Bonds with subscription rights to shares

固定負債                                       28,449            28,564      +115
Total long-term liabilities

負債合計                                       59,048            50,626     -8,422
Total liabilities

純資産合計                                    337,242        330,200         -7,042    配当金の支払いを減算、当期純利益を加算
Total net assets                                                                  Decrease due to cash dividends paid and increase due to profit

負債純資産合計                                  396,291        380,827        -15,464
Total liabilities and total net assets

                                                                                                                                             © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
   10                    販売予定タイトル
                        Number of Pachinko/Pachislot Titles to be Released

                             Q1     Apr-Jun                          Q2      Jul-Sep                          Q3     Oct-Dec                         Q4    Jan-Mar

                                                   フィーバーR-18                       フィーバーアクエリオンW                                    ドラムゴルゴ13                           フィーバーゴルゴ13
 Pachinko                                             Fever R-18                        Fever Aquarion w                          Drum Golgo13                           Fever Golgo13

 リユースを除く                                                                        ヱヴァンゲリヲン ドラムVER.                                                              フィーバー蒼穹のファフナー2
                                                                                    Evangelion drum ver.           Fever BIOHAZARD REVELATIONS            Fever Fafner Dead Aggressor 2
 Reused Models
                                                                                                             フィーバー戦姫絶唱シンフォギア LIGHT VER.                   フィーバーマクロスフロンティア3
                                                                                                  J-RUSH 4             Fever Symphogear Light Ver.             Fever Macross Frontier 3
             12 titles                                                                                                          フィーバーエルドラ                 ヱヴァンゲリヲン 超覚醒・超暴走
                                                                                                                                                           Evangelion Super awakening
                                                                                                                               Fever EL.DORADO
                                                                                                                                                                         Super berserk
                                      フィーバー機動戦士Zガンダム Y                        フィ-バ-革命機ヴァルヴレイヴW                                                            ヱヴァンゲリヲン ドラムVER. YR
 Reused Models                  Fever Mobile Suit Zeta GUNDAM Y            Fever Valvrave the Liberator W                                                      Evangelion drum ver. YR

 パチンコリユース                                 フィーバーLADY GAGA G                               フィーバーR-18 Y                                                           フィーバーアクエリオンW Z
                                              Fever LADY GAGA G                              Fever R-18 Y                                                            Fever Aquarion w z

                                                                              コードギアスエンペラーロード Y
                                                                           CODE GEASS “Emperor Road” Y

                                                    楽シーサー 30                           トータル・イクリプス                                                           パチスロ フィーバー クィーンⅡ
 Pachislot                                          Tanoshisa 30                             Total Eclipse                                                     Pachislot Fever QueenⅡ

                                                                                                                                                                ヱヴァンゲリヲン AT777F
                5 titles                                                                                                                                             Evangelion AT 777F

Introduction of titles is in line with the current plan to date, but may be subject to changes.

                                                                                                                                                            © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
11           2019年3月期                        業績予想に対する進捗
             Progress up to the First Nine Months of FY 3/2019

売上高 Net Sales 61.5%
                                   55,341                90,000   パチンコ          新台4タイトル

営業利益 Operating Income      91.2%                                  パチスロ          新台0タイトル

経常利益 Recurring Income      91.1%                                  Pachinko: 4 titles for new machines
                                                         13,000   Pachislot: 0 title for new machines

親会社株主に帰属する                 97.9%
四半期純利益 Net Income attributable to owners of parent   8,812

パチンコ販売台数 Unit Sales of Pachinko Machines 61.4%
                                   126,124              205,500

パチスロ販売台数 Unit Sales of Pachislot Machines 10.8%
        4,230                                            39,000

                                                                                                  © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
Market Forecasts and SANKYO’s Initiatives

© 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
13               パチンコ市場
                 Pachinko Machine Market

   総販売台数                                      YoY                               販売単価         横ばい
     Total number of units sold               about         -4%                 Unit price   Flat

多品種少ロット化                                Trend toward wide-variety small-lot
4 titles sold 50,000 units or more. (January to December)

Wider recognition of machines compliant with the new regulations (pachinko machines with payout settings)
Began rolling out major titles of machines compliant with the new regulations

                                                                                                    © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
14               パチスロ市場
                 Pachislot Machine Market

   総販売台数                                      YoY                                      販売単価                           横ばい
     Total number of units sold               about        -46%                        Unit price                      Flat

多品種少ロット化                                Trend toward wide-variety small-lot
1 title sold 20,000 units or more. (January to December)

The deadline for removal of pachislot machines with high gambling property (ratio of such machines should be 15% or
less by the end of January 2019) postponed
Due to the short supply of #6 models and the postponing of the removal deadline, replacement by #6 models has been sluggish

                                                                                                                              © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
15           パチンコ・パチスロ市場における取り組み
             Initiatives in Pachinko and Pachislot Machine Markets

改正規則への対応                                                     改正規則の特徴を活かした商品開発
Response to revised regulations                              Product development taking advantage of the characteristics
                                                             of revised regulations

総販売台数の減少                                                     バリエーション豊かな商品開発
Decrease in the total number of units sold                   Development of richly varied products

開発競争に伴う高コスト化                                                 開発期間の短縮
Cost increase due to development competition                 Shorter development time

多品種小ロット化への対応                                                 当社独自コンテンツの活用
Initiatives to sell a wide variety of machines and smaller   Original content

                                                                                                     © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
16   ヱヴァンゲリヲンシリーズ同時発売(3月投入予定)
     Simultaneous introduction of the Evangelion series (to be released in March)

                                                                    Equipped with Small Jackpot Rush

                                                                    First machine compliant with the
                                                                    internal regulations

                                                                    First machine in the Evangelion series
                                                                    equipped with V probability change
          ©カラー 総発売元/フィールズ株式会社

                                                                                       © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
17          みんなのパチンコフェス(2月23日・24日                                                          於 秋葉原)
            Minna no Pachinko FES (February 23 and 24 at Akihabara)

イベントのテーマは「連れパチ」                                        【日工組主催】
The event’s theme: “Tsure pachi: Enjoy pachinko with   Organized by Nikkoso
your friends and family”

                                                       Penetration of machines compliant with the new regulations
                                                       and attracting new and dormant players

                                                       Zone for trying out machines compliant with the new
                                                       regulations, including those not introduced at pachinko
                                                       parlors yet

                                                       Introductory videos on pachinko for beginners
                                                       Mockup pachinko parlor to experience playing pachinko for
                                                       the first time
                                                       Many entertainers and popular authors and journalists will
                                                       appear on stage.

                                                                                                © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.


© 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
19             2019年3月期                                                第3四半期実績
               Business Results for the First Nine Months of FY 3/2019
                                       FY 3/2018       FY 3/2019                 Forecast       FY 3/2018                                     FY 3/2019
 連結:百万円    Consolidated: million yen    9 Months        9 Months           YoY     Full Year            Q1         Q2        Q3        Q4             Q1         Q2        Q3
 売上高          Net Sales                    46,197          55,341       +9,144       90,000         11,108      10,115    24,974    40,023        14,521      15,249    25,571
  パチンコ         Pachinko                    32,117          48,109      +15,992       69,300          5,600       4,073    22,444    35,154        12,700      13,021    22,388
  パチスロ         Pachislot                    7,821           1,714       -6,107       13,500          3,906       3,736      179      3,351           334       1,214      166
  補給機器         Ball Bearing Supply          5,847           5,076         -771        6,700          1,479       2,165     2,203     1,399         1,342        876      2,858
  その他事業        Other Business                 410             441         +31           500            122        141       147       120            144        137       160
 売上原価         Cost of Sales                23,433          23,593        +160        43,500          5,376       5,038    13,019    19,073         6,361       6,168    11,064
 売上総利益        Gross Profit                 22,763          31,748       +8,985       46,500          5,732       5,077    11,954    20,951         8,160       9,081    14,507
 販管費          SG & A Expenses              25,676          20,798       -4,878       34,500          8,072       8,313     9,291     7,857         6,784       7,208     6,806
 営業利益         Operating Income             (2,913)         10,949      +13,862       12,000         (2,340)     (3,236)    2,663    13,094         1,375       1,874     7,700
  パチンコ         Pachinko                       844          16,819      +15,975       15,800         (1,970)     (2,351)    5,165    13,726         3,254       3,941     9,624
  パチスロ         Pachislot                     (409)         (2,324)      -1,915        1,100            814        443     (1,666)     539           (819)       (428)   (1,077)
  補給機器         Ball Bearing Supply            379             353          -26          300             66        146       167         74            37          44      272
  その他事業        Other Business                (359)           (259)       +100          (400)          (165)       (119)      (75)     (130)          (92)       (125)      (42)
  消去又は全社       Elimination/Corporate       (3,368)         (3,640)        -272       (4,800)        (1,085)     (1,355)     (928)   (1,115)       (1,004)     (1,558)   (1,078)
 経常利益         Recurring Income             (1,867)         11,846      +13,713       13,000         (1,818)     (3,151)    3,102    13,186         1,827       1,959     8,060
 特別利益         Extraordinary Gains                  2               1        -1              0               2        0         0         0                0        0         1
 特別損失         Extraordinary Losses             58              17          -41              0           45          10         3     3,208                0        2        15
 当期純利益        Net Income                   (1,282)          8,812      +10,094        9,000         (1,167)     (2,242)    2,127     6,832         1,460       1,444     5,908
 EPS: 円       EPS: yen                                     108.55                    110.87

 販売台数:台    Machines sales: units
 パチンコ         Pachinko                     80,650        126,124       +45,474     205,500          14,936       9,512    56,202    91,269        33,456      36,373    56,295
  SANKYO+JB    SANKYO+JB                   34,592        117,845       +83,253     143,500           8,146       8,784    17,662    73,536        32,737      30,564    54,544
  Bisty        Bisty                       46,058           8,279      -37,779       62,000          6,790        728     38,540    17,733           719       5,809     1,751
 パチスロ         Pachislot                    18,174           4,230      -13,944       39,000          9,263       8,491      420     11,257           817       3,163      250
  SANKYO       SANKYO                      17,359           3,980      -13,379       21,000          8,868       8,491         0      637            817       3,163         0
  Bisty        Bisty                          815             250         -565       18,000            395           0      420     10,620                0        0      250

                                                                                                                                                               © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
20               パチンコ機関連事業
                 Pachinko Machines Business
                                           FY 3/2018    FY 3/2019                    Forecast        FY 3/2018                                             FY 3/2019
 連結:百万円        Consolidated: million yen    9 Months     9 Months              YoY       Full Year           Q1            Q2      Q3              Q4                Q1               Q2       Q3
 売上高            Net Sales                      32,117       48,109        +15,992         69,300          5,600      4,073      22,444       35,154               12,700           13,021   22,388
 営業利益           Operating Income                  844       16,819        +15,975         15,800         (1,970)    (2,351)      5,165       13,726                3,254            3,941    9,624
  営業利益率          Percentage                      2.6%       35.0%         +32.3pt          22.8%         (35.2%)    (57.7%)     23.0%        39.0%                25.6%            30.3%    43.0%

 販売台数:台        Machines sales: units
 パチンコ合計         Pachinko                       80,650     126,124         +45,474        205,500         14,936      9,512      56,202       91,269               33,456           36,373   56,295
  SANKYO+JB      SANKYO+JB                     34,592     117,845         +83,253        143,500          8,146      8,784      17,662       73,536               32,737           30,564   54,544
     枠付き           Frame                       10,546       54,541        +43,995         62,100          3,548      3,119       3,879       38,459               13,019           11,916   29,606
     ゲージ盤          Gauge                       24,046       63,304        +39,258         81,400          4,598      5,665      13,783       35,077               19,718           18,648   24,938
  Bisty          Bisty                         46,058        8,279        -37,779         62,000          6,790        728      38,540       17,733                 719             5,809    1,751
     枠付き           Frame                       37,600        3,024        -34,576         57,000            648        515      36,437       15,548                 608             1,985     431
     ゲージ盤          Gauge                        8,458        5,255          -3,203         5,000          6,142        213       2,103           2,185              111             3,824    1,320
                 Series name                                                                                                    No. of models Sales: units
  FY 3/2019      フィーバー戦姫絶唱シンフォギア                                    Fever Symphogear                               SANKYO         (Jul-17) 1      21,600
         Q1      フィーバーR-18                                          Fever R-18                                     SANKYO        (Apr-18) 1        5,400
                 フィーバーLADY GAGA G                                   Fever LADY GAGA G                              SANKYO        (Apr-18) 1             --
                 フィーバー機動戦士Zガンダム Y                                   Fever Mobile Suit Zeta GUNDAM Y                SANKYO        (Jun-18) 2        9,200
          Q2     フィーバーアクエリオンW                                       Fever Aquarion w                               SANKYO        (Aug-18) 1       14,200
                 フィーバー革命機ヴァルヴレイヴ W                                  Fever Valvrave the Liberator W                 SANKYO        (Aug-18) 1        5,400
                 ヱヴァンゲリヲン ドラムVER.                                   Evangelion drum ver.                           Bisty         (Aug-18) 1        5,000
                 J-RUSH4                                            J-RUSH4                                        JB            (Sep-18) 2        6,700
                 フィーバーR-18 Y                                        Fever R-18 Y                                   SANKYO        (Sep-18) 1             --
                 コードギアス エンペラーロード Y                                  CODE GEASS “Emperor Road” Y                    Bisty         (Sep-18) 1             --
          Q3     フィーバードラムゴルゴ13                                      Fever drum Golgo13                             SANKYO        (Oct-18) 1        5,600
                 フィーバーバイオハザード リベレーションズ                              Fever BIOHAZARD REVELATIONS                    SANKYO        (Nov-18)    1           24,100
                 フィーバー戦姫絶唱シンフォギア LIGHT VER                          Fever Symphogear light ver                     SANKYO        (Nov-18)    1           14,300            Total
                 フィーバーエルドラ                                          Fever EL.DORADO                                SANKYO        (Dec-18)    1            8,500        126,124
          Q4     ヱヴァンゲリヲン ドラムVER. YR                                Evangelion drum ver. YR                        Bisty          (Jan-19)   1
                 フィーバーゴルゴ13                                         Fever Golgo13                                  SANKYO         (Jan-19)   1 販売台数5,000台未満につきましては、開示しておりません。
                 フィーバー蒼穹のファフナー2                                     Fever Fafner Dead Aggressor 2                  SANKYO         (Feb-19)   1 Number of pachinko machines sold: Any model with sales of
                 フィーバーアクエリオンW Z                                     Fever Aquarion w z                             SANKYO        (Mar-19)    1 less than 5,000 units is not included.
                 フィーバーマクロスフロンティア3                                   Fever Macross Frontier 3                       SANKYO        (Mar-19)    1
                 ヱヴァンゲリヲン 超覚醒・超暴走                                   Evangelion Super awakening ・ Super berserk     Bisty         (Mar-19)    2                                      © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
21              パチスロ機関連事業
                Pachislot Machines Business
                                          FY 3/2018     FY 3/2019                    Forecast      FY 3/2018                                          FY 3/2019
 連結:百万円      Consolidated: million yen      9 Months     9 Months              YoY     Full Year           Q1             Q2         Q3         Q4              Q1           Q2          Q3
  売上高          Net Sales                       7,821         1,714        -6,107         13,500         3,906           3,736       179      3,351             334         1,214        166
  営業利益         Operating Income                 (409)       (2,324)       -1,915          1,100           814            443     (1,666)       539            (819)         (428)    (1,077)
   営業利益率        Percentage                     (5.2%)     (135.6%)     -130.4pt            8.1%        20.8%            11.9%   (930.7%)    16.1%          (245.2%)       (35.3%)   (648.8%)

 販売台数:台      Machines sales: units
  パチスロ合計       Pachislot                      18,174         4,230      -13,944          39,000         9,263           8,491       420     11,257             817         3,163        250
   SANKYO       SANKYO                        17,359         3,980      -13,379          21,000         8,868           8,491          0       637             817         3,163          0
   Bisty        Bisty                            815           250            -565       18,000           395              0        420     10,620                0            0        250

             Series name                                                                                                                    Sales: units
 FY 3/2019
       Q1    楽シーサー 30                                         Tanoshisa 30                                      SANKYO          (May-18)              --     Total
       Q2    トータル・イクリプス                                       Total Eclipse                                     SANKYO           (Jul-18)             --          4,230
       Q4    フィーバークィーンⅡ                                       Fever Queen II                                    SANKYO          (Jan-19)              --
             ヱヴァンゲリヲンAT777F                                   Evangelion AT 777F                                Bisty           (Feb-19)              --

                        Number of pachinko machines sold: Any model with sales of less than 5,000 units is not included.                                                   © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
22                売上総利益率/営業利益率
                  GP Margin/OP Margin
                                           FY 3/2018       FY 3/2019              Forecast      FY 3/2018                               FY 3/2019
   連結          Consolidated                    9 Months     9 Months       YoY      Full Year           Q1       Q2       Q3      Q4            Q1     Q2      Q3
    売上総利益率       GP Margin                       49.3%         57.4%     +8.1pt       51.7%         51.6%     50.2%     47.9%   52.3%       56.2%    59.6%   56.7%
    営業利益率        OP Margin                        (6.3%)       19.8%    +26.1pt       13.3%         (21.1%)   (32.0%)   10.7%   32.7%         9.5%   12.3%   30.1%

SG & A Expenses
                                           FY 3/2018       FY 3/2019              Forecast      FY 3/2018                               FY 3/2019
   連結:百万円      Consolidated: million yen       9 Months     9 Months       YoY      Full Year           Q1       Q2       Q3      Q4            Q1     Q2      Q3
    販売手数料        Sales Commission                 2,766         1,178    -1,588        4,637           481      220     2,065   1,542          261    450     467
    広告宣伝費        Advertising Expenses             1,172           883     -289         1,958           324      438      410     759           152    420     311
    研究開発費        R&D Expenses                    14,299        11,130    -3,169       17,580         4,753     4,972    4,574   3,183        3,807   3,627   3,696
    給与手当         Salaries & Wages                 2,334         2,442     +108         3,184           629      620     1,085    724           653    644    1,145
    その他          Others                           5,105         5,165      +60         7,141         1,885     2,063    1,157   1,649        1,911   2,067   1,187

   連結:百万円      Consolidated: million yen
    設備投資額        Capital Expenditure              2,108         1,827     -281         3,192           871      880      357     495           833    345     649
    減価償却費        Depreciation & Amortization      2,105         2,021       -84        3,055           562      661      882     976           557    662     802

   連結          Consolidated
    従業員数         No. of Employees                 1,036           996       -40        1,023         1,051     1,046    1,036   1,026        1,009   1,001    996
    開発人員数        No. of R&D Staff                  322            300       -22          292           328      327      322     316           308    302     300

   間接販売比率(累計) Indirect Sales Ratio
    SANKYO+JB Pachinko                           32.9%         29.2%     -3.7pt       31.9%         31.6%     31.2%     32.9%   31.2%       29.4%    29.4%   29.2%
    SANKYO Pachislot                             41.4%         37.6%     -3.8pt       41.5%         41.8%     41.4%     41.4%   41.2%       29.7%    37.6%   37.6%

                                                                                                                                                     © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
23        ROE
          Return on Equity

             million yen                3/2012    3/2013    3/2014    3/2015    3/2016    3/2017     3/2018   3/2019E

 売上高         Net Sales                  173,682   104,150   158,453   146,579   137,130    81,455    86,220    90,000

 営業利益        Operating Income            40,315     7,023    28,023    13,233    18,826     5,059    10,181    12,000

 経常利益        Recurring Income            44,396     9,488    30,144    14,870    19,965     3,832    11,319    13,000

 当期純利益       Net Income                  20,182     5,853    22,400     8,728    10,485     1,777     5,550     9,000

 総資産         Total Assets               495,988   464,259   451,149   434,648   414,183   390,585   396,291

 純資産         Total Net Assets           418,303   402,918   413,096   371,670   348,941   340,287   337,242

 年間配当金(円) DPS (Yen)                      150.00    150.00    150.00    150.00    150.00    150.00    150.00    150.00

 ROE         Return on Equity             4.8%      1.4%      5.5%      2.2%      2.9%      0.5%      1.6%
             Average ROE of five
 ROE 5期平均                                 8.4%      6.2%      5.8%      4.5%      3.4%      2.5%      2.6%
             consecutive fiscal years

 当期純利益率      Net Income Ratio            11.6%      5.6%     14.1%      6.0%      7.6%      2.2%      6.4%

 総資産回転率      Total Asset Turnover          0.35      0.22      0.35      0.33      0.32      0.20      0.22

 財務レバレッジ     Financial Leverage            1.18      1.17      1.12      1.13      1.18      1.17      1.16

                                                                                                       © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
 24                       パチンコ/パチスロ市場
                          Pachinko/Pachislot Machine Market
thou. units
                                                                                                                Situation of Parlors that Are Members of Zennichiyuren

                        2,954      2,918
                                                    2,749             2,500   2,487           2,477   2,470   2,460
                                                                                      2,475                           2,453   2,449   2,443   2,430 2,423
     2,500                                                                                                                                                2,421
                                                                      9,644   9,583   9,530   9,531   9,496   9,454   9,421   9,393   9,362   9,303   9,264   9,237
     2,000                        1,886
              1,602               1,661    1,691    1,687                                                                                                                パチンコ設置台数
                                           1,567                      1,554   1,548   1,545   1,547   1,552   1,549   1,548   1,547   1,545   1,538   1,534   1,538      No. of installed
                                                                                                                                                                         Pachinko Machines
                                                    1,408   1,300                                                                                                        パチンコ販売台数
                1,392                                                                                                                                                    No. of Shipped
                          1,233                                                                                                                                          Pachinko Machines

     1,000                                                                                                                                                               パチスロ設置台数
                                     968                                                                                                                                 No. of installed
                                             887                                                                                                                         Pachislot Machines

       500                                            604                                                                                                                No. of Shipped
                                                                                                                                                                         Pachislot Machines
                                                                                                                                                                         No. of outlets
                                                                                                                                                                         currently in operation
              CY2013 2014          2015     2016     2017   2018E    J-2018 F-2018 M-2018 A-2018 M-2018 J-2018 J-2018 A-2018 S-2018 O-2018 N-2018 D-2018

                           Source: National Police Agency, Yano Research Institute, Zennichiyuren                                                                © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.
25                     その他

販売タイトル数推移(全メーカー)                                                                           型式試験適合状況
Number of Titles Sold (All Manufacturers)                                                  Compliance with Format Inspection

パチンコ機 Pachinko Machines                                                                    パチンコ機 Pachinko Machines

CY2013        23,528                                                     106                                          2013   2014   2015         2016         2017    2018J-D
                                                                                            受付         Appl i ca nt    503    613    731          864          875        711
   2014       19,481                                                      108
                                                                                            適合         Pa s s          412    505    519          396          361        336
   2015       18,694    1タイトル当たり販売台数(左)                                   108               不適合        Fa i l           71     97    172          458          463        333
                        Sales per title (Left)
   2016       17,462                                     86                                 SANKYO+JB                   28     40     38           39           34         30
                                                                                            Bi s ty                     10     10       8             8           6         9
   2017       14,226                                               97
                                                                                            SANKYO Group Tota l         38     50     46           47           40         39
2018J-D                                                                 103
          0            20          40        60         80               100    120                                                 including Arrange Ball,Jong-Kyu

パチスロ機 Pachislot Machines                                                                   パチスロ機 Pachislot Machines

CY2013        16,370                                          90                                                      2013   2014   2015        2016         2017     2018J-D

  2014        15,466                                                                       受付         Appl i ca nt    629    526    650          736          913        596
                                                                                           適合         Pa s s          251    203    250          300          326        203
  2015        16,223        1タイトル当たり販売台数(左)
                            Sales per title (Left)                                         不適合        Fa i l          391    342    328          444          494        444
  2016        11,255                                     87                                SANKYO                       9      9      21            7          15          6

  2017         4,800                                                            125        Bi s ty                     14      0      11            8            3         3
                                                                                           SANKYO Group Tota l         23      9      32           15          18          9
2018J-D                                                   88
          0            20          40       60          80              100     120                                                 including Palot

                        Source: Security Electronics and Communications Technology Association,
                                Yano Research Institute, Pachinko Gyokai Johokan Members                                                           © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.

Contact Us                        【見通しに関する注意事項】
     +81-3-5778-7773              ありますパチンコ・パチスロ市場の経済状況および製品需要の

                                  The Company's plans, strategies and forecasts, except
                                  historical facts, contained in this document may be subject
                                  to change due to factors of risk and uncertainty. Therefore,
                                  the Company does not guarantee their attainability
                                  explicitly or implicitly.
                                  The Company assumes that the ‘factors of potential risk
                                  and uncertainty’ may include the economic climate,
                                  especially concerning the pachinko and pachislot markets
                                  which constitute the Company’s main business field,
                                  competition in the market and competitiveness of the
                                  Company’s products, and also include other unpredictable

                                                                            © 2019 SANKYO Co., Ltd.