4661 OLC 2021-07-29 16:00:00
2022年3月期 第1四半期決算 補足資料 [pdf]

                                                                                                                        Jul 29, 2021

                2022年3⽉期 第1四半期決算 補⾜資料
                   Supplementary Materials: Results for the First Quarter
                             of the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2022
                                         [April 1 to June 30, 2021]

                                                 URL: http://www.olc.co.jp

                                                   Oriental Land Co., Ltd.
                             Investor Relations Group, Finance/Accounting Department
                                                URL: http://www.olc.co.jp/en





Cautionary Statement:
The purpose of this document is to provide information on the operating results and future management strategies of the OLC Group,
and not to solicit investment in securities issued by the Company.

The data disclosed in this document are based on the judgments and available information as of the date of publication.
Oriental Land uses a variety of business measures to constantly strive to increase its net sales and management efficiency.
The OLC Group's business is sensitive to factors such as customer preferences, and social and economic conditions,
and therefore the forecasts and outlook presented in this document contain uncertainties.

Theme Park attendance figures have been rounded, and financial figures have been truncated.

Please refrain from reprinting this document.
2022年3⽉期 第1四半期実績
Results for the First Quarter for the FY3/22 [April 1 to June 30, 2021]
Quarterly Consolidated Statements of Income [Actual/Previous First Quarter]
                                                                                                                                                        (百万円)[Millions of yen]
                                                                                                                          第1四半期実績                 対前年                 対前年
                                                                                                                         (4⽉~6⽉累計)                 増減                 増減率
                     科⽬                                                Items
                                                                                                     FY3/21 Results      FY3/22 Results        Y/Y Change
                                                                                                                                                                   Change [%]
                                                                                                         [1Q]                [1Q]              (Decrease)
  売上⾼                                         Net sales                                                        6,164              49,821              43,657              708.2
   テーマパーク事業                                     Theme Park Segment                                             5,123              39,686              34,562              674.5
   ホテル事業                                        Hotel Business Segment                                           147               7,974                7,827                   -
   その他の事業                                       Other Business Segment                                           893               2,160                1,267             141.9

  売上原価                                        Cost of sales                                                   12,963              45,650              32,687              252.2
   ⼈件費                                          Personnel expenses                                             4,176              13,494                9,317             223.1
   諸経費                                          Other expenses                                                 8,184              22,672              14,487              177.0
   減価償却費                                        Depreciation and amortization                                    602               9,484                8,881                   -

  売上総利益(損失)                                   Gross profit (loss)                                            (6,798)               4,171              10,970                    -

  販売費及び⼀般管理費                                  Selling, general and administrative expenses                     8,843              13,004                4,161               47.1
   ⼈件費                                          Personnel expenses                                             3,883               6,077                2,194               56.5
   諸経費                                          Other expenses                                                 4,380               5,645                1,264               28.9
   減価償却費                                        Depreciation and amortization                                    579               1,281                  702             121.3

  営業利益(損失)                                    Operating profit (loss)                                       (15,641)             (8,832)               6,809                    -
   売上⾼営業利益率                                     Operating Margin                                           (253.7%)             (17.7%)
   テーマパーク事業                                     Theme Park Segment                                          (11,439)              (7,532)               3,907                   -
   ホテル事業                                        Hotel Business Segment                                        (3,198)               (883)               2,314                   -
   その他の事業                                       Other Business Segment                                        (1,035)               (445)                 590                   -
   (消去⼜は全社)                                     [Elimination and Corporate]                                         31                 28                  (3)            (10.6)

  営業外収益                                       Non-operating income                                               753               1,227                  473               62.8

  営業外費⽤                                       Non-operating expenses                                             395                  666                 271               68.6

  経常利益(損失)                                    Ordinary profit (loss)                                        (15,283)             (8,271)               7,011                    -
   売上⾼経常利益率                                     Ordinary profit margin                                     (247.9%)             (16.6%)

  特別損失                                        Extraordinary losses                                            21,198                      -          (21,198)                   -

  税⾦等調整前四半期純利益(純損失)                           Profit (Loss) before income taxes                             (36,481)             (8,271)              28,210                    -

  法⼈税、住⺠税及び事業税                                Income taxes-current                                               113                  164                   50              44.4
  法⼈税等調整額                                     Income taxes-deferred                                         (11,724)              (2,376)               9,347                   -
  法⼈税等合計                                      Total income taxes                                            (11,610)              (2,212)               9,398                   -

  四半期純利益(純損失)                                 Profit (Loss)                                                 (24,871)             (6,059)              18,811                    -

  親会社株主に帰属する四半期純利益(純損失) Profit (Loss) attributable to owners of parent                                      (24,871)             (6,059)              18,811                    -
   売上⾼四半期純利益率                                  Net profit margin                                           (403.5%)             (12.2%)

■売上⾼の状況 Net Sales
                                                                                                                                                        (百万円)[Millions of yen]
                                                                                                                          第1四半期実績                 対前年                 対前年
                                                                                                                         (4⽉~6⽉累計)                 増減                 増減率
                     項⽬                                                Items
                                                                                                     FY3/21 Results      FY3/22 Results        Y/Y Change
                                                                                                                                                                   Change [%]
                                                                                                         [1Q]                [1Q]              (Decrease)
  テーマパーク事業                                 Theme Park Segment                                          5,123             39,686                       34,562              674.5
    アトラクション・ショー収⼊                           Attractions and shows                                       3,844             18,909                      15,065              391.9
    商品販売収⼊                                  Merchandise                                                   959             13,317                      12,358                 -
    飲⾷販売収⼊                                  Food and beverages                                              1              6,731                       6,729                 -
    その他の収⼊                                  Others                                                        319                728                         409              128.3
  ホテル事業                                    Hotel Business Segment                                        147               7,974                       7,827                 -
    ディズニーホテル*                               Disney Hotels*                                                 26              7,333                       7,307                 -
    その他                                     Other Hotels                                                  120                641                         520              430.2
  その他の事業                                   Other Business Segment                                        893               2,160                       1,267              141.9
    イクスピアリ事業                                Ikspiari                                                      419              1,228                         808              193.0
    モノレール事業                                 Monorail                                                       32                280                         248              773.5
    その他                                     Others                                                        441                651                         209               47.5
   * ディズニーアンバサダーホテル、東京ディズニーシー・ホテルミラコスタ、東京ディズニーランドホテル、東京ディズニーセレブレーションホテルを含む
   * Including Disney Ambassador Hotel, Tokyo DisneySea Hotel MiraCosta, Tokyo Disneyland Hotel and Tokyo Disney Celebration Hotel.

■テーマパーク関連情報 Theme Park Information [Year-on-year comparison]

                     項⽬                                                Items
                                                                                                       Y/Y Change

  ⼊園者数(千⼈)                                  Attendance [thousand people]                                     -
  ゲスト1⼈当たり売上⾼(円)                            Net sales per Guest [yen]                                        -
    チケット収⼊                                    Ticket receipts                                                -
    商品販売収⼊                                    Merchandise                                                    -
    飲⾷販売収⼊                                    Food and beverages                                             -
   ※ 前年同期は東京ディズニーランドおよび東京ディズニーシーを臨時休園していたため、⼊園者数およびゲスト1⼈当たり売上⾼の実績はありません。
   Note: As both Parks were temporarily closed during the first quarter of the previous fiscal year, there are no actual figures for attendance or net sales per Guest.