1394 UBS先進国株 2019-04-16 16:30:00
平成30年12月期 決算短信(平成30年1月1日~平成30年12月31日)(1/2) [pdf]

       平成 30 年 12 月期 決算短信(平成 30 年 1 月 1 日∼平成 30 年 12 月 31 日)
  Earnings Report for Fiscal Year ending December 2018 (January 1, 2018 – December 31, 2018)
                                                                                     平成 31 年 4 月 16 日
                                                                                            April 16, 2019
                             コード                                     上場取引所       売買単位       主要投資資産
  ファンド名(Fund name)           番号                                       (Listed    (Trading       (Primary
                                            (Underlying indicator)
                             (Code)                                  Exchange)    unit)      invested assets)
UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株 50                    ユーロ・ストックス 50®インデッ
(ユーロ・ストックス 50)                        クス(ネットリターン)
                               1385                                     東         1口              株式
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨー                   MSCI ヨーロッパ・インデックス
ロッパ)                                  (ネットリターン)
                               1386                                     東         1口              株式
UBS    ETF   MSCI   Europe
UBS ETF ユーロ圏株(MSCI                    MSCI EMU インデックス(ネット
EMU)                                  リターン)
                               1387                                     東         1口              株式
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 小 型 株                 MSCI EMU 小 型 株 イ ン デ ッ ク ス
(MSCI EMU 小型株)                        (ネットリターン)
                               1388                                     東         1口              株式
UBS ETF 英 国 大 型 株 100                 FTSE 100 インデックス(トータ
(FTSE 100)                            ルリターン)
                               1389                                     東         1口              株式
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太平                    MSCI パシフィック(除く日本)
洋株(除く日本)                              インデックス(ネットリターン)
                               1390                                     東         1口              株式
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI ス                   MSCI スイス 20/35 インデックス
イス 20/35)
                               1391                                     東         1口              株式
UBS ETF MSCI Switzerland
UBS ETF 英国株(MSCI 英                    MSCI 英国インデックス(ネット
国)                                    リターン)
                               1392                                     東         1口              株式
UBS    ETF   MSCI   United
UBS ETF 米国株(MSCI 米                    MSCI 米国インデックス(ネット
国)                                    リターン)
                               1393                                     東         1口              株式
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI ワ                   MSCI ワールド・インデックス
ールド)                                  (ネットリターン)
                               1394                                     東         1口              株式
外 国 投 資 法 人               UBS ETF・シキャブ
代         表         者     (役職名)       取締役                           (氏名)    アンドレアス・ハーバーツェト
管     理       会     社     UBSファンド・マネジメント(ルクセンブルク)エス・エイ
U         R         L     www.ubs.com/etf
代         表         者     (役職名)       CEO                           (氏名)    ギルバート・シントゲン
問合せ先責任者                   (役職名)       代理人                           (氏名)    大西 信治            (TEL) 03(6212)8316

Foreign      Investment
                          UBS ETF, Sicav
Representative:           (Title)    Member of the Board of Directors   (Name)   Andreas Haberzeth
Management co.:           UBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A.
URL:                      www.ubs.com/etf
Representative:           (Title)     Chief Executive Officer           (Name)   Gilbert Schintgen
Contact person:           (Title)     Attorney-in-Fact                  (Name)   Nobuharu Onishi     (TEL) 03(6212)8316

有価証券報告書提出予定日                                        平成 31 年 6 月
Scheduled submission date of Annual Securities
                                                    June, 2019
 Ⅰ ファンドの運用状況
 I Fund Management

 1.          平成 30 年 12 月期の運用状況(平成 30 年 1 月 1 日∼平成 30 年 12 月 31 日)
 1.          Management Status for Fiscal Year ended December 2018 (from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018)

 (1)信託財産である外国 ETF の資産内訳                                                                                               (百万円未満切捨て)
      (1) Assets of Trust Asset Foreign ETF                                                         (amounts below 1 mil. yen are discarded)

                                                          主要投資資産                     資産(負債控除後)                          合計(純資産)
                                                       Primary Invested Assets       Cash/Deposits/Other Assets         Total (Net Assets)
                                                                                        (excluding liabilities)
                                                             金額            構成比                金額            構成比               金額
                                                        Amount              ratio         Amount             ratio        Amount
                                                           百万円                   %          百万円                 %           百万円                %
                                                        JPY mil.                 %       JPY mil.              %          JPY mil.             %
UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株                   30 年 12 月期
50(ユーロ・ストックス                      FY       ended         56,916            99.96               24            0.04         56,941         100
50)                               December 2018
UBS ETF EURO STOXX                29 年 12 月期
50 UCITS ETF-JDR                  FY       ended         73,736            99.93               50            0.07         73,786         100
                                  December 2017
                                                           百万円                   %          百万円                 %           百万円                %
                                                        JPY mil.                 %       JPY mil.              %          JPY mil.             %
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨ                30 年 12 月期
ーロッパ)                             FY       ended         35,382              100                0            0.00         35,383         100
UBS ETF MSCI Europe               December 2018
UCITS ETF-JDR                     29 年 12 月期
                                  FY       ended         34,100            99.95               16            0.05          34,117        100
                                  December 2017
                                                           百万円                   %          百万円                 %           百万円                %
                                                        JPY mil.                 %       JPY mil.              %          JPY mil.             %
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 株                 30 年 12 月期
(MSCI EMU)                        FY       ended        334,009            99.02            3,301            0.98        337,310         100
UBS ETF MSCI EMU                  December 2018
UCITS ETF-JDR                     29 年 12 月期
                                  FY       ended        478,049            99.48            2,488            0.52        480,537         100
                                  December 2017
                                                           百万円                   %          百万円                 %           百万円                %
                                                        JPY mil.                 %       JPY mil.              %          JPY mil.             %
UBS ETF ユーロ圏小型株                   30 年 12 月期
(MSCI EMU 小型株)                    FY       ended         14,527              100                0            0.00         14,527         100
UBS ETF MSCI EMU                  December 2018
Small Cap UCITS ETF-              29 年 12 月期
JDR                               FY       ended         19,381            99.92               15            0.08         19,397         100
                                  December 2017
                                                           百万円                   %          百万円                 %           百万円                %
                                                        JPY mil.                 %       JPY mil.              %          JPY mil.             %
UBS ETF 英国大型株 100                 30 年 12 月期
(FTSE 100)                        FY       ended         10,713          100.36              (38)          (0.36)         10,675         100
UBS ETF FTSE 100                  December 2018
UCITS ETF-JDR                     29 年 12 月期
                                  FY       ended         15,584            99.98                2            0.02         15,587         100
                                  December 2017
                                              百万円          %      百万円          %      百万円       %
                                            JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.    %
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太          30 年 12 月期
平洋株(除く日本)                  FY       ended    19,318     99.98         3     0.02     19,321    100
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex   December 2018
Japan) UCITS ETF-JDR       29 年 12 月期
                           FY       ended    25,005     99.97         7     0.03     25,012    100
                           December 2017
                                              百万円          %      百万円          %      百万円       %
                                            JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.    %
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI          30 年 12 月期
スイス 20/35)                 FY       ended    80,103     99.99         4     0.01     80,107    100
UBS        ETF     MSCI    December 2018
Switzerland 20/35 UCITS    29 年 12 月期
ETF-JDR                    FY       ended   105,775    100.01      (14)    (0.01)   105,761    100
                           December 2017
                                              百万円          %      百万円          %      百万円       %
                                            JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.    %
UBS ETF 英国株(MSCI 英         30 年 12 月期
国)                         FY       ended    83,517     99.72       233     0.28     83,751    100
UBS ETF MSCI United        December 2018
Kingdom UCITS ETF-JDR      29 年 12 月期
                           FY       ended    82,614     99.11       745     0.89     83,360    100
                           December 2017
                                              百万円          %      百万円          %      百万円       %
                                            JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.    %
UBS ETF 米国株(MSCI 米         30 年 12 月期
国)                         FY       ended    57,963     99.96        24     0.04     57,988    100
UBS ETF MSCI USA           December 2018
UCITS ETF-JDR              29 年 12 月期
                           FY       ended    65,687     99.90        64     0.10     65,752    100
                           December 2017
                                              百万円          %      百万円          %      百万円       %
                                            JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.    %
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI          30 年 12 月期
ワールド)                      FY       ended   112,992    100.04      (48)    (0.04)   112,943    100
UBS ETF MSCI World         December 2018
UCITS ETF-JDR              29 年 12 月期
                           FY       ended   144,405     99.89       158     0.11    144,564    100
                           December 2017
 (2)信託財産である外国 ETF の設定・交換実績
 (2) Creation and Redemption of Trust Asset Foreign ETF
                                                                                     (amounts below 1 thousand shares are discarded)
                                                      前計算期間末発                                                    当計算期間末発行
                                                       行済口数                   設定口数                交換口数              済口数
                                                     No. of Issued Shares   No. of Shares        No. of Shares   No. of Issued Shares at
                                                      at End of Previous    Created               Redeemed        End of Calculation
                                                      Calculation Period          (②)                (③)                 Period
                                                            (①)                                                     (①+②−③)
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                             ‘000 shares         ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株 50               30 年 12 月期
(ユーロ・ストックス 50)                   FY         ended                 16,921                3,100           4,880                    15,141
                                 December 2018
                                 29 年 12 月期
UCITS ETF-JDR                    FY         ended                 24,362                2,292           9,734                    16,921
                                 December 2017
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                            ‘000 shares        ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨー              30 年 12 月期
ロッパ)                             FY         ended                  4,124                1,641           1,264                     4,501
UBS ETF MSCI Europe              December 2018
UCITS ETF-JDR                    29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended                  4,015                1,071              962                    4,124
                                 December 2017
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                            ‘000 shares        ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF ユーロ圏株(MSCI               30 年 12 月期
EMU)                             FY         ended                 18,857                1,441           3,624                    16,674
UBS ETF MSCI EMU UCITS           December 2018
ETF-JDR                          29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended                 14,088                8,507           3,738                    18,857
                                 December 2017
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                            ‘000 shares        ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 小 型 株            30 年 12 月期
(MSCI EMU 小型株)                   FY         ended                  1,516                1,170           1,278                     1,408
UBS ETF MSCI EMU Small           December 2018
Cap UCITS ETF-JDR                29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended                    341                1,174                0                    1,516
                                 December 2017
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                            ‘000 shares        ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF 英 国 大 型 株 100            30 年 12 月期
(FTSE 100)                       FY         ended                  1,445                    68             393                    1,119
UBS ETF FTSE 100 UCITS           December 2018
ETF-JDR                          29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended                  1,811                    5              371                    1,445
                                 December 2017
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                            ‘000 shares        ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太平洋              30 年 12 月期
株(除く日本)                          FY         ended                  4,785                 239               716                    4,308
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex         December 2018
Japan) UCITS ETF-JDR             29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended                  4,727                 548               490                    4,785
                                 December 2017
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                            ‘000 shares        ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI ス              30 年 12 月期
イス 20/35)                        FY         ended                  8,656                3,629           4,055                     8,230
UBS ETF MSCI Switzerland         December 2018
20/35 UCITS ETF-JDR              29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended                  8,235                2,493           2,071                     8,656
                                 December 2017
                                                     千口            千口            千口            千口
                                              ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares
UBS ETF 英 国 株 ( MSCI 英     30 年 12 月期
国)                         FY         ended          374           190           194           369
UBS ETF MSCI United        December 2018
Kingdom UCITS ETF-JDR      29 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended          530           217           373           374
                           December 2017
                                                     千口            千口            千口            千口
                                              ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares
UBS ETF 米 国 株 ( MSCI 米     30 年 12 月期
国)                         FY         ended        2,279           498           625         2,151
UBS ETF MSCI USA UCITS     December 2018
ETF-JDR                    29 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended        3,051            85           858         2,279
                           December 2017
                                                     千口            千口            千口            千口
                                              ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI ワ        30 年 12 月期
ールド)                       FY         ended        6,161           488         1,284         5,366
UBS ETF MSCI World UCITS   December 2018
ETF-JDR                    29 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended        7,748         1,633         3,220         6,161
                           December 2017
 (3)信託財産である外国 ETF の基準価額
 (3) Net Asset Value of Trust Asset Foreign ETF
                                                                                         (amounts below 1 mil. yen are discarded)
                                                                                                              1 口当たり基準価額
                                                      総資産               負債                 純資産                    数)×1)
                                                    Total Assets      Liabilities         Net Assets         Net Asset Value per 1 unit
                                                        (①)              (②)             (③(①−②))           ((③/No. of Issued Shares at
                                                                                                             End of Calculation Period
                                                                                                               (Previous Calculation
                                                              百万円             百万円                  百万円                                 円
                                                           JPY mil.        JPY mil.             JPY mil.                              JPY
UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株 50               30 年 12 月期
(ユーロ・ストックス 50)                   FY         ended           57,251              309              56,941                             3,760
UBS ETF EURO STOXX 50            December 2018
UCITS ETF-JDR                    29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended           74,171              384              73,786                             4,360
                                 December 2017
                                                              百万円             百万円                  百万円                                 円
                                                           JPY mil.        JPY mil.             JPY mil.                              JPY
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨー              30 年 12 月期
ロッパ)                             FY         ended           35,532              149              35,383                             4,508
UBS ETF MSCI Europe              December 2018
UCITS ETF-JDR                    29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended           34,178                  61           34,117                             6,979
                                 December 2017
                                                              百万円             百万円                  百万円                                 円
                                                           JPY mil.        JPY mil.             JPY mil.                              JPY
UBS ETF ユーロ圏株(MSCI               30 年 12 月期
EMU)                             FY         ended         338,237               927             337,310                             4,636
UBS ETF MSCI EMU UCITS           December 2018
ETF-JDR                          29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended         481,572            1,035              480,537                             4,839
                                 December 2017
                                                              百万円             百万円                  百万円                                 円
                                                           JPY mil.        JPY mil.             JPY mil.                              JPY
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 小 型 株            30 年 12 月期
(MSCI EMU 小型株)                   FY         ended           14,579                  51           14,527                         10,315
UBS ETF MSCI EMU Small           December 2018
Cap UCITS ETF-JDR                29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended           19,408                  11           19,397                         12,792
                                 December 2017
                                                              百万円             百万円                  百万円                                 円
                                                           JPY mil.        JPY mil.             JPY mil.                              JPY
UBS ETF 英 国 大 型 株 100            30 年 12 月期
(FTSE 100)                       FY         ended           10,753                  78           10,675                             7,657
UBS ETF FTSE 100 UCITS           December 2018
ETF-JDR                          29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended           15,631                  44           15,587                             9,064
                                 December 2017
                                                              百万円             百万円                  百万円                                 円
                                                           JPY mil.        JPY mil.             JPY mil.                              JPY
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太平洋              30 年 12 月期
株(除く日本)                          FY         ended           19,373                  52           19,321                             4,168
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex         December 2018
Japan) UCITS ETF-JDR             29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended           25,092                  80           25,012                             4,829
                                 December 2017
                                                              百万円             百万円                  百万円                                 円
                                                           JPY mil.        JPY mil.             JPY mil.                              JPY
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI ス              30 年 12 月期
イス 20/35)                        FY         ended           80,433              326              80,107                             1,913
UBS ETF MSCI Switzerland         December 2018
20/35 UCITS ETF-JDR              29 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended         105,976               215             105,761                             2,106
                                 December 2017
                                                百万円        百万円        百万円          円
                                              JPY mil.   JPY mil.   JPY mil.      JPY
UBS ETF 英 国 株 ( MSCI 英     30 年 12 月期
国)                         FY         ended    84,210       458      83,751     2,961
UBS ETF MSCI United        December 2018
Kingdom UCITS ETF-JDR      29 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended    83,454        94      83,360     3,298
                           December 2017
                                                百万円        百万円        百万円          円
                                              JPY mil.   JPY mil.   JPY mil.      JPY
UBS ETF 米 国 株 ( MSCI 米     30 年 12 月期
国)                         FY         ended    58,501       513      57,988    26,369
UBS ETF MSCI USA UCITS     December 2018
ETF-JDR                    29 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended    65,805        52      65,752    27,020
                           December 2017
                                                百万円        百万円        百万円          円
                                              JPY mil.   JPY mil.   JPY mil.      JPY
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI ワ        30 年 12 月期
ールド)                       FY         ended   113,401       457     112,943    21,046
UBS ETF MSCI World UCITS   December 2018
ETF-JDR                    29 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended   146,426     1,861     144,564    23,462
                           December 2017
 (4)上場外国 ETF 信託受益証券に係る設定・交換実績
   (4) Creation and Redemption of Listed Foreign ETF Trust Beneficiary Certificates (JDR)

                                                         数                設定口数              交換口数               当計算期間末発行済口数
                                                      No. of Issued     No. of Units        No. of Units       No. of Issued Units at End of
                                                      Units at End of   Created              Redeemed               Calculation Period
                                                                             (②)               (③)                   (①+②−③)
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株 50 30 12
                        年 月期
(ユーロ・ストックス 50) FY              ended                             100                30                25                                 105
UCITS ETF-JDR         December 2018
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨー 30 年 12 月期
UBS ETF MSCI Europe FY       ended                                38                   5                   -                              43
                    December 2018
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF ユーロ圏株(MSCI 30 12
EMU)                     年 月期
                       FY       ended                               4                  -                   -                                   4
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 小 型 株 30 12
                         年 月期
(MSCI EMU 小型株)         FY       ended                               3                  -                   -                                   3
Cap UCITS ETF-JDR      December 2018
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF 英 国 大 型 株 100 30 年 12 月期
(FTSE 100)
UBS ETF FTSE 100 UCITS FY       ended                               5                  -                   -                                   5
                       December 2018
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太平洋 30 12
株(除く日本)                    年 月期
                         FY       ended                           27                   2                   -                              29
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex December 2018
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI ス 30 12
                           年 月期
イス 20/35)                FY       ended                           76                   -                   -                              76
UBS ETF MSCI Switzerland
20/35 UCITS ETF-JDR      December 2018
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF 英 国 株 ( MSCI 英 30 年 12 月期
UBS ETF MSCI United FY          ended                             21                10                     -                              31
                       December 2018
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF 米 国 株 ( MSCI 米 30 12
国)                       年 月期
                       FY       ended                               3                  2                   -                                   5
                                                千口           千口           千口           千口
                                          ‘000 units   ‘000 units   ‘000 units   ‘000 units
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI ワ 30 年 12 月期
UBS ETF MSCI World UCITS FY       ended           2            2             -           4
                         December 2018
 (5)上場外国 ETF 信託受益証券の分配金
   (5) Dividend Payment of Listed Foreign ETF Trust Beneficiary Certificates (JDR)

                                                              1 口当たり分配金
                                                              Dividend per 1 unit

UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株 50               30 年 12 月期
(ユーロ・ストックス 50)                   FY       ended                                      22
UBS ETF EURO STOXX 50            December 2018
UCITS ETF-JDR                    30 年 6 月中間
                                 期                                                   110
                                 SAN ended June
                                 29 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                   1
                                 December 2017
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨー              30 年 12 月期
ロッパ)                             FY       ended                                      54
UBS ETF MSCI Europe              December 2018
UCITS ETF-JDR                    30 年 6 月中間
                                 期                                                   176
                                 SAN ended June
                                 29 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                  65
                                 December 2017
UBS ETF ユーロ圏株(MSCI               30 年 12 月期
EMU)                             FY       ended                                      57
UBS ETF MSCI EMU UCITS           December 2018
ETF-JDR                          30 年 6 月中間
                                 期                                                   356
                                 SAN ended June
                                 29 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                  84
                                 December 2017
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 小 型 株            30 年 12 月期
(MSCI EMU 小型株)                   FY       ended                                      30
UBS ETF MSCI EMU Small           December 2018
Cap UCITS ETF-JDR                30 年 6 月中間
                                 期                                                   220
                                 SAN ended June
                                 29 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                  122
                                 December 2017
UBS ETF 英 国 大 型 株 100            30 年 12 月期
(FTSE 100)                       FY       ended                                      163
UBS ETF FTSE 100 UCITS           December 2018
ETF-JDR                          30 年 6 月中間
                                 期                                                   216
                                 SAN ended June
                                 29 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                  165
                                 December 2017
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太平洋              30 年 12 月期
株(除く日本)                          FY       ended                                        83
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex         December 2018
Japan) UCITS ETF-JDR             30 年 6 月中間
                                 SAN ended June                                        96
                                 29 年 12 月期
                                 FY          ended                                   102
                                 December 2017
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI ス              30 年 12 月期
イス 20/35)                        FY       ended                                         0
UBS ETF MSCI Switzerland         December 2018
20/35 UCITS ETF-JDR              30 年 6 月中間
                                 SAN ended June                                        30
                                 29 年 12 月期
                                 FY          ended                                      1
                                 December 2017
UBS ETF 英 国 株 ( MSCI 英           30 年 12 月期
国)                               FY       ended                                        45
UBS ETF MSCI United              December 2018
Kingdom UCITS ETF-JDR            30 年 6 月中間
                                 SAN ended June                                        59
                                 29 年 12 月期
                                 FY          ended                                     28
                                 December 2017
UBS ETF 米 国 株 ( MSCI 米           30 年 12 月期
国)                               FY       ended                                      192
UBS ETF MSCI USA UCITS           December 2018
ETF-JDR                          30 年 6 月中間
                                 SAN ended June                                      175
                                 29 年 12 月期
                                 FY          ended                                   153
                                 December 2017
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI ワ              30 年 12 月期
ールド)                             FY       ended                                      154
UBS ETF MSCI World UCITS         December 2018
ETF-JDR                          30 年 6 月中間
                                 期                                                   239
                                 SAN ended June
                                 29 年 12 月期
                                 FY      ended                                     123
                              December 2017
   ※上場外国 ETF 信託受益証券に係る平成 30 年 6 月中間期分配金の基準日は平成 30 年 7 月 30 日であり、平成
    30 年 12 月期分配金の基準日は平成 31 年 1 月 30 日です。
   ※The record date for the interim dividend for the SAN ended June 2018 was July 30, 2018. The record date for the
    annual dividend for the FY ended December 2018 was January 30, 2019.
   ※上場外国 ETF 信託受益証券に係る平成 30 年 12 月期分配金の支払開始日は平成 31 年 3 月 8 日(ただし、
    UBS ETF 米国株(MSCI 米国)については平成 31 年 3 月 19 日)です。
   ※The start date of dividend payment on the Listed Foreign ETF Trust Beneficiary Certificates (JDR) of the annual dividend for the
    FY ended December 2018 was March 8, 2019, with the exception that the start date of dividend payment on UBS ETF MSCI
    USA UCITS ETF-JDR of the annual dividend for the FY ended December 2018 was March 19, 2019.
  注) アメリカ合衆国ドル(               「米ドル」、イギリスポンド(
                                          )                      「英ポンド」、スイスフラン()                 「スイスフラン」          )お
        よびユーロの円貨換算は、便宜上、平成 31 年 4 月 8 日現在の株式会社三菱 UFJ 銀行の対顧客電信売買
        相場の仲値(1 米ドル=111.44 円、1 英ポンド=145.50 円、1 スイスフラン=111.46 円、1 ユーロ=
        125.05 円)によります。
  Note: Conversion from United States Dollar ("USD"), Pound Sterling (“GBP”), Swiss Franc (“CHF”) and Euro (“EUR”)
        to Japanese Yen (“JPY”) is by the telegraphic transfer middle rate of MUFG Bank, Ltd. as of 8 April 2019 (USD 1
        = JPY111.44 GBP 1 = JPY145.50, CHF 1 = JPY 111.46, EUR 1 = JPY125.05 ) for convenience.

2.        信託財産である外国 ETF の会計方針の変更
2. Change in Accounting Policies of Trust Asset Foreign ETF

(1)会計基準等の改正に伴う会計方針の変更                                              :無
  (1)Changes accompanying revision to accounting standards, etc.   :No
  (1)以外の会計方針の変更                                                    :無
  (2)Changes other than those in (1)                               :No
        Annual Report 2018
   Investment Company under Luxembourg Law (SICAV)

   Audited Annual Report as of 31 December 2018
UBS ETF – EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF                                    UBS ETF – MSCI Emerging Markets Socially Responsible UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF                                      UBS ETF – MSCI World Socially Responsible UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF                                         UBS ETF – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU hedged to CHF UCITS ETF                           UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU hedged to USD UCITS ETF                           UBS ETF – MSCI Pacific Socially Responsible UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Select Factor Mix UCITS ETF                       UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Value UCITS ETF                                   UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 7-10 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Small Cap UCITS ETF                               UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 10+ Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Quality UCITS ETF                          UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Prime Value UCITS ETF                      UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 10+ UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Low Volatility UCITS ETF                   UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 1-10 UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Total Shareholder Yield UCITS ETF          UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 10+ UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – FTSE 100 UCITS ETF                                         UBS ETF – Markit iBoxx € Germany 1-3 UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF                              UBS ETF – Markit iBoxx € Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom hedged to CHF UCITS ETF                UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays EUR Treasury 1-10 UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom hedged to EUR UCITS ETF                UBS ETF – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 1-5 UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom hedged to USD UCITS ETF                UBS ETF – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 5-10 UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF                                       UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan hedged to CHF UCITS ETF                         UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan hedged to EUR UCITS ETF                         UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan hedged to USD UCITS ETF                         UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates Interest Rate hedged
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF                  UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI Pacific (ex Japan) UCITS ETF                          UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI USA UCITS ETF                                         UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable
UBS ETF – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF                                      UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI Singapore UCITS ETF                                   UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid Corporates
UBS ETF – MSCI Hong Kong UCITS ETF                                   Sustainable UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF                           UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 hedged to EUR UCITS ETF             ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 hedged to USD UCITS ETF             UBS ETF – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS ETF
UBS ETF – MSCI World UCITS ETF                                       UBS ETF – J.P. Morgan EM Multi-Factor Enhanced Local Currency Bond
UBS ETF – MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF                            UCITS ETF
                                                                     UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays EUR High Quality Liquid Assets 1-5 Bond
                                                                     UCITS ETF
                                                                     UBS ETF – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF

   No subscriptions can be received on the basis of financial reports. Subscriptions are only valid if made on the basis of
   the current Prospectus supplemented by the latest Annual Report and latest Semi-Annual Report if published

        RCS Number: B-83626
Audited Annual Report as of 31 December 2018

Management and Administration                                                            4

Letter to Shareholders                                                                   6

Performance tables                                                                       9

Audit report                                                                             15

Statement of Net Assets                                                                  19

Statement of Operations                                                                  47

Statement of Changes in Net Assets                                                       63

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF                              83

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF                                85

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF                                   95

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI EMU hedged to CHF UCITS ETF                    101

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI EMU hedged to USD UCITS ETF                    107

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Select Factor Mix UCITS ETF                113

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Value UCITS ETF                            126

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Small Cap UCITS ETF                        130

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Quality UCITS ETF                   140

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Prime Value UCITS ETF               142

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Low Volatility UCITS ETF            145

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Total Shareholder Yield UCITS ETF   148

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – FTSE 100 UCITS ETF                                  151

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF                       154

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom hedged to CHF UCITS ETF         157

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom hedged to EUR UCITS ETF         160

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom hedged to USD UCITS ETF         163

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF                                166

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Japan hedged to CHF UCITS ETF                  173

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Japan hedged to EUR UCITS ETF                  180

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Japan hedged to USD UCITS ETF                  187

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF           194

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Pacific (ex Japan) UCITS ETF                   197

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI USA UCITS ETF                                  201

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF                               212
Audited Annual Report as of 31 December 2018
Contents (continued)

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Singapore UCITS ETF                                        215

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Hong Kong UCITS ETF                                        216

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF                                218

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 hedged to EUR UCITS ETF                  220

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 hedged to USD UCITS ETF                  222

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI World UCITS ETF                                            224

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF                                 251

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Emerging Markets Socially Responsible UCITS ETF            269

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI World Socially Responsible UCITS ETF                       274

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF                         282

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF                         286

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – MSCI Pacific Socially Responsible UCITS ETF                     289

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF          292

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 7-10 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF         294

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 10+ Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF          295

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF                          296

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 10+ UCITS ETF                           297

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 1-10 UCITS ETF         298

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 10+ UCITS ETF          299

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Markit iBoxx € Germany 1-3 UCITS ETF                            300

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Markit iBoxx € Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF                      301

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays EUR Treasury 1-10 UCITS ETF                  303

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 1-5 UCITS ETF                              305

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 5-10 UCITS ETF                             310

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS
ETF                                                                                                 314

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF      322

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates Interest Rate hedged
UCITS ETF                                                                                           326

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF               327

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable
UCITS ETF                                                                                           335

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid Corporates
Sustainable UCITS ETF                                                                               340
Audited Annual Report as of 31 December 2018
Contents (continued)

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF   349

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS ETF             361

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – J.P. Morgan EM Multi-Factor Enhanced Local Currency Bond
UCITS ETF                                                                                         371

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays EUR High Quality Liquid Assets 1-5 Bond
UCITS ETF                                                                                         377

Schedule of Investments — UBS ETF – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF                  382

Notes to Financial Statements                                                                     383

Appendix I - Supplementary Information (unaudited)                                                439

Appendix II - Remuneration Policy (unaudited)                                                     461

Sales Restrictions
Shares of these Sub-Funds may not be offered, sold or distributed within the United States of America.
The applicable selling restrictions are set out in the sales prospectus.
 Management and Administration
  Registered Office                                              Paying Agent in Austria
  49, Avenue J.F. Kennedy                                        Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
  L-1855 Luxembourg                                              Am Belvedere 1, A-1100 Vienna
  R.C.S. Luxembourg Nr. B-83626
                                                                 Paying Agent in Germany
  Portfolio Managers of Sub-Funds
                                                                 UBS Europe SE
  UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd                                  Bockenheimer Landstrasse 2-4, D-60306 Frankfurt am Main
  5 Broadgate
  EC2M 2QS London, United Kingdom                                Paying Agent in Switzerland
  UBS AG,                                                        UBS Switzerland AG
  UBS Asset Management, Basel and Zurich                         Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8098 Zurich
  Aeschenvorstadt 1, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland                  and its branches in Switzerland
  Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8098 Zurich, Switzerland
                                                                 Paying Agent in Liechtenstein
  UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc.
  UBS Tower, One North Wacker Drive                              Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG
  IL 60606, Chicago, United States                               Städtle 44, FL-9490 Vaduz

  Auditor                                                        Paying Agent in the United Kingdom

  PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative                    UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd
  2, rue Gerhard Mercator                                        5, Broadgate, EC2M 2QS London
  B.P. 1443
  L-1014 Luxembourg                                              Paying Agent in Belgium
  Depositary                                                     BNP Paribas Securities Services S.C.A.,
                                                                 Brussels branch
  State Street Bank Luxembourg S.C.A.                            Rue de Loxum, 25, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
  49, Avenue J.F. Kennedy
  L-1855 Luxembourg                                              Distributor
  Board of Directors                                             UBS AG
                                                                 Aeschenvorstadt 1, CH-4002 Basel
• Mr Clemens Reuter (Chairman)                                   and
  Managing Director, UBS AG, Basel and Zurich                    Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8098 Zurich

• Mr Frank Müsel (Vice-Chairman)                                 Representation Agent in Austria
  Executive Director, UBS AG, Basel and Zurich
                                                                 Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
• Mr Ian Ashment                                                 Am Belvedere 1, A-1010 Vienna
  Managing Director, UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd, London
                                                                 Information Agent in Germany
• Mr Andreas Haberzeth
  Executive Director, UBS AG, Basel and Zurich                   UBS Europe SE
                                                                 Bockenheimer Landstrasse 2-4
• Mr Jörgen Jessen                                               D-60306 Frankfurt am Main
  Independent Board Member, Grevenmacher
                                                                 Representation Agent in Switzerland
  Management Company
                                                                 UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG
  UBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A.                          Aeschenplatz 6, CH-4052 Basel
  33A, Avenue J.F. Kennedy
  L-1855 Luxembourg                                              Centralising and Financial Agent in France
  R.C.S. Luxemburg N° B 154 210
                                                                 Société Générale S.A.
  Company Administrator, Domiciliary, Depositary,                29, Boulevard Haussmann,
  Corporate and Paying Agent                                     F-75009 Paris

  State Street Bank Luxembourg S.C.A.                            Representation and Paying Agent in Spain
  49, Avenue J.F. Kennedy
  L-1855 Luxembourg                                              UBS Europe SE
                                                                 4, Calle Maria de Molina, 3 planta
                                                                 28006 Madrid

Management and Administration
Representation Agent in Portugal                                   Securities Lending Agent
Best – Banco Electrónico de Serviço Total, S.A.                    State Street Bank International GmbH London Branch
Praça Marquês de Pombal, 3A - 3º                                   and
1250-161 Lisboa                                                    State Street Bank and Trust Company
Portugal                                                           20, Churchill Place, Canary Wharf
                                                                   E14 5HJ London
Legal Advisers
as to Luxembourg Law
Clifford Chance
10, boulevard G.D. Charlotte
B.P. 1147
L-1011 Luxembourg

Shareholders may obtain the Prospectus, the Key Investor Information Document (KIID), the latest annual and semi-annual reports,
the changes in the composition of the securities portfolio during the reporting period and copies of the Memorandum and Articles of
Association free of charge from the registered office of the Manager, the Administrator, or the local representatives in the
countries where the Company is registered and in Switzerland at UBS Switzerland AG, Bahnhofstrasse 45, 8098 Zurich,

                                                                                        Annual report as of 31 December 2018
Letter to Shareholders

We are pleased to present the 17th annual report for the UBS Exchange Traded Funds (UBS ETF)
covering the reporting period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018. We look back on a negative
year for financial equity markets across the globe. The market environment was less supportive for fixed
income markets in 2018 with softer global economic growth and concerns around international trade
and political uncertainty. UBS ETF's AuM slightly declined during the year.

The Fund range saw total net outflows of EUR 543 million, decreasing the total AuM in UBS ETFs to
EUR 20.5 billion as at 31 December 2018.

In 2018, we have further broadened our ESG-oriented and Emerging Markets offering with three fixed
income ETFs, a short maturity, high quality liquid assets sub-fund in collaboration with Bloomberg
Barclays to meet Basel III LCR regulations, a sub-fund that invests into multilateral development bank
bond issues and an Emerging Markets multi-factor local currency bond ETF based on a J.P. Morgan
index. Finally, with the MSCI EMU Select Factor Mix UCITS ETF, we added an additional sub-fund to our
factor-oriented equity fund offering.

In recent years, UBS ETF has solidified its position as a top 5 provider in Europe with consistent inflows,
and a push towards product shelf expansion. Sales activities in Europe will continue to focus on core
markets, with a dedicated push into the newer regions of Scandinavia, France and Israel. UBS ETFs
were registered for sale in Finland and Belgium in 2018 and in Israel for distribution directed to
professional clients only. UBS ETFs will focus on established client relationships in the European
market, as well as on efforts to offer clients a broad shelf of choice, the later being particularly vital in
times of political uncertainty as well as equity market volatility. Passive investing and ETFs in particular,
remain a focus of UBS Asset Management in its continued efforts to position UBS AM as a leading asset
manager globally. Finally, the potential expansion of dedicated sales market coverage into Asia-Pacific
remains an additional option which management is reviewing.

In the first quarter of 2018, volatile trading conditions returned to equity markets in particular from late
January onwards. Yields on some benchmark government bonds, particularly in the US, also rose
sharply over the quarter. Fears around the direction of the US administration's economic policy,
particularly in relation to trade, rose as the quarter progressed. This was despite economic data
remaining broadly positive globally, although there may be signs that the rate of acceleration is
beginning to moderate. There were a number of political developments over the quarter which were also
of interest to investors, particularly in Europe. German Chancellor Angela Merkel secured another term
after successfully concluding coalition talks. An election in Italy resulted in a hung parliament despite
strong gains for populist parties. There were also definitive signs of progress in the UK's Brexit
negotiations with the EU.

Equity markets worldwide delivered a negative start to 2018 despite a strong January, as the positive
mood engendered by the tax reform passed in the US late in 2017 continued into the new year and
economic data remained strong. Concerns about the prospects for increased inflation, and a resulting
faster pace of monetary policy tightening from the Fed, caused equity markets to sell off sharply in early
February as US Treasury yields rose. As the volatile conditions continued, it became clear that technical
factors were playing a major role. While these gyrations lessened and the focus switched to more
fundamental factors as February continued, fears of rising trade protectionism in March saw equity
markets fall back once more.

Yields on many benchmark government bonds rose sharply, though moderated later in the quarter, as
investors considered evidence that the rate of acceleration in global demand growth may be set to ease
off. Overall, yields on US and UK government bonds saw the largest increases over the three months
while yields on markets such as Italy, Spain and Greece fell in contrast.

In the second quarter of 2018, the outlook for the global trading environment and wider international
relations became more unsettled. Initial tariffs proposed by the US in the areas of steel and aluminium
seemed likely to expand to other import areas, with retaliation from major trading partners such as the
EU, China and Canada also taking shape. Over the quarter, it became clearer that the rate of
acceleration in global economic growth has moderated from the very strong pace seen at the turn of the

The figures stated in this report are historical and not necessarily indicative of future performance.
                                                                                        Annual report as of 31 December 2018
Letter to Shareholders                            (continued)

year. While the US remains relatively robust, there could be little doubt that the pace of expansion in
Europe in particular has slowed. However, paced by the US, earnings season globally was very strong.
While the US Federal Reserve (Fed) increased interest rates further in June, the Bank of England and
European Cental Bank remained on hold.

Equity markets globally advanced in the second quarter of 2018. However, emerging markets - which
have been strong performers over much of 2017 in particular - fared less well, and fell in value overall. A
range of factors, such as the ongoing arguments on trade, the strength of the US dollar, a rising oil
price and geopolitical events involving countries as diverse as Italy, Iran and Argentina, all impacted
markets at different times over the quarter. A further rate rise from the Fed in June, and expectations for a
further two rises later this year, passed with little impact.

Given the sharp rises in bond yields seen the first quarter, there was considerable attention focused on
the price action for US Treasuries as Q2 began. The yield on the 10 year Treasury rose above 3% in April,
for the first time since 2014. However, longer dated yields fell back over the quarter even as yields on
short dated bonds rose as the likelihood of further monetary tightening from the Federal Reserve was
seen to increase.

The vexed topic of trade remained a major focus worldwide in the third quarter as tensions increased
between the US and China in particular. Relations continued to sour as the US moved to impose a 10 per
cent tariff on about USD 200bn of Chinese imports. The decision led China to announce retaliatory
tariffs on a range of products, and cancel planned trade talks. However, Canada reached an agreement
with the US and Mexico to overhaul the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in late
September. Geopolitical events were to the fore in Europe in particular, with acrimony at a key summit to
discuss the UK's exit from the European Union in September. Italy's populist government agreed a
budget with larger spending plans than expected, increasing the likelihood of conflict with the EU over
fiscal policy.

Developed markets advanced strongly, while emerging markets overall were flat in local currency terms.
US equities fared particularly well, while Japanese equities also gained. Other markets were more
muted. Hardening expectations for further rate rises from the US Federal Reserve seemed to have little
impact on equity investors however. Indeed, closely watched US benchmarks such as the S&P 500,
Russell 1000 and Nasdaq 100 all hit new record levels as GDP growth reached its fastest level since

Within bond markets, yields on 10 year US Treasuries made a decisive break back over the 3% barrier
later in the quarter after falling back earlier on, as expectations for further interest rate increases in the
US grew. Other widely followed markets such as the UK and Germany saw similar rises in yields, as did
index-linked government bonds.

The fourth quarter saw increased concern about the implications of the continuing rises in US interest
rates, which was further exacerbated by some disappointing growth numbers, ongoing trade tensions
between the US and China, and European political developments. The outlook for a breakthrough in
Sino-US trade discussions seemed to improve however, following a meeting of their respective leaders
at the G-20 summit in December. A later agreement by the US to postpone new tariffs on Chinese
imports scheduled for January, as well as a promise from China to cut tariffs on imported American cars,
were taken as concrete signs of progress. Geopolitical developments beyond trade remained in the
headlines, with congressional elections in the US in November and further changes in personnel in the
Trump administration. In Europe, there was news of a compromise between the Italian government and
the European Commission on a budget for 2019. However, Brexit related turbulence continued with no
agreement on the form of the UK exit from the European Union, which is scheduled for the 29 March

Equity markets worldwide saw sharp falls in both October and December as 2018 proved to be the worst
year since the global financial crisis for many markets. US stocks gave up the gains seen earlier in 2018,
with technology stocks particularly affected. Japanese stocks fared especially badly over the quarter as

The figures stated in this report are historical and not necessarily indicative of future performance.
                                                                                        Annual report as of 31 December 2018
Letter to Shareholders                            (continued)

fears over the outlook for global trade and economic growth weighed on the country's exporters. The
gloomier outlook for the Chinese economy also had a detrimental impact. UK stocks were impacted by
Brexit uncertainty increased and there was increased evidence of companies planning for a 'no deal'

It was an eventful quarter within bond markets to end the year. US Treasury yields continued to increase
early in the quarter, as further rate rises were seen as increasingly likely amidst a hawkish tone from the
Fed. However, these moves were more than reversed later in the quarter, with government bond prices
rising globally as safe haven assets were in demand. Italian bonds fared well on news of a budget deal
with the EU.

Our UBS ETFs seek to closely track the performance of the underlyng market indices. The investment
returns of the Sub-Funds reflected the underlying market environment in 2018 and are shown in the
table on the following page, expressed in the base currency of each share class as well as the tracking
difference and the tracking error.

We thank you for the confidence you have shown in our family of UBS exchange-traded funds. We look
forward to your continued support and to meeting your investment goals in the years ahead.

Sincerely,                                                                                               27 February 2019

Chairman of the Board of Directors

The figures stated in this report are historical and not necessarily indicative of future performance.
                                                                                                                                       Annual report as of 31 December 2018
Performance tables
Performance from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018
                                                                                             Performance          of the tracked         Tracking          Tracking error      Total Expense
                                                                                            of the Sub-Fund            index            difference            (ex post)         Ratio (TER)
                                                                                                (in %) (1)             (in %)            (in %) (2)           (in %) (3)         (in %) (4)
Sub-Funds                                                                                     (unaudited)          (unaudited)         (unaudited)          (unaudited)          (audited)
UBS ETF – EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                           (11.61)              (12.03)               0.42                0.28               0.15
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                             (10.45)              (10.57)               0.12                0.14               0.20
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                                                   (10.84)              (10.86)               0.02                0.15               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                                    (8.21)               (8.20)              (0.01)               0.14               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc                                                    (9.85)               (9.87)               0.02                0.14               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                                   (11.18)              (11.18)               0.00                0.15               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                                (12.40)              (12.71)               0.31                0.24               0.18
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc                                                                (12.39)              (12.71)               0.32                0.24               0.18
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-UKdis                                                              (12.40)              (12.71)               0.31                0.24               0.18
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                                      (11.63)              (11.83)               0.20                0.24               0.28
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc                                                      (11.62)              (11.83)               0.21                0.24               0.28
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to SGD) A-acc                                                      (10.70)              (10.81)               0.11                0.23               0.28
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU hedged to CHF UCITS ETF (CHF) A-acc                                                  (12.98)              (13.09)               0.11                0.23               0.28
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU hedged to USD UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                                   (9.91)              (10.05)               0.14                0.24               0.28
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU hedged to USD UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                                                   (9.90)              (10.05)               0.15                0.23               0.28
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Select Factor Mix UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc (a)                                          (12.00)              (11.94)              (0.06)                N/A*              0.34
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Value UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                          (13.97)              (14.36)               0.39                0.30               0.25
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Small Cap UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                      (17.27)              (17.40)               0.13                0.15               0.33
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Quality UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                 (10.46)              (10.52)               0.06                0.16               0.28
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Quality UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                        (7.91)               (7.85)              (0.06)               0.16               0.38
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Quality UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                        (9.58)               (9.53)              (0.05)               0.15               0.38
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Quality UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                       (11.12)              (11.04)              (0.08)               0.17               0.38
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Prime Value UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                             (14.67)              (15.02)               0.35                0.40               0.28
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Prime Value UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                   (12.18)              (12.42)               0.24                0.39               0.38
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Prime Value UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                   (13.89)              (14.13)               0.24                0.40               0.38
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Prime Value UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                   (15.22)              (15.40)               0.18                0.40               0.38
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Low Volatility UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                           (6.76)               (7.03)               0.27                0.23               0.28
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Low Volatility UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                 (4.18)               (4.32)               0.14                0.23               0.38
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Low Volatility UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                 (5.88)               (6.03)               0.15                0.23               0.38
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Low Volatility UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                 (7.34)               (7.46)               0.12                0.23               0.38
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Total Shareholder Yield UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                 (12.02)              (12.21)               0.19                0.33               0.28
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Total Shareholder Yield UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                        (9.36)               (9.42)               0.06                0.33               0.38
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Total Shareholder Yield UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                       (11.22)              (11.29)               0.07                0.33               0.38
UBS ETF – Factor MSCI EMU Total Shareholder Yield UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                       (12.36)              (12.41)               0.05                0.33               0.38
UBS ETF – FTSE 100 UCITS ETF (GBP) A-dis                                                                 (8.99)               (8.73)              (0.26)               0.03               0.20
UBS ETF – FTSE 100 UCITS ETF (GBP) A-UKdis                                                               (8.99)               (8.73)              (0.26)               0.03               0.20
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (GBP) A-dis                                                      (9.06)               (8.82)              (0.24)               0.03               0.20
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (GBP) A-acc                                                      (9.06)               (8.82)              (0.24)               0.03               0.20
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (GBP) A-UKdis                                                    (9.05)               (8.82)              (0.23)               0.03               0.20
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (hedged to SGD) A-acc                                            (8.36)               (7.93)              (0.43)               0.05               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom hedged to CHF UCITS ETF (CHF) A-acc                                       (10.56)              (10.17)              (0.39)               0.05               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom hedged to EUR UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                       (10.16)               (9.82)              (0.34)               0.04               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom hedged to EUR UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc                                       (10.16)               (9.82)              (0.34)               0.04               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom hedged to USD UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                        (7.75)               (7.33)              (0.42)               0.05               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI United Kingdom hedged to USD UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                                        (7.75)               (7.33)              (0.42)               0.05               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (JPY) A-dis (b)                                                          (15.44)              (15.15)              (0.29)               0.07               0.35
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (JPY) A-acc (b)                                                          (15.45)              (15.15)              (0.30)               0.07               0.35
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (JPY) A-UKdis (b)                                                        (15.44)              (15.15)              (0.29)               0.07               0.35
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis (b)                                                (15.73)              (15.29)              (0.44)               0.10               0.45
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc (b)                                                (15.74)              (15.29)              (0.45)               0.10               0.45
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to SGD) A-acc (b)                                                (14.74)              (14.26)              (0.48)               0.13               0.45
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan hedged to CHF UCITS ETF (CHF) A-acc (b)                                            (16.88)              (16.43)              (0.45)               0.08               0.45
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan hedged to EUR UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis (b)                                            (16.54)              (16.15)              (0.39)               0.06               0.45
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan hedged to EUR UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc (b)                                            (16.56)              (16.15)              (0.41)               0.06               0.45
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan hedged to USD UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis (b)                                            (14.02)              (13.57)              (0.45)               0.09               0.45
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan hedged to USD UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc (b)                                            (14.03)              (13.57)              (0.46)               0.09               0.45
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (JPY) A-dis (b)                                     (16.24)              (15.90)              (0.34)               0.04               0.40
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc (b)                           (17.42)              (16.91)              (0.51)               0.05               0.50
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc (b)                           (14.86)              (14.39)              (0.47)               0.09               0.50
UBS ETF – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis (b)                           (17.74)              (17.18)              (0.56)               0.05               0.50
UBS ETF – MSCI Pacific (ex Japan) UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                                 (10.54)              (10.30)              (0.24)               0.05               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Pacific (ex Japan) UCITS ETF (USD) A-UKdis                                               (10.54)              (10.30)              (0.24)               0.05               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI USA UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                                                 (5.18)               (5.04)              (0.14)               0.02               0.14
UBS ETF – MSCI USA UCITS ETF (USD) A-UKdis                                                               (5.17)               (5.04)              (0.13)               0.03               0.14
UBS ETF – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (CAD) A-dis                                                              (9.92)               (9.74)              (0.18)               0.04               0.33
UBS ETF – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (CAD) A-acc                                                              (9.92)               (9.74)              (0.18)               0.04               0.33
UBS ETF – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (CAD) A-UKdis                                                            (9.92)               (9.74)              (0.18)               0.04               0.33
UBS ETF – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                                                   (11.54)              (11.32)              (0.22)               0.07               0.43
UBS ETF – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                                    (9.01)               (8.74)              (0.27)               0.07               0.43
UBS ETF – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                                   (10.56)              (10.30)              (0.26)               0.06               0.43
UBS ETF – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc                                                   (10.58)              (10.30)              (0.28)               0.06               0.43
UBS ETF – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                                   (12.07)              (11.77)              (0.30)               0.08               0.43
UBS ETF – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to SGD) A-acc                                                    (9.71)               (9.36)              (0.35)               0.05               0.43
UBS ETF – MSCI Singapore UCITS ETF (SGD) A-dis                                                           (8.00)               (7.61)              (0.39)               0.04               0.45
UBS ETF – MSCI Hong Kong UCITS ETF (HKD) A-dis                                                           (8.09)               (7.69)              (0.40)               0.02               0.45
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (CHF) A-dis (b)                                               (8.14)               (8.03)              (0.11)               0.03               0.20
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (CHF) A-acc (b)                                               (8.14)               (8.03)              (0.11)               0.03               0.20
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (CHF) A-UKdis (b)                                             (8.14)               (8.03)              (0.11)               0.03               0.20
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis (b)                                     (7.11)               (6.89)              (0.22)               0.04               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc (b)                                     (7.12)               (6.89)              (0.23)               0.04               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (hedged to SGD) A-acc (b)                                     (6.06)               (5.84)              (0.22)               0.05               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 hedged to EUR UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis (b)                                 (8.07)               (7.88)              (0.19)               0.04               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 hedged to EUR UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc (b)                                 (8.06)               (7.88)              (0.18)               0.04               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 hedged to USD UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis (b)                                 (5.38)               (5.15)              (0.23)               0.06               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 hedged to USD UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc (b)                                 (5.38)               (5.15)              (0.23)               0.06               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI World UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                                               (8.92)               (8.71)              (0.21)               0.04               0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis **, (b)                                           (14.99)              (14.85)              (0.14)               0.15               0.35
UBS ETF – MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc **, (b), (c)                                      (11.66)              (11.54)              (0.12)                N/A*              0.23
UBS ETF – MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF (USD) A-UKdis **, (b)                                         (14.99)              (14.85)              (0.14)               0.15               0.35
UBS ETF – MSCI Emerging Markets Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis **, (b)                      (11.90)              (11.19)              (0.71)               0.20               0.49
UBS ETF – MSCI World Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis **                                       (7.40)               (7.18)              (0.22)               0.06               0.34
UBS ETF – MSCI World Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc **, (d)                                  (7.33)               (7.16)              (0.17)                N/A*              0.33
UBS ETF – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                            (3.86)               (3.54)              (0.32)               0.02               0.33
UBS ETF – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-dis                                  (6.92)               (6.52)              (0.40)               0.06               0.43
UBS ETF – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis                                  (7.53)               (7.12)              (0.41)               0.06               0.43
UBS ETF – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                  (7.51)               (7.12)              (0.39)               0.05               0.43
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                            (8.14)               (8.46)               0.32                0.35               0.28
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc                                            (8.13)               (8.46)               0.33                0.35               0.28
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                  (5.49)               (5.67)               0.18                0.35               0.38
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis                                  (8.66)               (8.82)               0.16                0.35               0.38
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                  (8.66)               (8.82)               0.16                0.35               0.38
UBS ETF – MSCI Pacific Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis (b)                                   (13.94)              (13.58)              (0.36)               0.08               0.40
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis **                           1.36                 1.56               (0.20)               0.02               0.17
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc **, (e)                      1.70                 1.88               (0.18)                N/A*              0.15
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-dis **                (1.45)               (1.22)              (0.23)               0.04               0.23
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 7-10 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis **                          0.71                 0.90               (0.19)               0.03               0.19
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 7-10 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc **, (e)                     2.96                 3.13               (0.17)                N/A*              0.14
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US 10+ Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-dis                   (4.88)               (4.60)              (0.28)               0.04               0.25

                                                                                                                                                       Annual report as of 31 December 2018
Performance tables                                                   (continued)
Performance from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018 (continued)
                                                                                                            Performance           of the tracked          Tracking           Tracking error     Total Expense
                                                                                                           of the Sub-Fund             index             difference             (ex post)        Ratio (TER)
                                                                                                               (in %) (1)              (in %)             (in %) (2)            (in %) (3)        (in %) (4)
Sub-Funds                                                                                                    (unaudited)           (unaudited)          (unaudited)           (unaudited)         (audited)
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                                            (0.42)                (0.25)               (0.17)                0.05              0.15
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                                                            (0.42)                (0.25)               (0.17)                0.05              0.15
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                                                  (3.19)                (3.01)               (0.18)                0.07              0.20
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc                                                  (2.09)                (1.90)               (0.19)                0.06              0.20
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                                  (3.62)                (3.44)               (0.18)                0.08              0.20
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 10+ UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                                             (6.04)                (5.82)               (0.22)                0.05              0.20
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 1-10 UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                           (1.27)                (1.02)               (0.25)                0.11              0.20
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 10+ UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                            (2.62)                (2.40)               (0.22)                0.10              0.20
UBS ETF – Markit iBoxx € Germany 1-3 UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                              (0.55)                (0.36)               (0.19)                0.05              0.17
UBS ETF – Markit iBoxx € Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                        (1.11)                (0.99)               (0.12)                0.04              0.20
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays EUR Treasury 1-10 UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                     0.20                  0.40                (0.20)                0.04              0.17
UBS ETF – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 1-5 UCITS ETF (CHF) A-dis (b)                                                            (0.37)                (0.12)               (0.25)                0.06              0.20
UBS ETF – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 5-10 UCITS ETF (CHF) A-dis (b)                                                           (0.63)                (0.42)               (0.21)                0.07              0.20
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                 (0.84)                (0.63)               (0.21)                0.02              0.18
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-
acc                                                                                                                     1.89                  2.19                 (0.30)               0.03               0.23
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-
acc                                                                                                                    (1.34)                (1.04)                (0.30)               0.03               0.23
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                        0.50                  0.73                 (0.23)               0.05               0.18
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc (e)                                    1.10                  1.32                 (0.22)               N/A*               0.18
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                             (2.29)                (2.05)                (0.24)               0.05               0.23
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                             (1.18)                (0.92)                (0.26)               0.04               0.23
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                             (2.76)                (2.49)                (0.27)               0.05               0.23
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates Interest Rate hedged UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                           (1.73)                (1.48)                (0.25)               0.16               0.05
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                                (2.98)                (2.77)                (0.21)               0.06               0.18
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc (e)                                            (1.82)                (1.62)                (0.20)               N/A*               0.18
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                                      (5.73)                (5.52)                (0.21)               0.06               0.23
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                      (4.66)                (4.43)                (0.23)               0.06               0.23
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                      (6.20)                (5.96)                (0.24)               0.07               0.23
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                               (3.05)                (2.73)                (0.32)               0.09               0.20
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR)
A-acc                                                                                                                  (5.81)                (5.49)                (0.32)               0.08               0.25
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP)
A-dis                                                                                                                  (4.74)                (4.39)                (0.35)               0.08               0.25
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF)
A-dis                                                                                                                  (6.26)                (5.93)                (0.33)               0.08               0.25
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF (EUR) A-
dis                                                                                                                    (1.96)                (1.76)                (0.20)               0.06               0.20
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF (EUR) A-
acc                                                                                                                    (1.96)                (1.76)                (0.20)               0.05               0.20
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF (hedged to
CHF) A-dis                                                                                                             (2.47)                (2.15)                (0.32)               0.06               0.25
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF (hedged to
CHF) A-acc                                                                                                             (2.49)                (2.15)                (0.34)               0.07               0.25
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                      (3.93)                (3.52)                (0.41)               0.12               0.42
UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc (e)                                  (4.00)                (3.65)                (0.35)               N/A*               0.42

UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                            (6.82)                (6.39)                (0.43)               0.12               0.47

UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                            (5.75)                (5.33)                (0.42)               0.13               0.47

UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                            (7.16)                (6.71)                (0.45)               0.13               0.47
UBS ETF – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                                (0.53)                (0.25)                (0.28)               0.19               0.42
UBS ETF – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc (f)                                  (2.47)                (2.05)                (0.42)               N/A*               0.47
UBS ETF – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis (f)                                  (1.50)                (1.12)                (0.38)               N/A*               0.47
UBS ETF – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc (f)                                  (2.78)                (2.35)                (0.43)               N/A*               0.47
UBS ETF – J.P. Morgan EM Multi-Factor Enhanced Local Currency Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis (g)                            6.29                  6.34                 (0.05)               N/A*               0.47

 UBS ETF – Bloomberg Barclays EUR High Quality Liquid Assets 1-5 Bond UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis (h)                        0.62                  0.71                   (0.09)               N/A*              0.18
 UBS ETF – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis (i)                                                2.03                  2.05                   (0.02)               N/A*              0.18
 UBS ETF – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc (i)                                                2.03                  2.05                   (0.02)               N/A*              0.18
* The ETF Share Class was launched less than 12 months before the end of the reporting year. Therefore, no tracking error (ex post) has been calculated for this ETF Share Class.
** Management fee changes took place during the reporting year. Please see more details in Note 3.
(a) from 27 June 2018 to 31 December 2018
(b) last official NAV’s per share was 28 December 2018
(c) from 18 June 2018 to 31 December 2018
(d) from 14 February 2018 to 31 December 2018
(e) from 31 January 2018 to 31 December 2018
(f) from 28 February 2018 to 31 December 2018
(g) from 5 September 2018 to 31 December 2018
(h) from 31 May 2018 to 31 December 2018
(i) from 8 November 2018 to 31 December 2018

1) The figures relating to the performances of the Sub-Funds reflect the percentages changes of official NAV's per shares (cum dividends) over the reporting period. 31 December was the last official NAV's per
shares unless otherwise stated. The same period was used for the figures relating to the performance of the tracked index.
2) The tracking difference is attributable to fund expenses (see "TER"), as well as non reclaimable withholding taxes and to generation of securities lending income.
The Sub-Fund's portfolio manager aims to achieve a level of tracking accuracy whereby the expected annual difference in returns, after expenses, between the performance of the shares of a Sub-Fund and that Sub-
Fund's index will not exceed 1% under normal market conditions. However, exceptional circumstances may arise which cause a Sub-Fund's tracking accuracy to exceed 1%.
3) Tracking error: annualised standard deviation.
The Sub-Fund's portfolio manager aims to keep the tracking error, defined as the volatility of the tracking difference between the performance of the shares of a Sub-Fund and that Sub-Fund's index, below or
equal to 1% under normal market conditions. However, exceptional circumstances may arise which cause a Sub-Fund's tracking error to exceed 1%.
Tracking error calculation:
The tracking error for the last 12 months is calculated as follows: =STANDARD DEVIATION(Monthly Excess calculated each month over a 12-month period)*SQUARE ROOT(12)
4) Total Expense Ratio (TER): this ratio is calculated in accordance with the Swiss Funds & Asset Management Association (SFAMA) "Guidelines on the calculation and disclosure of the TER" in the current version
and expresses the sum of all costs and commissions charged on an ongoing basis to the net assets (operating expenses) taken retrospectively as a percentage of the net assets.

The performance of the Sub-Fund is calculated in accordance with Swiss Funds & Asset Management Association (SFAMA) guidelines.

Historical performance is no indicator of current or future performance.

The performance data does not take account of any commissions and costs charged when subscribing and redeeming units.

                                                                                                                                     Annual report as of 31 December 2018
Performance tables                                         (continued)
Performance from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017
                                                                                           Performance          of the tracked        Tracking           Tracking error      Total Expense
                                                                                          of the Sub-Fund            index            difference            (ex post)         Ratio (TER)
                                                                                              (in %) (1)             (in %)            (in %) (2)           (in %) (3)         (in %) (4)
Sub-Funds                                                                                   (unaudited)          (unaudited)         (unaudited)          (unaudited)          (audited)
UBS ETF – EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                            9.68                9.15                0.53                0.24               0.15
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                            10.41                10.24                0.17                0.11               0.20
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc (a)                                                2.15                2.21               (0.06)                N/A*              0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc (a)                                                3.17                3.21               (0.04)                N/A*              0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc (a)                                                2.38                2.47               (0.09)                N/A*              0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc (a)                                                1.92                1.98               (0.06)                N/A*              0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                               12.88                12.49                0.39                0.21               0.18
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc                                                               12.87                12.49                0.38                0.21               0.18
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-UKdis                                                             12.88                12.49                0.39                0.21               0.18
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis (b),**