1390 UBSアジア太平洋株 2021-09-28 15:00:00
令和3年12月期 中間決算短信(令和3年1月1日~令和3年6月30日)(1/2) [pdf]

       令和 3 年 12 月期 中間決算短信(令和 3 年 1 月 1 日~令和 3 年 6 月 30 日)
 Interim Earnings Report for Fiscal Year ending December 2021 (January 1, 2021 – June 30, 2021)
                                                                                      令和 3 年 9 月 28 日
                                                                                      September 28, 2021
                             コード                                    上場取引所       売買単位       主要投資資産
  ファンド名(Fund name)           番号                                      (Listed    (Trading      (Primary
                                           (Underlying indicator)
                             (Code)                                 Exchange)    unit)     invested assets)
UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株 50                    ユーロ・ストックス 50®インデッ
(ユーロ・ストックス 50)                        クス(ネットリターン)
                               1385                                    東         1口             株式
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨー                   MSCI ヨーロッパ・インデックス
ロッパ)                                  (ネットリターン)
                               1386                                    東         1口             株式
UBS    ETF   MSCI   Europe
UBS ETF ユーロ圏株(MSCI                    MSCI EMU インデックス(ネット
EMU)                                  リターン)
                               1387                                    東         1口             株式
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 小 型 株                 MSCI EMU 小 型 株 イ ン デッ ク ス
(MSCI EMU 小型株)                        (ネットリターン)
                               1388                                    東         1口             株式
UBS ETF 英 国 大 型 株 100                 FTSE 100 インデックス(トータ
(FTSE 100)                            ルリターン)
                               1389                                    東         1口             株式
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太平                    MSCI パシフィック(除く日本)
洋株(除く日本)                              インデックス(ネットリターン)
                               1390                                    東         1口             株式
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI ス                   MSCI スイス 20/35 インデックス
イス 20/35)
                               1391                                    東         1口             株式
UBS ETF MSCI Switzerland
UBS ETF 英国株(MSCI 英                    MSCI 英国インデックス(ネット
国)                                    リターン)
                               1392                                    東         1口             株式
UBS    ETF   MSCI   United
UBS ETF 米国株(MSCI 米                    MSCI 米国インデックス(ネット
国)                                    リターン)
                               1393                                    東         1口             株式
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI ワ                   MSCI ワールド・インデックス
ールド)                                  (ネットリターン)
                               1394                                    東         1口             株式
外 国 投 資 法 人               UBS(Lux)ファンド・ソリューションズ・シキャブ
代         表         者     (役職名)        取締役                             (氏名)   アンドレアス・ハーバーツェト
管     理       会     社     UBSファンド・マネジメント(ルクセンブルク)エス・エイ
U         R         L     www.ubs.com/etf
代         表         者     (役職名)        CEO                             (氏名)   フランチェスカ・プリム
問合せ先責任者                   (役職名)        代理人                             (氏名)   大西 信治           (TEL) 03(6212)8316

Foreign      Investment
                          UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions, SICAV
Representative:           (Title)    Member of the Board of Directors     (Name)   Andreas Haberzeth
Management co.:           UBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A.
URL:                      www.ubs.com/etf
Representative:           (Title)      Chief Executive Officer            (Name)   Francesca Prym
Contact person:           (Title)      Attorney-in-Fact                   (Name)   Nobuharu Onishi     (TEL) 03(6212)8316

半期報告書提出予定日                                           令和 3 年 9 月
Scheduled submission date of Semi-annual Report:     September, 2021
 Ⅰ ファンドの運用状況
 I Fund Management

 1.          令和 3 年 6 月中間期の運用状況(令和 3 年 1 月 1 日~令和 3 年 6 月 30 日)
 1.          Management Status for Half-Year ended June 2021 (from January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021)

 (1)信託財産である外国 ETF の資産内訳                                                                                                (百万円未満切捨て)
      (1) Assets of Trust Asset Foreign ETF                                                          (amounts below 1 mil. yen are discarded)

                                                           主要投資資産                     資産(負債控除後)                          合計(純資産)
                                                        Primary Invested Assets       Cash/Deposits/Other Assets         Total (Net Assets)
                                                                                         (excluding liabilities)
                                                              金額           構成比                 金額            構成比               金額
                                                          Amount             ratio         Amount             ratio        Amount
                                                             百万円                  %          百万円                 %           百万円                %
                                                          JPY mil.                %       JPY mil.              %         JPY mil.              %
UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株                    3 年 6 月中間
50(ユーロ・ストックス                       期
                                                           55,915          99.76               134            0.24         56,050      100.00
50)                                SAN ended June
UBS ETF EURO STOXX                 2021
50 UCITS ETF-JDR                   2 年 12 月期
                                   FY       ended          52,375          99.83                90            0.17         52,466      100.00
                                   December 2020
                                                             百万円                  %          百万円                 %           百万円                %
                                                          JPY mil.                %       JPY mil.              %         JPY mil.              %
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨ                 3 年 6 月中間
ーロッパ)                              期
                                                           57,505          99.94                33            0.06         57,539      100.00
UBS ETF MSCI Europe                SAN ended June
UCITS ETF-JDR                      2021
                                   2 年 12 月期
                                   FY       ended          54,651         100.05              (25)          (0.05)         54,625      100.00
                                   December 2020
                                                             百万円                  %          百万円                 %           百万円                %
                                                          JPY mil.                %       JPY mil.              %         JPY mil.              %
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 株                  3 年 6 月中間
(MSCI EMU)                         期
                                                         496,052           98.43             7,890            1.57        503,943      100.00
UBS ETF MSCI EMU                   SAN ended June
UCITS ETF-JDR                      2021
                                   2 年 12 月期
                                   FY       ended        522,577           99.34             3,460            0.66        526,037      100.00
                                   December 2020
                                                             百万円                  %          百万円                 %           百万円                %
                                                          JPY mil.                %       JPY mil.              %         JPY mil.              %
UBS ETF ユーロ圏小型株                    3 年 6 月中間
(MSCI EMU 小型株)                     期
                                                           17,580          99.76                42            0.24         17,622      100.00
UBS ETF MSCI EMU                   SAN ended June
Small Cap UCITS ETF-JDR            2021
                                   2 年 12 月期
                                   FY       ended          12,641          99.95                 5            0.05         12,647      100.00
                                   December 2020
                                              百万円          %      百万円          %      百万円          %
                                            JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %
UBS ETF 英国大型株 100          3 年 6 月中間
(FTSE 100)                 期
                                             12,785     99.03       125     0.97     12,911    100.00
UBS ETF FTSE 100 UCITS     SAN ended June
ETF-JDR                    2021
                           2 年 12 月期
                           FY       ended    11,198     99.41        66     0.59     11,264    100.00
                           December 2020
                                              百万円          %      百万円          %      百万円          %
                                            JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太平         3 年 6 月中間
洋株(除く日本)                   期
                                             15,192     99.45        84     0.55     15,277    100.00
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex   SAN ended June
Japan) UCITS ETF-JDR       2021
                           2 年 12 月期
                           FY       ended    14,994     99.42        87     0.58     15,082    100.00
                           December 2020
                                              百万円          %      百万円          %      百万円          %
                                            JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI          3 年 6 月中間
スイス 20/35)                 期
                                            226,694     99.91       209     0.09    226,904    100.00
UBS ETF MSCI Switzerland   SAN ended June
20/35 UCITS ETF-JDR        2021
                           2 年 12 月期
                           FY       ended   226,765    100.04      (81)    (0.04)   226,684    100.00
                           December 2020
                                              百万円          %      百万円          %      百万円          %
                                            JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %
UBS ETF 英国株(MSCI 英         3 年 6 月中間
国)                         期
                                            204,263     99.43     1,160     0.57    205,424    100.00
UBS ETF MSCI United        SAN ended June
Kingdom UCITS ETF-JDR      2021
                           2 年 12 月期
                           FY       ended   236,814     99.65       830     0.35    237,645    100.00
                           December 2020
                                              百万円          %      百万円          %      百万円          %
                                            JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %
UBS ETF 米国株(MSCI 米         3 年 6 月中間
国)                         期
                                             62,245     99.69       194     0.31     62,440    100.00
UBS ETF MSCI USA           SAN ended June
UCITS ETF-JDR              2021
                           2 年 12 月期
                           FY       ended    72,561     99.65       252     0.35     72,814    100.00
                           December 2020
                                              百万円          %      百万円          %      百万円          %
                                            JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %    JPY mil.       %
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI          3 年 6 月中間
ワールド)                      期
                                            127,667     99.50       639     0.50    128,307    100.00
UBS ETF MSCI World         SAN ended June
UCITS ETF-JDR              2021
                           2 年 12 月期
                           FY       ended   112,709     99.67       371     0.33    113,080    100.00
                           December 2020
 (2)信託財産である外国 ETF の設定・交換実績
 (2) Creation and Redemption of Trust Asset Foreign ETF
                                                                                     (amounts below 1 thousand shares are discarded)

                                                      前計算期間末発                                                    当中間計算期間末
                                                       行済口数                   設定口数                交換口数             発行済口数
                                                     No. of Issued Shares   No. of Shares        No. of Shares   No. of Issued Shares at
                                                      at End of Previous    Created               Redeemed        End of Calculation
                                                      Calculation Period          (②)                (③)                 Period
                                                            (①)                                                     (①+②-③)
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                             ‘000 shares         ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株 50               3 年 6 月中間期
(ユーロ・ストックス 50)                   SAN ended June                   11,309                 450            1,324                    10,435
                                 2 年 12 月期
UCITS ETF-JDR                    FY         ended                 11,277                1,416           1,384                    11,309
                                 December 2020
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                            ‘000 shares        ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨー              3 年 6 月中間期
ロッパ)                             SAN ended June                    5,349                 177            1,038                     4,488
UBS ETF MSCI Europe              2021
UCITS ETF-JDR                    2 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended                  5,803                1,072           1,526                     5,349
                                 December 2020
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                            ‘000 shares        ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF ユーロ圏株(MSCI               3 年 6 月中間期
EMU)                             SAN ended June                    6,253                 213            1,841                     4,625
UBS ETF MSCI EMU UCITS           2021
ETF-JDR                          2 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended                  9,583                2,495           5,825                     6,253
                                 December 2020
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                            ‘000 shares        ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 小 型 株            3 年 6 月中間期
(MSCI EMU 小型株)                   SAN ended June                      899                 211               35                     1,075
UBS ETF MSCI EMU Small           2021
Cap UCITS ETF-JDR                2 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended                  1,006                1,094           1,202                       899
                                 December 2020
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                            ‘000 shares        ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF 英 国 大 型 株 100            3 年 6 月中間期
(FTSE 100)                       SAN ended June                    1,225                    61               0                    1,286
UBS ETF FTSE 100 UCITS           2021
ETF-JDR                          2 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended                    925                 299                 0                    1,225
                                 December 2020
                                                                     千口                  千口                千口                       千口
                                                            ‘000 shares        ‘000 shares       ‘000 shares              ‘000 shares
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太平洋              3 年 6 月中間期
株(除く日本)                          SAN ended June                    2,664                 141               317                    2,488
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex         2021
Japan) UCITS ETF-JDR             2 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended                  3,327                 430            1,092                     2,664
                                 December 2020
                                                     千口            千口            千口            千口
                                              ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI ス        3 年 6 月中間期
イス 20/35)                  SAN ended June         18,114           971         1,453        17,632
UBS ETF MSCI Switzerland   2021
20/35 UCITS ETF-JDR        2 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended        6,232        13,741         1,859        18,114
                           December 2020
                                                     千口            千口            千口            千口
                                              ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares
UBS ETF 英 国 株 ( MSCI 英     3 年 6 月期
国)                         SAN ended June          2,321           621           308         2,634
UBS ETF MSCI United        2021
Kingdom UCITS ETF-JDR      2 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended        1,427         1,058           165         2,321
                           December 2020
                                                     千口            千口            千口            千口
                                              ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares
UBS ETF 米 国 株 ( MSCI 米     3 年 6 月中間期
国)                         SAN ended June          1,789            41           487         1,343
ETF-JDR                    2 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended        1,926           254           391         1,789
                           December 2020
                                                     千口            千口            千口            千口
                                              ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares   ‘000 shares
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI ワ        3 年 6 月中間期
ールド)                       SAN ended June          3,828            83            46         3,865
ETF-JDR                    2 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended        5,055           970         2,197         3,828
                           December 2020
 (3)信託財産である外国 ETF の基準価額
 (3) Net Asset Value of Trust Asset Foreign ETF
                                                                                         (amounts below 1 mil. yen are discarded)

                                                                                                              1 口当たり基準価額
                                                      総資産               負債                 純資産                   済口数)×1)
                                                    Total Assets      Liabilities         Net Assets         Net Asset Value per 1 unit
                                                        (①)              (②)             (③(①-②))           ((③/No. of Issued Shares at
                                                                                                             End of Calculation Period
                                                                                                               (Previous Calculation
                                                              百万円             百万円                  百万円                                 円
                                                           JPY mil.        JPY mil.             JPY mil.                              JPY
UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株 50               3 年 6 月中間期
(ユーロ・ストックス 50)                   SAN ended June             56,061                  11           56,050                             5,370
UBS ETF EURO STOXX 50            2021
UCITS ETF-JDR                    2 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended           52,475                  9            52,466                             4,638
                                 December 2020
                                                              百万円             百万円                  百万円                                 円
                                                           JPY mil.        JPY mil.             JPY mil.                              JPY
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨー              3 年 6 月中間期
ロッパ)                             SAN ended June             57,635                  96           57,539                             4,459
UBS ETF MSCI Europe              2021
UCITS ETF-JDR                    2 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended           54,867              241              54,625                             4,600
                                 December 2020
                                                              百万円             百万円                  百万円                                 円
                                                           JPY mil.        JPY mil.             JPY mil.                              JPY
UBS ETF ユーロ圏株(MSCI               3 年 6 月中間期
EMU)                             SAN ended June           521,196           17,253              503,943                             2,743
UBS ETF MSCI EMU UCITS           2021
ETF-JDR                          2 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended         528,360            2,322              526,037                             2,435
                                 December 2020
                                                              百万円             百万円                  百万円                                 円
                                                           JPY mil.        JPY mil.             JPY mil.                              JPY
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 小 型 株            3 年 6 月中間期
(MSCI EMU 小型株)                   SAN ended June             17,667                  44           17,622                         16,378
UBS ETF MSCI EMU Small           2021
Cap UCITS ETF-JDR                2 年 12 月期
                                 FY         ended           12,666                  19           12,647                         14,066
                                 December 2020
                                                百万円        百万円        百万円          円
                                              JPY mil.   JPY mil.   JPY mil.      JPY
UBS ETF 英 国 大 型 株 100      3 年 6 月中間期
(FTSE 100)                 SAN ended June      12,918         7      12,911    10,036
UBS ETF FTSE 100 UCITS     2021
ETF-JDR                    2 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended    11,270         5      11,264     9,193
                           December 2020
                                                百万円        百万円        百万円          円
                                              JPY mil.   JPY mil.   JPY mil.      JPY
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太平洋        3 年 6 月中間期
株(除く日本)                    SAN ended June      15,309        32      15,277     4,567
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex   2021
Japan) UCITS ETF-JDR       2 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended    15,617       534      15,082     4,210
                           December 2020
                                                百万円        百万円        百万円          円
                                              JPY mil.   JPY mil.   JPY mil.      JPY
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI ス        3 年 6 月中間期
イス 20/35)                  SAN ended June     227,012       108     226,904     2,793
UBS ETF MSCI Switzerland   2021
20/35 UCITS ETF-JDR        2 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended   227,213       529     226,684     2,385
                           December 2020
                                                百万円        百万円        百万円          円
                                              JPY mil.   JPY mil.   JPY mil.      JPY
UBS ETF 英 国 株 ( MSCI 英     3 年 6 月中間期
国)                         SAN ended June     205,741       317     205,424     3,211
UBS ETF MSCI United        2021
Kingdom UCITS ETF-JDR      2 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended   237,863       218     237,645     2,990
                           December 2020
                                                百万円        百万円        百万円          円
                                              JPY mil.   JPY mil.   JPY mil.      JPY
UBS ETF 米 国 株 ( MSCI 米     3 年 6 月中間期
国)                         SAN ended June      62,482        42      62,440    45,086
ETF-JDR                    2 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended    72,857        43      72,814    40,294
                           December 2020
                                                百万円        百万円        百万円          円
                                              JPY mil.   JPY mil.   JPY mil.      JPY
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI ワ        3 年 6 月中間期
ールド)                       SAN ended June     128,395        88     128,307    33,192
ETF-JDR                    2 年 12 月期
                           FY         ended   113,165        84     113,080    29,533
                           December 2020
 (4)上場外国 ETF 信託受益証券に係る設定・交換実績
   (4) Creation and Redemption of Listed Foreign ETF Trust Beneficiary Certificates (JDR)

                                                         数                                                     当中間計算期間末発行済
                                                                          設定口数              交換口数
                                                      No. of Issued                                                 口数
                                                                        No. of Units        No. of Units
                                                      Units at End of                                          No. of Issued Units at End of
                                                                        Created              Redeemed
                                                        Previous                                                    Calculation Period
                                                                             (②)               (③)
                                                       Calculation                                                   (①+②-③)
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株 50 3 6
                       年 月中間期
(ユーロ・ストックス 50) SAN ended June                                    109                   -                   -                             109
UCITS ETF-JDR         2021
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨー 3 年 6 月中間期
UBS ETF MSCI Europe SAN ended June                                46                   -                   -                              46
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF ユーロ圏株(MSCI 3 6
EMU)                    年 月中間期
                       SAN ended June                               8                  -                   -                                   8
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 小 型 株 3 6
                        年 月中間期
(MSCI EMU 小型株)         SAN ended June                               7                  -                   -                                   7
Cap UCITS ETF-JDR      2021
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF 英 国 大 型 株 100 3 年 6 月中間期
(FTSE 100)
UBS ETF FTSE 100 UCITS SAN ended June                             27                   -               --                                 27
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太平洋 3 6
株(除く日本)                   年 月中間期
                         SAN ended June                           33                   -                   -                              33
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex 2021
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI ス 3 6
                          年 月中間期
イス 20/35)                SAN ended June                           77                   -                   -                              77
UBS ETF MSCI Switzerland
20/35 UCITS ETF-JDR      2021
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF 英 国 株 ( MSCI 英 3 年 6 月中間期
UBS ETF MSCI United SAN ended June                                52                20                     -                              72
                                                                 千口                千口                千口                                  千口
                                                         ‘000 units        ‘000 units        ‘000 units                          ‘000 units
UBS ETF 米 国 株 ( MSCI 米 3 6
国)                      年 月中間期
                       SAN ended June                               6                  -                   -                                   6
                                                千口           千口           千口           千口
                                          ‘000 units   ‘000 units   ‘000 units   ‘000 units
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI ワ 3 6
                          年 月中間期
ールド)                     SAN ended June           4             -            -           4
ETF-JDR                  2021
 (5)上場外国 ETF 信託受益証券の分配金
   (5) Dividend Payment of Listed Foreign ETF Trust Beneficiary Certificates (JDR)

                                                              1 口当たり分配金
                                                              Dividend per 1 unit
UBS ETF ユーロ圏大型株 50               3 年 6 月中間期
(ユーロ・ストックス 50)                   SAN ended June                                       83
UBS ETF EURO STOXX 50            2021
UCITS ETF-JDR                    2 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                  21
                                 December 2020
UBS ETF 欧州株(MSCI ヨー              3 年 6 月中間期
ロッパ)                             SAN ended June                                      154
UBS ETF MSCI Europe              2021
UCITS ETF-JDR                    2 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                  49
                                 December 2020
UBS ETF ユーロ圏株(MSCI               3 年 6 月中間期
EMU)                             SAN ended June                                      283
UBS ETF MSCI EMU UCITS           2021
ETF-JDR                          2 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                  71
                                 December 2020
UBS ETF ユ ー ロ 圏 小 型 株            3 年 6 月中間期
(MSCI EMU 小型株)                   SAN ended June                                      210
UBS ETF MSCI EMU Small           2021
Cap UCITS ETF-JDR                2 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                  77
                                 December 2020
UBS ETF 英 国 大 型 株 100            3 年 6 月中間期
(FTSE 100)                       SAN ended June                                      188
UBS ETF FTSE 100 UCITS           2021
ETF-JDR                          2 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                  121
                                 December 2020
UBS ETF MSCI アジア太平洋              3 年 6 月中間期
株(除く日本)                          SAN ended June                                       80
UBS ETF MSCI Pacific (ex         2021
Japan) UCITS ETF-JDR             2 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                  52
                                 December 2020
UBS ETF スイス株(MSCI ス              3 年 6 月中間期
イス 20/35)                        SAN ended June                                       38
UBS ETF MSCI Switzerland         2021
20/35 UCITS ETF-JDR              2 年 12 月期
                                 FY           ended                                   0
                                 December 2020
UBS ETF 英 国 株 ( MSCI 英             3 年 6 月中間期
国)                                 SAN ended June                                   52
UBS ETF MSCI United                2021
Kingdom UCITS ETF-JDR              2 年 12 月期
                                   FY          ended                                33
                                   December 2020
UBS ETF 米 国 株 ( MSCI 米             3 年 6 月中間期
国)                                 SAN ended June                                  191
UBS ETF MSCI USA UCITS             2021
ETF-JDR                            2 年 12 月期
                                   FY          ended                               181
                                   December 2020
UBS ETF 先進国株(MSCI ワ                3 年 6 月中間期
ールド)                               SAN ended June                                  221
UBS ETF MSCI World UCITS           2021
ETF-JDR                            2 年 12 月期
                                   FY          ended                               138
                                   December 2020

   ※上場外国 ETF 信託受益証券に係る令和 2 年 12 月期分配金の基準日は令和 3 年 1 月 29 日であり、令和 3 年
    6 月中間期分配金の基準日は令和 3 年 7 月 30 日です。
   ※The record date for the annual dividend for the FY ended December 2020 is January 29, 2021. The record date for the
    interim dividend for the SAN ended June 2021 is July 30, 2021.
   ※上場外国 ETF 信託受益証券に係る令和 3 年 6 月中間期分配金支払開始日は令和 3 年 9 月 9 日です。
   ※Start date of dividend payment for the SAN ended June 2021 on the Listed Foreign ETF Trust Beneficiary Certificates (JDR) is
      September 9, 2021.

   注) アメリカ合衆国ドル(               「米ドル」、イギリスポンド(
                                            )                      「英ポンド」、スイスフラン(
                                                                                )                  「スイスフラン」         )お
         よびユーロの円貨換算は、便宜上、令和 3 年 7 月 30 日現在の株式会社三菱 UFJ 銀行の対顧客電信売買
         相場の仲値(1 米ドル=109.49 円、1 英ポンド=152.76 円、1 スイスフラン=120.85 円、1 ユーロ=
         130.11 円)によります。
   Note: Conversion from United States Dollar ("USD"), Pound Sterling (“GBP”), Swiss Franc (“CHF”) and Euro (“EUR”)
         to Japanese Yen (“JPY”) is by the telegraphic transfer middle rate of MUFG Bank Ltd. as of 30 July 2021 (USD 1 =
         JPY 109.49, GBP 1 = JPY 152.76, CHF 1 = JPY 120.85, EUR 1 = JPY 130.11) for convenience.

 2.        信託財産である外国 ETF の会計方針の変更
 2. Change in Accounting Policies of Trust Asset Foreign ETF

 (1)会計基準等の改正に伴う会計方針の変更                                                   :無
   (1)Changes accompanying revision to accounting standards, etc.        :No
   (1)以外の会計方針の変更                                                         :無
   (2)Changes other than those in (1)                                    :No
        Semi-Annual Report 2021
    Investment Company under Luxembourg Law (SICAV)
    UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions (Formerly UBS ETF)

    Semi-Annual Report as of 30 June 2021
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF                       UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 1-10
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF                         UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF                            UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 10+
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Select Factor Mix UCITS ETF          UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Value UCITS ETF                      UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Small Cap UCITS ETF                  Corporates UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Quality UCITS ETF             UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays EUR Treasury 1-10 UCITS
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Prime Value UCITS ETF         ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Low Volatility UCITS ETF      UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 1-5 UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – FTSE 100 UCITS ETF                            UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 5-10 UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF                 UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF                          Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF     UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Pacific (ex Japan) UCITS ETF             Year UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI USA UCITS ETF                            UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF                         UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Singapore UCITS ETF                      UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Hong Kong UCITS ETF                      Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF              UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI World UCITS ETF                          Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF               UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Emerging Markets Socially Responsible    Sovereign UCITS ETF
UCITS ETF                                                                UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI World Socially Responsible UCITS ETF     UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF       UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan EM Multi-Factor Enhanced Local
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF       Currency Bond UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Pacific Socially Responsible UCITS ETF   UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Liquid Aggregate ex-
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 1-3 Year Treasury       Financials 1-5 HQLA UCITS ETF
Bond UCITS ETF                                                           UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 7-10 Year Treasury      ETF
Bond UCITS ETF                                                           UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – EURO STOXX 50 ESG UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 10+ Year Treasury       UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI China ESG Universal UCITS ETF
Bond UCITS ETF                                                           UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM IG ESG Diversified Bond
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF        UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 10+ UCITS ETF         UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan Global Government ESG Liquid
                                                                         Bond UCITS ETF
        Semi-Annual Report 2021
   Investment Company under Luxembourg Law (SICAV)
   UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions (Formerly UBS ETF)

   Semi-Annual Report as of 30 June 2021
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan CNY China Government 1-10 Year   UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Europe Socially Responsible UCITS ETF
Bond UCITS ETF                                                          UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland IMI Socially Responsible
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Japan Treasury 1-3 Year   UCITS ETF
Bond UCITS ETF                                                          UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Solactive China Technology UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Global Liquid
Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan EMU Government ESG Liquid

   No subscriptions can be received on the basis of financial reports. Subscriptions are only valid if made on the basis of
   the current Prospectus supplemented by the latest Annual Report and latest Semi-Annual Report if published

        RCS Number: B-83626
Unaudited Semi-Annual Report as of 30 June 2021

Management and Administration                                                                       4

Performance tables                                                                                  6

Statement of Net Assets                                                                             14

Statement of Operations                                                                             44

Statement of Changes in Net Assets                                                                  59

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF                        81

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF                          83

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF                             93

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Select Factor Mix UCITS ETF           99

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Value UCITS ETF                      111

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Small Cap UCITS ETF                  115

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Quality UCITS ETF             124

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Prime Value UCITS ETF         127

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Low Volatility UCITS ETF      130

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – FTSE 100 UCITS ETF                            133

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF                 137

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF                          140

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF     147

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Pacific (ex Japan) UCITS ETF             150

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI USA UCITS ETF                            154

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF                         166

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Singapore UCITS ETF                      169

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Hong Kong UCITS ETF                      170

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF              172

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI World UCITS ETF                          174

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF               200

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Emerging Markets Socially Responsible
UCITS ETF                                                                                          221

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI World Socially Responsible UCITS ETF     226

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF       234

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF       238

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Pacific Socially Responsible UCITS ETF   240
Unaudited Semi-Annual Report as of 30 June 2021
Contents (continued)

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond
UCITS ETF                                                                                             243

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 7-10 Year Treasury Bond
UCITS ETF                                                                                             245

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 10+ Year Treasury Bond
UCITS ETF                                                                                             246

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF           248

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 10+ UCITS ETF            250

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 1-10
UCITS ETF                                                                                             251

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 10+
UCITS ETF                                                                                             252

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid Corporates
UCITS ETF                                                                                             253

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays EUR Treasury 1-10 UCITS
ETF                                                                                                   262

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 1-5 UCITS ETF               267

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 5-10 UCITS ETF              273

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid Corporates
1-5 Year UCITS ETF                                                                                    276

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5
Year UCITS ETF                                                                                        285

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS
ETF                                                                                                   291

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates
Sustainable UCITS ETF                                                                                 304

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid
Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF                                                                      314

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets
Sovereign UCITS ETF                                                                                   328

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS
ETF                                                                                                   342

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan EM Multi-Factor Enhanced Local
Currency Bond UCITS ETF                                                                               355

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Liquid Aggregate ex-
Financials 1-5 HQLA UCITS ETF                                                                         362

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF     368

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – EURO STOXX 50 ESG UCITS ETF                      371

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI China ESG Universal UCITS ETF               373
Unaudited Semi-Annual Report as of 30 June 2021
Contents (continued)

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM IG ESG Diversified Bond
UCITS ETF                                                                                              385

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan Global Government ESG Liquid Bond
UCITS ETF                                                                                              399

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan CNY China Government 1-10 Year
Bond UCITS ETF                                                                                         426

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Japan Treasury 1-3 Year
Bond UCITS ETF                                                                                         429

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Global Liquid
Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF                                                                       430

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan EMU Government ESG Liquid Bond
UCITS ETF                                                                                              440

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Europe Socially Responsible UCITS ETF        446

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland IMI Socially Responsible UCITS
ETF                                                                                                    449

Schedule of Investments — UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Solactive China Technology UCITS ETF              451

Notes to Financial Statements                                                                          454

Appendix I - Supplementary Information                                                                 522

Sales Restrictions
Shares of these Sub-Funds may not be offered, sold or distributed within the United States of America.
The applicable selling restrictions are set out in the sales prospectus.
 Management and Administration
 Registered Office                                               Company Administrator, Domiciliary, Depositary,
                                                                 Corporate and Paying Agent
 49, Avenue J.F. Kennedy
 L-1855 Luxembourg                                               State Street Bank International GmbH, Luxembourg Branch
 R.C.S. Luxembourg Nr. B-83626                                   49, avenue J.F. Kennedy
                                                                 L-1855 Luxembourg
 Portfolio Managers of Sub-Funds
                                                                 Paying Agent in Austria
 UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd
 5 Broadgate                                                     Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
 EC2M 2QS London, United Kingdom                                 Am Belvedere 1, A-1100 Vienna
 UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG,
 Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8098 Zurich, Switzerland                  Paying Agent in Germany

 UBS Asset Management (Americas) Inc.                            UBS Europe SE
 UBS Tower, One North Wacker Drive                               Bockenheimer Landstrasse 2-4, D-60306 Frankfurt am Main
 IL 60606, Chicago, United States
                                                                 Paying Agent in Sweden
                                                                 UBS Europe SE
 Ernst & Young, Société anonyme*                                 Regeringsgatan 38, 111 56 Stockholm
 35E, avenue John F. Kennedy
 L-1855 Luxembourg                                               Paying Agent in Switzerland
 PricewaterhouseCoopers, Société coopérative**                   UBS Switzerland AG
 2, rue Gerhard Mercator                                         Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8098 Zurich
 B.P. 1443                                                       and its branches in Switzerland
 L-1014 Luxembourg
                                                                 Paying Agent in Liechtenstein
                                                                 Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG
 State Street Bank International GmbH, Luxembourg Branch         Städtle 44, FL-9490 Vaduz
 49, avenue J.F. Kennedy
 L-1855 Luxembourg
                                                                 Paying Agent in the United Kingdom
 Board of Directors
                                                                 UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd
                                                                 5, Broadgate, EC2M 2QS London
• Mr Clemens Reuter (Chairman)
  Managing Director, UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG,
  Zurich                                                         Paying Agent in Belgium

• Mr Frank Müsel (Vice-Chairman)                                 BNP Paribas Securities Services S.C.A.,
  Executive Director, UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG,       Brussels branch
  Zurich                                                         Rue de Loxum, 25, 1000 Brussels

• Mr Ian Ashment                                                 Distributor
  Managing Director, UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd, London
                                                                 UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG
• Mrs Anja-Isabel Bohnen***                                      Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8098 Zurich, Switzerland
  Independent Board Member, Luxembourg
                                                                 Representation Agent in Austria
• Mr Andreas Haberzeth
  Executive Director, UBS Asset Management Switzerland AG,       Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
  Zurich                                                         Am Belvedere 1, A-1010 Vienna

• Mr Jörgen Jessen                                               Information Agent in Germany
  Independent Board Member, Grevenmacher
                                                                 UBS Europe SE
 Management Company                                              Bockenheimer Landstrasse 2-4
                                                                 D-60306 Frankfurt am Main
 UBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A.
 33A, Avenue J.F. Kennedy                                        Representation Agent in Switzerland
 L-1855 Luxembourg
 R.C.S. Luxemburg N° B 154 210                                   UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) AG
                                                                 Aeschenplatz 6, CH-4052 Basel

                                                                 Centralising and Financial Agent in France
                                                                 Société Générale S.A.
                                                                 29, Boulevard Haussmann,
                                                                 F-75009 Paris

                                                                 Representation and Paying Agent in Spain
                                                                 UBS Europe SE
                                                                 4, Calle Maria de Molina, 3a planta
                                                                 28006 Madrid

Management and Administration
Representation Agent in Portugal                                     Securities Lending Agent
Best – Banco Electrónico de Serviço Total, S.A.                      State Street Bank International GmbH Frankfurt Branch,
Praça Marquês de Pombal, 3A - 3º                                     Solmsstrasse 83, 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
1250-161 Lisboa

Legal Advisers
as to Luxembourg Law
Clifford Chance
10, boulevard G.D. Charlotte
B.P. 1147
L-1011 Luxembourg

* Ernst & Young is the Auditor of the Company since 15 April 2021.
** PricewaterhouseCoopers was the Auditor of the Company until 15 April 2021.
*** Mrs Anja-Isabel Bohnen was appointed as a Independent Board Member as of 15 April 2021.
Shareholders may obtain the Prospectus, the Key Investor Information Document (KIID), the latest annual and semi-annual reports,
the changes in the composition of the securities portfolio during the reporting period and copies of the Memorandum and Articles of
Association free of charge from the registered office of the Manager, the Administrator, or the local representatives in the countries
where the Company is registered and in Switzerland at UBS Switzerland AG, Bahnhofstrasse 45, 8098 Zurich, Switzerland.

                                                                                                                                                Semi-Annual report as of 30 June 2021
Performance tables
Performance from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021
                                                                                                      Performance          of the tracked          Tracking          Tracking error     Total Expense
                                                                                                     of the Sub-Fund            index             difference            (ex post)        Ratio (TER)
                                                                                                         (in %) (1)             (in %)             (in %) (2)           (in %) (3)         (in %) (4)
Sub-Funds                                                                                              (unaudited)          (unaudited)          (unaudited)          (unaudited)        (unaudited)
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                    16.34               16.06                  0.28                0.19               0.15
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                      15.49               15.35                  0.14                0.11               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                            14.39               14.32                  0.07                0.09               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                                            14.51               14.42                  0.09                0.10               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                            14.84               14.77                  0.07                0.10               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                         15.53               15.28                  0.25                0.16               0.18
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc                                                         15.53               15.28                  0.25                0.15               0.18
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-UKdis                                                       15.53               15.28                  0.25                0.16               0.18
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                               15.37               15.19                  0.18                0.15               0.28
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                               15.70               15.53                  0.17                0.16               0.28
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc                                               15.70               15.53                  0.17                0.15               0.28
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-dis                                               15.81               15.62                  0.19                0.15               0.28
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                               15.80               15.62                  0.18                0.15               0.28
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to SGD) A-acc                                               15.89               15.70                  0.19                0.15               0.28
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Select Factor Mix UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc                                       13.47               13.24                  0.23                0.19               0.34
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Value UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                   15.51               15.15                  0.36                0.21               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Small Cap UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                               17.09               16.82                  0.27                0.16               0.33
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Quality UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                          17.06               16.88                  0.18                0.16               0.28
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Quality UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                16.85               16.73                  0.12                0.16               0.38
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Quality UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                17.38               17.26                  0.12                0.16               0.38
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Prime Value UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                      12.33               11.78                  0.55                0.30               0.28
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Prime Value UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                            12.19               11.70                  0.49                0.29               0.38
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Prime Value UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                            12.52               12.04                  0.48                0.29               0.38
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Low Volatility UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                   11.34               11.14                  0.20                0.14               0.28
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Low Volatility UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                         11.13               10.99                  0.14                0.14               0.38
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Factor MSCI EMU Low Volatility UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                         11.56               11.43                  0.13                0.13               0.38
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – FTSE 100 UCITS ETF (GBP) A-dis                                                         10.74               10.91                 (0.17)               0.04               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (GBP) A-dis                                              11.20               11.34                 (0.14)               0.05               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (GBP) A-acc                                              11.22               11.34                 (0.12)               0.03               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (GBP) A-UKdis                                            11.20               11.34                 (0.14)               0.05               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                    10.67               10.83                 (0.16)               0.04               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                                    10.80               10.96                 (0.16)               0.04               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                    11.29               11.45                 (0.16)               0.05               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI United Kingdom UCITS ETF (hedged to SGD) A-acc                                    11.29               11.46                 (0.17)               0.03               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (JPY) A-dis                                                        8.80                 8.88                (0.08)               0.11               0.19
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (JPY) A-acc                                                        8.81                 8.88                (0.07)               0.10               0.19
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (JPY) A-UKdis                                                      8.80                 8.88                (0.08)               0.11               0.19
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                              8.43                 8.57                (0.14)               0.11               0.29
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-dis                                              8.50                 8.64                (0.14)               0.13               0.29
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                                              8.50                 8.64                (0.14)               0.11               0.29
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                              8.68                 8.82                (0.14)               0.11               0.29
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc                                              8.68                 8.82                (0.14)               0.11               0.29
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                              8.78                 8.93                (0.15)               0.11               0.29
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan UCITS ETF (hedged to SGD) A-acc                                              8.89                 9.04                (0.15)               0.11               0.29
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (JPY) A-dis                                   4.32                 4.42                (0.10)               0.16               0.22
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (JPY) A-acc                                   4.33                 4.42                (0.09)               0.15               0.22
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis                         4.02                 4.14                (0.12)               0.16               0.27
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                         4.12                 4.28                (0.16)               0.16               0.27
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Japan Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                         4.45                 4.58                (0.13)               0.16               0.27
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Pacific (ex Japan) UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                           9.40                 9.60                (0.20)               0.04               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Pacific (ex Japan) UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                                           9.42                 9.60                (0.18)               0.03               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Pacific (ex Japan) UCITS ETF (USD) A-UKdis                                         9.41                 9.60                (0.19)               0.04               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI USA UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                                         14.57               14.63                 (0.06)               0.03               0.14
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI USA UCITS ETF (USD) A-UKdis                                                       14.57               14.63                 (0.06)               0.02               0.14
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (CAD) A-dis                                                      17.20               17.21                 (0.01)               0.18               0.33
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (CAD) A-acc                                                      17.21               17.21                  0.00                0.20               0.33
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (CAD) A-UKdis                                                    17.20               17.21                 (0.01)               0.18               0.33
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                            16.86               16.94                 (0.08)               0.19               0.43
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                                            16.92               16.99                 (0.07)               0.20               0.43
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                            17.18               17.26                 (0.08)               0.18               0.43
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc                                            17.19               17.26                 (0.07)               0.19               0.43
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                            17.30               17.37                 (0.07)               0.20               0.43
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Canada UCITS ETF (hedged to SGD) A-acc                                            17.40               17.45                 (0.05)               0.19               0.43
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Singapore UCITS ETF (SGD) A-dis                                                   10.98               11.25                 (0.27)               0.03               0.45
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Hong Kong UCITS ETF (HKD) A-dis                                                    9.86               10.14                 (0.28)               0.05               0.45
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (CHF) A-dis                                           14.24               14.31                 (0.07)               0.04               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (CHF) A-acc                                           14.24               14.31                 (0.07)               0.02               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (CHF) A-UKdis                                         14.24               14.31                 (0.07)               0.04               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-dis                                 14.36               14.48                 (0.12)               0.07               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                                 14.34               14.48                 (0.14)               0.04               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                 14.65               14.79                 (0.14)               0.05               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc                                 14.64               14.79                 (0.15)               0.03               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-dis                                 14.53               14.66                 (0.13)               0.07               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                 14.52               14.66                 (0.14)               0.08               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland 20/35 UCITS ETF (hedged to SGD) A-acc                                 14.70               14.83                 (0.13)               0.02               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI World UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                                       12.95               13.05                 (0.10)               0.05               0.30
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                             7.30                 7.63                (0.33)               0.16               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                                             7.13                 7.45                (0.32)               0.15               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Emerging Markets UCITS ETF (USD) A-UKdis                                           7.30                 7.63                (0.33)               0.16               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Emerging Markets Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                        9.08                 9.28                (0.20)               0.21               0.27
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Emerging Markets Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                        9.09                 9.28                (0.19)               0.21               0.27
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI World Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                  12.08               12.08                  0.00                0.06               0.22
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI World Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                                  12.08               12.08                  0.00                0.06               0.22
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                    14.52               14.61                 (0.09)               0.02               0.22
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis                          13.97               14.07                 (0.10)               0.02               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                          13.97               14.07                 (0.10)               0.02               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI USA Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-dis                          14.15               14.26                 (0.11)               0.02               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                    14.71               14.36                  0.35                0.29               0.22
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc                                    14.71               14.36                  0.35                0.28               0.22
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis                          14.55               14.23                  0.32                0.29               0.27
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                          14.55               14.23                  0.32                0.29               0.27
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                          14.92               14.63                  0.29                0.29               0.27
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI EMU Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                          15.00               14.68                  0.32                0.29               0.27
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Pacific Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                (0.24)               (0.06)               (0.18)               0.12               0.40
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Pacific Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc **                             (0.24)               (0.06)               (0.18)               N/A*               0.40
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                     (0.16)               (0.09)               (0.07)               0.02               0.12

UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                    (0.16)               (0.09)               (0.07)               0.02               0.12
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 1-3 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (hedged to
EUR) A-dis                                                                                                       (0.57)               (0.50)               (0.07)               0.02               0.17

UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 7-10 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                   (3.42)               (3.38)               (0.04)               0.04               0.12

UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 7-10 Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                   (3.42)               (3.38)               (0.04)               0.04               0.12
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US 10+ Year Treasury Bond UCITS ETF (hedged to
EUR) A-dis                                                                                                       (8.55)               (8.45)               (0.10)               0.05               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                     2.25                 2.36                (0.11)               0.11               0.15
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                                     2.26                 2.36                (0.10)               0.11               0.15

                                                                                                                                                  Semi-Annual report as of 30 June 2021
Performance tables                                            (continued)
Performance from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021 (continued)
                                                                                                        Performance          of the tracked          Tracking          Tracking error     Total Expense
                                                                                                       of the Sub-Fund            index             difference            (ex post)        Ratio (TER)
                                                                                                           (in %) (1)             (in %)             (in %) (2)           (in %) (3)         (in %) (4)
Sub-Funds                                                                                                (unaudited)          (unaudited)          (unaudited)          (unaudited)        (unaudited)
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                              1.67                 1.78                (0.11)               0.11               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                              1.81                 1.92                (0.11)               0.11               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 1-10 UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc                              2.14                 2.26                (0.12)               0.12               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 10+ UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                        (1.53)               (1.39)               (0.14)               0.14               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 10+ UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                              (1.96)               (1.86)               (0.10)               0.14               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays TIPS 10+ UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                              (1.54)               (1.36)               (0.18)               0.13               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 1-10 UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                       2.25                 2.40                (0.15)               0.08               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Inflation Linked 10+ UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                       (0.45)               (0.31)               (0.14)               0.09               0.20

UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                    (0.56)               (0.48)               (0.08)               0.04               0.18
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays EUR Treasury 1-10 UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                              (1.14)               (1.05)               (0.09)               0.02               0.17
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 1-5 UCITS ETF (CHF) A-dis                                           0.07                 0.19                (0.12)               0.02               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – SBI® Foreign AAA-BBB 5-10 UCITS ETF (CHF) A-dis                                         (0.54)               (0.44)               (0.10)               0.07               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF
(EUR) A-dis                                                                                                         0.17                 0.26                (0.09)               0.03               0.18
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF
(hedged to CHF) A-acc                                                                                               0.03                 0.13                (0.10)               0.03               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Area Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF
(hedged to USD) A-acc                                                                                               0.53                 0.65                (0.12)               0.04               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (USD) A-
dis                                                                                                                (0.29)               (0.20)               (0.09)               0.06               0.18
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (USD) A-
acc                                                                                                                (0.28)               (0.20)               (0.08)               0.06               0.18
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (hedged to
CHF) A-acc                                                                                                         (0.87)               (0.77)               (0.10)               0.06               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (hedged to
EUR) A-acc                                                                                                         (0.73)               (0.64)               (0.09)               0.06               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates 1-5 Year UCITS ETF (hedged to
GBP) A-dis                                                                                                         (0.41)               (0.30)               (0.11)               0.05               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                           (2.18)               (2.07)               (0.11)               0.07               0.18
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                           (2.17)               (2.07)               (0.10)               0.06               0.18
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-
acc                                                                                                                (2.81)               (2.69)               (0.12)               0.08               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-
acc                                                                                                                (2.64)               (2.51)               (0.13)               0.07               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays US Liquid Corporates UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-
dis                                                                                                                (2.22)               (2.09)               (0.13)               0.06               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF
(USD) A-dis                                                                                                        (2.63)               (2.51)               (0.12)               0.08               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF
(USD) A-acc                                                                                                        (2.62)               (2.51)               (0.11)               0.08               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF
(hedged to CHF) A-dis                                                                                              (3.28)               (3.14)               (0.14)               0.09               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF
(hedged to EUR) A-acc                                                                                              (3.10)               (2.96)               (0.14)               0.09               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI US Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS ETF
(hedged to GBP) A-dis                                                                                              (2.67)               (2.54)               (0.13)               0.08               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS
ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                                                                    (0.64)               (0.53)               (0.11)               0.03               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS
ETF (EUR) A-acc                                                                                                    (0.64)               (0.53)               (0.11)               0.03               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS
ETF (hedged to CHF) A-dis                                                                                          (0.79)               (0.66)               (0.13)               0.03               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS
ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                                                                          (0.79)               (0.66)               (0.13)               0.03               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Euro Area Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS
ETF (hedged to USD) A-dis **                                                                                       (0.30)               (0.15)               (0.15)               N/A*               0.25
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF (USD)
A-dis                                                                                                              (0.81)               (0.51)               (0.30)               0.33               0.42
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF (USD)
A-acc                                                                                                              (0.74)               (0.51)               (0.23)               0.33               0.42
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF
(hedged to CHF) A-acc                                                                                              (1.47)               (1.22)               (0.25)               0.33               0.47
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF
(hedged to EUR) A-acc                                                                                              (1.29)               (1.04)               (0.25)               0.33               0.47
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays USD Emerging Markets Sovereign UCITS ETF
(hedged to GBP) A-dis                                                                                              (0.89)               (0.59)               (0.30)               0.33               0.47
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                            1.42                 1.68                (0.26)               0.20               0.42
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-
acc                                                                                                                 0.88                 1.14                (0.26)               0.18               0.47
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-
dis                                                                                                                 0.99                 1.26                (0.27)               0.21               0.47
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-
acc                                                                                                                 1.02                 1.26                (0.24)               0.18               0.47
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM Diversified Bond 1-5 UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-
dis                                                                                                                 1.30                 1.59                (0.29)               0.20               0.47
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan EM Multi-Factor Enhanced Local Currency Bond UCITS ETF
(USD) A-dis                                                                                                        (3.38)               (3.10)               (0.28)               0.30               0.47
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan EM Multi-Factor Enhanced Local Currency Bond UCITS ETF
(USD) A-acc                                                                                                        (3.34)               (3.10)               (0.24)               0.30               0.47
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Euro Liquid Aggregate ex-Financials 1-5 HQLA UCITS
ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                                                                    (0.43)               (0.32)               (0.11)               0.01               0.18
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                (0.75)               (0.66)               (0.09)               0.03               0.18
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                                (0.75)               (0.66)               (0.09)               0.04               0.18

UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                      (1.31)               (1.22)               (0.09)               0.03               0.23

UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                      (1.18)               (1.08)               (0.10)               0.03               0.23

UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Sustainable Development Bank Bonds UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                      (0.87)               (0.73)               (0.14)               0.04               0.23
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – EURO STOXX 50 ESG UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                 17.07                16.78                 0.29                0.21               0.15
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI China ESG Universal UCITS ETF (USD) A-dis                                           3.41                 3.62                (0.21)               0.18               0.65
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM IG ESG Diversified Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                        (2.06)               (1.83)               (0.23)               0.10               0.45
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM IG ESG Diversified Bond UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF)
A-acc                                                                                                              (2.69)               (2.40)               (0.29)               0.12               0.50
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan USD EM IG ESG Diversified Bond UCITS ETF (hedged to
EUR) A-acc                                                                                                         (2.51)               (2.23)               (0.28)               0.11               0.50

UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan Global Government ESG Liquid Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc                     (4.72)               (4.65)               (0.07)               0.03               0.15
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan Global Government ESG Liquid Bond UCITS ETF (hedged to
CHF) A-acc                                                                                                         (3.21)               (3.05)               (0.16)               0.06               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan Global Government ESG Liquid Bond UCITS ETF (hedged to
EUR) A-acc                                                                                                         (3.04)               (2.90)               (0.14)               0.06               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan Global Government ESG Liquid Bond UCITS ETF (hedged to
GBP) A-dis **                                                                                                      (2.61)               (2.54)               (0.07)               N/A*               0.20
UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan Global Government ESG Liquid Bond UCITS ETF (hedged to
USD) A-acc **                                                                                                      (2.61)               (2.51)               (0.10)               N/A*               0.20

                                                                                                                                                      Semi-Annual report as of 30 June 2021
Performance tables                                                   (continued)
Performance from 1 January 2021 to 30 June 2021 (continued)
                                                                                                              Performance         of the tracked            Tracking          Tracking error     Total Expense
                                                                                                             of the Sub-Fund           index               difference            (ex post)        Ratio (TER)
                                                                                                                 (in %) (1)            (in %)               (in %) (2)           (in %) (3)         (in %) (4)
  Sub-Funds                                                                                                    (unaudited)         (unaudited)            (unaudited)          (unaudited)        (unaudited)
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan CNY China Government 1-10 Year Bond UCITS ETF (USD) A-
  acc                                                                                                                   2.86                  3.05                   (0.19)               0.15              0.33
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays Japan Treasury 1-3 Year Bond UCITS ETF (JPY) A-
  acc                                                                                                                  (0.17)                (0.08)                  (0.09)               0.00              0.15
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Global Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS
  ETF (USD) A-acc                                                                                                      (2.66)                (2.51)                  (0.15)               0.09              0.20
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Global Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS
  ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc **                                                                                         (2.41)                (2.23)                  (0.18)               N/A*              0.25
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Global Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS
  ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                                                                             2.71                  2.77                   (0.06)                N/A              0.25
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Bloomberg Barclays MSCI Global Liquid Corporates Sustainable UCITS
  ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                                                                             2.71                  2.77                   (0.06)                N/A              0.25
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – J.P. Morgan EMU Government ESG Liquid Bond UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc
  **                                                                                                                   (3.28)                (3.15)                  (0.13)               N/A*              0.17
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Europe Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis **                                 14.63                 14.30                    0.33                N/A*              0.18
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Europe Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc **                                 14.63                 14.30                    0.33                N/A*              0.18
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Europe Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc **                       14.32                 13.99                    0.33                N/A*              0.23
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – MSCI Switzerland IMI Socially Responsible UCITS ETF (CHF) A-acc **                        16.87                 17.02                   (0.15)               N/A*              0.28
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Solactive China Technology UCITS ETF (USD) A-acc **                                       (0.85)                (0.62)                  (0.23)               N/A*              0.47
  UBS (Lux) Fund Solutions – Solactive China Technology UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc **                             (1.30)                (1.08)                  (0.22)               N/A*              0.53
* The ETF Share Class was launched less than 12 months before the end of the reporting year. Therefore, no tracking error (ex post) has been calculated for this ETF Share Class.
** The ETF Share Class launched during the reporting year, see Note 1 for further details.

1) The figures relating to the performances of the Sub-Funds reflect the percentages changes of official NAV's per shares (cum dividends) over the reporting period. 30 June was the last official NAV's per shares
unless otherwise stated. The same period was used for the figures relating to the performance of the tracked index.
2) The tracking difference is attributable to fund expenses (see "TER"), as well as non reclaimable withholding taxes and to generation of securities lending income.
The Sub-Fund's portfolio manager aims to achieve a level of tracking accuracy whereby the expected annual difference in returns, after expenses, between the performance of the shares of a Sub-Fund and that Sub-
Fund's index will not exceed 1% under normal market conditions. However, exceptional circumstances may arise which cause a Sub-Fund's tracking accuracy to exceed 1%.
3) Tracking error: annualised standard deviation.
The Sub-Fund's portfolio manager aims to keep the tracking error, defined as the volatility of the tracking difference between the performance of the shares of a Sub-Fund and that Sub-Fund's index, below or
equal to 1% under normal market conditions. However, exceptional circumstances may arise which cause a Sub-Fund's tracking error to exceed 1%.
Tracking error calculation:
The tracking error for the last 12 months is calculated as follows: =STANDARD DEVIATION(Monthly Excess calculated each month over a 12-month period)*SQUARE ROOT(12)
4) Total Expense Ratio (TER): this ratio is calculated in accordance with the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) "Guidelines on the calculation and disclosure of the TER" in the current version and
expresses the sum of all costs and commissions charged on an ongoing basis to the net assets (operating expenses) taken retrospectively as a percentage of the net assets.

Historical performance is no indicator of current or future performance.

The performance data does not take account of any commissions and costs charged when subscribing and redeeming units.

                                                                                                                                    Semi-Annual report as of 30 June 2021
Performance tables                                          (continued)
Performance from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020
                                                                                           Performance          of the tracked        Tracking           Tracking error     Total Expense
                                                                                          of the Sub-Fund            index            difference            (ex post)        Ratio (TER)
                                                                                              (in %) (1)             (in %)            (in %) (2)           (in %) (3)        (in %) (4)
Sub-Funds                                                                                   (unaudited)          (unaudited)         (unaudited)          (unaudited)         (audited)
UBS ETF – EURO STOXX 50 UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                          (2.94)              (3.21)                0.27                0.16              0.15
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                            (3.27)              (3.32)                0.05                0.10              0.20
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc                                                  (2.21)              (2.20)               (0.01)               0.08              0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to EUR) A-acc                                                  (2.19)              (2.18)               (0.01)               0.09              0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI Europe UCITS ETF (hedged to USD) A-acc                                                  (0.34)              (0.39)                0.05                0.11              0.30
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-dis                                                               (0.85)              (1.02)                0.17                0.12              0.18
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-acc                                                               (0.82)              (1.02)                0.20                0.11              0.18
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (EUR) A-UKdis                                                             (0.85)              (1.02)                0.17                0.12              0.18
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to CHF) A-acc **                                                  12.57               12.60                (0.03)               N/A*              0.28
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-dis                                                     (1.39)              (1.33)               (0.06)               0.12              0.28
UBS ETF – MSCI EMU UCITS ETF (hedged to GBP) A-acc                                                     (1.27)              (1.33)                0.06                0.